Most Anticipated match of all time

The answer for me personally would have to be Rock vs Austin at WrestleMania 17. Everybody and their dog was anticipating this match from even before Royal Rumble 2001 when niether Rock or Austin was the champion or the number one contender. There was a sense of inevitability to this match as everyone knew that this match just HAD to happen at WrestleMania. And that giddy feeling just intensified when it was finally made official at No Way Out 2001 that Rock would be defending his WWE Championship against Stone Cold Steve Austin.

From that moment on, every moment between the two became a must see event. A special mention must be made to the "My Way" song by Limp Bizkit as it captured the essence of this rivalry perfectly. That song was stuck in my head for days. The sitdown inteview between the two is probably the best serious promo that has ever been cut in WWE history. Everything that the two of them did from No Way Out to WrestleMania was just epic.

For me, I don't think I will ever see a match that will beat the anticipation I had for this match.
Sting vs Hogan - Starrcade- I agree with the OP.

It was the leader of the biggest / baddest / most dominate faction ever versus the hero and hope of the fans.

The most hated man in wrestling versus the biggest face in wrestling.

A match built up in mystery as Sting hadn't wrestled in a year, and as mentioned before Stinger had a complete metamorphasis of personality and look. He hadn't spoken in over a year. The intrigue alone was enough to build up the match.

But the build up to the match lasted literally a span of an entire year. From Sting being the only man to be invincible to the NWO. From Sting being offered match with other members of the NWO, but turning them all down, only wanting Hogan.

It happened at WCW's biggest event, during the height of the biggest year in wrestling history.

Honestly no match in history was more anticipated.
Without doubt it was Rock vs Austin at WM17. Everybody knew one of them was going to turn heel. Both superstars were on their 'A' game at the time simply couldnt pick a winner.

The build up was tremendous aswell. Stunners from The Rock, Rock bottoms from Austin. I am so glad that WWE are releasing a DVD on their storied history.
hmm going back but i chose a few since i been watching for nearly 30yrs, i anticipated a lot of big matches :p

Hogan vs Andre - WrestleMania 3
Hogan vs Savage - WrestleMania 5 (Mega-Power explode)
Hogan vs Warrior - WrestleMania 6 (Ultimate Challenge)
Hogan vs Rock - WrestleMania 18 (People's Champions collide)
Bret Hart vs HBK and vs Austin both matches were mat classics
Austin vs Rock both WrestleMania's
HBK vs Taker 1, the second was a good match but it was obvious HBK was losing :(

Hmm for someone who hates what Hogan has turned into, i certainly anticipated alot of his matches :) can't deny he had drawing power and i was a Hulkamaniac BROTHER!!!!
When i think of the most hyped matches/most anticipated only 2 matches come to mind and they fucking delivered beyond belief.

Hulk Hogan Vs The Rock - Wrestlemania X8

Holy mother fucking christ. This EASILY had the MOST intense fucking crowd in wrestlemania history. You had mother fucking HULK HOGAN who hasnt been at a wrestlemania in like 10 years(or whatever/correct me fanboys i dont care) and the most electrifying man in the fucking history of WWE squaring off for the first time. Just them standing in the ring looking side to side shook the entire fucking skydome apart.

Everyone thought it would be 50/50. NO. Not at all. I was there. It was 100% support hogan(who was supposed to be the heel) against the face rock. Yet everyone booed the shit out of the rock. THIS is the first match in wrestlemania history where fans were so involved. It was constant BOOOOO, YEAH, BOOOO, YEAH. Even the fucking rock couldnt believe it. His face was fucking shocked and he was legit pissed. You cant fucking fake that expression. Its easily the most anticiapted match ever.

2. Stone Cold Vs The Rock at WM17 is a close second. Amazing buildup. Anytime i hear my way by limp bizkit i see stunners and rock bottoms. This was the the end all be all match of the attitude era. You had the 2 best square off.

3. The Undertaker Vs John Cena. The match hasnt happened but this is the last fucking match i see in the next 10 years that can ever reach the hype of the 2 i listed. Cena is the only legit guy i see beating undertaker. If cena said he wants to fight taker and he would beat him....i would fucking believe him and hate him at the same time. I would go fucking apeshit for this match and i believe cena would win. Why? Because he fucking deserves it and this would finally give him the mega heel push of all time. Hes been a face for almost 10 years. This would be too fucking epic. It NEEDS to happen.
I'mma gonna say Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker at Wrestlemania 25. In recent years..
Triple H vs Shawn Michaels at SummerSlam 2002 seems logical as well...
But I gotta say.. Regal vs Jamie Nobal >:D..
Noo.. I'd have to say Steve Austin vs The Rock at Wrestlemania 15. I waited and watched it. And I enjoyed it.
people are confusing antcipation with build up which are two different things.

great build ups dont always mean great anticipation and likewise great anticpations dont mean great build ups

i give you hogan v flair wwf 91/92

as soon as heenan held up the nwa world title and said ice cream and manure every wrestling fan watching that world wide sat up in shock and said hogan flair, oh my god i cant wait to see that

flair played his part "perfectly" starting off with piper but bar a few house shows the feud didnt happen, flair won the title dropped it to savage and bar a 2nd title reign went back to wcw,

hogan wouldnt play ball and went with sid

a great shame

so the most anticipated match ever didnt happen. it was never the same when it happened a few years later in wcw, again due to hogan's politics
Its only been mentioned once on this thread so far but I'll go with
Brock Lesnar vs Goldberg at Wrestlemania XX.

This was an inter-promotional match in the sense Raw and Smackdown were pretty much seperate at that time, making it a bigger deal. These 2 guys first crossed paths backstage as far back as Survivor Series 2003 and clashed again at the Rumble when Brock took out Goldberg. With Lesnar taking on the smaller Eddie Guererro at No Way Out with the title on the line, Bill Goldberg exacted his revenge and cost Lesnar the strap. Thats some hell of an old school build up.

The anticipation of these 2 behemoths colliding on the Grandest Stage of Them All and in the Legendary MSG nonetheless, was huge to say the least. Unfortunately the contract situation of both guys meant that it would be both superstars last hoorah. And with New York being New York, everyone in attendance and their brother knew also!!! The Big Apple let the 2 boys have it that night with chants of 'You Sold Out'.

PS- I know The Match sucked balls in the end but the OP asked about build-up/ anticipation ;)
I have to admit....Sting-Hogan @ Starcade is probably #1.

For those that weren't around in 1990...Hogan-Warrior was HUGE. Words can't describe it. This is a very close second...if not tied with Sting-Hogan.

Easily the top 2.

As for runners up. Hogan-Savage was big, especially with everything revolving around Elizabeth, the world title, and their friendship.

Hogan-Rock was decent..but there seemed to be something missing. Yes the crowd was hot. Yeah they had a good match. But the build up and anticipation didn't match the others.

HBK-Hart WM 12 was big too. The only problem with this is that they have met in the ring before. Matches like the first two make it more intriguing because it was the first time.

This is what's wrong with wrestling today. We see these matchups 5 or 6 times until they decide to really build it up for a PPV. By then nobody gives a crap, or at least I don't.
yes hogan warrior was greatly anticpated, champ v champ face v face apassing the torch etc

people forget how much earthquake, dino bravo and jimmy hart brought to that feud, they were the heels that made it for them. i was very suprised that they had no run in at the actual match
I'm going to chime in with one that I don't think has been mentioned yet:
HBK/HHH at SummerSlam '02.

Shawn Michaels had been retired for 4 years at this point due to his back injury he suffered at Royal Rumble '98. When HBK showed up at RAW a month prior, the roof came off the place as his appearances were about as sporadic as The Rock's are these days. Anyway, the match itself, although not the main event, turned out to be the best match on the card and lived up to its hype.
I'm going to avoid saying ones that have been mentioned countless times (ex. Hogan/Rock, Sting/Hogan). The match I chose was very recent, had great wrestling, and a fantastic build-up/anticipation.

Taker vs Michaels WM26

I know it was said a few times but I thought this was given to much effort and time to for me not to say it. Career vs Streak. Enough Said. By the end of that match, something was going to change drastically. The Undertaker's Streak was either going to end or WWE was going to lose possibly its best and most loyal competitor. Watch this promo.

Simply Amazing.
It's a tossup for me between two highly hyped but eventually under-delivering matches from the mid-80s:

First was the Crockett Cup '87 match with the Mulkeys. After years of savage beatings at the hands of everybody that came through the NWA, the Mulkeys FINALLY won a match, which gained them a spot in the tournament...
only to be soundly thrashed in the first round. Poor Bill and Randy.

Second was the Starrcade '86 Scaffold match between the Road Warriors and the Midnight Express. I remember them advertising that stupid scaffold, teasing us with all the blood and violence possible were someone to fall from it to the concrete floor below. The reality turned out to be The LoD and the Express crawling around on all fours on the top of the scaffolding slapping at each other. I couldn't believe I paid to watch that damn thing!

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