Is Austin On Hogan's Level

can Austin be seen as on the same level as Hogan or at least very close to it, or was Hogan leaps and bounds ahead of Austin?

Note: this is not about who is bigger as Hogan simply was bigger or who would win in the ring etc. This is about can Austin be considered just a step behind Hogan or is he miles behind him?

I'd say that Austin is close to Hogan. Hogan is obviously the biggest name in history and on a level of his own that no one else might ever reach, but Austin is the level right beneath that, along with the Rock. Stone Cold is a small step below Hogan rather than miles behind him because he helped carry the federation through the ratings war, held several titles, and was more over than anyone in WWE history. Stone Cold has not been a full time member of the active roster in years, but he is STILL more over than all the current main guys put together. He and Hogan are probably the only ones who could claim that kind of bragging rights, and since they are the only two who could claim that; that is why he is a step behind Hogan rather than miles behind him.
the stone cold era was by far the best the wwe has ever bin, ive stopped watching it since the glory days off the late 90s , just watch wwe on fast forward on my sky plus.
i prefer tna nowadays, and if hogan can be half as good as wen he was a heel on there last they should really start to push the wwe.
I believe yes, Austin is on Hogans Level wrestling wise. But as far as mainstream wise goes, Hogan is a global icon. When people think of wrestling, its the thing Hulk Hogan does and now maybe The Rock.

Both though are on a level on their own. Flair and Rock maybe up there too.
I think the reason why Hogan is far more well known in the mainstream media than Austin is, is because Austin has always held a very private life. Hogan is the most well known self promoter in the world, he's life is pro wrestling to this day, Austin's isn't. I've always had far more respect for Austin because he actually understands that there is more to life than pro wrestling, and Hogan doesn't get that at all.

Hogan's accomplishments and his lengthy career are the only reason why he is the biggest star in the history of this business. He main evented more Wrestlemania's than anybody ever has, he revolutionized the business twice and he's a global icon. However, the only person who has ever come close to what Hogan has accomplished in the wrestling world is Stone Cold Steve Austin. And I don't think Hogan is in his own league, I think Austin is right up there with him. And I'd go as far as saying that Austin is a far better performer than Hogan ever was.
imo i think that austin is bigger than hogan stone cold was going head to head with hogan (wwf vs wcw) and he was winning so imo i think austin is ahead of hogan in the wrestling business but a far as the bigger name period i say hogan he is known my 90 year old people to 9 year olds

I would totally agree with this guys statement, SCSA was going against Hollywood Hogan when Hogan was at his most popular and when wrestling was at it's highest point as well & we see who ended up winning that fight.

Austin one could say single handedly beat WCW, yes there was the Rock, Foley, DX, etc. but the WWE wouldn't have been the same without Austin. Hogan did the right thing be turning evil, When he was Yellow and Red he has the same problem Cena has right now, he's a goodie two shoes. Austin NEVER had that problem

From Survivor Series when he said Austin 3:16 to the HOF speech, he is the man...
Yes Stone Cold is certainly on Hogan's level. What Hogan did in 80's was no different than what Stone Cold did in late 90's. Both of them changed the wrestling business,sold tickets merchandises. Without Hogan there would be no Austin is probably one of the most stupid statements ever. Just because someone became a mega star earlier than the other makes him bigger. It's just like saying Black Sabbath is the best heavy metal group because without them there wouldn't be heavy metal. How can we know that how would wrestling have been if Austin was before Hogan so even try to discuss it is uber-bullshit.

The other thing is yes in Austin's era there had been more tv shows and 12 ppvs so it was easier to make money but after saying that saying Hogan and Andre match at WM III drew 93.000 fans is stupid. Because in Hogan's time you couldn't see wrestlers like Hogan,Andre,Warrior,Savage on tv at least 3 days a week or in a title match every month in a PPV. So seeing Hogan vs Andre for the WWF title live on WrestleMania was something special. It's much similar reason to UFC's success in these days.

The other statement that is really silly is Hogan main evented for 15 years Austin only main evented for 3 years. WTF Austin didn't leave wrestling because he didn't draw anymore he left wrestling because his injuries didn't allow him to wrestle. If it wasn't for Hogan's suprise heel turn Hogan wouldn't have had main evented for 15 years because after the steoroid scandal his popularity started to fall down.

So they're on the same level. Please don't overrate Hogan yes he is probably the biggest star pro wrestling has ever seen but Austin is exactly on the same level and it's not even debatable. Austin was also a huge star,he started maybe the most popular era of WWE he had attracted thousands of fans to WWE in it's darkest days.
So they're on the same level. Please don't overrate Hogan yes he is probably the biggest star pro wrestling has ever seen but Austin is exactly on the same level and it's not even debatable. Austin was also a huge star,he started maybe the most popular era of WWE he had attracted thousands of fans to WWE in it's darkest days.

I agree with your entire post except the bold part. Austin did start the most popular era in the history of the WWE, and he had attracted MILLIONS of fans to WWE in its darkest days. Cena has attracted thousands, Austin drew multi-millions.
Austin is above hogan in the popularity stakes, in the records stakes , basically in every way possible

i can count the number of 5 star classic hogan matches on 1 hand

austin had so many memorable matches

austin dragged the wwf who were basically on their way out of business...he not only dragged them level with wcw he dragged them above wcw an eventually dominated wcw an put tem out of business

stone cold steve austin is the biggest wrestling star in the history of the business

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