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Is Lesnar really going to win the title at Summerslam?


Occasional Pre-Show
I've been watching CSR and reading articles/posts in this site/forum about Brock Lesnar and his return at SummerSlam. Most think he comes back for SSlam to win the WWE WHC, but let's analyze that for a second here...

Let's imagine Lesnar does indeed wins the title at SSlam, what would happen then? What ppv would he defend it? How many dates does he have until WM31? Does he hang on the title until WM? If not, who would win it from him?

Due to all those uncertainties, I believe Lesnar won't appear in SSlam. I believe he'll do something similar to The Rock in 2013. Lesnar should come back as early as TLC/Royal Rumble, and win the title there. Lesnar should lose the title at WM to, maybe, the Royal Rumble winner. I believe Bryan should win the Rumble and face Lesnar at WM. I think it's the best possible championship scenario for both. And that way, Lesnar would appear almost weekly due to the fact that his dates were saved for the last 2/3 months.

I don't believe right now that Wyatt, Reigns, Cesaro and others are ready for a title run. They will get theirs eventually, unless they become transitional champions, which I wouldn't like. I believe part timers/veterans should be transitional champions.

What are your thoughts?
It's a good thing that people don't use CSR to bet. It's hard to even read the main page at this point with all of the rehashed non-journalism followed by the illogical leaps they make.

That being said, it would have made sense for Lesnar to win the belts from Bryan at SS. I imagine that now with the titles stripped, a heel will win them and hold them for a while. If Lesnar does win it, I would assume that he wins at the Royal Rumble, and then Bryan beats him to win it back at WM31.
I don't think so personally. They didn't like having a "part-time champion" so to speak while Daniel Bryan was injured and I don't think they'll like it if it were Brock either. The only reason you'd do it is for him to gain even more heat after ending the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania (in case you hadn't heard), but it would be a poor decision given that he'll only wrestle every so often. It has to be someone that can perform week in week out.
I don't think so personally. They didn't like having a "part-time champion" so to speak while Daniel Bryan was injured and I don't think they'll like it if it were Brock either. The only reason you'd do it is for him to gain even more heat after ending the Undertaker's undefeated streak at WrestleMania (in case you hadn't heard), but it would be a poor decision given that he'll only wrestle every so often. It has to be someone that can perform week in week out.

See, I think that the last 2 months have shown the WWE officials that the fans just don't really care about the WWEWHC, and a part timer would do just fine.
See, I think that the last 2 months have shown the WWE officials that the fans just don't really care about the WWEWHC, and a part timer would do just fine.

I'm not sure. I can easily see why you'd think that but I think that they wanted to have full faith in Bryan and no one was really sure how long he'd be out or how long it would take him to fully recover. They did end up dragging it out far too much but once it was revealed that his recovery wasn't going as well as expected they finally decided that they needed a champion that the fans can get behind (or not).
I don't really know to be honest, and the uncertainty is a good thing. So many unanswered questions to go through first. Who wins the strap at MiTB? What is their story going forward? When will Daniel Bryan inevitably get back in the title picture? Doesn't matter who it is who gets the title though if they end up facing Lesnar. He'll be the heel in every single feud, even against a Bray Wyatt. I don't need to explain why. :D I think Lesnar coming back for a title run, even if just for a brief time is good. Biggest heel, and will instantly have the most heat on him. The hatred towards the Authority will be nothing to the reaction when we see Lesnar first return, and he seems the perfect heel to try and put someone against who they wish to get over with the WWE universe.
I'm of the belief that, assuming they have an actual MitB match aside from the title match, Lesnar does win at SS. What would happen is Cesaro wins the title, turns on Heyman, whom then gets Lesnar after Cesaro. Then after a hard battle Lesnar will beat him at SS, winning the title. Then whomever won the actual MitB will cash it in & win it off Lesnar, really helping them get over & not making Lesnar (nor Cesaro) look weak in the process.

Ideally, if Bryan is back by/before then, he could get thrown into the mix either before or after this happens as well.
He should win and I think he will!!!
He is probably the best draw in the company after Cena and the Rock.
A monster champion will do the WWE good.
Lesnar broke the streak so it's no surprise they plan to do big things with him and I do see him taking the top prize in the company at some point. Summerslam would be just a suitable event as any for that to happen.

I kinda thing Mania will be Cesaro vs Lesnar, probably for the belt in the battle of the Heyman guys. How they get to that point could go down a number of ways. Lesnar could work as a part time champion because he has Lesnar on Raw every week as a mouthpieces so this could be booked in any way possible.
I think that CSR is getting its inspiration for this based on reports that came last month regarding Lesnar. Those reports state that Lesnar is expected to work a two part program beginning at SummerSlam and continuing through Night of Champions. Since his return, one of the handful of ppvs Lesnar has worked has been Extreme Rules, but he didn't work ER this year. Instead, according to those reports, he'll work at NOC in the hopes of being used as a means to help WWE Network subscriptions because the month of September will mean that the 6 month requirement for roughly 500,000 of the WWE Network subscribers will be up. The reports allege that WWE wants to load the SummerSlam and Night of Champions cards to renew as many of those subscriptions and to add new subscribers as possible. The feeling is that Lesnar being on that card can do that.

Reports over the past few weeks ALLEGED that there were plans for Lesnar to face Daniel Bryan at SummerSlam for the title, get the win, and for Cesaro to cash in his MITB briefcase, take the title from Lesnar and have a rematch at Night of Champions. IF that was the plan, it's all up in the air now since Bryan has been stripped of the title due to his neck injury, the title is now vacant and will be won by the winner of the ladder match at MITB in which Cesaro is a participant. Other reports within the same time frame suggest that Bryan vs. Lesnar is a program WWE wants to do, though when it'll take place is anybody's guess. Those same reports also state WWE plans to continue to push Bryan as the #2 babyface and to become champion again before the end of the year if he's ultimately able to return to action by SummerSlam; otherwise, whatever plans are on the table might very well change.

The fact that Brock Lesnar will be wrestling back to back ppvs for the first time since last year, for WrestleMania 29 & Extreme Rules, does suggest a genuine possibility that he'll win the title. Lesnar is still a special attraction that draws, so there's also a genuine possibility that seeing Brock Lesnar in a WWE World Heavyweight Championship program over the course of back to back ppvs might encourage subscription renewals and new customer sign ups.

The problem with Lesnar winning the title at SummerSlam, however, is exactly the same problem WWE had with The Rock 1.5 years ago: everyone knows when he'll drop the title from the very first moment he wins it because everyone knows the basic structure of his deal with WWE because Lesnar only wrestles about 3 or 4 times a year. Once he's finished with SummerSlam and works Night of Champions, it'll be the last we see of him until 2015. We knew The Rock would drop the title to Cena at WrestleMania, hence the excitement wasn't there. Of course, another contributing factor was the fact that people just weren't excited or interested in yet another John Cena WWE Championship reign. So, a Lesnar title win at SummerSlam that leads to him dropping it at Night of Champions, if that's still or ever was the plan, delivering the sort of payoff WWE is hoping for may very well rely on who Lesnar is facing.
Prior to Daniel Bryan's injury, I definitely saw Brock Lesnar beating Bryan for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Summerslam this year. I think it would have been a great set-up for the MitB winner (it most likely would have been Cesaro) to cash in on Brock & instantly become a huge name. That way Lesnar still would have looked like a monster & won the title but all the uncertainties with his dates going forward wouldn't have been that big of an issue. Not to mention if it was Cesaro to cash in on Brock, that could have officially launched Cesaro as a full fledged babyface & made for a great storyline over the fall between Heyman/Lesnar & Cesaro the then former Heyman guy.

But with everything changing around right now & the MitB Ladder Match being for the Title itself now, I agree that the only way Lesnar can really be champion now is if he wins it in early 2015 like at The Rumble & goes into WM 31 as champion. I can still see Bryan/Lesnar going down at Summerslam for the title but with no briefcase to instantly cash-in on Brock, I don't see how "The 1 behind THE ONE, in 21 & 1" will be managing a WWE Champion until the end of the year/early next year.
Giving the belt to Brock Lesnar at Summerslam is the worst move imaginable for the WWE. They cannot have a massive part timer headlining Night of Champions, Hell in a Cell, Survivor Series, TLC PPV's before the company has even started to approach Wrestlemania season (the payoff). It doesn't work to overexpose if they want Lesnar at Mania as champ.

Wyatt, Cesaro, Bryan, Barrett, Rollins etc. win at Summerslam.. They fill the next few months of lesser PPV's until they drop the gold to Lesnar at The Royal Rumble (or at the earliest Survivor Series). Then you've got the right lead up for a blockbuster Wrestlemania match with Lesnar.

The Undertaker vs. Lesnar II at Wrestlemania for the gold?..

My client Brock Lesnar conquered the streak at Wrestlemania 30, now at Wrestlemania 31 he is going to defend his WWE World Heavyweight Championship title and send The Undertaker into retirement.

If Brock goes into Wrestlemania 31 as Champion.. The opposition choices are slim, Taker, Cena, Bryan, CM Punk or Reigns.
I could've easily see it happening if DB didn't have to get surgery and managed to hold the title until SS, but with the way things turned out Brock winning the title would involve quite a bit of hot potato

Last Raw - DB stripped
MITB - New champ crowned
Battleground - MITB champ retains
SS - Lesnar wins title
NOC - Lesnar leaves so new champ is crowned

It can work but it's kinda crappy to have the top title constantly switch hands like that over a few months.
Lesnar will be at SummerSlam. That's a guarantee. Just what he does to me is uncertain. If he won the WWE WHC at SummerSlam I would assume he would lose it at Night of Champions, because he is supposed to wrestle there. Brock may still be champion leading into WrestleMania, but if that's the case then I believe the earliest he would win would be TLC, but more likely Royal Rumble. Or possible even Elimination Chamber. From what I've heard, Brock's matches are going to be used as a major selling point for Network renewals.
Lesnar broke the streak so it's no surprise they plan to do big things with him and I do see him taking the top prize in the company at some point. Summerslam would be just a suitable event as any for that to happen.

I kinda thing Mania will be Cesaro vs Lesnar, probably for the belt in the battle of the Heyman guys. How they get to that point could go down a number of ways. Lesnar could work as a part time champion because he has Lesnar on Raw every week as a mouthpieces so this could be booked in any way possible.

I believe his contract runs out at the conclusion of WM31. I'm sure they got that in mind to see what it takes to make him happy so he can resign back to the WWE.

I'm sure WWE has made plenty of money off him.
Have Lesnar win the title at Summerslam and then have him disappear with the strap. The heat he will get will be enormous. Heyman can play up the fact that Lesnar is not a wrestler but a fighter and he will defend the WWE strap the way a fighter does, once every 3-4 months ala UFC.

This ultimately leads to Daniel Bryan returning and calling out Lesanar, saying that he never beat the "real" champion.

Given lesnars schedule this year post mania compared to the last two years, he should have an additional date, perhaps he returns at Survivor series or TLC to face bryan, bryan wins, Lesnar uses the rumble as his rematch and bryan beats him again.

This would be a huge rub for Bryan.
ok one just because brock beat the strick doesnt mean anything that doesnt mean he deserves a title shot and doesnt mean he has to win and second why would it matter how much he showed up no one cared that the rock didnt show up every raw and smackdown and speaking of not deserving shots why did the rock get one with out doing anything and no one said anything u have to think back taker is the one that called the streak to end
I would love to see Lesnar win the Title at Summerslam and stay around on a 'part time basis' and carry the belt in a similar way to The Rock. I dont care the champion isnt on every show. It makes it feel special when he finally does show up. The title never gets defended on Raw anymore so he can cut promos via satellite or Paul Heyman can turn up in his place.

If Lesnar wins the belt and holds it all the way through to Mania 31 that will be a golden Main Event. Roman Reigns (with The Rock in his corner) vs Brock Lesnar (with Paul heyman in his corner) would be a killer passing of the torch.

Reigns would get over huge beating Lesnar. And his mere association with The Rock would also help the cause. You would be looking at a new star of the business right there.

As for Lesnar, he said he wanted to do 3 Manias then go off and do something else. The world is his oyster so the last few months, doing a few more shows than he normally would, earning a boat load of cash and then having a long rest probably appeals.
I would love to see Lesnar win the Title at Summerslam and stay around on a 'part time basis' and carry the belt in a similar way to The Rock. I dont care the champion isnt on every show. It makes it feel special when he finally does show up. The title never gets defended on Raw anymore so he can cut promos via satellite or Paul Heyman can turn up in his place.

If Lesnar wins the belt and holds it all the way through to Mania 31 that will be a golden Main Event. Roman Reigns (with The Rock in his corner) vs Brock Lesnar (with Paul heyman in his corner) would be a killer passing of the torch.

Reigns would get over huge beating Lesnar. And his mere association with The Rock would also help the cause. You would be looking at a new star of the business right there.

As for Lesnar, he said he wanted to do 3 Manias then go off and do something else. The world is his oyster so the last few months, doing a few more shows than he normally would, earning a boat load of cash and then having a long rest probably appeals.

I doubt Reigns would be in the title match at WM.

I could see him get a shot at Lesnar, perhaps at Royal Rumble/Elimination Chamber next year.

It just makes too much sense for The Rock to face off against Brock.

They could hype it as The Rock's last match, he'd bring publicity promoting Fast and Furious 7 before its April release date.

Brock is one of the few people The Rock has never defeated.

Reigns, however, could be in one of the co-main events like facing Cena or elevating the Andre The Giant Battle Royal (if they bring it back next year)

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