Is it too late for Sting to opt out of TNA and come to WWE to finish his career?


Pre-Show Stalwart
After that disgraceful situation TNA put Sting in at Victory Road, I think Sting should leave TNA and come to WWE. WWE's young talent have class unlike Hardy and would gladly have a good showing with Sting. Plus WWE's second biggest event will be coming so it gives Sting a chance to have a good showing with the top company and they may even give him a match with Taker at WM 28 if he comes over. Also I'm sure Vince would even have him put in the HoF. So many benefits from working with classy young talent to maybe even having the biggest match of his career at WM 28.

So do you think Sting should quit TNA and come to the WWE for the remainder of his career?
I dont really watch tna. But lets not have jeff hardy label the entire roster as awful and not classy. I believe sting is fine where hes at. I really wanted him to come over for mania. However, he made his choice. If hes happy there thats his perogitive.
Not every wrestler wants to be in the biggest wrestling company in the world. Some are happy just where they are.
just of curiousity you said their second biggest event is upcoming or something. last time i checked wrestlemania was the biggest event in WWE or are you talking about summerslam?
I think it too late for him to make it to this years Mania. But he can always go when his contract is up. Although I dont think he will go to WWE. VR is something TNA can get pass and will need Sting and all the talent coming together and making it happen. That is where Sting want to be.
its too late for sting to get to this years mania for sure. if he were to jump ship i think a perfect time would be at summerslam vs undertaker. even though its not at mania they could make crazy promos for him.

i just came up with this right now. so you know back in wrestlemania when undertaker came out with the crow. you could have undertaker win and do his little kneeling thing and have a crow fly out to his hand and have a weird look on his face as it was sting as the "crow". then have vignettes maybe 2-3 weeks before hinting a new wrestlers trying to take out the undertaker, and make undertaker vs sting with no one knowing that its sting til summerslam... iono maybe it would be weird but ehh w/e. especially if he wants to get out of the crap hogan/bischoff tna
I honestly believe Sting means it when he says TNA is where he belongs. Because I believe when Sting originally came over it was still NWA-TNA. Sting maybe feels like it is WCW or even NWA but not in a negative more of in the way that he is use to Russo, he is use to Hogan and Eric. He use to seeing guys like Nash, Booker (when they were in TNA), Scott Steiner and others walking the halls.

To me, a lot of fans want to see Sting vs. Taker or Sting vs. HBK and they figure the only it will happen is in the WWE. That might be true but personally, I would love to see a "good inshape" Sting wrestle guys like AJ Styles (more), Alex Shelley, Bobby Roode, ...even Bully Ray vs. Sting sounds like an interesting match up to me.

I dont understand though why fans or dirtsheets are often suprise when Sting stays in TNA after disappearing for awhile. I thought any fan that actually watched TNA was use to sting being around for a year...disappearing probably to rest and then reappearing for another year. Chances are if he was in WWE he would do the same thing.

He would show up in WWE soild for like 6 - 8 months and then we might not see him for awhile but no one WWE really does that except for Undertaker and since Sting doesnt have the backing and years with Vince like Taker does I dont expect Sting to be gave that same sort of respect.

Sting probably feels if he TRUELY wanted to go to WWE...he anytime...doesnt matter when doesnt matter how...the WWE will offer the contract no matter what. But I really think Sting does love in TNA and if he doesnt it hides it well...he might be very upset with TNA right now though...
After that disgraceful situation TNA put Sting in at Victory Road, I think Sting should leave TNA and come to WWE. WWE's young talent have class unlike Hardy and would gladly have a good showing with Sting. Plus WWE's second biggest event will be coming so it gives Sting a chance to have a good showing with the top company and they may even give him a match with Taker at WM 28 if he comes over. Also I'm sure Vince would even have him put in the HoF. So many benefits from working with classy young talent to maybe even having the biggest match of his career at WM 28.

So do you think Sting should quit TNA and come to the WWE for the remainder of his career?

Sting has been working within his own comfort zone since he joined the WCW. He won't leave that to join the WWE, where A) he doesn't know how he'll be used, and B) he'll be riding the coattails of his WCW success, which is something he's grown out of during his tenure with TNA.

Sting knows he has a place in TNA. But if he joined the WWE, he'd have to work his way up, and it's just way too late in his career to have to deal with being put over, rather than putting over.

Think about this: The last time we saw Sting in the WWE(F), he had big, colorful facepaint and clothing.
Sting has been working within his own comfort zone since he joined the WCW. He won't leave that to join the WWE, where A) he doesn't know how he'll be used, and B) he'll be riding the coattails of his WCW success, which is something he's grown out of during his tenure with TNA.

Sting knows he has a place in TNA. But if he joined the WWE, he'd have to work his way up, and it's just way too late in his career to have to deal with being put over, rather than putting over.

Think about this: The last time we saw Sting in the WWE(F), he had big, colorful facepaint and clothing.

Are u serious?

Sting would not have to work his way up in WWE, he'd be put straight into a brief money spinning fued with Taker and that's it, there's nothing else he can do, he's washed up and shouldn't be wrestling other than a few appearances for starters. He's 52, u do realise that right?

In TNA everyone who was former WCW or WWE are riding there respective coattails, they don't come in and start afresh, anyone who knows history knows who they are and anyone who doesn't learns pretty quick.

Even if one doesn't know TNA has no issue cashing on the success of there past and blatantly advertise, as would WWE short of saying one was from TNA.

He shouldn't be getting put over, he should be the one putting others over. It's called planning for the future, and i think he and Ric Flair though they do get alot of air time are not total egomaniacs like Hogan for instance and don't have an issue putting others over, not like he's gonna be around for years to come

Lastly Think about this: The last time we saw Sting in the WWE(F), he had big, colorful facepaint and clothing.
HE WAS NEVER IN THE WWF/E he was WCW and TNA nothing else, The Ultimate Warrior who was Stings tag partner at one point got the shift to WWF and got a huge push, Sting stayed in what became WCW and hit the big time in his own right.
It's irrelevant he can't just up and leave TNA and go straight into WrestleMania that ship has sailed if it was ever gonna happen, maybe next years as OP said.

And WWE would still cash in on it even for a very brief run, they don't need him, but would certainly use the name power and Taker vs Sting writes itself,
Icon vs Phenom
Soul of the WWE vs Soul of the WCW

and if they inducted him to the HOF he's locked to WWE for a set amount of time for merchandising, appearances etc.
I'd love for Sting to wrestle in front of a huge crowd like WM just once before he retires. Maybe Taker's 20 and final WM? Wouldn't that rock. He wrestles in front of such small crowds. But like I said if he's happy there that's cool.
Honestly... If I was Sting I would break the contract go to WWE show up at Mania and confront Taker after he beats HHH. Set up a year long feud between the TRUE last Outlaws... Ric Flair was the Hulk Hogan equivalent though I've always seen one being larger than the other. Sting and Taker are more like Stone Cold vs. Goldberg one of those matches that we all wanted but never really saw. Though they are getting older. It's getting close to time for both Undertaker and Sting to hang it up. The question is will they or will we see the two of them strapping on their gimmicks into their 60's like Ric Flair and the BEYOND broken Hulk Hogan.
Well,let me say it this way,guys like christian,booker t,kevin nash and r-truth who had gone from wwe/f to tna and returning to wwe again has had success.Leaving kevin nash and booker t because they are not wrestling but nash is involved as a backstage and promoter sort of thing and booker as a commentator,but they are making money and living better.
But sting has got little to no wwe experience.He chose not to.That was his decision and i respect it.But now going to wwe would mean that only wrestling fans of the past ten to fifteen years will know him, and not the new wrestling or it would be appropriate to say the wwe fans i.e in my humble opinion, i will say that yes,it is late,but who knows???
No their is no reason for sting to come to WWE why so he could job to the streak amd be a legendary name on takers resume? no thanks the only way i would want to see sting come is if the streak is over and is ended by someone that way if he did come back it would be sting vs undertaker the promos would be great the anticpation would be their and the crowd would be 50-50, if its sting vs taker with the streak on the line a blind man would see it a mile away that undertaker is winning

would it be a dream match kinda but the whole point of a dream match is who is going to win thats what made Hogan/Rock so epic no one had a clue who was going to win, a dream match isnt really a dream match when you know who is going to win.
Personally, I think it's a shame for everyone that Sting didn't go to WWE for this year's Wrestlemania. His presence on the card would have made the entire event that much more interesting and we would have been getting in-ring action instead of the Rock/Cena promo wars and the troll doll known as Snooki.

Think of the push and the respectful treatment he would be getting instead of being forced in the ring with a junkie and hearing the fans nearly riot.

A sad situation for everyone.
Sting can go to WWE any time he wants. He could call Vince tomorrow and be out of his TNA contract in time for RAW on Monday. He, for whatever reason, doesn't want to work for WWE. I think that it's some sort of Pride issue with him. But I truly believe that Sting will eventually sign a Legends contract and be in the HOF, and get a three disc set on his career.

And I don't think that the events of victory road reflects on the talent roster in a bad way, but the way it makes TNA management is HORRIBLE. WWE would NEVER let ANYONE go to the ring in that condition. They would be given the option of either going to rehab immediately or fired on the spot as soon as management saw them.
After that disgraceful situation TNA put Sting in at Victory Road, I think Sting should leave TNA and come to WWE. WWE's young talent have class unlike Hardy and would gladly have a good showing with Sting. Plus WWE's second biggest event will be coming so it gives Sting a chance to have a good showing with the top company and they may even give him a match with Taker at WM 28 if he comes over. Also I'm sure Vince would even have him put in the HoF. So many benefits from working with classy young talent to maybe even having the biggest match of his career at WM 28.

So do you think Sting should quit TNA and come to the WWE for the remainder of his career?
I agree with you completely. Sting is too classy to be in TNA. His reaction at Victory Road showed exactly how he felt.TNA really needs to step their game up, or they will be gone very soon!!!
It certainly would be really cool! TNA definitely has to do something to pull itself together. I see several loose threads there that if pulled any more...well...the sweater will unravel.
I think what you really have to ask, is does WWE have any good reason to use him? If TNA was doing even remotely well right now, it would make sense to poach one of their biggest stars, offer him more than what TNA could give him, make him look really good in the ring, turn him into an even bigger star, and rub it in the competition's face that they dropped the ball with this guy. But for a long time now. WWE hasn't even paid attention to TNA, and rightfully so, because TNA does a good enough job making themselves look bad, they don't need any help.

So that's the main reason I don't see it happening. It doesn't matter what Sting wants. Even if he wanted to finally try the WWE, there would have to be something in it for the WWE. Would Sting really be that much of a profit for them? Most of the current WWE audience has no idea who he is. Maybe they have seen him on TNA but they certainly weren't around to be watching wrestling during the WCW/nWo battle.

I just don't see a lot of incentive for WWE to want to bring him in. Again, if TNA was doing a better job of competing, of course it would be a good move against your competition to steal one of their stars. But TNA is a sinking ship and Sting obviously feels some bizarre sense of loyalty to them, so he'll probably sink with it.
I can't help but think that Sting must be second-guessing his decision.

If he went to WWE, he'd be getting pushed to the moon and involved in what would then clearly be the main event of Wrestlemania, with a on-year 'victory lap' to pay tribute to his illustrious career in the manner it deserves.

As it is, he's the 'champion' of an organization that looks like a complete trainwreck, with fans chanting curses following the main event of their most recent pay-per-view.

Everyone seems to be suffering for this decision.
I know that in the wrestling world we should never say never, but in this case Sting will never go to the WWE. Look if he wanted to go there, he would have been there a long time ago like in 2002-2003. So guess what, he doesn't want to go whatever the issue is he didn't go.
I think what you really have to ask, is does WWE have any good reason to use him? If TNA was doing even remotely well right now, it would make sense to poach one of their biggest stars, offer him more than what TNA could give him, make him look really good in the ring, turn him into an even bigger star, and rub it in the competition's face that they dropped the ball with this guy. But for a long time now. WWE hasn't even paid attention to TNA, and rightfully so, because TNA does a good enough job making themselves look bad, they don't need any help.

So that's the main reason I don't see it happening. It doesn't matter what Sting wants. Even if he wanted to finally try the WWE, there would have to be something in it for the WWE. Would Sting really be that much of a profit for them? Most of the current WWE audience has no idea who he is. Maybe they have seen him on TNA but they certainly weren't around to be watching wrestling during the WCW/nWo battle.

I just don't see a lot of incentive for WWE to want to bring him in. Again, if TNA was doing a better job of competing, of course it would be a good move against your competition to steal one of their stars. But TNA is a sinking ship and Sting obviously feels some bizarre sense of loyalty to them, so he'll probably sink with it.

I give wrestling fans a lot more credit in that I think they know who Sting is an what he's done in the business.

I think WWE could make $10 million in increased revenues if they had a good one-year run with Sting.

Merchandising him and the whole 'Scorpion' thing to a new audience would sell monster numbers of shirts, hats, etc. And a career-retrospective DVD set would be huge as well.

To say nothing of the increased buyrates for fans wanting to see dream matches featuring Sting and all of WWE's talent he's never wrestled before, starting with Undertaker at WM 27.

Just think of the huge amount of fan interest generated simply by interpreting the 2/21/11 vignettes into something better than they actually turned out to be.

And then multiply that by 100 if it had actually happened...

My two cents anyway.
WWE would burry and misuse Sting. Sting is still one of the few old wrestlers who still has credibility. I still enjoy his matches. Really, he is the only old wrestler in TNA who is still watchable. As bad as TNA is I don't mind Sting being there or finishing his career there. Sting's legend is bigger than TNA and as long as he watches his step he should be fine.
sting will join the wwe to go into the hall but i dont think he will ever have a match !!!
when flair is done with TNA witch should come soon sting will head out also so buy this time next year we will be talking sting again watch !! sting did not sign a long term contract with TNA he on a independent lease contract !! he can lease when ever tna lets him or he asked to be released !!
I think what you really have to ask, is does WWE have any good reason to use him? If TNA was doing even remotely well right now, it would make sense to poach one of their biggest stars, offer him more than what TNA could give him, make him look really good in the ring, turn him into an even bigger star, and rub it in the competition's face that they dropped the ball with this guy. But for a long time now. WWE hasn't even paid attention to TNA, and rightfully so, because TNA does a good enough job making themselves look bad, they don't need any help.

So that's the main reason I don't see it happening. It doesn't matter what Sting wants. Even if he wanted to finally try the WWE, there would have to be something in it for the WWE. Would Sting really be that much of a profit for them? Most of the current WWE audience has no idea who he is. Maybe they have seen him on TNA but they certainly weren't around to be watching wrestling during the WCW/nWo battle.

I just don't see a lot of incentive for WWE to want to bring him in. Again, if TNA was doing a better job of competing, of course it would be a good move against your competition to steal one of their stars. But TNA is a sinking ship and Sting obviously feels some bizarre sense of loyalty to them, so he'll probably sink with it.

You need not look further then the lack of stars in WWE to see why the WWE would want him, if you are 21 or older you know who sting is people need to stop acting like only kids watch WWE.

Its the same reason they would hire Kurt Angle if they could, its the same reason they rehired jeff hardy when he was in tna the first time....people want to see those guys and people will pay money to see them, and people will pay to have their merchandise. TNA has nothing to do with it WWE is a business if people want to see you and would pay their hard earned money to see you then if the terms are right WWE will sign you its happened plenty of times

Jeff Hardy coming back, Scott Hall, Kevin Nash, Hogan coming back, Goldberg coming to wwe all those happened because people wanted it sting is 52 but people would want to see him, for the same reason they would want to see the undertaker, a legend who can still work a match which in most peoples eyes is better then a young guy rushed into the title picture with ok inring skills

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