Is Dreamer really working as champ?


I'm better than you!
I ask this because as far as I'm concerned I couldn't care less about ECW since he became champ. Now I don't want to come accross as a Dreamer hater, I actually really like the ECW Original but I just don't buy him as champ. Since he became champion I haven't watched an episode of ECW, only read the results on WZ but I ask all of you, do you think he is working as champ because I don't.
I'd say yes, and there are a couple reasons why. First, it makes him relevant again. He's been a glorified jobber for years. Tommy is a company man through and through, and this title reign is a sort of thank you for all he's done. Next, it makes the other main eventers' jobs easier. Christian can play the respect card toward Dreamer, while the heels can make fun of his physique and abilities.

Finally, having Tommy as champ helps spread the focus out across the show. ECW is the new Heat, and I enjoy that. It is really cool seeing these new guys debut and where they go from there. If someone like Christian or Kozlov is champion, viewers will tune to see them. But with Dreamer as champ, people might watch to see him, but he's not so much of a draw that viewers will forget about the youngsters. Having Tommy as a champ allows management to evaluate the drawing power of the new guys, not just the more established ones.
I see no real problem with Dreamer as champion right now. Is he helping the "prestige" of the belt? Not at all. But he's not completely killing it.

Dreamer as champion works because for some reason, he's over with the crowd. Don't ask me how or why, but they do like the guy. If he weren't, it would be a massive failure, since he's not the type of person you can bank on, nor can you expect him to have a great match. He's slow, old, generic, and pretty much bland on every level. But somehow, he's found his niche, and having him as ECW champion isn't all too bad of an idea, especially since it boosts his own credibility. This allows anybody who beats him to look much better in doing so than when they would beat him a few months ago.

For instance, let's take a guy like Zack Ryder. If Ryder were to beat Dreamer right now while he's holding the title, it would put Ryder in a much better limelight, correct? What about if he were to defeat Dreamer from July 2008? It would mean less than if he would defeat Jimmy Wang Yang.

Then there's the issue of the small roster. If you were to give the title to Christian right now, he'd be holding it for nearly a year straight. Who is there for him to feud with? Christian/Kozlov can't last long at all since Kozlov is such garbage, and Christian/Regal isn't really going to last for 5 months. Christian/Shelton is their best option, but even that wouldn't be able to last half a year. People would get tired of Christian just going through every heel on the brand and keeping the title for 10 months or so. At least with Dreamer holding the title, we know he's going to lose it soon, but afterwards, he'll still be able to challenge someone.

If Dreamer were to hold the title much longer than Summerslam, then yes, it'll be a bad choice. But for now, Dreamer works while they're reestablishing these guys on their new brands and trying to up the younger guys. Don't be surprised if Dreamer is left off the WrestleMania card completely, but don't be surprised if he isn't challenging for the ECW title at the Royal Rumble (and losing) either, as he'll most likely still have enough credibility to do so because of this title reign he's currently in.
Dreamer with the belt is just fine. He's not hurting anyone and it was more or less to give him that one time with the title. I'm very happy that he's going to get to walk into Philadelphia as the ECW Champion, just so he can have that chance one time. After that, he can lose at anytime and it'll be ok. This is a pure feel good run and there's not a thing wrong with a 2-2 and a half month reign for that. The main event is moving along, Dreamer isn't terrible by any means, and the fans are responding to it. What more can you really ask for from a short term title reign? Also, assuming Dreamer stays active after losing the belt, it makes him a much more credible guy. He's no longer the guy that held the belt for half an hour 8 years ago. He's the guy that was champion in 2009 and had some PPV title defenses. You're adding more prestige to your roster and the fans are liking it. That sounds like it's working to me.
No. If you're a first time viewer of ECW, why would you be intrested in a show where the champion is a guy who's spent the previous 8 years as a jobber?

Dreamer hasn't imporved over the years like a younger performer might.
It's workin for me. I haven't missed ECW in quite a while, not so much due to Dreamer being the champ, as much as the newer guys coming up. However, I actually stick around for the Main Event on ECW, which is more than I can say for other shows. To me, Dreamer holds the title of "Filler." Not bad, but not growing, but at this point ECW is bringing so many new talents in that nobody knows or gives a rats ass about yet, that slowing in down in the ME picture is probably the best option. Nobodys better at slowing things down than Dreamer.
Eh. He isn't completely killing ECW. Though that would be hard to do, considering you can't get much lower than a 1.3 rating.

Is he helping out the belt? No. Chavo Guerrero held that belt. You've got a long way to get that belt to look any kind of good. However, he isn't killing it. He's over with the crowd. A title will never die when a person the crowd cares about is holding the title. The crowd simply won't let it happen.

You have to look at the bigger picture. This championship really has a higher purpose. And that's to make Dreamer something more than a jobber. So..that...he can job...again. If that makes any sense. Dreamer had been jobbing for how long? I think he even lost to Kane, the man who jobs to everyone but Dreamer. While Dreamer was beloved by the crowd, no one really got any heat by beating him. It was expected by then. Sorta like the lovable loser. You love the dude, but you expect him to lose.

Now think about it. Dreamer has been on top of the world for a few months. He's been proving he doesn't always lose. Now think of what will happen if a heel comes along and beats the shit out of Dreamer and takes his championship. By heel, I mean someone the crowd actually hates. Like Ryder. Ryder would be known in ECW as the man who rained on everyone's parade and kicked the shit out of Dreamer's dream.

And THAT is exactly what this title reign should produce. A way for a up and coming heel to get over. It's exactly what you'd expect from a Kane title reign, and it's exactly what you should expect from Dreamer's.
First of all, the ECW title is more of a glorified mid card title as it is. I mean, it's significance has fallen in the last couple of years, especially when Mr Mchaman had the title. Second, like someone pointed out, he's been a glorified jobber now for a long time, as far as I can remember really. Therefore, he deserves this title. Old ECW fans respect it, and new ECW fans can go look up his history, work ethic, and past matches and then gain an appreciation for what he has done for this company. Everyone should admire a guy whose never left the company he started with. He never went away from ECW during the invasion or the war between WWE/F and WCW and ECW. He was loyal. Therefore it works for a little while, because he deserves it, and because he's earned it. This reign isn't going to be a long one, so let him have it and let the fans know and appreciate all the man has done and how hard he has worked over the years and his loyalty.
I think Dreamer is doing a fine job as champion. While he may not be the most talented guy on ECW, he is over with the crowd and has given a lot to the company. He got the title more for what he's done in the past, not for what he's going to do now or in the future.

He hasn't killed the prestige of the belt and I don't think he'll be holding on to it much longer anyway. Koslov should beat him at Summerslam, at which point Dreamer will go back to being a jobber on ECW or retiring.
Umm I'd say yes to an extent, Dreamer deserves it for sure, hell of a hard worker and as Ellisman pointed out, damn loyal. I've been a fan of ECW for I think 14+ years and I think Dreamer deserves the title. But thats where every thing positive stops. Dreamer is great, but, think about all the matches he's won after he got the strap. I recall two wins, the one against Christian on RAW, and the Scramble match win. If you don't agree with me on this let me just say your freaking dumb, Dreamer won those matches out of luck, I don't think WWE should have booked those matches that way, he's the heart and soul of ECW so shouldn't he win in a more significant manner? And the rest of his matches he lost I think. All I'm saying is Dreamer deserves the title, but I think he should be booked to look better, he went from jobber to the top guy on the brand, so why not make him look better in non-gimmick matches?
as already mentioned, dreamer has been a jobber ever since ECW was revived by vince back in 2006. i like dreamer but its just interesting to give a guy who has jobbed for a couple years the title-even if it is the ECW tilte. this is understandibly wwe's way of saying thank you to dreamer. the fact that he is a champ isnt bringing in viewers but it benefits all the FCW stars making there way in, as they can learn from a true veteran.

that said, i think dreamer is working as a champ, but how much longer will his reign last is my question.
To me, Tommy Dreamer walking into Philadelphia as ECW Champion is just great. If he walked out of Philly as ECW Champion, it would be even better. To my understanding, Dreamer is going to retire from in-ring competition this year and if that is the case, this is the way to do it. I would not mind at all seeing Dreamer as a GM of Tuesday nights after this run. He’s been good to Paul and is good to Vince and this is simply his reward.

On a side note, with the ongoing arguments of ECW being the WWE $#!+ hole, why not have Tommy and the Platinum Title just retire together?? Just a thought.

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