Is John Cena jealous of The Rock?


The Next One
I think I can safely say, considering the number of articles I've seen this on WZ, Cena has some issues with Dwayne Johnson..he sounds like a broken tape recorder stating why he doesnt like the Rock..What led me to produce this thread was this headline on WZ

John Cena Challenges Rock For WM26!

As of right now, he has issued a challenge to the Rock at WM26, something that won't happen Im sure, but I ask myself, is this man jealous of Dwayne Johnson? Cena claims he has two jobs, and he cant seem to let go of the fact that Johnson vowed to stay in the business and broke his promise, on countless occasions So does Cena want the Rock to return?

I'm gonna give my input: I believe Cena is a little jealous of the Rock. Considering the amount of success Rocky has now, (doing Disney movies, introducing Grammy winners, and whatever else he's doing) I'm starting to think Cena wants the exact same thing. WWE might be "his wife and kids" but I believe he too wants to go Hollywood but realizes he'll never match up to the most electrifying man in sports entertainment!

Your thoughts?
Reporter: What are your views on "The rock"
Cena gives his view on the rock

Cena is an honest guy and gave his honest opinion on the rock leaving the business and cutting all ties. I doubt he is jealous as Cena love WWE, Vince and Wrestling, it wouldn't surprise me is cena did win an oscar then appeared on raw the next night
i dont think that he is jealous, he justbthinks that the rock done the wrong thing. personaly inthink the rock done nuffin wrong he done everyhting he could do in the wwe. he lft when he was young so that his body would not end up like hogans and austins, and cena just cant get through his head and is making him self look like a fool.

now this is off the topic but wat if this as all set up, like vince concinced the rock to have one last match at wm26 and everyhting that cena is saying is to build it up and he keeps going on bout it during the year then bang the rock comes out tells him 2 shut up and accepts cenas challenge now that would be huge and awsum i reckon but i no it wont happen
IMO i've been toying with this theory also of Vince potentially getting to the Rock already convincing him for 1 more match. I mean think about it while the rock might be in shape he is definately not in shape right now to do a decent match with Cena. (lets face it..Rock would basically be carrying Cena and Cena's 5 moves of doom). So I could see it playing out like this:

Cena takes a shot
Cena takes another shot at Rock
Rock responds
Cena calls Rock out again
Cena takes another jab
and another
and another

*Raw 2-3 weeks before WM*


Just a theory but it would make sense. Give Rock time to get back into a gym, make sure his stamina is in top form while he may have lost muscle mass as he wasnt required to be a gym rat to be a movie star and BOOM you've got a HUGE Hollywood story with a huge buy rate and HUGE sell out crowd all wanting to see The Great One return.
Why is he jelous of The Rock? Cena is currently a bigger star than The Rock, not even taking into account wrestling. Wasn't Cena one of the most wanted celebrities of 2008? That list which Milie Cirus was on top of or whatever. Yeah, Cena was higher than that. Sure, Rock has more fans. But meh, The Rock left this business and he can do whatever he wants. All I know is I'll be cheering Cena against him.
Why is he jelous of The Rock? Cena is currently a bigger star than The Rock, not even taking into account wrestling. Wasn't Cena one of the most wanted celebrities of 2008? That list which Milie Cirus was on top of or whatever. Yeah, Cena was higher than that. Sure, Rock has more fans. But meh, The Rock left this business and he can do whatever he wants. All I know is I'll be cheering Cena against him.

You are joking, right? Cena a bigger star than The Rock? Not a chance. For one, none wrestling fans have heard of The Rock. The same can't be said about John Cena. If I asked my firiends who Cena was they'd say they had no idea. If I said he was a wrestler they'd ask me if the Undertaker is still going.

Cena's the biggest thing in wrestling right now, but that doesn't mean shit when he's up against a former wrestler who's more popular than him or a ''C'' list movie star.
Reporter: What are your views on "The rock"
Cena gives his view on the rock

Hit the nail right on the head.

Cena isn't jealous of The Rock. He is just pissed off because Dwayne Johnson decided to cut away any connection he has to WWE when his fans would do anything for him to make an appearance. That's all.

To be honest it's something that i get pissed off at aswell
Why is he jelous of The Rock? Cena is currently a bigger star than The Rock, not even taking into account wrestling. Wasn't Cena one of the most wanted celebrities of 2008? That list which Milie Cirus was on top of or whatever. Yeah, Cena was higher than that. Sure, Rock has more fans. But meh, The Rock left this business and he can do whatever he wants. All I know is I'll be cheering Cena against him.

ROFL! That was funny, give us a real response

You really shouldnt take those bs most wanted lists into account...and Cena being more popular than Rock? I dont kno if u watch only wrestling but the last time I checked, Rock is everywhere! Unless I misunderstood what you're trying to say, yes Cena is currently more popular than the Rock in the WWE, but to truly test this, have the Rock come to Smackdown..have the millions.....(pause) and millions cheer "ROCKY ROCKY ROCKY", measure and compare the pop each superstar gets lol..

I agree with you Mike, to an extent Rock did his service, he did return to the HOF last year and did what he did best: Entertain the fans, only to be heckled by his friends and presenters of the show, so I ask you, what more can he really do. He came back and did his have him to wrestle would take more than a one month promo..I recall seeing a picture of the amount of muscle mass lost from 2004-2007..ridiculous amount lost, prolly the size of hornswoggle..just imagine Hornswoggle on Dwayne's Bicep loll..
ok, lets just stop and think about this one, how could Cena not be jealus, his goal is to be the best in the WWE, jumpin around saying quotes that absoloutly make no sence, "the champ is here", ok bud where is your title, oh yeah you dont have one, and also using a gimic as a little wigger. OK, now lets look at the other, The greatest wrestler ever in WWE history, topping both austin and hogan, and then he held the company up with DX when austin was gone, and even though he has left, he says for good, every fan in the wants to see him come back for one last match, admit it or not, the rock is better than cena, and both of em know it, and cena is jealus, and hopes that if rock comes back, which would be awsome, it would help make cena look better if he beats rock, or gives him a run for his money, and will also raise the sells of tickets and ppvs out the roof since it would be a dream match and the great one would finally step foot back in the ring.
I don't know what it is with Cena, but whatever problem he has with The Rock he needs to let it go. So he left to go make movies, big deal. Let the man do what he wants and get off his nuts, Cena.

Sure, I'd love to see Rock come back for one more match, but I don't mind that he's a movie star. He did everything he could in WWE and I've never been angry at him for leaving.

I highly doubt Cena's jealous; it's not like Cena isn't a big star himself and Cena doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would be like that. But he needs to get over whatever little thing he has against Rock.
I have to agree with a couple posts i read in the beginning. i feel that this has to be some sort of work between vince, dwayne and cena. now, if the rock even acknowledges cena's challenge, i believe that this could be one of the biggest works in a very long time.

why else would cena be bringing up his dislike with dwayne's choices over and over and over in every interview he's taking part in? it's like all of a sudden all you hear is how he thinks the rock sold out blah blah. he didnt do this when the marine came out. but now, that's all you hear. it's like the interviewers are told to ask cena about the "feud with dwayne johnson."
He isn't jealous. And the only reason he keeps going on about The Rock is because he keeps being asked about him. You think Cena wants to talk about The Rock when he's got a movie and Wrestlemania to promote? I don't think so. It'll be interesting to see if Cena does become a successful actor one day, will he still be in WWE? I very much doubt it. I miss The Rock from wrestling, but if he wants to be good in Hollywood, he needs to stay as far away from WWE as he can.
never that about that nd its a possibility. the rock is a better performer nd has way better mike skills. also if u look back at old tapes on u tube the rock gets way bigger eaction then cena
I am in no way a Cena fan but he is currently ment to be "da man". I think a heal turn is what he needs (just like the Rock in 97) & when he becomes face again he might actually be "da man" san's his dodgey punches and stf!

Anyway, Cena probably is a little jelous of The Rock, Steve, and Hogans, cause he's ment to be in the same catagory but he's not. But thats not the reason this is happening. ITS A WORK.
Personally, I like John Cena the man but hate John Cena the character. What Cena says about the Rock... whether you want to admit it or not, it's all true. Cena (and many fans, myself included) feel the Rock really weaseled and wormed his way out of the business. He would take some time off for a movie, come back, wrestle a pretty limited schedule, and go shoot another movie and maybe make an appearance if his schedule from the movie allowed it. Then the Rock would show up at these total random moments on Raw that continued to really tease the fans. I personally loved when he showed up to side with Eugene, his appearance in the Diva Search, amongst a few others. But he kept coming back and each time back, you forget how much you really missed The Rock. So all these random appearances, obviously to a fan not really "in the know" at the time, really gave the sense that he would come back sooner or later. Then... the appearances stopped and it was very public that he said he was no longer under contract with the WWE. So again in a sense, the Rock was teasing us. But you also have to ask yourself, would you rather not have those hilarious random moments at all? I know I enjoyed them and glad he did them.

Why are most of us bitter though? I think we're still bitter with The Rock because we never really got a "final appearance" or a final match. When The Rock/Hogan match was over, Hogan passed the torch to one of the faces of the next generation of wrestling. But what'd The Rock do? In 2-3 years, The Rock was essentially done. We never knew that a certain appearance would be his last and as fans, we were all caught totally off guard. Looking back, do I expect a send-off like we gave Ric Flair on Raw after WM24? No. But let us know. Let us brace ourselves for the final appearance. Have a "retirement" angle or episode of Raw or something. ANYTHING!!! That's why us fans are bitter in my eyes.

Cena's reason could be a little of the same but also different. We all know we've heard time after time how much The Rock loves the business, his passion for the business, etc... But yet, he just up and left the business that he "loved." He did it for Hollywood. Was the WWE not a big enough stage for The Rock? Cena's right. If you have THAT MUCH passion and love for something, you can't just up and leave the way The Rock did. It's impossible to walk away from something you love that much.
Cena also juggles his schedule with the WWE and movies and claims that he would never leave the WWE for Hollywood the way The Rock did...or at all for that matter. Cena loves the business and the fans just as much as The Rock does/did. But The Rock left us all hanging. It's tough to swallow for the fans, the other guys in the back, and for Cena who is pretty much following the same path with wrestling and movies.

You have to look at both sides. Should we be happy with the time The Rock entertained the millions... AND MILLIONS of The Rock's fans? Yes we should. It's better to have those memories of such a memorable superstar than to just be bitter about it the whole time. But do we have a right to be bitter? Yes. No matter how you slice it, The Rock really did kinda just... go. He up and left and nobody really saw it coming. We all thought this movie thing was a "side-life" if you want to call it that or a side-project in the game of life...whatever. But it wasn't. We're unhappy with the way The Rock went out, Cena's unhappy with the way The Rock went out. We have that right.

I think it would be interesting if somehow we could draw up a petition and have everybody that is drawn to The Rock's movies sign this petition and vow to never pay a dollar to see his films until he steps back into the ring. See how much the Hollywood life suits him then when nobody will see his movies. Not that it could ever really happen, but it would just be interesting to see how it would play out if it could.
I think I can safely say, considering the number of articles I've seen this on WZ, Cena has some issues with Dwayne Johnson..he sounds like a broken tape recorder stating why he doesnt like the Rock..What led me to produce this thread was this headline on WZ

If you're basing this off the number of articles on WZ relataed to the subject then you are most likely basing this off the same article re-posted over and over god knows how many times

s of right now, he has issued a challenge to the Rock at WM26, something that won't happen Im sure, but I ask myself

If Rock was in shape and didn't have any ring rust that match alone would sell WM26, that aside he issues the challenge so far down the road because he knows nothing will come of it, and by the time WM26 comes around everyone will likely completely forget about it

is this man jealous of Dwayne Johnson? Cena claims he has two jobs, and he cant seem to let go of the fact that Johnson vowed to stay in the business and broke his promise, on countless occasions So does Cena want the Rock to return?

Rock never said he vowed to stay in the business forever, people seem to forget that, he never ever promised that ever, when he was sign to WWE all he ever said was that there is nothing like the feeling of being in a WWE ring, how the fuck you all turned that into "I promise to never ever leave the WWE to be a huge movie star ever" I don't understand at all

I'm gonna give my input: I believe Cena is a little jealous of the Rock. Considering the amount of success Rocky has now, (doing Disney movies, introducing Grammy winners, and whatever else he's doing) I'm starting to think Cena wants the exact same thing. WWE might be "his wife and kids" but I believe he too wants to go Hollywood but realizes he'll never match up to the most electrifying man in sports entertainment!

Your thoughts?

That or it could be that he's just sick and tired of everyone comparing him to the Rock, and wants him to get back in the ring to prove to everyone that he is better than the Rock, unfortunately he's not
If all these Cena comments aren't a work, then he's just being a bit smarmy and sarcastic. It's endearing, really. I mean, he challenged the guy for WrestleMania 26. If he meant it, then it's a work. If not, then he was just being smarmy and sarcastic.
I think John Cena's smack talk is a combination of him wanting the torch passed on to him like The Rock had done for him from Hogan, and Vince telling Cena to mention dislike for The Rock to get under The Rock's skin. I can Cena's point because one of the most memorable promos that The Rock did in the ring was when Austin walked out on the company and The Rock said how much he loved the business and would be hobbling to the ring with a walker before he left the business.

As for the Rock's decision to separate himself from wrestling, so what, I think he just wanted to prove to himself that he could be successful on his own and not have to use WWE as a way to market himself. I don't know why people take it so personally that he said he is done with WWE. He probably has agents and advisors telling him that it was a good career move. Nobody knows that he lost passion for the business or turned his back, it was just a career move at the moment. Besides how many wrestlers have said they were done multiple times and came back. How is The Rock different that his claims are so believable compared to everyone else. I think he will come back one day, but at the same time I wouldn't hold my breath. I have to agree with others on this post that people wouldnt have such a problem if he came back for a final match instead of slowly fading out of WWE.
Reporter: What are your views on "The rock"
Cena gives his view on the rock

Cena is an honest guy and gave his honest opinion on the rock leaving the business and cutting all ties. I doubt he is jealous as Cena love WWE, Vince and Wrestling, it wouldn't surprise me is cena did win an oscar then appeared on raw the next night

Well, it would shock the hell out of me ! Cena wins an Oscar, now THAT would be something, I have seen The Marine...well, most of it, and he does have acting talent superior to Hollywood Hogan, but that's not saying much. I'd put his chances of winning an Oscar at the same level of Steve Segal's. I can say one thing, Cena only stars in WWE Films productions, the Rock has been in tons of different productions, maybe Cena is a bit jealous.
This is the problem with Cena topics nowadays. Cena fans are so sensitive that if you say anything remotely negative about him they get all up in arms and say that you're just hating to be hating. I think that there are both those who rip on Cena just because they can (but that number isn't nearly as large as some make it out to be) and those that defend him far too much. It's a nasty circle.

Anyway, here's how I see the situation. Cena is taking shots at Rock and they seem fairly unprovoked. Rock ripped him a little in return at the Hall of Fame and since then Cena has taken more shots. Rock has been fairly classy by usually dodging that entire line of questioning.

Cena's comments are uncalled for BUT I don't necessarily think they're his own points of view. It seems to be the company line and Cena is nothing if not the company man. It's hard to blame John Cena the person for this but really, would anyone be surprised if Vince told him to do this in hopes of luring Rock back for a match at 'Mania next year?

I don't see why anyone would begrudge Rock his success. He got out of wrestling because he COULD. Others don't have that luxary. Are people willing to give Hunter, Cena or even Austin good movie roles? No. They only get roles in WWE films or very small, bit parts in other movies that still aren't a big deal. Rock is insanely successful in films compared to anyone else. So why give him a hard time for that? He's a guy that won't die because of wrestling. He made his money and used the WWE to springboard to stardom.

Yes, I understand that The Rock said he'd always be WWE and I think he's still holding true to that. He doesn't deny his wrestling heritage. Sure, he doesn't play it up but not playing it up and playing it down are two very different things.

Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see one more match from The Rock but he doesn't owe anyone anything. Oh, and one more side note. Does everyone remember how the Rock/Goldberg feud went? Fans crapped on Goldberg and Rock buried him in promos. Does everyone also remember how the fans booed Rock when the alternative was Hogan? Well, the Rock/Cena feud would be similar. I don't care how over Cena is. If the other choice is Rock fans will boo Cena. No one is immune to being booed if there's a more popular alternative. Even HBK had to play the heel to Hogan. Cena would kiss a little fan ass and Rock would put him to shame on the mic. I'm not trying to start anything, it's just (in my opinion) a lock.

So to go all the way back to the question of this thread. Is Cena jealous? Eh. Maybe a little. But it's probably more the lines he's been fed to say.
I love the interaction with all of you guys who love wrestling but people hating on Dewayne Johnson is ridiculous. Sure, he loves wrestling, it's the family business back 3 generations but he didn't owe anything to us fans by wrestling his whole life. He gave us 7 years of his life and entertained the hell out of us. I love Cena's passion but I don't understand his beef. He is the top guy, the face of the company--why is he worried about The Rock. I would love to see this match but it won't happen. First, if WWE could get the Rock to come back, it wouldn't make sense for him to come back and lose. Secondly, if Cena wants the torch to be passes and many have claimed, the biggest star of the 90s was Stone Cold Steve Austin...Hogan didn't pass the torch to the Rock, he couldn't agree on a script with Austin. That's why they didn't wrestle at WM18. What Dewayne Johnson choses to do is his perogative. If Cena wants the torch, he needs to change targets...
No Cena isn't jealous of the rock. I completely understand where cena is coming from as I have similar views as he does of dwayne. However, there is a hint that vince is letting this play on so that dwayne may return for one more match (being his final one or not). If you think about it, just a year ago, cena had a go at the rock however that time cena was told off by vince and the background staff for letting his opinions out on the UK's Sun (newspaper). But this time, it seems as if vince is encouraging cena to carry on and who knows, "finally the rock may come back to the wwe (one last time)". lol
I absolutely agree with the person who made this thread. John Cena is jelous of The Rock because he will never be as good of an actor nor as good of a wrestler/wwe superstar as The Rock. plain and simple. Why the hell does John Cena care so much what the Rock does?! I think its awsome Rocky is kicking ass out in Hollywood. Would i like him to make an occasional appearance? Sure. Do I hate him because he doesnt. Hell No. and Cena shouldn't either.

so Cena is either:
1. Jelous of the rock
2.trying to do a publicity stunt for some buz for his movie because his performace cant speak for itself because he sucks as an actor and WWE films suck
3. Its a work
Will everyone stop bashing Cena, and saying he has to get over The Rock leaving to do movies? I hate Cena, and it pains me to defend him, but he never once said he hates The Rock for leaving, he never said that The Rock was an asshole for leaving and he never said that The Rock was an ass for distancing himself from wrestling.

He said that The Rock should not have said that his home will always be WWE, and that he would always be back no matter how big of a star he became and then left for hollywood and never mention WWE again. Cena said that it makes him and all the other guys who say they love the WWE and would never leave look weaker because it is exactly what The Rock said just before leaving for good.

So my argument is no, Cena is not jealous of The Rock. The interviewer asks him about The Rock and he answers. I share the same opinion as Cena, I couldn't care less that The Rock wants to do movies, I would love to see him come back, one more match would be great, full time would be better. I know it won't happen, but I would like it. And I think The Rock is a complete asshole for saying he loves the WWE and would never leave then disappear. He should have just announced his retirement and went on to make movies, OR, at least do one or two taped promos really quick if he is asked and don't betray all of his fans by saying he will always be here and then act as if the WWE is the plague and try to get as far away as possible.

I may hate Cena but I respect his passion and the way he openly admits that he thinks The Rock is an ass. I have to say that I respect him more than The Rock because I feel that Cena either will stay or at least announce that he is retiring if he ever leaves. And I am a huge Rock mark, and as stated multiple times before hate Cena.

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