Inside the business, and something cool to think about


Burning Hammaaaaah!!!
One of my favourite quotes of all time about the wrestling business or more specifically from someone who knows a lot about the inner workings of the wrestling business was from Eddie Guerrero’s mother when she spoke about the Wrestlemania XX match where Eddie took on Angle.

She said “Oh what a beautiful match!” and she was so happy with her son and his performance and how proud she was of him.

Coming from generations for pro-wrestlers, Mrs Guerrero knows what really is important and that is invoking a reaction from the fans and delivering something special. I sometimes think of her saying this when people on wrestling boards criticise certain things. It’s not about who wins or loses or squashed or whatever… an example being Daniel Bryan being squashed in 18 seconds and becoming the most over guy in the business.. Or Dolph Ziggler not really getting a win in months but still inside the ring just puts on such an amazing athletic performance every night.

With the D-Bryan thing, we got a 2/3 falls match the next month and I don’t think many people can complain as it was great to watch and it really delivered something different, in Bryan being so vicious, (on purpose) that he gave Sheamus the first fall with a DQ. Telling different stories, like that which much like Guerrero loosening his boot so when Angle went for the ankle lock, got the boot instead and got rolled up, really makes for a great story.

I think sometimes people can get stuck on certain things and forget to enjoy some of the “beautiful matches” that are put out by WWE, TNA, NJPW, ROH, Noah, Evolve, etc etc…
I have said in other threads that we as fans don't enjoy the thing we love enough. It's ok to critique, but everything I read seems to be so negative. So yes I really think sometimes we need to stop and enjoy the beautiful matches.
A great recent example of this happened at Wrestlemania. For months these boards were cluttered with people going on and on about how we've already seen Taker vs Trips twice and they have nothing left to do that we haven't seen (to an extent this includes me). But then come Mania we all sat back and watched one of the greatest matches in the last decade, if not longer. The only way to describe it is exactly how Mrs.Guerrero described Eddy vs Kurt. It was simply beautiful story telling that kept us all on the edge of our seats the whole time. Even the most jaded of wrestling fans have to pay their respects to those three men,
For as much crap as ECW fans have gotten over the years for being hardcore, blood thirsty fans, they truly did love the pure wrestling. You didn't really even have to be a name in ECW to get the ovation from the crowd during the match as long as you didn't mess up along the way. Guys like Lance Storm, Masato Tanaka, Super Crazy, Malenko, Eddie, Taz, and I know people are gonna not care too much for this one, but Benoit. Those kind of guys could go out there, put on a clinic and send the ECW fans home more than happy. Even some of the tag team matches would get it too. The Eliminators, Mikey and Tajiri, and even some of the imported Japanese or Mexican tag teams could get that reaction.
I'm sorry... how exactly does that warrant her opinion to be better than anyone else's? If someone were to say that Eddie vs. Angle at Mania were a shitty match, that would be their opinion to do so. Just because Eddie's mother was in a wrestling family, doesn't mean she personally had to follow it. Vickie's said that for the longest time, she knew what Eddie did but in the beginning didn't pay much attention to it.

Also, need I remind you that Martha Hart (Owen's wife) is often criticized for not allowing Owen into the HoF; even though her reasoning makes sense to her and on her side of the fence. But because wrestling fans will always have differences in opinions, that alone stops them from having their opinions be a holy grail.

Not to mention, maybe just maybe Eddie's mom likes one style of wrestling as opposed to another style. Maybe that's how it works. I mean, I for one can't stand an Evan Bourne or Ultraviolent match, but I can sit through any CM Punk or even any Kenny King match and be entertained. It's all a preference when you put things into perspective.
I'm sorry... how exactly does that warrant her opinion to be better than anyone else's? If someone were to say that Eddie vs. Angle at Mania were a shitty match, that would be their opinion to do so. Just because Eddie's mother was in a wrestling family, doesn't mean she personally had to follow it. Vickie's said that for the longest time, she knew what Eddie did but in the beginning didn't pay much attention to it.

Also, need I remind you that Martha Hart (Owen's wife) is often criticized for not allowing Owen into the HoF; even though her reasoning makes sense to her and on her side of the fence. But because wrestling fans will always have differences in opinions, that alone stops them from having their opinions be a holy grail.

Not to mention, maybe just maybe Eddie's mom likes one style of wrestling as opposed to another style. Maybe that's how it works. I mean, I for one can't stand an Evan Bourne or Ultraviolent match, but I can sit through any CM Punk or even any Kenny King match and be entertained. It's all a preference when you put things into perspective.

I don't think the point of the post was to say that Mrs.Guerrero's opinion should be held in any higher reguard than another's. I feel that the OP was simply making a statement about how jaded and conceited wrestling fans become after many years of being in the "know" and about how forums like this often get so focused on the negative that some truely beautiful and amazing moments slip past and are not appriciated at the time.
Whether or not Mrs.Guerrero activily watches wrestling is almost completely irrelevant. In fact, if she never watches the product, then it only adds more weight to here opinion (which I would assume is shared by at least 80% of posters). She wasn't saying it was the best match ever or the best Mania match ever, only that it was a beautiful wrestling match. Why bother arguing against that?

I'm not at all sure why you even brought Martha Hart up. It's not that what you said in reguard to her is wrong, I just don't see what it has to do with appreciateing beautiful wrestling matches.

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