Is TNA worth getting into?

If you was a diehard wCw fan you will love TNA...TNA is pretty much wCw 2000 right now. But some bright spots about TNA thought with some of the young wrestlers, and TNA always good for a laugh rather good or bad. So show is somewhat entertaining.
Actually I'm jealous of nothing. As it relates directly to Hardy. Are you aware of all the evidence they found IN HIS HOUSE???!!! Geez! The dude is an addict and anyone in denial of that FACT needs a wakeup call. He'll be lucky to see 40 at the pace he's doping!

Flair in shape? What kind of shape? Plum? Pear? The man is a train wreck! He spends more time fighting in traffic in Charlotte than he does actually WRESTLING. You know, that thing you seem so fond of!

As for WWE, who said I liked WWE any more than I do TNA? I think BOTH products are poorly produced these days. Vince was desperate to get his Wife elected to political office so he pandered and produced to gain popularity with the independents. It didn't work! Now what? He's billled it as reaching out to a new generation. What generation would that be? The one with a 2 minute attention span who'd rather watch The NFL and play Madden 2011 than to watch his show(s)?

As for Sting, who said I care? I said he's been one of the most popular names and faces in the business. That's a fact, like it or not! If he weren't, TNA wouldn't still have his name and face on their site even though he's allegedly no longer under contract with them. WWE wouldn't want him for WM27 and their HOF if he weren't. Think about that. The man has never wrestled on WWE programming, yet they STILL want him!!!

As for Jeff Jarrett. I think HE should retire. He should be working behind the scenes, training young wrestlers, as he has a wealth of knowledge he could share if he weren't so busy trying to keep himself relevant.

Hogan: Yes, brand and name recognition. Shows you just how desperate TNA was and is to this day. That they'd use a broken down, divorced, former steriod user who has a really WEIRD relationship with his daughter, and also a former reality show loser (like Miz), to be the face of their brand. Yep, way to hitch your wagon to that one Dixie! Nice move. Look, it got them their 15 minutes of fame, but that has passed. Time to move on. Write him off tv, let him work with Flair, Bischoff, and Jarrett backstage to produce a show with new stars, young stars. i.e. the next generation of superstar wrestlers. If they claim there aren't any, then how bad IS the wrestling business if all it has left is to rely on 20-25 year veterans who can't physically produce on tv anymore?

TNA is a bad product. Poorly produced, it LOOKS LIKE a small operation if you understand my meaning. The fact they've built their foundation on the people they have shows you how desperate they were to try to compete and why now, even Bischoff has commented that they'll NEVER get the ratings that WWE does. Even he gets it!

Ok, this has got to be one of the most ridiculous posts I've heard all day and trust me I've read some schlock already in other threads. Jeff Hardy's drug issues, let the North Carolina courts decide what to do with him. Personally speaking if I were behind the business end of things, I'd have not bothered hiring him, however considering that TNA has done that, they'll have to deal with how to fix that, it seems like they've already started that by getting the belt off of him last night. But that's all I'll say on Hardy. I'll agree with many that it was a less than wise move to sign this guy, but I have a feeling that will work itself out one way or another.

And while I'll also admit that Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan two of my favorite stars of all time should not be anywhere near the title scenes in TNA which they are not if you've bothered paying attention to the TNA product then you'll know that everyone with a title in TNA is near senior citizen status. As far as Hogan and Flair's roles in the company, Hulk Hogan hasn't even wrestled a match in a year's time, nor has he tried to force himself to due to his physical problems. Flair I'll admit is not someone I think should be in the ring but at least he's not wearing gold like I said earlier and he's not wrestling constantly. While sometimes these two may tend to be overexposed they are not hogging all the spotlight like some people like to wildly exaggerate.

Sure there are a lot of things in their programming they could fix in my opinion, but at the same time they just don't have WWE's production values and handle on the overall product of sports entertainment, even I'll admit that. But for fans who do like wrestling it fills a need that sometimes WWE I think fails to meet in certain aspects.

And newsflash TNA is a smaller venture than WWE, I think everyone knows that, it's a shame that Hogan and Bischoff overestimated what they could do with TNA so quickly but that's something they're going to have to deal with, and bottom line is some people are still watching the numbers might not compare to WWE's nor do I think they will anytime soon, I think there's still room for a company like TNA in the wrestling landscape even if the audience is not as big as WWE's.

Overall, my biggest problem with your TNA bashing isn't so much about not liking the product but you're acting like some moral beacon by talking about the personal lives of people like Hardy, Hogan and Flair and acting as if that's relevant to the topic of whether TNA is a good product or not and it isn't. Save that bullshit for a spam thread because it has no place in a discussion board about TNA's quality as a show.
Or, you could just follow the court case, which there wouldn't be one if he wasn't, find out his lawyer got him a deal no other person in his situation would have been able to even think about getting, realize that he's still going to get charged but stay away from jail (which is probably a good thing, somebody'd made him their bitch for sure), and use utter common sense to know that he is exactly what people brand him for.

I loosely follow the case (ie : whats posted on the dirt sheets).
Last time I checked in this country you're presumed innocent until proven guilty but I guess when you're posting on the intrawebs you forfeit the need to know what the heck you're talking about as long as everybody else is saying the same thing, bcuz it's kewl. More importantly there are plenty of well known drug dealers, killers and corporate crooks walking the streets so don't give me that bs about him getting special treatment.

So you razz the guy for being a WWE mark while you suck Hardy's nuts? Doesn't make a good argument, no matter how well you are at ball sucking. And quit being so blind and/or stupid. Quit living in denial. You're probably the type of person to still deny pro wrestlers have used/still use steroids. Get your head back into the sunlight.

Seems the truth got your panties in a bunch. However you realize you are a mark for getting upset about me not hating Hardy for getting into legal trouble..

Technically, it would be both, since he's still in the middle of storylines (the top one, I may add) and has come to the ring brandishing a chair, punching people, etc. etc. If it was just for brand awareness he'd be at the announce booth or sitting in the crowd w/Dixie and maybe doing a speech here or there.
Sounding more and more like a TNA mark calling out a WWE mark. Now what's that definition of irony again....??

Hogan at the announce booth.. if there is a god it's not going to happen brutha.
Hogan sitting in the crowd is just dumb. "Hey look Hogan is sitting next to Dixie I just gotta watch TNA to see him do it again next week yo.."

Hogan does tons of public appearances for TNA(speeches)
Hogan having a faction named after him due to his BACKSTAGE on screen power struggle with Dixie with the occasional in ring altercation is not the same as him lacing up the boots and wrestling on Impacts and PPV's on a regular basis (or semi regular like Flair), which is not what he's doing.

Definition of IRONY
: a pretense of ignorance and of willingness to learn from another assumed in order to make the other's false conceptions conspicuous (Ie: see UltimateShitman's post)

Incoherent rant about EB

You do realize Eric has like no real power. TNA has been WCW 2.0 since like 2008-2009.. maybe even earlier but that's when I really noticed it. well before EB ever spoke to Dixie about working for TNA.

Jarrett ..snip snip..

We agree for the most part on something but I got a lot of respect for the founder of the company I enjoy watching so I don't mind seeing him on TV, just as long as he's not main eventing. I think he's realized he's not a draw, the product has been better off for it.

Yet you sing the praises of Hardy (hasn't done anything worth remembering for longer than that, and with less of an iconic career), HH (Hulk Hobble), and JJ (who hasn't done anything worth remembering... EVER.) and even Flair who's 5 times older than Sting. :lmao::lmao::lmao: Seriously, I wanted to say so many things about this one, but all I can do is laugh and shake my head.

I don't make the topics or picked the people bro.... I rather talk about Robbie E and Cookie my dude. I just respond to what I had to work with and in those instances the person whom I was responding to got it all twisted. I'm just here to help cleanse these forums one ignorant person at a time.
I still marvel at the fact that some here have to have one or the other when it comes to TNA and WWE.

I like both.

I like WWE for their stars such as Cena, Orton, Taker, and one of my all time favorites, HHH. I love what these guys bring to the table.

I also like TNA for the knock-outs division, tag team division, and the edge the the PG era of WWE doesn't have.

So why like one or the other when you can ebjoy both?
Honestly, checking it out is the only way you can answer that question.

However, if you're into faster-paced action, then it is. If you're into a better (still, not GREAT) tag division, then yes it is. If you're interested in just a change of pace, then why not? If you want to see younger talent that might never have made it otherwise, then yes. It has it's moments. It has it's moments that are shit, as well.

Checking it out, in my opinion, would be worth it. Like anything else, give it an honest try with an open mind and try to enjoy yourself.
Given how I honestly feel it is turning out, I cannot say it is worth it. I'm stuck, because I'm a mark for certain talent on the roster, but the show as a whole more often than not, is unenjoyable. Maybe this will change, but given recent spoilers about factions...I just cannot help but see this as crazy wcw like when they were on the way down. Depends on what you want to watch it for. Whatever you do, give it three consistent weeks. Because they can and WILL throw amazing fluke shows outta nowhere some thursdays.
Well I missed the show Thursday but I just watched it on YouTube. There are some things I liked. One of the things I enjoyed was Pope and Samoa Joe doing a promo. I always thought WWE made a huge mistake letting "Elijah Burke" go... but who are we to question them about letting talent go when they get upset WWE not having plans for them. Kurt Angle STILL has it! I gotta say I'd be more of a mark for the faces on TNA because it's so much more natural and real than the WWE force-feeding of Cena and Rey Mysterio jizz. Why did they get rid of the 6 sided ring???
TNA is just a indie promotion that just so happens to have a television deal with Spike. Like an indie promotion they do not have enough money to do the things that WWE can do. If TNA had no Spike deal they be like ROH bascially.
TNA has a lot of quality matches and is improving every single week. Now I'm a WWE and TNA fan so I can compare both together and I never miss an episode of either. Give it a go as you cannot just go on hearsay or peoples opinions as they may think its the best thing going but you may think otherwise.

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