Is John Cena jealous of The Rock?

Conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy!!! Yea, ok. I think the posters here have to get off their high horse to actually believe that. There is no conspiracy in any of the comments at all. When you are asked a question, you should answer it as honestly as possible. At least I would. John Cena has been asked in a couple of interviews his views on FORMER wrestler Dwayne Johnson. He has stated that he doesn't agree with his choices but does respect what he did for the business, thinks he's a nice guy and a good actor. I really don't find it so bad what he said. In fact, I can understand where he's coming from, whether I agree completely or not. Bottom line is, Wrestling is popular in American culture, but nowhere near the notoriety you gain from a good Hollywood flick.

To counterpoint, the comments that Jericho makes that irritate the hell out of you, about guys who stay way too long in the business that you just don't care about them anymore........think about that in this situation. If the yonng, charismatic Rock were to get too old, he's be "The most electrifying man limping around g-d's green earth, who is still in sports entertainment when he should have gotten out". In a way, I think it makes you appreciate the Rock more than you got him in his prime and he got out before he got stale. Some guys are forced out by injury like Austin. However, Austin comes back wayyyyyy too often, since he is still employed by WWE and thus, I don't give a shit anymore when he comes out. He got old and stale by appearing every 6 months. Whereas when the Trump angle happened and the Rock cut the promo, it was the highlight of the night.

Lastly, WM26 "challenge" is not a work. If you are John Cena, and you have beaten everyone there is to beat in this company, why not want to work with someone knew. And at that, he didn't "challenge him" he said "it would be great to have a match with him next year", which it would! Cena realizes taht Rock vs. Cena would sell, and since he is a "company guy", he knows it would be good for the company. Nothing more, nothing less. If it materializes at some point, great. If not, it's just a statement of fact. That Cena vs. Rock would be fun for them and fun for us.
Can't you just see that this is a scheme from that man called Vincent Kennedy Mcmahon? He is a genius and knows that Cena vs Rock= instant cash. It will combine the fans of now with the fans of the attitude era and some people that don't even watch wrestling anymore might hear about Rock's return and say: 'You know what, I grew up wtaching the Rock so might as well watch his comeback' and will generate tons of money.
Reporter: What are your views on "The rock"
Cena gives his view on the rock

Cena is an honest guy wouldn't surprise me if cena did win an oscar then appeared on raw the next night

:lol2: Cena winning an Oscar? The only award that man deserves to win is a Razzie. His acting sucks ass.

But, for my input, I think that in all actuality he could be jealous of The Ro...Oh excuse me - of Dwayne Johnson. Nah, screw it, to me he's still the "pie eatin', jabroni beatin' - most electrifying man in sports entertainment, The Rock!"

I mean the man is beloved in wrestling and now has a pretty lucrative movie career. Cena is about as good an actor as Adamle was a wrestling commentator. And I think that as far as wrestling goes, The Rock's level is a hard one to reach. Cena might be close, but he isn't there yet. That's enough to make someone jealous.

It seems like a work to me though. I mean why all of a sudden start brining up how much he dislikes the choices Rock made and to repeat it over and over. It just seems a bit off to me. In wrestling, you really never know.
I think Cena's "hatred" against the Rock for leaving the business is a work. I think the first comments that Cena made were true, they weren't terrible, it was just what Cena felt (nothing wrong with it). I think a higher upper (prob VKM) saw some potential in this, and is setting up a feud with Rock and Cena to have a match at WM26. Would this be a huge match, of course. Is the Rock on board, who knows? I just don't Cena as the type of guy to go into the media and blantly rip on someone like he is doing right now. With WM25 right around the corner, what Cena is doing is adding more attention to the show. Maybe WM25 has the Rock on the big screen accepting Cena's challenege a year from now. If they were going to make a big match like this and get the Rock to be involved, the wwe would need to have gotten the ball rolling early, which they did, and make sure the Rock's schedule will be clear come next mania. I think this is the perfect match for the Rock to finally get his send off and say bye to the fans. It is not like the Rock had injuries like Austin had that made him retire. The Rock is still healthy, and could put I think still a good show.
I dont think its a "work", Ive heard Cena in previous shoot interviews go off on the Rock, saying he said he loved the business, and then turned and left, and that he was a "F*cking liar," and "dont F*ckin lie to me by saying you love the business, then leave and pretend you never were apart of it." These quotes were from over a year ago. I dont think he hates the Rock, Cenas just a vocal guy who speaks his mind and doesnt hold back when asked a question. No difference here. Hes mad about being lied to, and mad about the fact he thought the Rock was cut from the same mold that Cena is, and found out he wasnt. If its a work, its one hell of a good one thats been going a long time, and kudos to WWE for trying to work it. Maybe they feel desperate for some reason to get that "one last match" from him. If its a shoot, then Cena has the right to his own perrogative, although hes gone a tad overboard.
If its a shoot, then Cena has the right to his own perrogative, although hes gone a tad overboard.

How? He's only speaking his mind. People heard about his beef with Rock over quotes from last year, so they're going to ask him about it. Why dodge the question if you feel that strongly about informing people you aren't going to pull a Rock. He's passionate about the business, and he's making it known. If anythings going overboard, it's the interviewers who keep asking the same question.

His comments aren't that bad anyways, and completely spot on. Rock's a sell out who now wants to have nothing to do with what made him what he is today, the WWE and the WWE fans. It's a joke and he's a joke.
How? He's only speaking his mind. People heard about his beef with Rock over quotes from last year, so they're going to ask him about it. Why dodge the question if you feel that strongly about informing people you aren't going to pull a Rock. He's passionate about the business, and he's making it known. If anythings going overboard, it's the interviewers who keep asking the same question.

This part I agree with

His comments aren't that bad anyways, and completely spot on. Rock's a sell out who now wants to have nothing to do with what made him what he is today, the WWE and the WWE fans. It's a joke and he's a joke.

This part I don't agree with what so ever, Rock came in became huge which lead to him getting oppertunities to try other things outside of the ring, like acting, he got bit by the bug and for a while tried to do both, then he had to make a decision, he could either leave the ring and devote the majority of his time to being an actor which pays better, and is less damaging to his body in the long term, and allows him to be home more and spend time with his kid, or he could start turning down Hollywood and give up acting to continue his wrestling career in which he would be on the road all the time, where he wouldn't be making as much money, miss seeing his daughter growing up, and likely end up with a broken beaten down body after years and years of beating the shit out of it, to me it looks like he made the smarter choice for him in the long run, he left the business on his own terms at the top of his game unlike guys like HBK, Taker, Flair, Nash, Sting, Steiner, Foley, Funk, Hogan and many many others, as for him turning his back on the the fans and business that made him, that's complete bullshit, if he had turned his back on everyone that made him then he wouldn't have comeback and done the HOF ceremony last year, much less comeback in character and given the fans what they wanted to see, a classic Rock promo
Originally posted by Big Wes:

(How? He's only speaking his mind. People heard about his beef with Rock over quotes from last year, so they're going to ask him about it. Why dodge the question if you feel that strongly about informing people you aren't going to pull a Rock. He's passionate about the business, and he's making it known. If anythings going overboard, it's the interviewers who keep asking the same question.)

His comments aren't that bad anyways, and completely spot on. Rock's a sell out who now wants to have nothing to do with what made him what he is today, the WWE and the WWE fans. It's a joke and he's a joke.)

Im not gonna argue what I think or how I feel about Cena, hes my favorite wrestler, and I think hes a helluva guy too. I just think being redundant, saying the same thing over and over again about a guy whose NOT responding is where its overboard. Agreed the Rock is a joke, and a liar. He deserved to be called out. But unless its a work, let it go.
This part I don't agree with what so ever, Rock came in became huge which lead to him getting oppertunities to try other things outside of the ring, like acting, he got bit by the bug and for a while tried to do both, then he had to make a decision, he could either leave the ring and devote the majority of his time to being an actor which pays better, and is less damaging to his body in the long term, and allows him to be home more and spend time with his kid

Yeah, and I'm completely fine with that. What I'm not fine with is him turning his back, and not even having the decency to make an appearance here and there. The majority of the fans (that made him) still love him and will worship the ground he walks on. I'm not asking him to come back full time, I just don't understand why he's so high and mighty that he can't make an appearance during a special show, like Wrestlemania for example or wrestle one more big money match. Anyone with a brain would jizz to see Cena vs Rock. It's not going to kill he or his family to show up, cut a Rock promo, leave. Austin does it all the time, as well as all those dudes you named in that paragraph and it certainly wouldn't kill him to payback the business that made him with a big money match between he and Cena, or whoever at a Wrestlemania.

as for him turning his back on the the fans and business that made him, that's complete bullshit, if he had turned his back on everyone that made him then he wouldn't have comeback and done the HOF ceremony last year,

It's the fucking hall of fame, who really watches that? And he only showed up because he was inducting family. Show up at Wrestlemania or a special RAW, run someone down. Do something. Everytime he's asked to make a simple fucking appearance, he turns it down. That's complete bullshit and fucked up for the fans.
Honestly i think he is for some reason....wheather its cause he is not ( or ever) going to be as big as the brahma bull..can't wrestle as good as the great one..or that cena pretty much horrible actor and rock has talent....but really cena needs to get off his nuts pretty much this alone makes me hate john cena....he's a f******* cry baby.....fine rock left....but i never ever heard from the rock's mouth or a quote ( a ligete one) from the rock saying he would stay forever...all he said is there nothing better feeling than being in the ring or somethin along those lines.....i am the biggest rock fan and would i like to see him wrestle one last match .....hell yea.....but if he doesnt im not calling him a sell out.....cause honestly if he is...then brock lesnar, hulk hogan, and even someone's god brett hart is for leaving for nfl and wcw!
Really im tired of hearing people and john "punk ass" cena cry bout how the rock left wwe .....and everybody calls him a sell out yet i don't hear shit bout brock lesnar, bobby lashely, hogan, brett hart and many others

Brock lesnar- left for the NFL from WWE yet i hear nothing bout how he's a sell out?

Bobby Lashely - he left for MMA from WWE....yet no one calls him a sell out?

Hulk Hogan - leaves WWE for its biggest competition WCW yet no sell out there huh?

Brett Hart - pretty much read hogans

Now i have nothing against these guys, except hogan ( im sorry making a reality show bout ur son u almost killed a former marine is a pathetic excuss for a man and human being in my eyes i have no respect for a loser like him) but why arent these guys called sell outs? why is the rock held to higher regard? and if any one says oh cause he was bigger than them umm read the damn list Brock Lesnar was the future no doubt the biggest star when he left and hogan slap ur self if u dont know....but really why is rock held so much higher get off his nuts
Why is Cena jealous of the Rock? Cena is the face of the company, and If i can recall The Rock was always behind Austin when it came to shit like that. Cena is successful, and so was the Rock.

I don't understand how you can call him a sell out, on his way out he did so much for the business. He put over Goldberg, and lost to the fucking Hurricane. A sell out wouldn't of lost to the Hurricane. But the Rock did.

Cena isn't jealous he just wants to show that he can maintain two jobs. His movie career might not be as successful but O well, that happens. The Rock didn't sell out, and Cena isn't jealous. The people should move on because nothing is going to come from this.
Call me cynical, but the one thing I am not buying is Cena staying true to the wrestling business should he ever become a movie star (which, by looking at this weekend's box office, is highly unlikely). Hell, if Cena could make a return on a film WWE produces, I'm pretty sure McMahon would even tell him that he's done with wrestling full-time and that it's making films for him from that point on (of course, they would all be produced by McMahon himself).

In the end, I'm going to have to say that Cena is jealous of The Rock. Not because of what he did in the ring, but because of the success he has found in Hollywood. It seems obvious to me that Cena wants to make at least somewhat of an impact on Hollywood, and, so far, he hasn't been able to do jack. On the other hand, The Rock has been somewhat of a success (although I don't think he is anywhere near the box office power that some people think he is...hell, he has nothing on Vin Diesel).
This is in response to ThePeoplesChampion's post. It was its own thread when I was responding to it.

First of all, The Rock completely left wrestling, unlike Hulk Hogan and Bret Hart. You can't compare their situations, not even a little bit.

I do seem to remember quite a few fans at Madison Square Garden booing the shit out of Brock Lesnar and chanting "You sold out!" As far as why a fellow wrestler hasn't come out and said, "Brock sold out"....Brock achieved a lot in WWE in a short amount of time. He was excellent in the ring and a very believable powerhouse wrestler. His mic skills were above average, and his character was always entertaining. Overall I think Brock Lesnar could have been something really great, but he hadn't reached that point yet. In other words, he hadn't reached the same level as The Rock.

Bobby Lashley isn't worth an explanation. I can't believe you would compare The Rock leaving wrestling with Bobby Lashley leaving.

So there are my reasons why The Rock is different than those four. Now, onto your topic...

Has John Cena ever uttered the words, "Rocky sold out!"? No, he hasn't. He has never even insinuated as such. All Cena has said is The Rock always said he loved the business, he wanted to do both wrestling and movies, and he would always stay true to his wrestling fans. Now, Rock is not even mentioning his wrestling career or acknowledging that he had one. And Cena is just kind of calling Rock out for leaving behind the business that made him. I don't see anything wrong with it, and it's not like Cena is even being a dick about it. Might I add that John Cena is one of the nicest, most cordial guys in all of entertainment today.

So there you have it. But I do have one question. Even if John Cena said he thinks The Rock "sold out"...why do you care?
I think its bullshit that John Cena is saying that shit about the Rock. Cena was jealous otherwise he wouldn't care what the Rock did.Lets face it, the Rock did everything there was to do in WWE he probably wanted to try something else that he had a passion for(movies). Why should Cena even care what the Rock does? If the Rock were still wrestling he could've ended up like Austin with lifelong injuries. I do think that the way the Rock left was kinda messed up but he's gone and he's not coming back.

I do hope this is a work though cuz Wrestlemania 26 is in AZ and im defiantly going.
Really im tired of hearing people and john "punk ass" cena cry bout how the rock left wwe .....and everybody calls him a sell out yet i don't hear shit bout brock lesnar, bobby lashely, hogan, brett hart and many others

Brock lesnar- left for the NFL from WWE yet i hear nothing bout how he's a sell out?

Bobby Lashely - he left for MMA from WWE....yet no one calls him a sell out?

Hulk Hogan - leaves WWE for its biggest competition WCW yet no sell out there huh?

Brett Hart - pretty much read hogans

Now i have nothing against these guys, except hogan ( im sorry making a reality show bout ur son u almost killed a former marine is a pathetic excuss for a man and human being in my eyes i have no respect for a loser like him) but why arent these guys called sell outs? why is the rock held to higher regard? and if any one says oh cause he was bigger than them umm read the damn list Brock Lesnar was the future no doubt the biggest star when he left and hogan slap ur self if u dont know....but really why is rock held so much higher get off his nuts

Really good question.

I have no qualms with Cena but think he would be better served by embracing what he has now than being bitter about what someone before him says. I understand why one would get sick of being asked "So when are you going to make the jump?" I think that is what Cena's beef is. He has little reason to be jealous. Rap album, movies, championships. If he is, then he needs to get over it.

But your post doesn't seem to be about Cena. Your question about why some others have not been called for being sell-outs is great. The only thing I can think of is the Rock has actually directly stepped-up in terms of financial success.

Bret Hart was told to go to WCW unlike Hogan. Hart begged and pleaded to stay but Vince couldn't afford him and maybe overall felt like Bret Hart had run his course in the WWE. Hogan stayed within the industry. So did Hart. Lesnar wasn't into it and wanted to try other things.

Who doesn't take an opportunity if there is the potential for huge financial gain? How many of us who have actually had a few years to work quit one job for a more financially beneficial one? Or push for a promotion? Or leave a company because of your enviroment?

I can't fault anyone who leaves the wrestling business voluntarily. This is a extremely demanding job and if your heart isn't into it, your screwing yourself, the people you work with, and the company. That means your screwing the fans. Look at Lesnar's last match at WrestleMania XX.

I don't like it. I hate when people come in, get to the top and then leave. But this is not a job where you go home after 8-12 hours of work and go home for a couple of days a week. This is a demanding job. I know Michaels and Taker get lighter schedules but they paid the price for years. If you are not in it, get out and find something you can at least find some enjoyment.

People need to be understanding of this and shouldn't be calling anyone a sell-out. They all have done what we would have done to further their careers and their lives. I don't like it, but understand it and truly wish them the best in their future endeavors.
John Cena is basically a wannabe Rock and does a bad attempt of trying to be like him.
Cena sucks and is EXTREMELY JEALOUS of The Rock.
Think about it
The Rock is a better entertainer than Cena.
Rock is a better wrestler than Cena.
Rock charisma and personality and can actually cut a promo or do an interview without SCREAMING AT THE TOP OF HIS LUNGS like cena does all the time.
Does this sound like one of Cena's lame interviews to you on raw "THIS IS MONDAY NIGHT RAWWW PEOPLE STAND UP SCREAM"
"THE CHAMP IS HEREEEEEEEE" "LIVE IN FRONT OF A ALL THESE FANS WHO I LOVE AND RESPECT THE CHAMP IS HEREE! I mean hes constantly screaming in all his interviews to get his point across Rock never had to do any of that. The Rock had the fans in the palm of his hands everytime he was on the mic.
Rock is a better actor than Cena.
Do I really need to go on?
This is why you hear Cena constantly bitching about "waaaaaaa Rock leaves for hollywood and isnt in wwe i am because i suck".
I think i made my point anyone disagree?

Really im tired of hearing people and john "punk ass" cena cry bout how the rock left wwe .....and everybody calls him a sell out yet i don't hear shit bout brock lesnar, bobby lashely, hogan, brett hart and many others

Brock lesnar- left for the NFL from WWE yet i hear nothing bout how he's a sell out?

Bobby Lashely - he left for MMA from WWE....yet no one calls him a sell out?

Hulk Hogan - leaves WWE for its biggest competition WCW yet no sell out there huh?

Brett Hart - pretty much read hogans

First of all it is Bret Hart, not Brett Hart. Second of all, Bret Hart didn't betray wwe for wcw. At the time "Bret Hart's contract was too much for Vince McMahon and the company" (from Vince McMahon). You would know this by now if you read Bret Hart's book or watched "wrestling with shadows". Also Vince McMahon publicly said right after the Montreal screwjob on the "Off The Record" from Canada with Michael Landsburg "He had regrets signing Bret Hart a long term contract because of financial standpoint and he was turning into a pain in the ass". Also Bret Hart wanted to retire in WWE but since all of that Vince McMahon encouraged him to talk and negotiate with WCW and sign with them if he had to. So what i am saying is Bret Hart didnt betray wwe or the fans for wcw at the time.

ps-i am not arguing about the Montreal Screwjob, just he didnt have a choice but to go to WCW.
Everyone is saying that the rock said that he would never leave the buisness etc.

The fact of the matter is yeah he said it, but this was the character The Rock and not the man Dwayne Johnson.

And those random appearances he made, they werent random, they werent teasing us, they were part of his contract, vince let him leave under certain conditions.

Quite frankly if he stayed behind we'd be sick of his character quite frankly, look at the loser they turned HHH into. I mean i was watching last weeks smackdown when the big show confronted John Cena. And yes we all no wrestling is staged and fake but its not supposed to look it. And when john cena tryed to act like a hard cunt and push the big slow (lol good times) over the rope, i said to myself then... wrestling's dying or infact dead.
I have to say the crap is so difficult to watch nowdays...

ANYWAY the fact is, no i dont think that Cenas jealous of The Great one.
But at everything Cena tries The Peoples Champ will always be better. Cena will just be remeberd as a guy that was on top while the company sank deeper and deeper.
Bret Hart - pretty much read hogans
You should leave Bret Hart out of this. He IS NOT a sell out. Vince orchestrated his departure. Everybody knows that, it has been said again and again by all parties concerned. He never wanted to leave...he knew they would not know what to do with him etc... Calling Bret Hart a sell out is a disgrace.

True sell outs are guys like Kevin Nash and Scott Hall who left for competition.

Rock is not a sell out. He made a smart move going to Hollywood; even if think his recent movie choice are bad. He changed his career orientation.

Cena is getting boring and pointless with those comments. He`s like an angry little boy. I think he is frustrated with the comparisons with the Rock and the fact that many people think he is just not as good as the great one.
I like Cena; but he's acting like The Rock fucked him and didn't give him a kiss. I would love a Mania match but it isn't going to happen. The Rock changed his mind about staying in wrestling so fucking what. I mean he did a brief spot before WM23 and last year at the HOF. He given the fans enough memories let it go Cena he sounding like a scorn lover.
What, why should Rock HAVE to bring up wrestling every inetrview he has? He dosen't work for the WWE, he's not responsible for getting them publicity. If Cena can't make WWE big on his own, as the face of the company, he shouldn't bitch that Rocky isn't helping, The Rock dosen't work the for WWE! I'm sure if an interveiwer asks Rock about the WWE and his time in it he'll talk about it, and probably in positive terms, but he dosen't have to promote it 24/7 seeign as that isn't his job. Also Cena is nothing compared to The Rock in terms of being a pro wrestler.
I can't even speculate as to whether Cena may be jealous of The Rock but I am wondering what a lot of people this a work? It is extremely wishful thinking for sure but I have to hold onto what dwindling speck of hope i have that I will one day get to see The most electrifying man in sports entertainment return for just one more epic battle! I had almost lost all hope but alas there is glimmer, albeit a faint one, but a glimmer of hope nontheless that this is a conspiracy conjured up but the most brilliant mind in the wrestling universe...Vincent Kennedy McMahon! The Rock has done it all and has nothing to prove...but, here is this young guy, the face of the WWE, claiming to be the best running around yelling "The champ is here" and smearing the great ones legacy. So The Rock Finally comes back to the WWE to prove to John Cena there is only one champ and thats the People's Champ, The Rock! Rock comes back to headline one last Wrestlemania and gets inducted as the Headliner into the WWE HOF class of 2010. It is wishful thinking I know but it all fits in theory and as a wrestling fan isn't that what keeps us watching? The knowledge that in wrestling anything can happen at anytime?! I know thats why I watch. So if the Rock comes back to face, um, whats his name? "IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT HIS NAME IS!" I know I'll be one of the Millions....and millions of fans to tune in!
As you can see by my name I am not a John Cena fan but I whole heartly agree with his views on Rock. I don't give a shit if you make more money at the movie or Rock has been told to "distance" himself from the wrestling business.

Rock wouldn't be in the situation he is, making his big dollars if it wasn't for the WWE. I have lost alot of respect cos I guaran damn tee you Vince asked him to appear at Mania and once again Rock says "Oh, my schedule is a little bit full" BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!

I love Rock as a wrestler but he wouldn't have been anywhere without wrestling he'd probably be doing some crap job. He should remember who made him famous and who put him in the position he is in.

He does ramble on about how he loves the business and shit like that and he can't even show up for things like the 15h Anniversary of Raw. Jesus all the hate between Vince and Hogan and Hogan still turned up.

Like I say Rock should remember who made him, simple as that.

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