Is It A Win Or A Loss?

Butch Reed's Survivor Series Record

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The Brain

King Of The Ring
Just curious what you guys think. I've had an ongoing disagreement for years with a friend of mine. At Survivor Series when a wrestler is eliminated but his team goes on to win do you think the eliminated wrestler should be credited for a win or a loss?

Take the main event of the first Survivor Series for example. In my opinion Andre The Giant won the match and everyone else lost. This was Butch Reed's only Survivor Series and he was eliminated from Andre's team. He was pinned and sent back to the locker room. I say he lost and his Survivor Series record is 0-1. My friend says Reed should be credited for a win because a member from his team won the match. He says Reed's Survivor Series record is 1-0.

What do you think?
I've always thought that although they were eliminated, they still participated on the winning team and that's what the records will show, so I credit them with a win.
It should be a win. Think about it they are a tag team no matter what. It's just the stipulation that makes it an elimination style match. If you are on a team and someone from your team wins you should be credited with the win.
I forget exactly how survivor series is billed but I think it should be a win. Isn't it a team match with captains? If it is, his team won. Although I would contend Butch Reed's record to still be 0-0.
It's a win for the whole team. It's about which TEAM can survive. Andre was a member of his team and he survived. It would be like saying if you lost a fall in an iron man match you lost the match. The match keeps going anyway. You can't use the same rules on it that you would a standard match.
It's a win as he is still on the winning team.

In the same way, if there was an elimination tag team match between Kozlov and Marella and the Nexus, and Kozlov was eliminated but Marella won. The team would have won.
The thing is!! say they get eliminated and when their team wins.. they dnt come out to celebrate!! But i have to say its a win!!! cuz its a team effort!!!
I recognize it's a team effort but not everyone on the team comes out a winner. Butch Reed did not survive Survivor Series. Andre The Giant did. At the end of the match the Fink announced Andre The Giant as the winner. Not Team Andre. He didn't mention anyone else. Same thing in the opener. Fink announced Randy Savage, Ricky Steamboat, and Jake Roberts as the winners with no mention of Brutus Beefcake or Jim Duggan. I see both sides of the argument but I still think it should count as a loss. To me eliminated = loss.
Loss because the name Survivor Series implies survival is the name of the game. If you lose, you don't get credit and after all, doesn't that make for more creative feuds, face / heel turns, and resentment?
Could you imagine the Mean Street Posse vs. whomever? Joey abs gets eliminated after putting on a hard fought battle. Rodney & Pete Gas get the win, but become arrogant and never mention Joey Abs as a victor. Joey Abs turns face and feuds with his ex-Posse.
Makes for more possiblilities, wouldn't you say?
Your team won, but you really didn't. Say if a guy with a streak like Samoa Joe or Goldberg who went undefeated for a while wrestles in this kind of match, he gets pinned but his team wins, the record would say he won, but he's no longer undefeated because he was pinned.

Confusing, I know.

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