Is The New ECW Officially A Flop? *MERGED*

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Every time I watch WWECW I feel insulted as a fan of the old is blasphemy.

Look at the first ECW One Night Stand...ECW wrestlers, past ECW storyline concepts (like BWO), ECW was great. The second one was just WWE with an ECW logo on it...and that's what ECW ended up becoming. I think ECW would have done much better if they would have kept the authentic feel that you know WWE could have pulled off if they so chose judging by the first One Night Stand.
well this is bad for wwe we jus screwed ourselves in the ass...hopefully heyman doesnt head to TNA cuz if he does this would offically start the war..heyman is a big figure...he could def cause some shit to go down i think
The Kid From 13th Street said:
Look at the first ECW One Night Stand...ECW wrestlers, past ECW storyline concepts (like BWO), ECW was great. The second one was just WWE with an ECW logo on it...and that's what ECW ended up becoming.

A true statement in life my friend: "Nothing is ever as good as the first time" and that's a perfect example. The first One Night Stand was phenomenal for all the reasons you said but this years one was Basically a glorified WWE vs ECW event and the "ECW Wrestlers" who were on the card were mostly WWE Superstars who were being moved to the new ECW as the "new breed" of the brand. Guys like Kurt Angle, Big Show etc.
i dont believe that i think that you guys need to give ecw a chance, i know its not the same but we need to keep supporting it, maybe we will find a new generation of ecw extremists and if it doesnt suceed so be it but dont stop supporting it tna is much worse at the moment common you lose the main belt by dq, what the hell is that?
ECW's over once again. It's just what that senile old bastard wants. Vince needs to catch up with the views os the real wrestling fans. Ecw is just another XFL. RVD and Sabu want to leave and now Paul's gone, they'll for sure.
edward2k7 said:
i just wish heyman would get his head out of the mcmahons ass (or pocket book) and just disband ecw b4 it gets any worse, or least buy back the rights and start from scratch...i can only wonder what styles & heyman really think of vince and the wwe, i bet vince pays them alot just so they dont say something.

wow i said that and not even a few hrs later heyman does quit lol. i hope heyman joins tna along with sabu and rvd & big show.
you lose the main belt by dq, what the hell is that?
originality. it adds more to a feud in my opinion. plus that would also mean 9/10 matches for a title would be a clean finish instead of the typical wwe heel(s) losing grabs belt hits face dq's self keeps belt bullshit.i d rather see finishing/submission moves over that shit.even if who i m marking out for loses.
Tonight at ECW, your going to see a big bomshell happen, possibly stephanie as Gm or possibly Eric Bischoff , a storyline of Eric bishoff trying to take out vince mcmahon's Raw and Smackdown "out of business". So if there isnt a bomshell tonight on ECW then dont expect ECW to die! which is a huge shame, even tonight wemight see smackdown and ecw combine, u dont know. but somefing 100% will happnen tonight to cure heymans depature. Heyman at Tna , i dont think so, him and Cornette and Russo dont get along.
platynumx said:
originality. it adds more to a feud in my opinion. plus that would also mean 9/10 matches for a title would be a clean finish instead of the typical wwe heel(s) losing grabs belt hits face dq's self keeps belt bullshit.i d rather see finishing/submission moves over that shit.even if who i m marking out for loses.

not really it makes the belt lose credibility, and lowers the current champs credibility, a clean win would of been nice
Yes ECW should be canceled. But they already have a contract with sci-fi through 2007. But they can cancel it and replace it with Velocity or Heat right?
smackdown is real wrestling, i feel that it shouldnt be canceled i think that it deserves a chance but vince needs to put more time and money into the product otherwise it truly is lost
smackdown is real wrestling, i feel that it shouldnt be canceled i think that it deserves a chance but vince needs to put more time and money into the product otherwise it truly is lost
Before i start this thread, remember the ECW PPV the other night, Heyman saying "when Heyman Leaves , ECW will live on .... hmmmm Storyline???, and look at's ECW Originals commenting on his leave hmmmmm .. now to my thread....

Well many stuff have happend over the past few months that really have pissed off wrestlers/fans and just destroying WWE/ECW itself.

1. CM Punk getting Cheers At ECW December to Dismember, and getting eliminated first ....hmmmmm

2. Big Show on a lazy spree, not even using the baseball bat which he was thretening with. old men like Flair, Foley and Funk could get hit with it, how bout young wrestlers, just goes to show u the 'E' in ECW.

3. Tommy Dreamer, the ECW Original , apsolutley no Push in ECW

4. RVD's wife chanting TNA, Well just goes to show you, that now Heyman gone, RVD could possibly go to TNA one day.

5. Heyman gone.... TNA??

6. Stars like Dudleys, Tomko, Kurt Angle, Christian, Road Dogg, Ass Man, Cornette and the list goes on, have gone to Tna, this really has Destroyed WWE, more stars on there way Of Course!!

7. No more good storylines, really storylines of The Corporation/ Ministry, where the hell are storylines like that?

8. Edge and Matt Hardy storyline, what a Joke!!

9. Vince Kiss my ass club, and using divas as sl*ts, this goes to show u , wrestlers like Sting will never go to WWE because of that reason, wonder why Lita and Trish have left!!

10. ECW's PPV , 2 Matches Announced with only 1 Storyline involved, unberlievable, wonder why Heyman left really.

11. So much with the 'E' in Ecw, with the Table not even being used!

So now gimme your thoughts , any more stupid things over the past few months?, Really TNA is getting what they want, they only thing WWE is really going to get that is a positive, is wrestlers like Monty Brown leaving Tna and signing with them, but how are they going to use him? maybe in a Homosexual Storyline, Typical Vince McMahon Brain. I Rekon really Spirit Squad has a couple of wrestlers who could make it to the top, make them wear suits come down the ring, chuck a big promo etc, For cryin out loud, they look like idiots in a cheerleader gimik.....

Gimme your thoughts and more failures that have happend......
First Failure - The first sign that the morale of the new "Extreme brand" might have have been a little low after Axl Rotten left less then a month into the new "brand". He never even appered on TV, he just did one night Stand and left. It shows that he prolly just felt it wasent even worth his time.

Second Failure: using CM punk and playing it off like he was this totally new thing and was a straight edge "extremist". You kinda mark out a lil bit cause your thinking "oh this brand actualley might have some potential" then you find out that the fucking guy cant use half his moves because apparently the Pepsi Plunge Makes the Pedigree look "weak". First off, the pedigree is the least painful, most boring move. Showing it off the top turnbuckle is actualley a pretty innovative idea. Punk sold out is basically my point.

Third Failure- Bringing In "ECW oringinals" aka "extreme glorified Jobbers" making the oringinal ECW look so bad because every week we tune in just to see Balls Mahoney Job To Matt Stryker. IMO Sabu is a sellout, he is not wrestling to his full potential anymore and should just return to TNA where he is actualley used to do more then job to the big show and the talentless umaga. And Where the hell is Danny Doring Anyways???

Fourth Failure - New ECW members such as Test and Hardcore holly. AKA wrestlers who were way to shitty for RAW and SD! so they are sent to get put over by people who actualley helped make a company, get squashed week after week.

Fifth Failure - RVD/Sabu's Drug bust, this isnt really the fault of the new ECW in generel, its just a really dumb decision made by the two men who should be shaping the new ECW.

Sixth Failure - The release of PJ Polacco (Justin Credible). He was a former ECW WHC and has had good matches in basically every promotion hes been a part of. He was brought in, Did some houseshow shit with sandman and put Punk over a few times and was released. Oh and not to mention his Incredible Job To Angle on the televison show debut. Justin is just another person like axl who just realized the promotion was not worth his time. Hopefully he works else where...

MAIN FAILURE - If this is true, the realease of Paul Heyman is possibly the most lame thing ever to grace the WWE, Paul Heyman, the man who shaped the dream, the image of the oringinal ECW and brought it to life after it was handed to him by Todd Gordon. He sees it brought back and totalley suck and freaks out....Totally understandable, now the product is just gonna get worse from here.
There are plenty of reasons and ill prolly come up with way more. but thats it for now
One thing I think you forgot to mention:

Paul Heyman being the evil boss. That is sooooo tired. It feels like we are watching the same thing on raw except differnt people. I hope they don't make Teddy Long a bad guy on Smackdown. Paul Heyman Being Neutral is what ECW is, not This. When he was the evil boss on Smackdown, that was different and it was better. does anyone see what i'm saying? Ever since the Name change from WWf to WWE, things have gone downhill
ECW died in January 2001 after Pine Bluff. Vince McMahon and Paul Heyman can continue all they wish with their ECW demagogy, but it doesn't change the fact that WWE's version is a grotesque and malicious caricature of the real thing, and it's disgraceful how they keep paying lip service to ECW. WWE continue to speak in the name of ECW, when in reality WWE are the gravediggers of ECW.

It's disgraceful how WWE has dragged ECW's name through the shitter, to the point where ECW is now widely remembered as a poor third brand of WWE, instead of the organisation that revolutionised the wrestling industry.

Paul Heyman made a big mistake in agreeing to do this show, and at the very least, Vince has succeeded in tarnishing the name of ECW. The entire thing is extremely sad.
poseidon58 said:
One thing I think you forgot to mention:

Paul Heyman being the evil boss. That is sooooo tired. It feels like we are watching the same thing on raw except differnt people. I hope they don't make Teddy Long a bad guy on Smackdown. Paul Heyman Being Neutral is what ECW is, not This. When he was the evil boss on Smackdown, that was different and it was better. does anyone see what i'm saying? Ever since the Name change from WWf to WWE, things have gone downhill

Well of course it's gone downhill. They sacrificed the WRESTLING for ENTERTAINMENT. Ooooh boy I really wanna see lame ass kiss my ass clubs and useless airheads on my tv every week. That's not entertainment. That's just stupid. The real ECW was entertainment. Damn good entertainment.
yeah man thats so true once they changed from world wrestling federation to world wrestling entertainement it went to kaka then once they did the brand extension that made it even worse.Ecw was the bomb back in the days I feel sorry for the talent that was to listen to whoever does ecw now paul hayman u were the bomb sad to see u go but hey thats business and TNA will pick him up.
dmacid said:
Let me correct you on several things. We seem to agree on most of stuff but TNA ratings are consistent, true, the only problem with that is that they are consistently low. ECW might get 1.5 one week, 1.9 the next, but those are atleast somewhat competitive numbers. Getting 0.8 one week then 0.9 the next is not something to be proud of nor is it something that will grant you a long term success.
Neither is reviving a dead brand and having great lead-in ratings that are decreased by half inside of six months. In my book, treading water is much better than sinking like a f**king stone any day of the week.
dmacid said:
ECW was more hype than it was good back in the day. Sure, the fans got their moneys worth, but they weren't paying all that much to begin with. Seeing people fly off rafters and crash through tables is fun but most of the times it was just minless, reckless entertainment. When we watch ECW highlights these days we hear about the great storylines such as Raven Vs Dreamer, we hear about great matches such as RVD Vs Sabu, we hear about all the things ECW innovated back in the day (a lot of which were done in Japan), but what we don't hear is all the garbage that ECW spat out. What about the Taipei deathmatch, or mindless New Jack hardcore matches. The list goes on and on...
Bullshit. For every bad match that ECW had, there were five that made up for it within the same card (which is why I honestly would've paid double for some of their PPVs). Unlike the current WWE product (which includes the new ECW) and the recent TNA tv outings where that ratio is completely inverted. Every promotion has missteps. This is the same reason on Raw we always hear about Austin, Rock, and Foley's legendary encounters. Do you think they want to bring up the legendary encounters of Bastian Booger, The Berserker, and Beaver Cleavage? You're just skimming the surface with regards to the great matches and angles that ECW put out. Hell, you can fill up ten dumptrucks worth of matches those guys put out that were beyond solid. From the juniors to the technical wrestlers to extreme brawls, they did it all, and they did it the best. The mindless New Jack matches also had a song playing in the background because ECW knew it wasn't completely entertaining except for a heavy foreign object shot or New Jack jumping off of something. However, I've seen people get by doing the same "jump off of a high object for a pop" routine numerous times by others. Vampiro/Sting in WCW. Shane McMahon in WWE. Jeff Hardy...everywhere.
dmacid said:
What I am trying to say is that new ECW had a chance to stay away not only from WWE-esque entertainment style but also stay away from the old ECW garbage wrestling. You have a guy like Paul Heyman who is extremely creative, and you have some of the top talent in the world working there yet you can't come up with 2 shows that don't look alike. To me, thats just bullshit. So yeah, there are some themes from the old ECW that work well, sex, violence, blood, but those are just basics concepts. To actually incorporate those into the product you need to create storylines that people will care about, and think about what todays wrestling fans like and not what they used to like back in 80s and 90s.
ECW wasn't just put up as straight garbage wrestling and anyone who sees it that way either didn't watch a fraction of what they put out, or the don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to judging a product. They had a complete and balanced mix of everything. Creative tag-teams. Import matches. High flyers. Heavyweights. Gimmick matches. And yes, the hardcore wrestling element. Obviously what's working in all of the wrestling companies with regards to being "creative" isn't necessarily cutting the mustard business-wise at present. Business is down all over, however I'd stake more money on the old ECW product with the currrent WWE marketing power than I would on TNA or WWE cumulatively. The deal is that Heyman was NEVER in complete control of ECW upon the restart. He was nothing more than a face of credible legitimacy so that smarks like me weren't crying for blood straight out of the gate. He was also used to lure some of the original ECW vets back in so they could be used to push the WWE runoff. The storylines from the 90's weren't overly complex. They were rather simple...but they worked. The wrestling made that happen because it backed everything up once the athletes got into the ring. That was what was absent from the new ECW that the original had in spades. That's why it stumbled along since last summer and that's why it fell on it's ass at the PPV.
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