Is Goldust "as good as anybody in the WWE?"


Dark Match Jobber
Recently, as reported here on the site, Jericho "tweeted" that statement. Jericho is arguably one of the top heels in the company and has wrestled and had great matches literally all over the world for the past 20+ years. I think if anyone has the right to judge talent, it's him.

Is Goldust really as good as anybody in the WWE? If not, why would Jericho say something that complimentary to him? And if so, could this comment lead to a future single's championship (be it IC, US, World, WWE, depending on the brand he's on. He has seemed to float between brands quite regularly)?
Well, if you take the comment as being from Chris Jericho, the heel, you could say that he was being snarky, that his statement was actually mocking Goldust.

But, if you take it as coming from Chris Irvine, and not his alter ego, then it can be taken as a genuine compliment. I don't know if I would go quite as far as Jericho does, but I do think there is some element of truth to it. At least, now. Over the past six months or so, I have watched Goldust go back to giving a damn. He looks like he finally cares about his matches again. On ECW, he wasn't simply jobbing to everyone anymore, he was jobbing, but putting on halfway respectable matches. It has been a LONG time since that happened. Perhaps Dustin decided that he was sick of being so out of shape, for all appearances, it looks like he has gotten himself into better shape than he was since his initial run with the WWF. He is never going to look like his brother, Dustin has too much of his father in him. But, for him, he is in good shape. I don't know how else to describe Goldust lately, other than perhaps rejuvenated? He seems to be having fun again. I could see him getting a push for a mid level title, or tag titles with the right partner, but I don't see them ever pushing him to the main event level. No WWE or WHC title for him, but, he could remain relevant in that mid card role. I suspect Jericho was just giving Goldust credit for his renewed energy in the ring. I seriously doubt Jericho literally meant Goldust was as good as anybody. He was just being nice.
Dustin Runnels is the complete professional wrestler. The guy has everything: Size (not muscular, but still pretty damn big), charisma, promo ability, and in-ring ability. And he's had all of that since the early nineties if you ask me.

Now, while there are people in WWE that might be a tad bit better than Rhodes at each aspect separately, as a whole there's hardly anyone who has it all like he does.

That said, the Goldust character absolutely cannot receive a push today. Of course you have to look at it from the WWE PG perspective for one, but also... what else can you do with that character that hasn't already been done before? Not much, if anything. And unfortunately, I don't see WWE doing something else with him besides the random Goldust matches to put people over.

All in all, do I think he talented? Yes, but do I see him receiving a push anytime soon? Absolutely not. And it's a shame too, because the guy could offer quite a bit in mid-card programs, in my opinion.
not that you see goldust botch many spots or anything. he may not always be the most exciting man in the ring but he certainly is a talented wrestler. jericho's comments sem to be more centred on Goldust's in ring ability rather than his enthusiasm or entertainment value.

Still the odds on Goldust winning a world title are worse than Santino's
... Dustin has too much of his father in him.

That's for sure. Yet, in spite of his inherited genes, he has returned to being in the kind of shape he was when he battled Roddy Piper at Wrestlemania. A few years ago, I thought his genetic make-up was getting the best of him and that he was going to wind up looking like his father. Instead, after a horrible period as Black Reign, he has returned to looking like Goldust in his prime.

Dustin has always been unique in his ring tactics. He's an original who has never been afraid to display his own set of moves. He does some things that no one else does and his matches have always been entertaining.

Frankly, I don't see a push looming for him, as he's just been around too long to be someone that management has big plans for, but I'd love to be proven wrong on this.
I personally think it was Jericho the heel being sarcastic.

However, I'm a big fan of Goldust. He has all the things jmt mentioned, plus he is still extremely over. He has done nothing recently except show up, and the crowd still goes wild for him.

Unfortunately, I don't see him being used as anything more than an enhancement talent anymore. As much as I'd love to see him get more title reigns (Heck, even a world title I wouldn't mind), it's not happening. He's Goldust. He may be over, full of charisma, size, and skills, but he's still saddled with the tourettes gimmick and I don't really know how many casuals would take him seriously.

Then again, anyone can be taken seriously if booked properly. But I don't think Creative is going to.
I don't know if Chris Jericho meant it or if he was just being sarcastic, but I think Goldust definitely is as good as anyone in the WWE. He has improved so much since his time on TNA and his last stint in WWE. He is a great wrestler, he's believable in the ring, he great on the mic, he makes a great trainer, he's entertaining, he's stut... stutt... stuttering, due to his electricution years ago still gets me every time. Goldust is the complete package... he can do it all. And if Jericho says that Goldust is that good, I believe him. Considering he was in the ring with him, and he knows what he is talking about.
He is as good as anyone out there. Other than his gimmick, I dont see why WWE doesnt push him. jmt said it before, he is the total package. He has a ton of charisma, and he is one hell of a wrestler. He is a 3 time intercontinental champion. A 9 time hardcore champion, and a former tag team champion. He has been around for years and to be quite honest, still has not slowed down. The fans love him, I assume people backstage love him as well. He just is a team player. If it wasnt for him jumping to TNA twice, I think we would have seen a lot more of him. Although, now that he is on Smackdown, I expect something from him.
Whether he meant it in a sarcastic manner or not, it's true to some extent. Goldust is one of the most underrated characters in wrestling history. I'm not saying it's one of the best , just one of the most underrated. Anybody can be given a gimmick, but it takes a very talented performer to pull it off. I can't think of many people that could have pulled off the Goldust gimick. Runnels has all of the skills needed to be a great performer. He never made it to the main event, but he was a character more than a contender. He was big, creepy and could be dangerous when the time was right. He's never been the absolute best in the business, but he's one of the most well rounded midcarders of all time.
I have been a believer in Dustin Rhodes since i watched his match with Steve Austin in WCW in the early nineties. That's when I looked and thought these guys are great wrestlers. It wasn't until later that I realized that Goldust & Stone Cold Steve Austin were the very two guys I watched years before. I would love to see Goldust get another IC title reign and who better to work with Drew Mcintyre and really get him on his game than Goldust? The guy is (as mentioned already) the total package. I also noticed this past Thursday that he was in great shape again and had in my oppinion the best Superstars match since they brough the show back. I sadly don't see it happening, but a guy can dream can't he?
I have always liked Golddust and have always felt he was very under-rated. I'm not suggesting he should be WWE or WHC champion, but I don't think he should be relegated to jobber status either. His in-ring skills are certainly as good as the average WWE wrestler. His mic skills are good and he always pulled off the very challenging Golddust character very well.

If Booker T ever returns to the WWE, I'd love to see the two of these guys tag team together again, I always found them very entertaining as a team. If not, I'd be interested in a Golddust/Cody Rhodes feud, just to see how it would be received by the WWE fans. If nothing else, he could mentor the younger Rhodes, but I think this feud, with some Dusty involvement, could have potential.
I think Goldust is in the right place. He doesn't necessarily need a push. He's good at putting people over, which is his job at this point. It's possible he's like Glenn Jacobs: a guy who wants to put people over without needing a title or anything. And anyone who can pull off a friendly character while at the same time creeping the hell out of me is, well, gold.

I loved the tag team he had going on with Yoshi Tatsu and I would love to see that continue. It's fun watching those two backstage, especially the episode of ECW where Kane came back ("And they call ME a freak").

I agree with hatehabsforever in that it would be interesting to have the Rhodes brothers interact with each other or even with Dusty.
Goldust is truely and awesome persona in the WWE and I have loved seeing him ever since his first "Debut" :) I think Dustin as Goldust is fantastic, and it works so great for him. He is very charismatic in the ring again, looks in good shape, and he can work the crowd and get such an amazing reaction from them. Like someone else mentioned he just pops up on the titantron cutting a promo and the fans go nuts. He is a great wrestler and I would love to see him get the push to even just be the Intercontinental Champ again in the near future. I truely believe that is his groove, and it would bring back some bizzarre fun to the title angle.
Yeah, probably. i mean, the guy's been around for fucking ever, and he's the son of one of the most legendary figures ever. Why wouldn't he be seen as good as anybody in the WWE? He's a great worker, and has a value that most wrestlers today don't get; psychology. When pushed, his promos are great, and he can make a crowd react. At least, he did in my day.

I've always been surprised the WWE hasn't done a full out storyline between Dustin and his father. They've alluded to it in 1997, but they've never tried to explain his erratic behavior before. Now's the perfect time, because most people don't understand why Goldust is the way he is. To most fans, he's just a guy in golden leotard, and nothing more. Now that Dusty is involved with the WWE, they can finally do a storyline of Dustin against his father. It can connect to all of the broken homes of the world, and those who feel alienated from their family. You can have a powerful moment, at Goldy's retirement, in which he gives up the makeup, and finally reunites with his father. It's a storytellr's dream, and something that can make good mid card fodder.

Goldust is a good character, with no purpose. Let him work with his father in this feud, and you finally explain alot about the Bizarre One.
I have always been a big fan of Goldust, every time he's returned. He can put on a good match with anyone on the roster, and he is capable of humour in his promos, which isn't a common trait in the WWE right now. The most important thing about Goldust right now though, is that he is just about the only guy who can lose every week and still look like he has a chance. His match with Jericho the other week is testament to that, but not as much as the way he helped Sheamus. Guys like Kozlov flop because they beat nobodies, and no-one buys them as a contender. While that was true to some degree with Sheamus, his feud with Goldust brought out so much more than a few cheap jobber wins would have. Goldust is the sort of wrestler that every company that intends on having a future needs.
Well, I read the actual tweet, and it was totally sincere. Jericho majorly put Goldust over, saying he was great to work with.

I really dug the match with Goldust last night. Hes in the best shape of his life and is as good as anybody in the WWE. Very underrated..

I hope Jericho's words are heeded by the top brass. I would love to see a Goldust push of some sort, maybe even a small title reign. Everything Jericho said is true.
I would love to see Goldust get another IC title reign and who better to work with Drew Mcintyre and really get him on his game than Goldust?

I could not agree more with this. Goldust is an incredible performer and great character. He is excellent in the ring, is in quite possibly the best shape of his career since he debuted back in 1995 and generates a good response from the crowd. I have always wanted to see Goldust get the push he deserves and I would love to see a feud with McIntyre over the Intercontinental Title. They could have a match on Smackdown where Goldust pushes Drew to the limit and Drew has to cheat to win which could be the beginning of a great feud which could ultimately help Drew progress even further as it was not too long ago that Goldust had a nice fued with Sheamus for a while on ECW and it helped develop Sheamus towards his big push.

Heres hoping we get to see a lot more of Goldust on Smackdown after Wrestlemania.
I have long been an admirer of Goldusts in-ring work. His moves are both inivative and well pulled off. For me though, it is his work with his character that impresses me the most.

Look at the Goldust character during his first go around with the WWF. When he came out, you weren't sure what you were going to get he was so unpredictable. Then he came back after a lay-off and you had a certain comic relief to his character that was both creepy and hilarious at the same time. He has kept this up until now and it has worked well for him.

I would like to see the old Goldust though. One that can creep you out right through the TV. That would fit in rather well with the current product.
I think Jericho just got excited because he had a good match with Goldust, so he wanted to him some praise. I like Goldust though, he has a unique character, and would like to see him work as a strong midcarder. He adds personality to pretty much every segment of the show he is a part of. He's 40 years old now, and never broke out as a top guy so it's a little late to be thinking about things like title reigns, but he can be a strong midcarder. Hopefully someone that works with some of the younger guys who are on the rise.
I think as far as wrestling ability. Absolutely. I just don't think that the gimmick works in this day and age.

It worked during the attitude era because it was fresh, weird and quite intriguing, especially when he was running around with Terri. Today the gimmick just seems a little out of place. Maybe I'm clutching at straws, I like Dustin, I think he is a great worker, I just don't see anything in the way of title reigns coming his way.
I certainly think Goldust is underutilised by WWE. Whats that saying about what is old becoming new again?

I think he could have an interesting feud with someone like Drew McIntyre or Dolph Zigger where he freaks them out, gets under their skin, plays on their insecurities etc.

I think it would allow us to see another side of them and add depth to their character. It could lead to a PPV match where Goldust puts them over in a hard fought, back and forth match.
The right thing to do is have Dustin feud with his brother as Goldust... Use the character as a way of "educating" Cody to find his own path, not rely on the "Legacy" side of it... I really think this may come off after the Orton/DiBiase thing plays out... its the one "money" feud either guy has in the bank...
Goldust is a very good wrestler,always has been.When he was in WCW as Dustin Rhodes he held just about every championship.As Goldust every match Ive seen him in,hes great.A sound techincal worker,he wont win any titles but he will bring it every night.Id rather see him wrestler then his fatbody pops.
Rhodes has always been a very capable wrestler as well as a sound worker on the stick since his run in WCW and his early days as Goldust. During the attitude era he was given the ability to work in some very intriguing feuds including a spectacular one with Razor Ramon. Granted he has let his already sub-par physique fall apart in the past 5 years but he it is yet to hinder his ability to work a solid match with wrestlers of all sizes and abilities. I would be pleased to see him given a run at the IC title in the near future possibly returning to the Goldust character who uses obscure tactics to get into the heads of his competition. While I do not see him going over McIntyre (nor should he at this point) he could be a solid transitional competitor after WrestleMania if his character and the feud were carefully booked in the few months to come.
Am I the only one that actually preferred the "Natural" Dustin Rhodes gimmick, where he came out in his jeans, ripped T-shirt, without any of the makeup, and just beat the crap out of people? I think that was his first gimmick the WWF, if I remember right...That is the guy I want to see get some kind of push, I want Dustin Rhodes, not Goldust. Strip away the one-piece, the gold and black makeup, the stuttering, and just let Dustin kick some ass.

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