Is It Me? Or Is Goldust The Shit !!!!

Man, I thought I was the only one! I for one, as always been a fan of Goldust. Not only his in in-ring work have been looking good, he's always great in skits. I'm so glad they brought back the funny, Goldust/Booker T version. The whole "You smell like SHIT...shitake mushrooms!" was probably the funniest thing I've seen on WWE TV in a while.

Goldust would be way over if they gave him a main event run. But I remember Steph saying something about wanting to build new stars so I doubt G-Dust gets a push like that. Maybe even a tag title run? It looks like there might be a Colons-Legacy program in the works. Maybe Legacy picks up a win and gets challenged by his strange brother, Goldust and the Horny guy. From there, it can even lead to a Goldust vs Cody feud.

1. I saw Golddust after a match at Access this past year. He had his suit unzipped at the top front and it surprised me because he looked like he was in GREAT shape!

2. He is SOOO SOOO funny. The Booker T/Golddust stuff on Youtube might be the funniest stuff on the internet.

3. He has proven he can wrestle! The last few weeks he has looked very good, and has been very entertaining in the ring.

SO WHY NOT give him a main event push. WWE Champ Golddust sounds freaking crazy, but is that just because for the last 5 years we've seen NO ONE but HHH Batista Orton and Cena!? I for one would NOT be the least bit disappointed to see him go that far. I know it won't ever happen, but i'm saying, I'd be SO happy to see him moved up a little bit.
Being the WWE is adding more and more wrestlers to the breadline as of late I think Golddust is stepping up his game so he doesn't end up in the FE club. I agree he did look great..especially that twisting suplex thing he did monday night..
I got a question. Is there some kind of heat between HHH and Dustin? I noticed some mention in some of the posts...
I agree, Goldust has looked really solid in the ring the past couple of weeks. However, he ring work is only great compared to his recent stuff, he can't be considered one of the best workers in the company. He may be in a comedy tag team, but he shouldn't be complaining as long as he gets TV time.

The truth is, Goldust will never be much more than a mid carder, but he'll always be entertaining. I'm a fan and hope he sticks around as long as possible.
Dustin Runnels aka Goldust is a GREAT worker and older brother to Cody Rhodes. When he came in during the mid-90s he was a major player and started a lot of controversy because his gimmick was way more risque back then. He held the intercontinental belt and was in numerous title matches with Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels. I think the WWE is stupid for letting him waste away with Hornswaggle. He will always get great heat and is the guy you love to hate when they make him serious. The WWE is running out of good heel workers on RAW, he'd be great at it.
The creative team on WWE is clearly wasting a talented guy like Goldust with Hornswaggle. Hornswaggle himself is stale and should be on TV like once a month max.

They really should be giving goldust a legit push for either the US or Intercontinental title (preferably the IC). If not, put him in a tag-team with Santino and give some credibility back to the tag division. Most of you will remember how succesful "Book-Dust" was back in the early 2000's when Booker T and Goldust had HUGE support from the fans as a legit team.

My suggestion; "San-Dust"

Put these guys in a team, have them win the tag titles to gain some credibility, because God knows they need it now after what WWE has done to them by taking away their dignity, and then split them as solid mid-carders. Right now they are NOT being utilized and it really is sad.
Have Legacy win the Tag Titles in the future. Orton kicks Rhodes out and he loses the title. He vows for revenge and teams up with Golddust.

Do this once Golddust is really built up.
Id love to see WWE give Goldust a heel run as himself Dustin Rhodes.He had that role before i forget where but i think if given the opportunity with his skill and ability he could be great as a decent heel or a face without the goldust gimmick.

Hell even possibly later teaming him with Cody or even a Dustin/Cody feud.I like the character of Goldust but think Dustin deserves a shot to be himself and work a different character then one covered in make up all the time.The one time i seen him working a character without make up as a heel seemed to work well but maybe im wrong and just dont remember much of that character.I do believe it was the character he had when he left WWE for WCW i just cant remember his name for the life of me.Its was a Boogeymanish type gimmick where kids was supposed to fear him.

don't know if anyone has said this yet but his character was called "The Natural"Dustin Rhodes while he was in WCW. had some great matches and really loved his brall in the back of a movie Tractor trailor with Bunkhouse Buck. He does look like he's back in really good shape and I also believe they should let him drop the make-up and finish his career as himself. Him and Cody wouuld be an awsome heal team with Dustin as the mouth piece cause I can not for the life of me get past Cody's lisp
i actully said this in one of my raw reveiws.. that goldusts old school style is just so smooth and his quick on his feet.. i realy dont see why people put the guy down.. i actully would like to see him do his stutering promos they were helarious.
Goldust rocks the shit man!! I've been saying it to mates for years and none of them agree with me, at least you people can see some sense, I say we all bombard with e-mails demanding more Goldust. Viva la Goldust!!!!
Wow you guys! I am surprised at the response to this thread. I didn't know what kind of responses would come out of it and didn't necessarily expect such a positive response. I am glad that so many of you agree with me on this one because I really thought it was something that shouldn't be overlooked. Just as much as I like to point out the crap in wrestling, I also like to shed light on the things in it that are still great.

Responding to some of the posts I read, one thing I noticed was a popular trend in peoples posts was classifying him as either a lower mid-carder or upper mid-carder and so on. A lot of folks saying he is better than a lot of the upper/lower mid-card but not so much the upper echelon. That is where I disagree and part of the reason I made mention of it all. His ring work and so on was so crisp and so polished.

It definitely looked to me like the guy could easily run with the main event superstars, and probably wear a lot of them out. I could see some of those guys being blown up trying to wrestle him no problem. That finisher too, damn! I don't see a lot of people kicking out of that one.

Some of you mentioned his ability to work a crowd, and stated how much people do like watching him wrestle. That reminded me of a time I saw him wrestle live. It was 2006 Wrestlemania Revenge Tour here in Des Moines, Iowa. It was just a regular house show with the main event being John Cena vs Triple H for the WWE title.

One of the first few matches was Goldust against Chris Masters. I have to tell you, Chris Masters got worked over pretty bad in that match. Goldust wrestled circles around him, and he did have amazing crowd control, the people responded to him so well in fact that I was surprised he wasn't doing more with the WWE then.

I guess since he never has been to the top of the card I can understand peoples arguments that top of the mid-card is as far as he can go. Realistically I see that, my whole point though was that his ability is that of a true champion. Some of you also mentioned that it would be ok for him to go for the U.S title but I have to disagree on that too. I think since he is a former Intercontinental Champion that if he is to be in a title picture it be that title. I also thought of that title run because of the current holder, Chris Jericho. I think they could have an amazing program together.

Just imagine the mic work between those two. Jerico could mock everything about Goldust completely underestimating him, Goldust could do the stutter thing and just make fun of Jerico somehow. They have a match, upset victory for Goldust. Let him run with it for a while, and see how that goes. I say then based on the success of that run, you might then be able to parlay that into a main event run if people take well enough to him.

I think some of the hold up with Goldust is that he's from the yesteryear's of the WWF, and was one of the more bizarre characters that they ever made. Right now they have found use for him, but as so many of you agreed, I think that he is grossly underused. I must admit though I think it's a real treat to us all that he is being used period.

You just don't see too many guys who have that kind of work ethic, and ability in the ring. A lot of guys have a move-set that is parallel to the personality of their character i.e. Batista, Triple H, Big Show just for example to give you an idea what I am talking about. Goldust can just wrestle masterfully. He is his character but his character isn't what defines his move-set, he just has years of experience and natural ability (go figure, being the son of Dusty Rhodes) and like I said in my first post, has excellent ring generalship. When you really look at it, this guy is a solid a wrestler and rounded out performer as you could ask for.

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