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Is Randy Orton As Bad As the IWC Says He Is?


Dark Match Winner
Its been more than a year now since Randy Orton turned face and he seems to have lost alot of fans here in the IWC, which I really dont understand why. Granted Im an Orton mark. I love his character and I love his style. I still dont understand why he gets so much hate?

I read an interview on the wrestlezone news with DDP. He stated that Randy Orton was the best wrestler in the World today. It made me think. It made me think about all the past interviews where people in the wrestling business mentionned Randy Orton. A couple of years ago, I think it was vince russo who was asked to name 5 wrestling stars from WWE that he would take to build TNA. He named Randy Orton five times. Kurt Angle was also asked about 2 years ago who he would like to face from the WWE roster. He named Randy Orton, stating that he was the best WWE superstar they had. Also, everytime John Cena talks about Orton, he mentions him as the best wrestler in the company. (this coming from the face of the WWE)

All these comments must mean something dont they? I know us fans are entitled to our own opinion, but these interviews come from wrestlers themselves. I think they know the business better than us. I'll be honest, 2010 was not the best year in the career of Randy Orton in my opinion, although I blame the creative team for his booking. Every one of his feuds seemed overshadowed by John Cena's. But now that he's on smackdown, he seems really confortable and he has been showing more life and emotions in his matches. His current program with Christian has been awesome so far. So are we exagerating a bit with the Randy Orton situation? He'll never speak like John Cena or wrestle like Sin Cara! He's suppose to act like a viper. His wrestling style is unique and his character makes his action do the talking. Did I also mention that he's over as hell?!

So what do you guys think? Should we give the man more credit? Or he's simply overrated by the wrestling business?
Is Randy Orton as bad as the IWC says he is?
Bottom line No he isn't.

the thing about the vast majority of the IWC is they have what they enjoy and if someone the WWE pushses doesn't do what they enjoy then they suck and are overrated.

Me personally I'm a fan of his. Not a mark but a little more than a casual fan. Like everyone there is stuff he can improve on to get better. I enjoy his in ring work a lot but his mic work needs a lot of work due to the fact that all his Promos are the same.

I don't expect him to go to the top rope or do Springboard moves or anything like that. I expect him to be methodical and go after an opponent 1 body part at a time. If the people who hate him tried something like that I have a feeling they would at least enjoy his work a little bit.
DDP said that? So that's why Mark Madden shits on him every god damn time he writes an article. Anyway, the IWC just likes heels. Every time someone turns heel they get loads of praise from us and every time someone has been face for more than 3 seconds we all want him to turn heel. People have been clamoring for Morrison and Cena tot urn heel for fucking ever now, regardless of the fact that it makes no sense at all. Orton was an internet darling as a heel but when the crowd turned him face, the internet marks turned on him. Everyone just wants to be all anti establishment and edgy, so they root against what the little kids like.
I think the issue with Orton isn't that he isn't good in the ring. After all, none of the "Faces of WWE" have ever really been the guys you would say were the most technically gifter on the roster( and Orton is, in my view, certainly more skilled in the ring than a lot of the ME people have been over the years). I just think it has more to do with his current gimmick than anything else. The whole viper thing with him sliding all over the place and pounding the mat seems forced and silly. It has gotten to the point where he is more or less a charicature of himself it is so over the top. I know I prefer the cold, calculating "Legend Killer" persona he used or even the "crazy, medical issues" Orton to the current Viper gimmick. I do agree that he has been better during this feud with Christian though. I would just love to see him tone it down a little.
Its been more than a year now since Randy Orton turned face and he seems to have lost alot of fans here in the IWC, which I really dont understand why. Granted Im an Orton mark. I love his character and I love his style. I still dont understand why he gets so much hate?
You will learn that the majority of the posters right here are just as credible as my dog.
Some with high reputation even think that they are "Vince McMahon" of the IWC, so really don't stop loving your favorite character and don't try to turn others to like Orton, because here in the IWC only Shawn Michaels is the GOD of Pro-Wrestling...
Keep moving

I read an interview on the wrestlezone news with DDP. He stated that Randy Orton was the best wrestler in the World today. It made me think. It made me think about all the past interviews where people in the wrestling business mentionned Randy Orton. A couple of years ago, I think it was vince russo who was asked to name 5 wrestling stars from WWE that he would take to build TNA. He named Randy Orton five times. Kurt Angle was also asked about 2 years ago who he would like to face from the WWE roster. He named Randy Orton, stating that he was the best WWE superstar they had. Also, everytime John Cena talks about Orton, he mentions him as the best wrestler in the company. (this coming from the face of the WWE)

He is without a doubt the best wrestler in the main event scene, people often talk about CM Punk, but CM Punk's ring ability just fits him (you all know that CM Punk is a skinny guy)
If Orton was as skinny as him, he wouldn't be doing backbreakers and scoop slams, he would be doing top rope moves, kicks in the head, being a cruiserweight.

All these comments must mean something dont they? I know us fans are entitled to our own opinion, but these interviews come from wrestlers themselves. I think they know the business better than us. I'll be honest, 2010 was not the best year in the career of Randy Orton in my opinion, although I blame the creative team for his booking. Every one of his feuds seemed overshadowed by John Cena's. But now that he's on smackdown, he seems really confortable and he has been showing more life and emotions in his matches. His current program with Christian has been awesome so far. So are we exagerating a bit with the Randy Orton situation? He'll never speak like John Cena or wrestle like Sin Cara! He's suppose to act like a viper. His wrestling style is unique and his character makes his action do the talking. Did I also mention that he's over as hell?!

Of course he is over as hell, do you hear his pop when he comes out?
Only his name make the crowd go wild.

So what do you guys think?
Should we give the man more credit?
Or he's simply overrated by the wrestling business?

I think that he is one of the best pro-wrestlers currently, he sells every move perfectly, he accomplished a lot with only 31 years (8 world championships)!!
He had memorable feuds and he is by far better than the mid-card guys in every terms.
When he debuted he talked on the microphone like no one, but he has improved and he became the character that he is know.
What you would want him to do? Dance or Singing?
Get The Fuck Out, he is an unique face, and has one of the most recognized finishers of all time (RKO).

The only guys that think that Orton is overrated are losers like Mr. Mark Madden, who thinks that is great, when he writes crap and he has 0 credibility (stating that Randy Orton is only a mid-card, well what would he say about guys like John Morrison or Rey Mysterio (maybe Jobbers), if the WWE was in his hands, it would have been canceled a long time ago, I am not surprised that he got fired from WCW.
If you read any poster being VKM wannabes, just don't even bother making threads about what they say, because you are wasting your time.
Orton is not overrated at all. Some internet fans might dislike that he is a face but the man worked hard to get where he is and he is now one of the best in WWE. He's not as bad as some think, in fact he's better because he has had great memorable feuds with good matches and good promos. Who cares what Madden or the IWC think?
Bottom line is, the IWC hates what the kids love. Look at Cena, exact same story.

Think about Orton's career. When has he ever been made out to look weak in a fued? Sure other wrestlers have beaten and gotten the better of him in certain fueds but Vince has never flat out jobbed Orton. This says something. Around the time when Rock left then Lesnar left WWE to pursue other interests, Vince knew he had to start looking to the future. Orton and Cena were the two guys Vince put his faith in and its paying off.

Think about it though. At least Orton could easily be made out to be a heel. The same cannot be said about Cena. Its safe to say these two will have a memorable fued before there careers are said and done. But its understandable why people in the business may see Orton as the best worker in the WWE. The guy is a huge draw heel or face.
I've always been a huge fan of Orton, I've loved his feuds against the likes of Cena and Triple H, while the matches haven't been classics the story telling has been superd in both and let's never forget just how young he still is and how many world championships he's already won and if Cean doesn't overtake Ric Flair's world championship tally then Orton certainly will
The ICW hates superhero gimmicks, which is why Cena is hated as well. IMHO I think Cena and Orton are very talented and very dedicated to the business. There is nothing with Randy Orton.
Of course he isn't. Want to know why? Because the IWC is full of idiots. Idiots who can't spell particularly well. In fact, if you are reading this now, there is a mathematical probability that you are an idiot.

I think part of it, as previously mentioned, is that smarks love heels. Faces aren't perceived as cool. And smarks don't want to appear uncool. It the same reason they mock Justin Bieber and Glee.

Another part of it is that idiots (who as we've established, are predominant in the IWC), don't get Randy Orton. They see him as boring. They mistake his character for dullness. They can't identify the fact that he possesses charisma because he's not shouting his head off on the mic to try to appear interesting. On the mic, Randy Orton is understated. And it works for him. In the ring, Orton is very underrated. People hardly ever praise his ability between the ropes, but look at his PPV matches this year. Orton vs. The Miz at Royal Rumble was good. The Raw Elimination Chamber match was awesome. As were his two matches with CM Punk at Wrestlemania and Extreme Rules. And who can forget Over The Limit against Christian? Match of the year candidate right there.

So in summary, Randy Orton is good. Idiots are stupid. Done.
If I remember correctly, Orton's popularity started to skyrocket right before Wrestelmania 26 last year. This was during the feud with Cody and Ted. The crowds were going nuts for him, and I can remember all of the Stone Cold Steve Austin comparisons. Orton was hot, and so many people had jumped on his bandwagon. Orton was the cool bad guy who everyone had fallen in love with, but of course, a lot of people have turned on him recently. I've never had too big of a problem with Orton. I enjoy him better as a heel, especially the physcotic viper version. Orton can be cold and sadistic, and he did have this evil presence at times.

If Orton was still a true heel, then I'm sure he would still have his fair share of supporters. The IWC loves to root for the bad guys, and I do think this is why Orton was so popular with internet fans at one point. I don't think Orton is as bad as his haters make him out to be. You probably could say he's a tad bit overrated, but Orton isn't horrible. Being an eight time World Champion has to count for something.
Nobody could be as bad as a hefty portion of the IWC claims Randy Orton is. Orton is someone that simply has a lot of things that simply makes the IWC not like the guy.

First and foremost, Randy Orton is currently a face and, for some odd reason, a large portion of net fans seem to only want to embrace heels. Everybody can't be all anti-authority all the time. While I do think Orton is better as a heel, the man's just plain over. There's no other way to look at it. The primary reason why Orton turned face is because so many fans wanted it to happen. Every move he makes, every word he says gets a big reaction from fans no matter what.

Another big problem Orton faces as far as the IWC goes is that so many internet fans have fanatical, unyielding personal views & ideas as to what they think should happen and want to happen. Whatever or whoever doesn't meet with the personal criteria that they have for what they think makes a good product or wrestler, they shit all over it. Any deviation from their personal formula of what makes wrestling good or a good wrestler is unacceptable for them. Those types just can't be pleased no matter what so there's really not point in even worrying about them or trying to convince them otherwise.

Overall, I like Randy Orton. His look, the way he moves inside the ring, his use of in-ring psychology, ability to tell a story, etc. all just simply work in my opinion. Since coming to SD!, I think Orton has done some of his best work possibly ever. This three way feud he has going on with Sheamus & Christian is great in my view. It's produced some fun promo segments thus far and the matches thus far will probably be rated among the top matches of 2010.

I'm not saying the guy doesn't have some flaws here and there, every wrestler does. If you're expecting perfection, then you're going to be disappointed in anyone.
Despite the fact that the only credible answer to this question " Who in the bluest of blue hells give a fuck about Morons' Guild of Internet aka IWC? " , Here's my thought on RKO man.

He is just what he should be. There's no denying that he is no Austin or Rock, but he is exactly what WWE needs, and that's a unique likable marketable entertaining character, and quite frankly WWE is suffering from lack of people like him.

His in ring skills are more than enough, even though I was a hater of his mic work but i know realize that the way he talks perfectly suits his character, he has a pretty big fan base.

The only problem is that characters like that must be looked after by creative. They should be really careful about the stories they put him in, because it's not a typical obvious and simple character, and it's their job to keep people interested in him.
His character isn't anything new. So IWC, who think they've seen it all dismiss it. Right now, Orton reminds me of Batista. It every sense of it. Smackdown's top star, popular among the crowd, but dismissed by the internet smarks. WWE isn't about the best wrestler. It's about the most marketable wrestler. And currently, Randy Orton places at #2. If he were bad, he wouldn't be as major a figure as he is. Because when bad wrestler do leech into the main event, they don't last very long.
He's not as bad as much of the IWC makes him out to be, but he's got some serious flaws. He's improved a lot in the ring over the past few months, but as a character, he's still god awful. He can't cut a promo to save his life, his actions are extremely redundant, and his actions are getting very stale.

However, if you're a fan of wrestling matches (a category ruled by the Daniel Bryans and Rey Mysterios) above wrestling drama (the category that John Cena and Miz dominate), Randy Orton might just be for you. His ring psychology has improved drastically over the past several months to the point where I would say he's one of the most reliable workers in the WWE, right up there with Rey and Cena.*His match with Sheamus on this past Smackdown is evidence that Orton has grown from a fairly mediocre wrestler to a terrific one, as his matches last year with Sheamus were shit, and his match last week with Sheamus was fantastic. One of the best things Orton has done was introduce his own "five moves of doom," which really helps the storytelling aspects of a match out, and has turned Orton into a well rounded in ring competitor.

Orton is not as bad as the IWC says he is, but he can be very polarizing. The people who watch professional wrestling for the larger than life personalities and the crazy drama that comes with it might not enjoy Orton's static character. The people who watch professional wrestling for the storytelling inside the ring, though, probably thoroughly enjoy him.
I believe the IWC have a good idea behind Orton.

His mic skills are pretty bad.
His matches are getting really boring.

The only thing he has is crowd reaction on his side.
Why don't we just have a poll on whether Orton is good or if he sucked...

For those of you who are complaining about his mic skills and in-ring ability, did you actually see his recent matches, or are you complaining based on what you've seen in the past years?

I think something has sparked a change in WWE lately. The matches have been better, although you see that more on Smackdown and Superstars than on RAW for the most part... But hey, RAW rebounded back strong this week! In all honestly, I never thought Tyson Kidd, Trent Baratta, Yoshi Tatsu, and the Uso can put up any kind of decent matches in the ring, but they did, in Superstars.

I like this new look and attitude of Orton's on Smackdown; and I like the changes in WWE as of late. I hope the creative team won't force him back to his old self -- that would be bad.

Lastly, I would just like to add that Orton is more than just average in the ring. He is more technically sound than most other wrestlers. Who did I thought was bad in the ring? Well, that would be David Otunga and Michael Tarver.
Of course he isn't. Want to know why? Because the IWC is full of idiots. Idiots who can't spell particularly well. In fact, if you are reading this now, there is a mathematical probability that you are an idiot.

I think part of it, as previously mentioned, is that smarks love heels. Faces aren't perceived as cool. And smarks don't want to appear uncool. It the same reason they mock Justin Bieber and Glee.

Another part of it is that idiots (who as we've established, are predominant in the IWC), don't get Randy Orton. They see him as boring. They mistake his character for dullness. They can't identify the fact that he possesses charisma because he's not shouting his head off on the mic to try to appear interesting. On the mic, Randy Orton is understated. And it works for him. In the ring, Orton is very underrated. People hardly ever praise his ability between the ropes, but look at his PPV matches this year. Orton vs. The Miz at Royal Rumble was good. The Raw Elimination Chamber match was awesome. As were his two matches with CM Punk at Wrestlemania and Extreme Rules. And who can forget Over The Limit against Christian? Match of the year candidate right there.

So in summary, Randy Orton is good. Idiots are stupid. Done.

Yeah pot, I know I'm black but then again so are you... Especially since you talked about how we can't spell, but you totally went off and made complete errors. They've been put in bold so you can find them faster.

Anyway, now that we've established that numb nuts is in fact an idiot, let's all move on shall we?

Orton has been turned on by the IWC simply because of the fact that they're tired of the same old main eventers always in the main event. We get it, Orton and Cena are Vince's two babies and darlings, but for once I'd like to see a few months where a few others are chasing the title. Give someone like Christian and Sheamus a rivalry for the title... or maybe R-Truth and John Morrison (as much as I hate the latter). Orton and Cena are good, and honestly, I have nothing against them. But when WWE keeps forcing someone down the IWC's throats, more than likely the IWC will fire back.

Besides, it's not like there has never been Orton haters. He's been hated since his days in Evolution, and there's always been some people on here to say he was boring. It's just now people are looking for reason to pay attention to the hate as opposed to ignoring it like they have in the past.
I actually agree with Seth - to a degree. I mean, number one; beginning a sentence with "and" might not be grammatically correct but it's a stylistic choice chosen, no doubt, in an effort to imitate the spoken word. Number two; Randy Orton is good. Well, right now he is, and he's been as good in the past.

Orton doesn't excite me on the microphone. He doesn't make my nerves jangle or my legs turn to jelly. However, he doesn't make me cringe and he's entirely watchable. He's slow and deliberate; he gets his point across and little more. He's a world away from R-Truth, who makes me laugh and even - dare I say it - compels me. He's also a world away from Kane, whose backing music and bad "theatrical" soliloquies made me wanna throw up. Trying too hard can easily be worse than not trying hard enough.

In the ring, I am very, very hopeful for Orton's future. He showed promise before. He had great matches with the likes of Benoit, Undertaker and Foley. Of course, he's also half of the two men that stunk out the main event of WrestleMania. Recently, Orton's been on a roll that nobody outside of perhaps Christian can equal. His program with CM Punk produced three great matches - three out of three. The feud itself, of course, was great. His program with Christian has produced two possibly even better matches. Again, this is in the context of a great feud. Was this simply because he was working with two brilliant workers? Sheamus is certainly rated lower than Punk and Christian, but Orton put on an awesome No DQ match with him on SmackDown.

I'll never claim that Randy Orton is more interesting than Christian. I will say this - if ratings are falling with Randy Orton as champion, then the American people have poor taste.
First of all, I have no idea what percentage of the IWC dislikes Randy Orton. I see criticism, but nowhere near as much as John Cena gets.

Mark Madden hates him. If I were Randy Orton, I'd feel better about myself knowing that guy dislikes me. I'm guessing Orton wouldn't agree to appear on one of Madden's radio broadcasts. Seems personal. Then again, everything with Madden seems personal.

Not only is Randy Orton not bad, he's great. One of the two or three best workers in professional wrestling today. Great look (minus the beard), extremely talented in the ring, outstanding on the mic (when given quality material to work with), and he's the most over guy out there.

I have no idea why the IWC is turning on this guy. He was so good at being a heel, the crowd turned him face. That's usually something the IWC would respect (see Steve Austin). However, they are far more fickle when it comes to Randy Orton. Maybe it's his style (slow, subtle, methodical). I like his style, much more so than Mr. Sloppy John Cena. Personal preference, I suppose.

To say he sucks is just stupid. It's also stupid when people say John Cena sucks, as though it's a fact. He's not my cup of tea, and I think he's overrated. However, that does not mean he sucks. Overrated does not equal terrible. That's a fact.

Whatever. In all honesty, I hope the crowd turns on Orton. Why? I prefer him as a heel. He has more freedom in that particular role, and will be given more to do.
DDP said that? So that's why Mark Madden shits on him every god damn time he writes an article. Anyway, the IWC just likes heels. Every time someone turns heel they get loads of praise from us and every time someone has been face for more than 3 seconds we all want him to turn heel. People have been clamoring for Morrison and Cena tot urn heel for fucking ever now, regardless of the fact that it makes no sense at all. Orton was an internet darling as a heel but when the crowd turned him face, the internet marks turned on him. Everyone just wants to be all anti establishment and edgy, so they root against what the little kids like.

He's not as bad. Orton has put on enjoyable matches. I just hate how he RKOs this and RKOs that and he is just so fucking annoying as a character. More annoying than even Cena. I don't just like heels and I am part fo the IWC. I am an anti IWC'er in a way.

Morrison, Sin Cara, Daniel Bryan, Kofi Kingston are all faces. I like them a lot. When Christian was a face I marked for his title win harder than anything. I want to like Riley now that he is a face. So no, I don't just like heels. I didn't turn on Orton because the crowd turned him face. I turned on Orton because I didn't like the direction he was going in.
I don't think Orton is overrated at all. I think the reason most of the IWC think he is, has to do partly with the fact that Orton has been in nothing but 5 star fueds almost upon arrival into the WWE. I mean look at it Mick Foley, Triple H, Taker, Rey, Cena, Michaels, Van Dam and Punk regardless of how people feel about any of these guys there is no doubt that all of them can put on the match of the night any given night, they are all golden on the mic except for maybe Rey and Van Dam and their in ring skills alone can carry a fued. Point is, we are not used to Orton being the only one carrying the fued because it hasn't happened really but once, which I will get back to. When he was defending the title against Sheamus, that wasn't the focal point of the show, Cena and Nexus was so he could have not had the best match on the card and got away with it. There are two reason I don't think Orton is overrated.

1) You cannot blame Smack Down's low rating on him. You can blame their ratings on bad booking and lack of talent development. Right now Ezekial Jackson, Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan are the next biggest faces on SD, are they bad? No! They just havn't been booked as the next face in line. You have Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase all who either have history or could compliment Orton well, and you have him in a main event program with Christian, who regardless of what the IWC thinks, WWE didn't feel could draw as the main event, so why is he still in it? There is only a hand full of guys who can draw by their lonesome in history and Orton just hasn't been given the time to do so he has been on Smack Down a little over a month, he has had one program and he is being eaten alive on the boards. The state SD is in right now, I think Hogan or Flair at the highest point of their careers would be in the same boat right now. You could move Cena over bring back Taker whatever you want to do, but nothing changes the fact that Orton really has no established talent, I'm not saying talent in general because their is a ton on the roster, and SD is aired on SyFy, which I honestly didn't even know I had on DirecTV until SD started being aired on it and I still missed the first two weeks because I couldnt find the channel.

2) The other reason I think Orton is not overrated, Kofi Kingston! Kofi and back then could be considered the most cartoonish character on both rosters, but Orton really got the most out of Kofi. He took te character to dark places that many of us could have never imagined it going. Kofi had a mean streak he snapped on Orton, and Orton put him over as a potential bad ass.

I think the main issue with Orton's program right now, it the fact that we know what is going to happen. We know the WWE isn't high on Christian and we don't expect him to win Sunday unless Orton does have a serious enough injury to keep him off the card, and I still see him being stripped of the belt and Sheamus winning it from Christian.
Is HHH as bad as the IWC says? No. Orton got to where he is by working for it. I remember when he punted Vince, and the IWC blew up with praise. The negative comments really started coming in after the split of Evolution. Orton is fine just the way he is. It's actually been fun to watch, because he adds something so out of character here and there it makes you laugh. Like his jumping splits he did.
My only gripe is how Randy Orton is constantly booked to win matches while both non-Champion and Champion. Sure, it makes him look strong, but at the same time too predictable. I don't want to watch a match where I know Randy Orton is gonna win and sadly, every time he steps in the ring, I feel like he's gonna win. 9.5 out of 10 times? He wins. It really deters the unpredictability factor and the match isn't as care-invoking as it could be. That being said, Randy Orton himself should indeed be the main face of Smackdown as he is right now. He's fine where he is with the exception of the massive win record. He performs well in the ring and on the mic. I don't hate the guy. The more I think about it, I just can't see anyone else on the Smackdown roster that's suitable as the face World Champion or the face top guy. I just wish he'd lose matches from time to time against whoever he's feuding with, just to break the monotony and revive some thrill. John Cena for example loses matches and while several months ago he did come across as Superman, his occasional losses since then have made me believe he isn't unstoppable. Oh, and I also like John Cena.

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