Is Sting the Most Unfortunate Wrestler of All-Time?

Once again you do a piss poor job at reading because I'm not the one who started the thread.. so it wasn't really my opinion that he is the most unfortunate wrestler in the business rather the OP's..

And you have just proved my point because I was the OP. :rolleyes:

Did I steer off topic a little? Sure.. but show me a forum where every thread stays on topic and I'll show you a boring, lifeless forum with no fun allowed.

You actually went right off the road as you discussed NOTHING with regard to the subject. Mods please!

Anyway.. enough drama.. I'm cool with agreeing to disagree... pretty shitty way to end a PPV for a company that's trying to be a legitimate threat to the WWE eh? It just seems like Sting is always caught up in the middle of some bullshit like this...honestly speaking.. the common denominator with this kind of behavior usually involves Hogan, Bischoff, and/or Russo. Those 3 are just awful man... The keys to the city need to be taken away from them immediately.

And off you go again.

all I can say for surely is there is no way in hell this would have ever happened in the WWE. :worship:

And again.

P.S. I might have slammed what you said but in no way did I go the length of calling you a fucking idiot.. That shit isn't necessary dude.

I hate dumb and stupid people who have no idea where they are or what they are saying. You just proved it in a matter of paragraphs.
Sting is one of my favorite old school wrestlers along with Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels, Bret Hart and Undertaker. I used to watch him in WCW before, during and after the NWO storylines played out.

The guy has charisma and despite his age he is still able to put on decent matches and he is always a crowd favorite whether he is a heel or a face. This being said he's had a lot of good matches other than the ones you've mentioned. He was a champion for WCW well before Bischoff took over and had great feuds with Flair, The Four Horseman, Lex Luger and Vader. His biggest problem as some have already mentioned is that he prefers to play in the smaller pond and being one of the big fish, as he can look much better there than somewhere like the WWE where he would have to play politics or compete with stars at his level or higher.

It is his own fault that he is in these situations by not making better career choices, but personally I do feel bad when these things happen to him. This guy would have been huge in WWE and I really had hoped he jumped ship to compete at Wrestlemania, but then he re-debuts with TNA and wins the TNA "Immortal" Championship from the "Fuck up of all Fuck ups" Jeff Hardy :banghead: and then defends it in a piss poor match against the guy who he won the belt from because he is a fuck up.:banghead:
why is everyone acting like Sting turned down WWE recently in favor of TNA? No one in WWE mentioned anything about courting Sting for a deal.

Thats the difference between TNA and WWE. The WWE doesn't make mention of anything until the ink has dried on the contract. They never talk about who might be joining the company. WWE wrestling aren't allowed to go on twitter and talk about who might have joined the company and Vince shure as hell isn't going to tweet about it. If Dixie was in talks wth a WWE guy she would send fifty tweets talking about a huge suprise before anything was signed. Usually ending up with the guy not comming and her just pretending she never said anything. (Paul Heyman and MEM).

WrestleZone, the sight we all go to for news, said they believed their were talks. TNA took Sting off their roster page because they didn't want to look bad if he went to WWE. Kevin Nash said in a radio interview that "Sting would be an idiot to turn down the type of deal the WWE are going to offer him".

Sting's career has been on the downslide for 13 years. Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo have never done one good thing with his character. Has he done one thing that wrestling fans talk about since Starrcade 97? Yet, he continues to work for them because he knows he will be their biggest star. Sting had the chance to have the biggest moment of his career wrestling at Wrestlemania in Atlanta this year in front of 50,000 peope. Instead, he resigned with a company that wont punish a drug addict because he was a star for McMahon 3 years ago. It's fine if he wants to be a big fish in a little pond, but don't put the blame for his career on anyone but himself.
"Unfortunate"? Mr "I'm not gonna wrestle for McMahon due to my morals" crap Sting has CHOSEN to stick with scummy TNA rather than bolt for WWE, where he might (MIGHT) be able to have a match with someone not hopped up on drugs.
I don't feel bad for him one bit. He has had the chance of going to WWE throughout his career but instead he chooses to be on the side with poor management such as we are seeing in TNA now. Fans chanting "BULLSHIT" sums up the TNA Company as a whole right now. AJ Styles is nothing but a mid-carder now after being a TNA Original poster boy for so long. Sting put this on himself if he really wanted to be the best then he would have swallowed his pride and been at Wrestlemania not just this year but several years ago. Imagine if Bart Scott was in the segment with a High Jeff Hardy and that made ESPN highlights with fans chanting bullshit? I was a Sting fan but I have ZERO remorse for a guy choosing to be apart of a company such as TNA right now.

I was on the fence anyways but this whole situation reinforces my stance of I hope Sting never makes the WWE Hall of Fame, he doesn't deserve it. He's just a big fish in a little pond.
Been following Sting for 21 years since 1990 and what happened last night just proves why his loyalty has stabbed him in the back time & time again.
This is the fact, let's not forget how hard McMahon went after him when he bought WCW and Sting refused to sign cause of how rater R the WWE was. That makes him look like a total hypocrite today. The WWE is PG and marketing to kids and he chose the promotion who uses blood like if it was water and throws underage children into story lines.

I don't know where you got that idea from. There's a video interview with Sting where he says that he didn't go to the WWE because he was concerned with how they were going to direct his character he spent so long building up. He then mentioned the time where Booker T and The Rock were fighting a bunch of WWE and WCW guys, respectively and backed into one another with The Rock making the face and perhaps even saying "who the hell are you??" which Sting took to heart and realized that Vince was just going to further destroy WCW and put the ex-WCW guys on the backburner for a while as some kind of punishment perhaps.

As for Sting being unfortunate? I would say that he's actually been one of the MOST fortunate wrestlers out there. Any aspiring wrestler and even the majority of successful ones would trade their careers with the Stinger. It's a fact. He's loyal, he's dedicated, he's popular, he's legendary and his legacy states just that. Any concerns with specific matches are all conjecture until you do research and find out details. For all we know, he could have wanted those matches and outcomes to take place...and it's not fair to pretend like we know the real reasons without actually knowing either.
I don't think Sting is unfortunate at all. Every career has its ups and downs. You could say the same things that apply to Sting with any other major superstar. I think whatever Sting was 'deprived' of in WCW is very minor compared to the big picture that is his very successful WCW career. He's a multiple World Champion, has won TOURNAMENTS (yes, I find tournaments to be quite legit in pro wrestling) and he's had classic clashes with some of the greatest names of the 90's. The fact that we or anyone remembers him today as he wrestles in TNA is a true indicator that one doesn't need to be in the WWE to remain legendary. At this point, I can even honestly say that Sting never needed to jump over to WWE. Why? Everything he's been able to accomplish outside of the WWE is what made him who he is. Now, I know that a lot of us would have loved to see Sting jump over to the WWE and ignite some new challenges and compete at a WrestleMania, but I think Sting is doing just fine.
The chants could easily have been directed AT Sting... after all those same fans could have seen him fight Taker... but no... he again... chose his way and it hasn't paid off... that isn't unfortunate... the price of sticking to principles is that you have to take the rough with the smooth.
-i have to agree with RASHA, solely on the fact that owen hart died at a match while making a dangerous entrance.
-sting does get ripped off alot, people whine, or he gets put into matches with guys who arent in good condition at the time, and next thing you know, sting wins and then walks away with a a sour taste in his mouth. he is easily one of the greatest wrestlers of all time, yet, he gets ripped off with tna so much.
-thank you for bringing this point up, i really wanted sting in wwe, of course, when he returned to TNA i was just glad to see sting in the ring again, but now that i think about it, why would sting keep coming back to a company in which he doesnt get proper matches, when, he could easily go to the wwe and not get ripped off with matches. in fact, he would most likely be treated well in the wwe. i must agree again, sting could be competing infront of 70000 + people rather then a few thousand.
-of course, im still glad to see sting wrestling but feel like he is being ripped off.
Sting's only challenge in WWE is Taker, who is way more broken down than Sting is. It would really do Sting or his career any good if he has to put over Cena or Orton etc. who are half his age... does nothing for anybody.
IMO the only thing that was really unfortunate about Sting's career was how Hogan fucked up one of the biggest angles in wrestling history by not doing the job the right way. His ego really screwed the whole thing up, badly.

If he is happy where he is good for him. He has had chances to leave and didn't take any of them. But he deserves better than what he's getting in TNA. He deserves to be wrestling in front of a lot of people and going out like a champ. Not covering for a meth head. But that was his decision.

BTW the only dream match I have left is Sting vs HBK. I still think they could both bring the house down still.

I don't know where you got that idea from. There's a video interview with Sting where he says that he didn't go to the WWE because he was concerned with how they were going to direct his character he spent so long building up. He then mentioned the time where Booker T and The Rock were fighting a bunch of WWE and WCW guys, respectively and backed into one another with The Rock making the face and perhaps even saying "who the hell are you??" which Sting took to heart and realized that Vince was just going to further destroy WCW and put the ex-WCW guys on the backburner for a while as some kind of punishment perhaps.
There was an interview with Sting when he was in WCW where he states that he would never wrestle for WWE because of the content of the show. Ironically not long after WCW tried the same thing.

Plus WCW guys got over in the WWE all the time. So that interview(I saw it too)I think is just an excuse for him. The Rock talked down to everybody. Plus Booker T was pretty over. Vince would have never held a talent like Sting down.
Plus WCW guys got over in the WWE all the time. So that interview(I saw it too)I think is just an excuse for him. The Rock talked down to everybody. Plus Booker T was pretty over. Vince would have never held a talent like Sting down.

Most WCW guys were buried. Booker got to hand the WCW title over to The Rock almost the second he landed in WWF/E because of Course Booker T was a WCW guys so he wasn't good enough to have that title. DDP got jobbed to Taker and or Kane every week without being able to put on any offensive moves hardly. He got to beg Taker to make him famous and was even humiliated more by having Takers wife pin him in the ring. After handing The Rock his title Booker T then got to play run and try to hide from Stone Cold for weeks.

He had WCW/ECW attacking the ring with 25 to 30 guys every show only to find 3 or 4 WWF/E guys kicking their butts. He buried so many WCW wrestlers that many if not most of the WCW fans quit watching wrestling entirely.

Whether you WWE fans want to believe it or not to those of us who liked WCW and spent most of our lives following it from it's early days didn't like what we saw as far as treatment towards the wrestlers we followed. Fans of WWE/F see it differently then we did because to you The Rock, Stone Cold, The Undertaker and HHH were stars. To me I could care less about them because to me Sting, DDP, Booker T and the Steiner's were stars and I didn't turn on my TV to watch the WWF/E guys. Sting being a WCW guy saw it the same way I did so it's not an excuse it's a perception that to us Vince buried WCW guys for th efun of it. I haven't watched WWE since I decided all he was going to do was bury WCW guys and quit watching.

One instance to show the difference in perception. Many WWE fans would love to have seen Sting join WWE and go to Wrestlemania against The Undertaker. To you it should be an honor for Sting to go and lose to Taker at Wrestlemania and enter the WWE HoF. To me a Sting fan that doesn't watch WWE that doesn't seem like much of an honor because I could care less about the Undertaker, Wrestlemania or the WWE HoF.

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