Is The IWC Behind The Regression of CM Punk?

BigSexy The IndyKiller

Occasional Pre-Show
I've been reading a lot about fans, mainly IWC guys, being upset with Punk's current status in the WWE. They complain about the change in his character and how he is tamed now. To them I say this: You ever think that maybe, just maybe, you may have had a role in that? At the height of his push, Punk was a heel, a MAJOR heel, who was cheered for wildly by the fans, namely teen to middle aged men, the base foundation of the IWC. In bringing him back, WWE was not going to allow him to be cheered so wildly as a heel. They also were not going to allow him to continue his antics as a face. His fans dictated his changed to face and his change to face dictated a calmer, more fan friendly CM Punk. My point for saying all of this is be careful what you ask for. The same applies to those begging for the Cena heel turn. I hope you realize that if he does turn and fans go cheering for him, the turn won't last long.
I've been reading a lot about fans, mainly IWC guys, being upset with Punk's current status in the WWE. They complain about the change in his character and how he is tamed now. To them I say this: You ever think that maybe, just maybe, you may have had a role in that? At the height of his push, Punk was a heel, a MAJOR heel, who was cheered for wildly by the fans, namely teen to middle aged men, the base foundation of the IWC. In bringing him back, WWE was not going to allow him to be cheered so wildly as a heel. They also were not going to allow him to continue his antics as a face. His fans dictated his changed to face and his change to face dictated a calmer, more fan friendly CM Punk. My point for saying all of this is be careful what you ask for. The same applies to those begging for the Cena heel turn. I hope you realize that if he does turn and fans go cheering for him, the turn won't last long.

What the fuck are you ranting about? I don't think a lot of fans are upset with the direction CM Punk's character has gone. Why on earth are you talking down to us fans about his face turn anyway? We got what we wanted, we're not bitching. Get the fuck off your high horse.
What the fuck are you ranting about? I don't think a lot of fans are upset with the direction CM Punk's character has gone. Why on earth are you talking down to us fans about his face turn anyway? We got what we wanted, we're not bitching. Get the fuck off your high horse.

What the fuck is your problem? From what I've seen a lot of, the IWC doesn't like the new CM Punk face. I agree with what he said. A lot of the IWC want him to go back to Mr.Defiant with the Pipebomb. Now hes tamed because he's becoming Cena. Mr.Face and Highest seller. Watch your fucking mouth also.:lmao:
I've been reading a lot about fans, mainly IWC guys, being upset with Punk's current status in the WWE. They complain about the change in his character and how he is tamed now. To them I say this: You ever think that maybe, just maybe, you may have had a role in that? At the height of his push, Punk was a heel, a MAJOR heel, who was cheered for wildly by the fans, namely teen to middle aged men, the base foundation of the IWC. In bringing him back, WWE was not going to allow him to be cheered so wildly as a heel. They also were not going to allow him to continue his antics as a face. His fans dictated his changed to face and his change to face dictated a calmer, more fan friendly CM Punk. My point for saying all of this is be careful what you ask for. The same applies to those begging for the Cena heel turn. I hope you realize that if he does turn and fans go cheering for him, the turn won't last long.

Your name states you don't know shit, by attempting to tell me something I supposedly don't know and believing you know something; even predicting the future on what would happen if Cena were to turn heel, you seemingly are what you hate - you're a smark. Just saying.

In response to the actual topic. There are I'd say near maybe a million professional wrestling fans - probably more actually taking into account those who simply post on Facebook pages, eFedders and all that, but I continue - on the Internet, who are considered members of the IWC. You can't please everyone, I've seen the comments from people complaining about how Punk has now reverted back a more subtle CM Punk, but just like when those same people complained when Christian lost his World Heavyweight Championship after five days, ever think it could be the lead to something bigger?

I mean, everything has to have a peak and once you get to the top of something, the only place to go is down. CM Punk was brought into the light as an anarchist who was holding the WWE to ransom over the WWE Championship, but when you have his character sign a contract that anarchist character he portrayed just turns to an outspoken Superstar - which he still is. WWE promote Twitter now and he's still making comments which would be seen to most as "shocking" or "outlandish."

Really, I don't see exactly what you're trying to say to be honest. You've made a thread and attempted to tell people, in the IWC something, even predicting the future reaction on something which there is no indication on happening which results in you being a smark who supposedly don't know shit. Outside of that you have also basically given people a short summary on how CM Punk's character is proceeding - you're like Wikipedia. So, want to state your point a little more vividly?
The thing is, the IWC will never be satisfied, that's the fact of the matter. If Punk remains the defiant, anti establishment deliverer of pipe bombs, some people will say his schtick is getting old and stale. If he turns into a Cena-like face, the same people will long for the old Punk to return. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

I think CM Punk is doing great. I'm not sure what regression the OP is speaking of. He's likely going to take the title from ADR in the forseeable future, while Cena is distracted with the Rock. He's going to become the WWE champion and he likely will carry the strap into WM28. He's going to be in a high profile match on the grandest stage of them all. If that's considered regression, I'd love to regress myself.

Simple fact of the matter is, as entertaining as the pipe bombs and the anti establishment stuff is, it is nearly impossible to sustain it. The first such promo or two that Punk delivered were masterful. They were unexpected, they were unique, they had shock value. But coming out and doing this every week will get old and fast. His pipe bombs were already starting to get redundant, and I would suggest that in his last few promos of this nature, he got his ass handed to him by Triple H.

There has been no regression of Punk. If this situation had allowed it, he could have possibly been better utilized by a longer absence with the title, and a more dramatic return. But ultimately, he'll be one of the, if not the, top guys in the company for the bulk of 2012, and if that's regression, I'll take it.
What the fuck is your problem? From what I've seen a lot of, the IWC doesn't like the new CM Punk face. I agree with what he said. A lot of the IWC want him to go back to Mr.Defiant with the Pipebomb. Now hes tamed because he's becoming Cena. Mr.Face and Highest seller. Watch your fucking mouth also.:lmao:

I like having my posts come off as an angry asshole in non-spam. It's the only thing that encourages me to type out a tl;dr to qualify as non-spam 'cause my opinion is pretty moot. I like to sit back and watch pro wrestling, not whine and complain about it online.

But I have a problem with your post about CM Punk being defiant... Weren't one of the few things he griped about was not being a top star? He wanted to be a top star, I wanted him to be a top star, the fans wanted him to be a top star! In the end of his feud with John Cena everybody won. I don't think he's changed at all, so I might be missing something here.

I like CM Punk for plenty of other reasons other than being "Mr. Defiant". I usually lurk in LDs and I've yet to see anyone complain. So maybe I jumped the gun waaaaay too soon... or maybe some fans are just completely stupid and probably shouldn't vote either. Probably a little bit of A and a little bit of B.

If what you and the OP are saying is true, then the IWC clearly doesn't know what it wants. It proves it's a bitchy multi-headed hydra who wants the WWE to cater to their every whim. If so, kudos OP.

Read the boards then come back. No high horse here. And then if it doesn't apply to you, keep it moving.

Okay, it's the moronic smarks you were referring to. I'll move along. Er, don't look at your rep box!
i dont think hes changed at all, its just that the shock value isent there anymore. Before it was like omg i cant believe he said that. Now its more like omg whats he gonna say now?..If you think about it tho, what more is there for him to talk about. hes pretty much covered all the issues that the IWC bitches about all the time. He talked about cena, he talked about creative, talked about mcmahon and talked about hhh. So how much more do you want him to talk about the same old shit before you REALLY get tired of him? I dont think hes lost momentum, hes the number 3 if not 2 guy in the business. People still tune in to see him put on a show and he does a good job of it. It was just a matter of time before the IWC started complaining cuz thats what they do when something doesnt go their way
I don't remember the "IWC" asking for a Punk face turn, they simply asked WWE to do more with him and use him in the main event, in fact many of the "IWC" didn't want Punk to turn face because they knew WWE would water him down to fit another Cena or Orton mold. I get tired of being bashed SIMPLY because I don't always agree with the direction of WWE or call out some of inane booking and creative choices. It seems the new trend is to bash and make fun of the "IWC" while at the same time using that very medium to voice their own opinion, the irony is pretty funny. If it got it wrong, feel free to explain the error of my comment.
Sometimes I understand the complaints put forth by the IWC, but when it's about CM Punk I just don't get it. He makes the product interesting and edgy, has great matches and puts on excellent promos. He has the unique ability to be both hilarious and serious in the same promo (like his promo on Johnny Ace a couple weeks back).

As for the people who say the WWE has "buried" him, did he not just main-event FOUR pay per views in a row? He main-evented against Cena at Money in the bank and SummerSlam, against HHH at Night of Champions and against Cena and Del Rio at Hell in A Cell. And now he has a WWE title shot at Survivor Series.
If what you and the OP are saying is true, then the IWC clearly doesn't know what it wants. It proves it's a bitchy multi-headed hydra who wants the WWE to cater to their every whim. If so, kudos OP.

What's even better is that from time to time none of us care and end up falling into that category. Some more than others, and many without realizing... but to some degree or another it happens to all of us.

As for the regression of punk, I'm still thinking that Punk is going to turn back to heel at Survivor Series after he wins the WWE Title. Something along the lines of "I played ball, I was the smiley nice guy, and now that I've got what I wanted (the WWE Title), I'm done with that crap."

But then, that's just what I want to see, and I want the WWE to do exactly what I want because I'm a fan and I matter more than their business. :p
Punk is still just as edgy, he just can't drop bombshells that beat what he already has done.
Have you missed how he talks to Lauranitis? Also - the arenas are full of smarks now, way too many people cheer heel and boo face, no matter who, just to be that cool guy (counterculture is too popular to be cool almost).

Also, making fun of the IWC for being a "multiheaded community"

You do realize the IWC is made up of thousands, if not millions of people? so yes, the IWC is multiheaded with different views and opinions on EVERYTHING.

Referring to us as one entity is like saying that all humans are asian males with less than 2 arms, since that's "average"
Pressed for time, so I can't really go into full detail, but what I'll say is this. If you don't like my name, then it probably applies to you as well. I don't claim to know everything nor predict what will happen. I'm only speaking based on what I have seen. And that's people continually complaining when what they want to happen happens. It's like fans complain for the sake of complaining instead of just enjoying the product. Would I have liked to see the Punk angle last longer, but oh well. I'm still going to watch whenever time permits, because I'm a FAN and have been in for 30 years.

I understand what your getting at and some people do bitch just to bitch, but that doesn't change the fact that the WWE product is stale at times and makes dumbass and illogical booking choices. WWE even at times is counter-productive to their own product, having Cole bury the Diva's and ignore calling the matches, Zack Ryder fans having their signs taken away, the booking of Del Rio and many of the champs not Orton or Cena and so on. Some of the issues in the "IWC" are vaild.
Pressed for time, so I can't really go into full detail, but what I'll say is this. If you don't like my name, then it probably applies to you as well. I don't claim to know everything nor predict what will happen. I'm only speaking based on what I have seen. And that's people continually complaining when what they want to happen happens. It's like fans complain for the sake of complaining instead of just enjoying the product. Would I have liked to see the Punk angle last longer, but oh well. I'm still going to watch whenever time permits, because I'm a FAN and have been in for 30 years.

Whenever you come online forward me the thread where fans; you've implied that there is more than one person, complains about what CM Punk's character is currently doing.

Also, it's not that I don't like your username, I just found it ironic that someone who says in their username that smarks don't know shit; which I agree, most don't, although the odd one will have a good knowledge on the product, but I find the name and your opening post ironic and hypocritical.

But when you get online, forward me the thread where the "fans" complain. As habs stated, you need to learn that with so many people in this "community" you can't satisfy everyone and usually it's the idiots who complain about stuff like this.
If you think all internet fans are bitching about CM Punk's push as of late, you're wrong.

If you think that CM Punk taking losses at the recent PPV's despite being made to look tougher than he's ever been while doing so and also heading into another feud for the WWE Championship, you're wrong.

If you think that WWE actually pays attention to internet fans bitching about faces and heels, instead of things like shirt sales, you're wrong.

If you think the OP is making any kind of relevant point instead of jumping in on the same kind of circle jerk arguments that go round and round on a forum like this and only propagating the same kind of behavior from other poster going forward, you're wrong.

Leave anyone out?
I think the bubble of idiots running the show are behind the regression of Punk, to be quite honest. Punk is a shell of his former self at this point, now only dropping "pipe bombs" on the bad guys, and dropping little playful "firecrackers" at the babyfaces, so as not to upset the kiddies. Unless Punk goes full-on heel (and by doing so will go full-on tweener) at Survivor Series, I think he is doomed to be another face-bot. Don't let me be right, Punk. Be the voice of the voiceless once again.
Person that created this thread clearly does not know shit himself.

IWC is not one large cohesive unit.... we dont all want the same thing here.

I myself am happy with the way CM punk is going.... to the top where he belongs.... and I dont think he would allow himself to be a Cena like Juggernaut....lets just wait and see.

You dont have much to back up your argument.
He hasnt changed at all. Damn, you guys are never satisfied. People cried like bitches when cm punk was not constantly in the main event. Now that he is one of the top faces in the wwe, people complain he is not as edgy as before. Fuckin stupid thread.
I don't remember the "IWC" asking for a Punk face turn, they simply asked WWE to do more with him and use him in the main event, in fact many of the "IWC" didn't want Punk to turn face because they knew WWE would water him down to fit another Cena or Orton mold. I get tired of being bashed SIMPLY because I don't always agree with the direction of WWE or call out some of inane booking and creative choices. It seems the new trend is to bash and make fun of the "IWC" while at the same time using that very medium to voice their own opinion, the irony is pretty funny. If it got it wrong, feel free to explain the error of my comment.
My fault for bashing because you're right, that makes me a hypocrite. I guess what I'm trying to say is that many didn't call for a Punk face turn directly, they face reaction he was given could have played a role in turning him face, much like with Orton, Sheamus, Cena, and even Austin. Could just be my opinion, but I really don't think WWE aims to have their top heels receiving face reactions like Punk was receiving. I believe, and it's just my thoughts, that this does make it hard for bookers and creative when they guys they send out to get booed out of the building are getting the biggest pops.
My fault for bashing because you're right, that makes me a hypocrite. I guess what I'm trying to say is that many didn't call for a Punk face turn directly, they face reaction he was given could have played a role in turning him face, much like with Orton, Sheamus, Cena, and even Austin. Could just be my opinion, but I really don't think WWE aims to have their top heels receiving face reactions like Punk was receiving. I believe, and it's just my thoughts, that this does make it hard for bookers and creative when they guys they send out to get booed out of the building are getting the biggest pops.

Yeah, you see when you pay for your ticket and you show on the day, the money you spent on said ticket gives you the right to cheer and chant for whomever you please. CM Punk insulted the fans in his "worked-shoot" promo and two weeks later when he walked out with a megaphone and spoke, the place ate everything he said like it were chocolate. That isn't the fans not being satisfied because Punk is a heel, that is called CM Punk doing his job.

Fans are hardly going to boo someone they like simply to spare the WWE Creative Team an extra couple hours doing their jobs. If someone who plays a heel gets cheered, it becomes the officials issue and they deal with it, it shows the guy whose getting cheered is obviously doing his job damn well too. Don't believe me? Look at the guys you named, Punk, Austin, Orton and Sheamus all turned because of the fans all because they do their jobs damn well.
My fault for bashing because you're right, that makes me a hypocrite. I guess what I'm trying to say is that many didn't call for a Punk face turn directly, they face reaction he was given could have played a role in turning him face, much like with Orton, Sheamus, Cena, and even Austin. Could just be my opinion, but I really don't think WWE aims to have their top heels receiving face reactions like Punk was receiving. I believe, and it's just my thoughts, that this does make it hard for bookers and creative when they guys they send out to get booed out of the building are getting the biggest pops.

No harm no foul, we all have our views. WWE's main problem is they refuse to listen to the fans and let them dictate who's popular and who's not, no matter how little reaction Zeke or Mason ryan got, WWE still put them out there and tried to make us care. Sin Cara is going to be pushed and win matches simply because WWE's wants him as the new Rey Mysterio, despite the mask vs mask nonsense flopping WWE is still pushing the issue. I understand that WWE knows more about how to run the compay them I do, but if fans are responding to one of your talents, why on earth wouldn't you listen to them? Look how long it took them to do somthing with Zack Ryder, yet Mason Ryan and Khali always had a spot to waste time and bore the fans to tears.
I'm just not seeing what you're seeing. If some internet fans are pissing and moaning about the direction of Punk's character, that's just par for the course. Some members of the IWC will absolutely crap on anything and everything a company puts out if said company doesn't do EXACTLY what those net fans think they should.

I'm sorry but there's just no cause for complaints here. People have wanted Punk to get a major push, it's happened. They've wanted him to get serious mic time on Raw, it's happened. They've wanted to see him elevated to the level of a main event wrestler, it's happened. They've wanted to see him wrestle for World Championships, it's happened. What exactly is there to really complain about? Is it because he doesn't go out there and drop "pipe bombs" every single second of every single promo he has? Why should he? He's arguably the best on the mic in wrestling today as it is. Is it because he's not quite as irreverant as he was during the summer? Again, why should he be? Punk is getting what he wants. He wanted "change" and to his character, "change" means him in the main event picture and going onto become WWE Champion. He's not gonna ultimately rage against the machine that much when the machine is giving him what he wants.
Use the IWC to get over, use the kids to get rich. That's how the WWE has operated for years and that's they way they always will.

The IWC's role is not to be catered to, the role of the IWC is to find who is the most deserving and promote them on forums like this one. The forums, which obviously reach WWE HQ, are analyzed for information on who we like, why we like them. Then they exploit the IWC fans in the arena to get them over so that kids will join in on the cheering and, thus, buy t-shirts. But to keep them "over", the persona changes to a more kid-friendly (and more lucrative) persona.

IWC bitches and whines and complains all the fucking time, but how can you guys not see the reality for what its worth? I consider myself as part of the IWC, but I know my role, its to promote WWE underrated stars on these forums. *Insert sentence about Ziggler being buried here*

Also, Punk has not "regressed", he has evolved. Big difference. Main point, he's not the character we want him to be and we have to accept that. Same with Cena, he could be super mega heel. He has the charisma to be the best heel in WWE history. But he wont be because he's evolved to the point where he's the most profitable. IWC needs to accept these facts of life.
I've been reading a lot about fans, mainly IWC guys, being upset with Punk's current status in the WWE. They complain about the change in his character and how he is tamed now. To them I say this: You ever think that maybe, just maybe, you may have had a role in that? At the height of his push, Punk was a heel, a MAJOR heel, who was cheered for wildly by the fans, namely teen to middle aged men, the base foundation of the IWC. In bringing him back, WWE was not going to allow him to be cheered so wildly as a heel. They also were not going to allow him to continue his antics as a face. His fans dictated his changed to face and his change to face dictated a calmer, more fan friendly CM Punk. My point for saying all of this is be careful what you ask for. The same applies to those begging for the Cena heel turn. I hope you realize that if he does turn and fans go cheering for him, the turn won't last long.

Well....given the screename I'm going to call shenanigans! Clearly you have an agenda against the 'iwc.' Why I don't know but whatever. Fact is, this face turn has been massively successful for Punk and the WWE. Who is complaining except someone like yourself?
I've been reading a lot about fans, mainly IWC guys, being upset with Punk's current status in the WWE. They complain about the change in his character and how he is tamed now. To them I say this: You ever think that maybe, just maybe, you may have had a role in that? At the height of his push, Punk was a heel, a MAJOR heel, who was cheered for wildly by the fans, namely teen to middle aged men, the base foundation of the IWC. In bringing him back, WWE was not going to allow him to be cheered so wildly as a heel. They also were not going to allow him to continue his antics as a face. His fans dictated his changed to face and his change to face dictated a calmer, more fan friendly CM Punk. My point for saying all of this is be careful what you ask for. The same applies to those begging for the Cena heel turn. I hope you realize that if he does turn and fans go cheering for him, the turn won't last long.

and who would you be reading that isn't a "Internet Wrestling Community" making judgements on wrestling characters? lol

Awesome how IWC is now the buzz word, everything all revolves around the IWC's views and nothing else matters, whatever happens happens because someone bitched and moaned on a social media/wrestling news site? lol yeah right....
not surveys they conduct, not ratings, not PPV buys. not merchandise, not shareholders, crowd reactions, not purely office directives. Na none of that dictates peoples apparent regression or rise to superstardom. its all because someone on the internet said it should happen

There is a little thing could people writing that clearly are struggling to find a happy medium that everyone is happy with, and just an fyi, just cause you don't like it, doesn't mean everyone else agrees and that what he's doing isn't working from a money standpoint. CM Punk is now the number 1 merchandise seller, probably getting paid more too. what's that tell you? Personally i don't agree with being kinda leftout in the match outcomes but he's not exactly back in the midacard is he? he's still in the main event tier and is more entertaining atm. IMO

His time will come again or he'll leave. and once again, Everyone can't be the number 1 guy all the time, they need to build up as many people as they can Just In Case.
I think the bubble of idiots running the show are behind the regression of Punk, to be quite honest. Punk is a shell of his former self at this point, now only dropping "pipe bombs" on the bad guys, and dropping little playful "firecrackers" at the babyfaces, so as not to upset the kiddies. Unless Punk goes full-on heel (and by doing so will go full-on tweener) at Survivor Series, I think he is doomed to be another face-bot. Don't let me be right, Punk. Be the voice of the voiceless once again.


But why can't he be both a face and drop "pipe bombs".

Don't forget, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin spent the majority of his WWE run as a FACE! An unconvential face, who didn't pander to the fans, but said what he thought, stood against management, and didn't back down to anybody.

Why can't Punk be that type of face? Why can't he be a face, but stand up to management? In fact, he is doing this right now, by standing up to John Lauranitis, who is a heel GM.

Punk can be a face, as in he fights heels, but still say controversial things to them. He also can team with Cena and the like, but he doesn't have to like him, just respect him.

Both the Rock and John Cena are faces, and yet it is being played out that they don't like each other. Punk doesn't have to be mates with others. He doesn't get along with Triple H, but they teamed at "Vengeance" to eliminate a common threat.

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