Is it me, or would a Morrison/Sheamus feud be better...


Getting Noticed By Management
...than the current WHC feud of Del Rio and Edge?

Ok, maybe not. Edge and Del Rio are certainly better at cutting promos than Morrison is and probably Sheamus too. Though, Sheamus to me is very entertaining on the mic.

But think about it. If Morrison and Sheamus were on SD! they'd have something TO DO. Both should be main eventers and yet one is yet to find something to do and the other is going after the US title. If these 2 were on SD! not only would it help their careers by making them look more main-event worthy as oppose to being burried by Cena, HHH, CM Punk, Orton, Miz (even though he sucks), etc. but it would also give them something to do.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Edge and Del Rio is really growing on me. But the opportunities this could provide would seem a lot better...

Edge v. Christian grudge match

Del Rio v. Bryan for US title (would be a great match, gives Del Rio a little bit more time to grow in the WWE... I know he's been everywhere and great everywhere but the WWE is just different. It's the major leagues)

Sheamus vs Morrison for the WHC

...I guess I'm getting a little bit too drastic here.

Nevertheless, I love all 4 of these superstars (and Christian if he eventually gets involved) but I just wish SD! had these 2 because I think they'd be much better over there and used a lot better.

Bad Idea, in my prespective!!

John Morrison is being built on RAW for what??
If he cant talk, he will never be a good champion, he needs to improve is mic-skils a lot!!

I Like the feud between JoMo and Sheamus, but ME Wrestlemania?? :S
I dont think so, none of those two has got to this rank!!

Edge is a great champion, future Hall of Famer, and he is winning every single week :S i dont even remember Edge losing since he returned to SD!, i mean i remeber him losing against Justin Gabriel :S
But beating everybody else and get a draw against Kane :S

Del Rio is the breakout star of 2010, not award, but he was!!
He is a up-card, main eventer, right now!! He only needs to get a really good match, the type of match that put people mad..

So Edge and Del Rio is a great match and i really want to see that...

:D Good Post, its good for having people still interested in the "B" show :(
Edge and Del Rio are the main event of Smackdown now and will be for many months to come. Edge hasn't lost since coming over to SD and has had a good reign as WHC. Del Rio is being booked as unstoppable. I hope their match at WM is the first of many, it really does have the potential to be a great feud. I would prefer to see Edge retaining against ADR at WM27 and then have ADR win it against Edge at a future PPV. Then I could see Edge taking some time off before one final feud leading into WM28 where he will probably retire.

I don't want to see JoMo on Smackdown, he has been booked quite strong recently (I can't remember the last time he lost clean in a non gimmick match) and if he finds a good feud (maybe DZ?) he can work his way into the Main Event scene on Raw. On the other hand, it would be a good decision to put Sheamus on SD. The guy has basically been buried on Raw and he needs to rebuild himself as a monster heel and the mid card scene on SD is the perfect place to do that.
Seems pretty likely for Sheamus to end up on SD pretty soon, probably right after Mania, I think they'll keep Morrison on Raw for the time being, everyone seems to want a Morrison-Miz feud so thats a possibility, maybe a feud with Dolph. Sheamus could have a good feud with McIntyre since there may be a face turn in the near future for Mc.
I'd rather see a Morrison/Sheamus feud, but the WWE doesn't seem to like having TWO "young" guys fighting for the title.

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