If you could watch a former wrestler wrestle one last time, who would it be?

Owen Hart. I watched alot of his matched on Youtube but I wish I could have seen one of his matches as it was happening on RAW or PPV. He was taken from us way to soon :( RIP Owen
I gotta say for old school ECW style I'd love to see a no-rope-barbed wire, bed of nails, c4 exploding board match with Terry Funk back against Sabu, Mick Foley and Edge. That would be EXTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME!!!

Or a classic mat wrestling bout we never saw:
Eddie Guerrero vs Owen Hart, anyone???
i would like to see eddie wrestle again..even tho he's not really alive anymore, but i love how he was one of the few people that were face but still cheated..and lied...and stole..i just thought he was one of the funniest guys ever
I guess I'm gonna have to go with Bret Hart assuming it was him in his prime and not Bret Hart in WCW. Also, just because Bret v. the big opponent were some of his most exciting matches, i.e. the Nash feud, I would want to see him v. Brock Lesnar I think that match would be absolutely nuts.
emm for me this is between Eddie Guerrero or The Rock, Eddie could offer fans so much with his great gimmick, mic skills and wrestling ability and The Rock is the greatest man to hold the stick ever. or another that i'd like to see is Mike Awesome, probably the greatest all round athelete that was over 6 foot 6, i always wondered how the hell a man of his size could springboard into the crowd from the ring (see Mike Awesome vs Spike Dudley)
I was a huge Taz fan. I thought he was legitimately one of the baddest motherfuckers on the planet. I loved his match with Tajiri at heatwave 97 or 98. I really liked his work with Sabu. His suplexes were a bit ridiculous at times but I don't know. It was just really intense watching him. I think he had a cool character too. I want to pick up a compilation disk of his best stuff from a place like highspots or some other video place.

I would like to see one more match with Taz against an up and commer. Taz vs CM Punk would be fun.
I'm with ya man! Taz is probably one of the only wrestlers I mark out for right next to Human Tornado, AJ Styles, and Kurt Angle.

I'm not talking about the fat, chubby Tazz that got his ass eaten by Stone Cold in a squash match, no I'm talking about Taz the man who would call out Sabu, Paul Verelans and throw guys much bigger than him like a sack of rice.
Neither wrestler is officially retired yet, but I would love to see Sting v Ric Flair one last time. I believe that would be the perfect match for Flair and possibly Sting to end their careers on. Every match they had in WCW was great. What a better way to go out then having one last match of one of the greatest feuds of all time.
If I could make my choice it'd be Gangrel..it wouldn't even matter the opponent just a match so I could his oh so awesome entrance. The stage set a fire..him arise through it...and the gothic theme cranked in the background there is no other feeling as cool. (Although sitting all of 3 feet away from Taker during his WM23 entrnace was close...very close)
This is a great thread. I am surprised by the lack of Stone Cold love. I would have to throw him in the mix along with Bret Hart, Eddie Guerrero, The Rock and (yes I will say it) Brock Lesnar. I feel like we kind of lost all of these guys earlier than we should of to death, injuries or other venues. If I had to pick I would love to see a match with proper build (like a solid feud) between Eddie and the Rock. Noone knew how to grasp a crowd like The Rock ... and Eddie ... well ... we all know what he could do in a ring.
Was always a big Benoit fan, Eddie Guerrero, and I'd even like to throw in the Ice Man Dean Malenko. Jericho's back now so that takes care of one lol. Jake Roberts when he was in his thirties, my god no one sold better than him or had better psychology in the ring and in promos. He was something special that got overshadowed. One last one, I think I'd like to see Karl Gotch vs Bryan Danielson.
I don't know if he's been mentioned yet, but come on people, what about the legend that is Curt Hennig? The man actually was Perfect. That cockyness, the charisma he oozed, coupled with the amazing execution of every move he hit, it made for an amazing match. I'd love to the man wrestle one more time, God rest his soul.

Actually, you know what would absolutly, 100% kick ass as a last-ever dream match?

Bret Hart vs. Curt Hennig. Come on. Mr Perfect vs. The Excellence of Execution? That's gonna be a spectacle, one of the greatest matches ever seen IMO, the technical skill that would be in that match... well, I don't think you'd top that one.
A dream match would be The Rock vs Bret Hart. I think they had one once, but it was before The Rock became a star.

In both of their primes, they could put on a 25 minute PPV match that would blow the roof off of the arena. Or even an Ironman Match. It would be spectacular.
l would like to see killer kowalski and big john studd ( know as the executioners (wwwf @ nwa) l grew up watching them they were a great tag team this was back in the 1964 -1977
I would love to see the Macho Man Randy Savage return to the WWE for one night only, at Wrestlemania, and wrestle Ric Flair in a rematch of their previous retirement match...Actually, all they would have to do is say SAVAGE IS IN THE BUILDING! and I would be contented...lol
This is a tough question i cant give just one answer.bret hart for sure he emodied the word wrestling for all those years gave it his all.id like to see proof of bret being lazy in one match his whole career.im sure youd never find it.
also stone cold,mr perfect,texas tornado,ultimate warrior,macho man,
I can't pick on honestly. They're 2 guys I want to see wrestle one last time, and it would have to be against eachother. Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero. Set aside the Benoit Tragedy, Chris was one of the best wrestlers in the ring. Eddie was too and soo damn funny. When these two faced off against eachother, it was magical. Pure wrestling at its very finest. These two men poured soo much into their respective carreers. It's a shame both came to such a sad end. It really is.

Also, not to get greed or anything, I do wish the two could've sqaured off for the WWE or World Title. It doesn't matter who would've held the title, but it's just a match that the WWE should've done, but sadly didn't...
Tough question. My pick would be Barry Windham. I can't count the number of times I've seen him wrestle in the past and not once did have a bad match. I'd love to see him enter the ring one more time.
there's a long list for me. i would like to see chris benoit wrestle again. it's tragic as we all know but he always delivered 110% in every match he was in. he probably would have been the ECW champ if he didn't do what he did.

razor ramone, big daddy cool deisel, ddp, the ultimate warrior, ricky steamboat, arn anderson, alex wright (yeah, right!!), brutus the barber beefcake, bam bam bigelow, andre the giant, bret hart, stone cold steve austin, and the rock.

all of these guys are legends of the ring to me. most of all hoewever, i would like to see bret the hitman hart and the rock in action. 2 of the best wrestlers/entertainers in the sport's history. i just wonder how these guys would fit in with the roster that wwe has today. even for razor and deisel. hmmm...i guess all we can do is wonder....what if.
The one wrestler that i'd i'd like to see again is the rock.the great one is greatly missed in my eyes.i'd love to see a rock vs shawn micheals fight,or a cena vs rock match.he may never wrestle another match so i have to relive his moments on dvd
Candido- Not only could he pull off the "extreme" but he was a solid overall performer who could get the crowd to hate him, but then minutes later cheer him for an unbelievable move, or a great series of moves.

Bigelow- Top 5 big man of the 80's/90's... made the person in the ring with him that much better.

Owen- Just a great heel, and his selling was priceless. Busted his ass to make the best out of the worst.
I am very pleased to see there is a thread dedicated to this topic. My answer is a no brainer as I would go with Bret "Hitman" Hart. He's always been one of my heroes and though I've met him before in person I never got the pleasure to see him wrestle live. Bret represented everything that was wonderful about wrestling as he treated it as an art form and boy did he ever paint some brilliant pictures. He'll always be a hero to me.

Other notables:
Hayabusa (Very underrated)
Brian Pillman
Dynamite Kid
Rick Rude
Owen Hart
I would do anything to see another match featuring The Rock. Not only was he athletic, he was also so entertaining. He would take a match as simple as an I Quit match and make it a hilarious and entertaining wrestling contest.

Yeah that one is a no brainer for me. The Rock was one of my favorites growin up. I rember one of the first matches i went to see was when he was wrestling, i was about 12, and it was he vs Mankind in a Pole Match, in which the rock won. TO me, i will never forget about that match. Some others i would love to see back are:

X-pac, Road Dog, Mr. Ass, Hbk, HHH to all get together one more time
Eddie Guerrero
The Original 4 Horsemen, as i never got to see them wrestle
Stone Cold
Bret Hart
(Match between two) Sting Vs HHH
I personally think Eddie Guerrero would be a good choice, but although I have not seen much of his work I would wonder what Andre the Giant would be like now, of course he would be a far better giant and wrestler than the Great Khali, as Andre is better anyway.
I would like to see Kerry Von Erich,or Chris Benoit...One last time....Both men had a great deal of talent in the wrestling ring,as they were idolized by many,including myself........The way they both (passed),was not appropriate (lack of a better word),but they should still be recognized,for their accomplishments...Not just remembered for the mistakes,that ultimately cost them everything.....Just my opinion...:flair:

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