Is anyone else sick of seeing former talent in tna?

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world heavyweight champion
I respect and like tna but i have had it up here with seeing former wwe talent show up on their tv. they can do better then that i know some are there to support but seriously if they want new talent they should look at the independent circuit or japan or mexico. im just so sick of seeing the old wwe faces. tna is suppose to seperate themselves from wwe and here they have all the former wwe talent. what do you think?
They think they can beat WWE in ratings with the rejects, and the ones that cant handle the road with the E. That is the main reason I cant stand watching TNA, that and they have no creative talent whatsoever. I have tried many times to watch it and cant find myself entertained whatsoever. Even on the 4th it was nothing more than teasing that Hogan and Bischoff were taking over the company. Yay im so excited that they are rewriting the nWo story from the beginning.(wheres the new sarcasm sign when I need it)
UNfortunately most talents on the independant curcuit are not known, to many people. Talent that has come from WWE or WCW days are known, and have history to foolow them, and help create ratings. Nobody wrestlers off of the independant curcuit won't generate any ratings. Beside Spike TV want's brand name wrestlers on TNA roster or they will not give TNA what they need to move forward. Spike TV wants ratings which in turn create money for both TNA and Spike.
People like you guys are so narrow guys don't see the more important picture than the TNA stealing WWE guys...look at it this way...if you got fired/released by WWE and wrestling is still your #1 job that you love, wtf would you expect yourself to do? Quit wrestling? or go to the next best company? It's not TNA's fault former WWE talent goes's people that are basically unemployed looking for another job opportunity, and TNA is able to give them that opportunity. Where the hell do you expect wrestlers to go after WWE has just cut them? Be more open minded and think about what you say...a perfect example of this is Mr. Kennedy. He got released by WWE awhile ago, but wrestling and entertaining fans still remains his favourite job. So if he still wants to wrestle, wouldn't going to the next best company be the best choice for his career? Again, it isn't anyone's fault, it's just wrestlers wanna continue doing the thing they love....WRESTLE!
I see your point but some former talent are better utilized in TNA (take Christian's TNA run) and the issue of the road schedule, yeah some talent can't hack it but if they go to TNA that means they must love wrestling if they're on a reduced pay check and still performing right
If they can contribute by either getting people over as a heel or face then I see no problem with it. If they can contribute to the in ring action or the promo department of tna then I don't see a problem. If they help build TNA's fanbase then I definitely see no problem. Right now TNA has somewhat of a nostalgic feel to it..I missed impact but am watching genisis tonight. Yes they do have wwe people but tna in no way does it feel like wwe
I don't personally watch TNA, but I can say I'm not sick of the constaant signings of former guys. HOWEVER, I can say it's not going to help TNA either. With the way Hogan is running things, the recent slew of signing just about every known former WWE guy they can get, and Hogan bringing his NWO buddies back, TNA is starting to look less like an up and coming Wrestling company, and more like WWE's Retirement Home.
I don't know. On one hand, I like the fact that TNA is shaking things up with Hogan and Bischoff. On the other hand, GOOD GOD, DO WE REALLY NEED TO SEE BRIAN KNOBBS IN A WRESTLING RING AGAIN?! If TNA can add some of the younger former talent from WWE, that's one thing. But for Hogan to bring in Scott Hall out of the bar closest to the Impact Zone, The Nasty Boys who look like the only thing they've been nasty with is the buffet line, Orlando Jordan who has about as much appeal as watching Joan Rivers (aka a corpse), and Jeff "Now You See Me, Now You Don't" Hardy, it boggles the mind.

I will give TNA credit though. IF Jeff Hardy is committed to TNA, it'll be a major addition. Whether TNA is going to be committed to Jeff is another story. Ric Flair at any age is a great add to a company because he adds a lot of prestige and still can cut a promo like few ever have. I don't mind if they add other talent just as long as they don't squash the actual talent that TNA has.

To be honest, I was more impressed with Generation Me and MCMG's match and Angelina Love's return than I was with most of the other things going on Thursday's IMPACT involving the "former talent." So, here's hoping the young talent get more TV time and the people that actually made TNA watchable for years don't get squashed for more TV time with Bubba the Haiti-hating Twerp.
People like you guys are so narrow guys don't see the more important picture than the TNA stealing WWE guys...look at it this way...if you got fired/released by WWE and wrestling is still your #1 job that you love, wtf would you expect yourself to do? Quit wrestling? or go to the next best company? It's not TNA's fault former WWE talent goes's people that are basically unemployed looking for another job opportunity, and TNA is able to give them that opportunity. Where the hell do you expect wrestlers to go after WWE has just cut them? Be more open minded and think about what you say...a perfect example of this is Mr. Kennedy. He got released by WWE awhile ago, but wrestling and entertaining fans still remains his favourite job. So if he still wants to wrestle, wouldn't going to the next best company be the best choice for his career? Again, it isn't anyone's fault, it's just wrestlers wanna continue doing the thing they love....WRESTLE!

You can't just throw away your love for wrestling just because big bad Vince Mcmahon doesn't want you anymore. It's the passion that fuels these wrestlers, and they want to continue to entertain. Their wouldn't be any "HAS BEENS" if wcw never went under. Hall, Waltman etc... would be consistently working, and not all fucked up because Vince doesn't want them. It's hard to find work in the wrestling business when your working with the big boys. The wrestling world needs TNA to get bigger so we no longer have "HAS BEENS" long before their prime.
With all due respect I'm sick of people lobbying this opinion.

Think of wrestling like sports for a moment. When you're running a team you're constantly trying to make sure your roster is top notch. As there's no trades in wrestling we'll ignore that aspect to it and instead look at the free agent market. When a decent player enters the free agent market in sports they get snapped up as quickly as possible.

It's the same in wrestling. Who is more valuable, a proven talent or a no-namer? Now I don't approve of them signing anyone who's ever wrestled in front of a camera, but these people were hired by the WWE for a reason and 95% of them are good wrestlers. Getting fired by WWE shouldn't mean you have to go home and pick a new career, they've fired plenty of talented wrestlers in their time.

I can't think of a flat out bad ex-WWE hire that TNA has made off the top of my head. Rikishi maybe but he was quickly let go when they realised what he once had had faded. If anyone else can think of an awful hire they've made feel free to state it and I'll perhaps change my stance on it.

Bottom line is when you're running a wrestling company and a decent wrestler becomes available then not signing them is ******ed. I agree they should be doing more to bring in indie wrestlers and try and make them stars from the ground up, they should also not sleep on former WWE talent becoming available for hire.
"Former talent?" Sure. If they used to have talent and they don't anymore, gtfo. I assume you're talking about guys like Morley, Kendrick and Kennedy though. In that case, absolutely not.

WWE is notorious for mismanaging wrestlers with stellar talent and not pushing those that deserve pushes. TNA has a much better track record on that count (no one is perfect of course) and the three names I mentioned are prime examples. Any of those three could easily have become major players, but for whatever reason, the WWE didn't utilize them in that capacity.

So no, I don't think this is about just picking up any old WWE reject (although, again, no one is perfect and TNA is guilty of that to a certain degree *coughorlandojordoncough*). It's about capitalizing on WWE's mistakes, and that's the kind of thing that wins a Monday Night War.
i am glad to see tna still all of wwes talent i have waited along time to see sombody come back and kick wwes ass but i didnt in my wildest dream think it would be the greatest wrestler of all time hulk hogan and the best wrestling bissusness mind eric bishoff who come back and lead the pack in doing it i love seeing the band back together i love tna now tna rocks keep kicking wwes ass and keep up the good work gang
Another point is aren't some WWE guys former talents from other places??

CM Punk from ROH, Chavo from WCW, Evan Bourne ROH etc. If a talent from a different company can make a (good) splash in a different one I see no reason why they can't be signed. People like Hall and the Nasty Boys however what is the point, the only reason to sign them is nostalgia and that quickly wears off
Heres the biggest thing wrong with everything about this post.

Like stated above if they got a say Chris Hero or Davey Richards or any Indy name and tried to use them to get ratings,most would go "Who the **** are they?" and change the channel to wwe to watch Triple H and Shawn do a overdone dx skit again. The fans on boards like this make up less then 5% of the entire wrestling fan base. They are a spec sadly on the wrestling world. If it wasnt this way ROH and other indy companys would of kicked vince out of number 1 position. You must take the known stars and have them fight the not known to make the not known, known. WWE has done this is John Cena,Randy Orton,Batista,and etc. Now they have those guys working with Sheamus,Kofi,Rhodes,Dibaise,and ect to make them known stars. WWE has had it down to make new stars in that way. Something WCW was lacking sadly. What TNA is doing is bringing in the known guys like Jeff Hardy,Ric Flair,Hulk Hogan,Sean Morely,Kurt Angle and many more to work with guys like Homicide,Aj Styles,Chris Daniels,Abyss,Beer Money and other young talent that honestly most fans dont know who they are. The internet fans know who they are and such but the main percent of people who call themselves fans don't know who they are. I think we all know WWE doesnt get good tv ratings for their wrestling matchs. Its because largely that everyone knows the people. Vince goes all out in making stars that people will know. It becomes easier the more he does it because the stars he makes gets more and more famous thus making the rubs they give to new young talent bigger thus making them bigger stars to. So now that tna is doing this their ratings are going up and up. Bringing in known names to get ratings and work with the unknown talent and giving them a rub makes it so more people know those names. If tna wants to be more then just another Indy company like they used to be,then they must do more of this. ROH is doing it to a extent with guys like Ric Flair,Bret Hart,Jim Cornette,Dlo Brown,and other stars they bring back after being with wwe. If tna didnt do that you would not see tna on tv or ppv and they would have the fate many said being closed down before comming close to wwe in ratings or sucess
WWE has, and always will be "THE COMPANY" to work for if your a wrestler. And with WWE being the top company and always looking to improve a lot of guys get shots in WWE. So there are a lot of WWE "Rejects" sure.

So tell me this then, if you havent watched wrestling a while, or even ever, And you hear about a wrestling promotion with AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, not knowing who these guys are, are you going to tune in to check it out? Not likely.

BUT if you hear about a company with guys like Kurt Angle, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair to name a few, then are you going to tune in? Sure...these names are a familiarity and therefore interesting to check out.

Its the whole name value aspect, so if WWE lets go of a wrestler or diva who are pretty good wrestlers, and have a "familiar name" to them, OF COURSE TNA should sign them. Its stupid not to if you want to bring in a bigger audience who doesnt know you exist.

I dont get why this question seems to be asked and asked over and over. I guess just some people are so "Pro-WWE" that they cant see the big picture with TNA signing their former guys. They must get pissed or something about TNA signing WWE guys then, why else would it bother people?

PS: AJ Styles is a former WCW Wrestler, and he had some WWE Matches, As well as Christopher Daniels, look them up on youtube.... I guess they are WWE or WCW Rejects then too arent they? Come on...
I couldn't disagree more. What we're seeing here is a classic case of one mans trash is another mans treasure. People need to stop seeing everyone not in the E as failures, it might be the biggest show in town but it's no longer the only one. Get used to it and deal with it. I'm happy to see that people who do not do well up north have another option to entertain and be seen on television. It's not as if TNA is being flooded with trash (unless we're talking the Nasty Boyz ug..), they are picking up some real quality talent which can only enhance their homegrown stars whether it be by name recognition, or in ring talent.

The WWE of the 90's was throwing money at WCW's big names just for the sake of getting them off the other show. They totally shitted on many many upper mid card and main event caliber talent just to prove they were 'better than dubya c dubya"

Tna actually do something with the people they bring in instead of paying them not to compete against them and job to their stars. They allow them to continue to be stars, or develop into stars.
Depends. If these so-called rejects can up their game and showcase talents that the wwe would not allow and positivly suprise the fans... Than I say, Bring em' on. I am in no way a real fan of Sean Morley, Orlando Jordon, or even Shannon Moore but if these guys go out, bust ass, and reinvent themselves and prove all the nay sayers wrong, I say give em a shot. However, I do think TNA should instruct some kind of policy where the guys have so long to prove themselves and if they can't get over... Then they should be let go. At a time, Where TNA has some momentum and publicity on their side... They have no room for mediocre talent so it's definitly put up or shut up for these newly aquired talents. I can say that i am very excited to see Anderson, Hardy, and Kendrick in TNA as I think they will all benifit well if used correctly because all three guys are tremedous talents and Kendrick could definitly give the x division a much needed shot in the arm.
I would love to see the Nasty boys sent packing as soon as possible and I would say the same for Hall and Waltman but that's just a matter of time...
I couldn't disagree more. What we're seeing here is a classic case of one mans trash is another mans treasure. People need to stop seeing everyone not in the E as failures, it might be the biggest show in town but it's no longer the only one. Get used to it and deal with it. I'm happy to see that people who do not do well up north have another option to entertain and be seen on television. It's not as if TNA is being flooded with trash (unless we're talking the Nasty Boyz ug..), they are picking up some real quality talent which can only enhance their homegrown stars whether it be by name recognition, or in ring talent.

The WWE of the 90's was throwing money at WCW's big names just for the sake of getting them off the other show. They totally shitted on many many upper mid card and main event caliber talent just to prove they were 'better than dubya c dubya"

Tna actually do something with the people they bring in instead of paying them not to compete against them and job to their stars. They allow them to continue to be stars, or develop into stars.

There are so many pro-wwe people they are just not happy with any other federation. The way some of the guy's on here talk, if Randy Orton, or John Cena were fired from WWE, pro-wwe fans would rather them go home and become has beens because there not in WWE anymore. Thinking like that is just plain ignorant. Of course real wrestling fans want to see what Randy Orton could do in TNA, or John Cena.
Because the WWE never used "WCW Rejects" to get over their own guys? Jericho was made by the WWE? Undertaker? HHH? Big Show? All these guys never had shit prior to Vince, right? :rolleyes:

There's a reason veterans are utilized, especially by a company like TNA. Veterans like Nash, Team 3D, etc. all put over younger guys and give them the rubs they otherwise would never get. You think AJ Styles would be as big a name as he is in the company if Kurt Angle didn't job to him clean?

So, to answer your question, no, I'm not sick of seeing veterans or ex-WWE guys come in. Why they are there is what matters, not that they are there and happened to have worked in the WWE prior.
like i said hogan and bishoff keep up the excellant work the greatest wrestler of all time and the greatest wrestling mind in history vince mcmahon eat your heart out tna could not do it without them and they sure as hell could not get the ratings they have been getting the past couple weeks without hogan and bischoff period or they would have been getting them all a long now that thy got some real talent and names maybe they can send jeff jarrett packing finally i cant say he is a has been because he is a never was if you remember tna was started because jarrett needed a job period because mcmahon would not take him back after he bought wcw noboby would hire a piece of crap like jarrett so he had to start his own company had he not put the title own his self all the time in tna and had wcw had real talent at the time he and people like booker was champ he would have never been champ all 12 times he won the title proberly on 10 people saw it because noboby watched them water down shows
I wouldnt call any of the new guys being signed by TNA rejects.

I mean come on, they're established and Hardy has a cult following as do some of these other guys.

From a business perspective, wouldnt you want to put butts in the seats and sell PPVs? Get some ratings up maybe? More importantly, get some revenue coming in from advertisers?
i agree the nasty boys do suck but they are better then team 3d atlest team3d likes to say they are the greatest tag team of all time but in reallity they are closer to the worse yeah they have been tag champs like 25 times thats if you count the times in that sorry ecw (extreamley crapy wrestling) but the only reason they have been champs that many times is because neither of them were good enough to go out own there own like brett hart did after foundation like shawn micheals did after the rockers edge and christian the hardy boys etc. you get my point so they just left the two tubb of lard whales together wwe tried breaking them up and the only thing good that come out of it was batista (decin batista) then they trowed the two pieces of crap back together
I've got a problem with TNA signing guys with behavioural, drug, or attendance problems. What sort of message does that send to the other talent in the back, exactly? And just what sort of future PR problem are they creating for themselves?

There's nothing wrong with repackaging former WWE guys who are still just getting started in the industry; it certainly worked for Morgan and Pope. But why sign guys who have proven that they can't work and can't draw and can't be relied on? Why sign guys who couldn't draw in the WWE, like Val Venis or the Nastys or Jordan, and give them tv time and ppv matches while taking it away from stars on the rise like Eric Young? Why bring in guys like Hall or Waltman, who have already had a chance to prove themselves in TNA and have failed? The intial shock value of seeing a new face on the roster every week will only take the company so far; eventually, they are going to have to USE the talent they are signing, and rely on them to put on good matches that the audience will want to see.

Also, if the only way to get ahead in TNA is to wrestle in the WWE, than why are any of the originals still on the roster? It seems that you're more likely to get a push in TNA by wrestling a dark match on RAW than by working Impact for years.
I'm all for seeing former talents come into TNA as long as they can get the job done. Let's face it they're putting asses in seats or else they wouldn't be there. One example that is really irritating is Scott Hall tho. How many times is he going to drop the ball in TNA? Hogan says everyone has to step up and right off the bat Hall does it again.
It's cool to see guys like Jeff Hardy, Kurt Angle and 3D on TNA. Christian was much better utilized as well there I think.
In regards to the recent acquisitions of former WWE talent, I think TNA is 50/50 on picking up quality wrestlers. I can never get tired of seeing Jeff Hardy or Ric Flair on wrestling programming. Those are major coups for TNA. But when you look at the other pick ups, like Sean Morley, Orlando Jordan and the Nasty Boys, I don't think any sane wrestling fan was holding their breath to see them return to the ring.
In order to build TNA, they need to rely on 'former talent.' WCW rose to the top in part to Hogan, the Outsiders and Savage coming in. Of course, they all were former talents who made a name for themselves 'up north.'
TNA has tried to build new stars like A.J., Joe and Daniels, but they haven't broken through the ceiling. The only real homegrown megastars WCW produced were Flair, Sting and Goldberg. TNA hasn't really created a household name yet. In the meantime, they need some of these former talents to feud with TNA originals, and I can see them trying to do that already with Flair mentoring A.J.
So in a sense, I am not tired of seeing former talents show up on TNA, as long as they can add value to the product.
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