Is it worth getting paroled now?

~Rated R Assassin~

Dark Match Jobber
Fuck this. Maybe I don't even want to leave the prison now. Hornswoggle? Are you fucking kidding me? I'm supposed to go talk WWE wrestling when they drop the ball like this?

Worst. Angle. Ever. I'd rather watch HHH fucking a dead Katie Vick than suffer through this colossal fuck-up. Thanks, Vince. Really. Thanks. Oh, how the mighty have fallen.

The brilliant minds at the WWE couldn't work around the Wellness suspensions with Kennedy and they're reduced to a fucking midget? They can have injury angles explain the absences of Umaga and Regal, but not Kennedy? You forgoe some potentially great matches and a great angle involving Kenendy and Shane McMahon for the assclown off the Lucky Charms box? You rip a great angle and feud leading into Wrestlemania between Kennedy and Triple H for Finley's after hours bar shit known as Hornswoggle?

I haven't seen a ball dropped like this since (american football reference coming up, Brits) since Ernest Byner fumbled in the 1987 AFC Championship Game and John Elway embarked on "The Drive."

Jesus Christ, WWE. You people actually collect a paycheck for this shit?
your an idoit for even watching wwe anymore, you should have watched no surrender instead it was class (well mostly apart from a couple of things)
You cant call somebody an idiot for watching WWE and then say he should have watched No Surrender. Both WWE & TNA are just as bad as each other.
Exactly. TNA has Pacman fucking Jones as a tag champ and he wrestled for 3 seconds. And the whole Abyss/Sting/James Mitchell/Judas Priest angle is a re-work of Undertaker/Kane/Mankind/Paul Bearer.

After 25+ years of watching wrestling, last night may have been the last straw. I'll hold out until Kennedy comes back and hope maybe there's a swerve of some kind. A plan to cover their asses, because over on PWTorch and Wrestling Observer, the fans feedback is full of venom and disgust.

Nothing like giving a big FUCK YOU to all your fans, Vince. Fans who pay money to see your increasing shitty product. 15,000 people in the arena chanting "Kennedy! Kennedy!", echoing the sentiments of wrestling fans worldwide, and instead of giving them what they want to see.....and FINALLY FULFILLING a big angle/ give us this shit.

I don't want to hear bullshit about the Wellness Policy and suspensions. Kennedy could still have been the son, and served his suspension. Injury angles were done for Regal and Umaga. Randy Orton, Mysterio, and Batista are getting off without anything. So they decide to take a potentially HUGE payoff to this angle and take a giant shit all over it with a midget. Outstanding.

All the hype surrounding Kennedy and Shane McMahon....the possible intervention of Stephanie and Triple....a Kennedy/HHH main event at Wrestlemania.....all that gone. I'll never, ever buy into the hype of a "big" storyline the WWE tries to push again. When's the last time they delivered? How many let downs can I be expected to endure?

No more, that's how many.
Its called comedy. If there is no alteration or mix up involving the test results or w/e else, and hornswaggle truly is vinces son at the end of it all, you can stick me back in here. I really really REALLY doubt this will be the end of it.
Its called comedy. If there is no alteration or mix up involving the test results or w/e else, and hornswaggle truly is vinces son at the end of it all, you can stick me back in here. I really really REALLY doubt this will be the end of it.

A) Comedy is supposed to be funny. This is anything but.

B) What does Hornswoggle have to do with you "being sent back here?"

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