Is John Morrison main event material?

Yes, I think Morrison will make it.
We've been spoiled with these quick main event pushes the past few years. We forgot that some wrestlers take longer to get there. For our favourite superstars, we want them to be in the main event NOW, instead of letting them get better on the mic and in the ring. Building up Morrison and giving him a chance to improve is good. He'll be a star eventually, just be patient.
I think he can, yes. I suppose the sweeter the victory when he does get there. Do I expect punishment, yes I do. But here's the thing. They've put way too much time building this undertone wrestle mania rivalry between Morrison and the Miz. They all know Morrison's talented and I think if Vince was truly hell bent on making sure he can never compete again, he'd be fodder on Superstars. I think once this thing's done, Morrison'll be right back on track.
I don't think morrison will make it. The miz is wwe champion for 1 reason and 1 reason only his MIC SKILLS! Thats what JOMO needs in order to be a wwe champion. They could bulid him like jeff hardy. (which i doubt!) Letting him have a number of title shots only to lose over and over untill he finally wins the big 1! On monday night raw we saw R-truth (A guy whos been a jobber to the stars as of late.) beat Orton, JOMO, and Ziggler. So i think Morrison will be like Kofi Kingston and just geys buried. (If the backstage reports are true.)
Yes, he'll make it. In all honesty, I can't help but shake the feeling this whole heat thing is being blown out of proportion. I honestly think his punishment is that he's not involved in the main event at extreme rules, and I think that's best, because then he won't get jobbed out to either Cena or Miz, because there's no way anyone else is getting the title, and if Morrison was made champion now I can't help but feel that he's be a throwaway champ. This feud with Ziggler will probably hep both guys in the long run.

Though I still think Ziggler should get rid of Vicky. He's outgrown her, have her build someone else up.
its obvious he is, but if he turns heel then he'll be just like the Miz. He has good ring skills but he isn't as good as some people make him to be. he's a spot monkey and thats what gets him over with the crowd. but i'm sure soon he'll get his match.
i can see R-truth winning the title at Extreme Rules somehow, and Morrison becomes the #1 contender. Then its a classic jealous friend story between Truth and Morrison.
Is he main event material? I word, no!

If he was main event material, he would be in the main event. Reason why he's not, he flatout sucks.

I honestly do not think WWE trust him with a Championship run. When the last time he had a single's title, the ECW Championship, 2 year's ago.

He's just a spotmonkey, and his personality is compared to a white-wall.
Jo Mo is coming into his own and while he needs some mic work and some more technical moves, with today crop of wrestlers, what he does in the ring will be good for now. He's main event material...almost. Some more time to polish of the mic would do wonders for him. Even if it's only a few minutes a week or a quick promo or interview backstage, something should be done. I know he's got some heat right now, so while he's in the doghouse, he should work on the mic and try some more technical moves.
All the matches you mentioned are gimmick matches. Let's see him have a great match one on one in the ring.

He excels in spot matches, that's it.

Did you see his match with mysterio in the fall of 2009 for the IC title, probably the second best match of the year after taker/michaels WM25. How about his 3 great matches with Punk earlier that year and his world title match with Jaff Hardy, he fuckin put on a great main event match. Morrison can wrestle, he has a good pace, great athletic ability and phenomenal endurance. Just give this guy some mic time to grow character-wise, give him a good story to work with an:icon_surprised:d bam! :)
Who is John Morrison? What is his story? In other words, why should I care about him?
What kind of stories does he tell? What does he represent? I can only begin to guess at these things.
I see everyone saying he's an athletic guy. He does some moves the crowd cheers for.
He's better as heel or face or what-have-you. But, who is he?

I'm pretty sure that all World Champions have that one thing in common. Everyone knows who they are, what they represent, what their story is.

I've no idea if he'll ever tell me a story or not, I suppose it's possible.
I like John Morrison. He is great in the ring, he has the "it" factor to be main event material and he has the look. However, all of his recent promos leave me wondering if he's quite ready yet. He still seems very wet behind the ears as a character, maybe it's the fault of WWE creative for not giving him better scripts or even better entrance music. The guy obviously has natural charisma, but I don't think it's being utilized properly, whether that's the fault of WWE or Morrison himself, it needs addressing if he's to start regularly competing for the WWE Championship.
Not only do I think Morrison will make it, but I'm going to make a bold prediction: Morrison will walk out of Sunday either with the belt or with a strong push. I know he's not great with the mic, but I for one think that it's an overrated quality. Don't get me wrong; great mic artists are what carry shows. But I don't think it takes years of practice to simply find your voice and get some confidence. All Morrison needs is one good promo, which with some help he can have, and everybody will be saying, "Oh my God, he's turned it around! He's finally become a star!" He's going to be the biggest baby face on the biggest show of the company, because they don't know if Rey is going to be around for much longer and he's the best developmental talent they've got as a face.
In WWE's eyes, yes, he is. In my eyes, not even close. He has spot-monkey written all over him, and he botches alot. Even when he's in gimmick matches he isn't that entertaining. His mic skills are terrible and he's boring to watch. Thats just me though.
Morrison's character IS being developed, albiet slowly... His promo with R-Truth was great this week, there were shades of Jake Roberts in how he "suckered" Truth in to his game...

The key to Morrison is about the demographics... Cena, Orton, Sin Cara all appeal to the little kids... once they get that little bit older, they are going to be raiding their parents record collections etc and becoming more au fait with popular culture... a 5 year old won't cheer for Morrison but an 11 year old might be interested...

The look, music etc are all fine, as music comes in cycles and the 60's revival is on the way... so THEN Morrison will be perfectly placed... WWE is being pretty smart with Morrison IMO... slow burning him to the main event so when it does happen (I think this weekend personally) it'll be a massive moment...
I've been saying this for a long time. Morrison IS main event material because he is great in the ring, good on the mic, has a cool gimmick, and often has the most impressive spot of the night. He should have gotten the push over Miz. On Extreme Rules he finally gets his shot to prove himself as a main eventer in his first main event PPV world title match, let's hope that a great push to the main event comes to Morrison from it.
Morrison is better than the Miz (who hardly wrestle at all); better than Cena (who can't wrestle even after more than a decade in the business); and better than Orton (who's matches are more about theatrics than wrestling especially in the last couple of years).

WWE should really give Morrison a push. He has had some very good matches against Sheamus. I'd very much like to see him wrestle Mysterio, Christian, Alberto de Rio, Triple H, Kofi Kingston, Dolph Ziggler, and Jack Swagger. If he could have good matches with them, I'm sure he is of main-event material.
No. Morrison doesn't seem like main event material. Besides his shitty ring work (is there anyone who throws a weaker punch?), awful mic work and a look they could slap on anyone..

The guy just doesn't have any presence to him. While I don't think Del Rio is as bad, I still think there has to be something said when they deliberately make a guy look like a big deal. Maybe it is an attempt to make the fans feel like the guy who looks like a big deal?

When Morrison is in the ring, unless he is doing something ridiculously out of place in the match, the crowd doesn't care. Everyone talked about his Royal Rumble stunt (that is what it was a STUNT), what purpose did that serve when he got eliminated anyway? What else did he do in the match? The guy has some of the worst punches in the company as well.

But I think the biggest factor is that the guy show any passion in what he is doing. It's like in his head he is thinking: "Okay.. Gotta shove my balls into this guy's face.. Oops.. I botched. Let me try again.. No.. That didn't work, let me try a backflip. Okay. The crowd responded, let's keep it with me trying to whoop ass.. Damn, that punch sucked.. So did this one.. and that one.. Oh screw it, what set spot can I botch now?" It doesn't help that his promos pretty much follow the same pattern.
No. Morrison doesn't seem like main event material. Besides his shitty ring work (is there anyone who throws a weaker punch?), awful mic work and a look they could slap on anyone..

The guy just doesn't have any presence to him. While I don't think Del Rio is as bad, I still think there has to be something said when they deliberately make a guy look like a big deal. Maybe it is an attempt to make the fans feel like the guy who looks like a big deal?

When Morrison is in the ring, unless he is doing something ridiculously out of place in the match, the crowd doesn't care. Everyone talked about his Royal Rumble stunt (that is what it was a STUNT), what purpose did that serve when he got eliminated anyway? What else did he do in the match? The guy has some of the worst punches in the company as well.

This is basically all true. The guy just isn't good. I said in my post that in WWE's eyes he's main event material but in a wrestling fans eyes (even though WWE isn't wrestling) he sucks. Spot-monkey, lackluster moveset, terrible mic skills, and 0 charisma. The crowd really doesn't care about him or R-truth. Look at their promo on Raw, the crowd didn't care about them and they just boo'd them both until someone got beat down. I guess they are just trying to get a new, fresh guy in the main event picture. He isn't a good wrestler or performer but since when does WWE look for in-ring skills?
in a wrestling fans eyes (even though WWE isn't wrestling) he sucks

xCon speak for yourself. last couple of times I checked he's been getting steady pops. Hey, when you walk on water and turn my water into wine, I'll agree with everything you say. But until then, don't act like you're the grand messiah/representer for all the fans. you're one fan who represents a MINORITY within the "wrestling" fanbase.

I think he's main event material.

And as for his moveset? I've seen him pull submissions and grapples that have been very good. every wrestler doesnt have to have a suplex in their arsenal to be good. Let him do his thing, on the mat, he's better than our current WWE champion at everything.
^Dude, don't address me unless you have something intelligent to say. Last time I checked, Morrison and Truth both got boo'd during their terrible segment on Raw. I'm also sure the fans boo him out of the building everytime he gets on the mic and botches his pathetic finisher.

I also didn't say "everyone thinks he sucks" I said "in a wrestling fans eyes" and most of the wrestling fans I know don't like the guy. They see right past the botched moves and his bad moveset. Spot-monkey is basically describing Morrison in a nut-shell. Get your facts straight and don't try to put words in my mouth.
Wasn't a horrible promo, but watching that I noticed and proves my point that he in in fact a spot-monkey. I saw lots of kicks and pointless spots in which he did nothing afterwards. CM Punk is far superior but thats just me :D
Morrison has improved greatly since his arrival in wwe I say with more work on promos & moves he can be main event material
Morrison has improved greatly since his arrival in wwe I say with more work on promos & moves he can be main event material

Now that I agree with. With work on his moveset, how to execute moves and doing less spots, he could be a solid wrestler and be main event. His heel promos were alot better than his face ones but he could use work. He has improved a bit too. Miz is the same way, but he could also use more work in the ring.
Ok this has been eating at me for a while now those who say John Morrison will never make it are ******ed

1. He is not a spot monkey: you know what he is a HIGH FLYER a person who is meant to be athletic and skilled in risky areas his stunts at RR and EC weren't just spots they were portraying his parkour gimmick a style of physical format training that Morrison does before match ups.
2. He can be taken seriously: how can you say he can't besides his high flying he has proven he can go toe to toe
In 5 star matches like 3 in 2009 against Jeff hardy for the title(when then Morrison main event was born he looked like a Fucken champion in tht match) rey mysterio and cm punk those were more then spots they were classic underated performances.
3. Hes not botch proned: he might botch a few moves but he's not botching a suplex hes botching a corkscrew split legged moonsault like wtf there's only so many times u can hit pertect with such limited ring time and concentration and when he hits it right it makes it feel so much better even Shawn michaels botch the super kick alot what about the superkick that ended flair at wm24 barely touched the guy and u blast jomo for hitting something no one else can on the roster ?
4. He's got the look : hes natural ripped he looks like an athelete and performs like one
5. He's mic skills aren't that bad: granted they aren't the best but that shouldn't hold him back he has time to improve the difference between his heel mic skills and fake mkc skills is that he looked srs as a heel but as face he just smiles that's what holds him back he's to happy
6. He will be champion: this isn't tna he isn't matt Morgan they don't build him up to the main even then just drop him to nothing Morrisons been floating around the top and will be there soon he will be champion if miz can go from being on the edge of releasment and getting kicked out of the locker rooms by jbl to champ and getting praises from bradshaw then morrisson will do big things and he doesnt do half the work miz did and does.
7. He will make it: no one thought rocky would make it on his debut no one thought cena or orton would no one thought miz would but they did and Morrison will be the next hardy they will build him up for his finally moment when he wins the strap.
He will be big his only downfall is melina she's holding him down and he's still climbing that's says alot.
Well discuss if you agree disagree got anything to add or argue about go for it
If i was jomo id be a little worried because the way truth shined on raw maybe jomo cant hang promo wise because on the mic he seems confused and robotic like unless he improves at a faster past he will be the guy that gets a pop for his entrance but soon as he starts talking people are going to say o god
Morrison is definitely getting close. I like the way that WWE has dealt with him as of late.

I felt that his program with Sheamus was good, but it felt a little forced. I just didn't buy that Morrison was the hero to the weaker people that Sheamus was bullying.

I think that this recent story w/R-Truth could go far. It was set up well and it gives Morrison a reason to be fully emotionally involved.

After this program, I could see Morrison becoming a mainstay in the main event.

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