If you could watch a former wrestler wrestle one last time, who would it be?

Personally, I think i want to see Mike Awesome and Masato Tanaka one last time. Mike Awesome was one of the most fun heavyweight champions to watch in ANY promotion.....BROTHER! Although even though I hate Hogan I think that him and Awesome would of had a solid match. Also, I would have liked to see Bobby Lashley and Brock Lesnar also.
I'd love to see Scott Hall in his Razor Ramon gimmick again do a match. Razor vs a guy like Carlito or MVP would be great.

I think Brian Pillman didn't get to peak like he could have in WWE and it'd be great to see what he could do now.

I always wonder what Eddie would be doing right now if he was still with WWE.

Also, Kurt Angle if he was still apart of WWE/ECW. I wish he would stop bashing them in such a manner because they truly did do a lot for his sports entertainment career.

Jake Roberts IMO was one of the absolute BEST heels in WWE through his early 90's run. I would love to bring that character and element back to WWE. It's hard to find such a heel nowadays, maybe in a JBL or a Matt Striker, but I haven't seen someone outside of that who's able to just own a mic and piss off an entire crowd.

I'm also a big fan of Piper and Dusty in their primes and it always kinda hurts for me to see them old, but at least they're having fun and stuff now a days.
i would love to see another Austin - Rock match, they were always epic
The Rock could still wrestle aswell so rock v HBK would be good
the rock v bret hart
austin v hogan
eddie guerro and chris benoit were both great wrestlers so them
angle but back in WWE. ermmm the dudleys v hardys v edge and christian haha thwey were awesome matches especially TLC ones.
the rock v cena
the rock v orton
(yeh im kind of a rock fan lol but they would be good)
I would want to see Bret Hart becuase he is the ONLY "legend" that I never got to see wrestle other than on a video(most of the others were either of my time or part of the WM X7 battle royal)
Bret Hart, hands down. Bret himself has said he would have loved to wrestle Kurt Angle if he was healthy. I'd love to see a submission match between those two.

I know for sure Rock will also have at least one more match in his life; unfortunately it appears like it will happen long after Shawn Michaels is retired, which apparently isn't too far off... so that's out of the idea. Rock/Cena would be good, however. The build-up, anyway.

If Austin has one more match, his ideal opponent in my mind would be a heel CM Punk. Get it? Straight edge superstar vs. a beer-swilling redneck. It'd sell PPV like hot cakes!
Bret Hart could have never had a bad match? Guess you didnt see any of his work against Yokozuna, Undertaker, Diesel, anyone who wasn't average height and weight infact.

I'm sorry but to be a great technical wrestler you have to know how to execute and when to execute more than 7 moves.

1. Drop a knee from second rope
2. Russian Leg Sweep
3. Suplex
4. Bulldog
5. Sharpshooter
6. Clothesline
7. Dropkick

I can't recall seeing Bret ever do anything else!

You are clearly entitled to your opinion but when did Yokozuna ever have a fantastic match? The only matches he ever looked half decent in were against Bret. As for Diesel(Kevin Nash), he was always grossly overrated and his better matches were with Bret and Shawn.

Bret's matches against The Undertaker were fantastic so I'm not sure where that conclusion came from. I found those two had a natural chemistry that translated throughout all of their matches and especially their matches overseas .

I realize there are those who dislike Bret such as yourself and those who look up to him as a hero such as myself so clearly our opinions will differ and I respect that, but you never truly explained why you feel Bret isn't the excellence of execution. Your point about Bret only having 7 moves is completely juvenile and I expect a hell of a lot more than that. The greatest wrestlers of all time have a list of dependable moves that they tend to pull off in any given match yet many also have tricks up their sleeves. I would expect you to realize that. He also had several other moves he pulled off on a regular basis which included the figure four around the ring post, the suicide dive, European uppercut, back breaker, the superplex, the piledriver, an inverted atomic drop etc etc. Bret Hart much like every other wrestler had his own personal and dependable moveset but claiming that he only had 7 moves is not very observant.

Bret had the natural ability to tell stories within the squared circle and there are truly few on his level. I would highly suggest going back and carefully studying some of his matches. You'll notice that he'll bleed yet you never catch him blading as he hid it so very well, he can kick the living hell out of his opponent without injuring them, brings the best out of every opponent he ever competed against and that technically he was as sound as the very best.
i heartilly agree with the hitman fans, and who wouldn't want to see hennig wrestle again?
personally, though, i'm sorry that i will never see the great japanese wrestler, funaki, again. just watch his tag match with tenzan against rvd and sabu. for a high flying, tough bumping, "slobberknocker" (as dusty would say) i have a difficult time finding it's equal.
i had a great dream that we would finally see the kurt angle(2002-2004 version before he cracked) face bret hitman hart! it would be an all time classic and would really be the final hart and angle match as it would make both men look great as you are in their with a great performer and you really would only need to worry about was how great you would be which imo would be if they were in their primes an all time classic!
Bret Hart (1996) vs. Kurt Angle (2001) would have been the shizzle. Another match I would have also loved to see would have been Shawn Michaels vs. Eddie Guerrero, which could have happened prior to Eddie's passing but never did due to the stupid brand extension and hundreds of HHH/HBK matches that were going on instead of something fresh. The WMXX main event could have very well been HHH/Benoit, leaving Guerrero/HBK earlier in the card instead of Guerrero/Angle. Angle was injured anyway.
I would really enjoy a Madusa Miceli v. Sherri Martel from the old AWA days. These were two women you did not want to mess with.
A tag match with Steve Austin (pre-Stone Cold) and Brian Pillman (pre-Loose Cannon) v. anybody in the old WCW.

Cowboy Bob Orton Jr. in a singles match in the old Mid-Atlantic area. Also, Jimmy "Boogie Woogie Man" Valiant. He really knew how to work a crowd.

I never got to see any of the Von Erich's wrestle live and only got to see World Class after David's death, so a six man tag with Kevin, Kerry and David v. the Fabulous Freebirds would be amazing.

I'm really showing my age with my choices here:icon_smile:
I'd love to see Bret Hart in one more match, if I had to choose a dream opponent, I'd have to go with Kurt Angle, these guys are 2 of the best technical wrestlers in the history of pro wrestling, if it were to have happened, they would have stole the show and left a match for everyone to remember.
I would have to go with a guy I never got the chance to see at all--Ratamius. He was apparently legitimately banned from wrestling in US after brutally beating the crap out of Randy Savage with a can opener, the old pointed kind.
I grew up loving Big Bossman so he would be my pick
that match he had where he sent the dude to prison was awsome back in the day

comming out in the police van just a classic memory of him in that match

Jake the Snake
Bert Hart
Owen Hart
Macho Man
Mr. Perfect
and Eddie

are all guys i miss seeing in the ring as they all put on classic and entertaining matches which whomeever they forght
Tully Blanchard - This guy was great on the mic as heel (he never was much of a good guy, didn't have that kind of charisma) and his matches always were top notch, win or lose. Blanchard vs Magnum TA in the 58 minute marathon match where he wins the US Title is fantastic, topped only by Magnum's revenge at Starrcade 85 in the Steel Cage "I Quit" Match, still the standard for all I Quit Matches. Blanchard vs Dusty Rhodes was almost as good as Flair vs Rhodes, these two were perfect compliments to each other both on TV and in the ring. Their $100,000 vs TV Title Match was another forgotten classic with a terrific Horseman ending as Arn Anderson attempts to pummel a crippled Magnum TA at ringside to force Dusty to leave the ring and make the save, leading to a count-out and Blanchard winning the money and keeping the title (Dusty got his revenge in the first ladder match I ever saw a few mths later, a barbed wire ladder match no less).

Blanchard had excellent matches with Barry Windham and a young Brad Armstrong, and as a tag team with Arn Anderson delivered 4 star quality bouts against both The Rock & Roll Expresss and the Rockers (a blatant R&R rip off). Blanchard always gave 110% every match, and was far more athletic than generally given credit for.

QUOTE FROM UNDERCURRENT "I realize there are those who dislike Bret such as yourself and those who look up to him as a hero such as myself so clearly our opinions will differ and I respect that, but you never truly explained why you feel Bret isn't the excellence of execution. Your point about Bret only having 7 moves is completely juvenile and I expect a hell of a lot more than that. The greatest wrestlers of all time have a list of dependable moves that they tend to pull off in any given match yet many also have tricks up their sleeves. I would expect you to realize that. He also had several other moves he pulled off on a regular basis which included the figure four around the ring post, the suicide dive, European uppercut, back breaker, the superplex, the piledriver, an inverted atomic drop etc etc. Bret Hart much like every other wrestler had his own personal and dependable moveset but claiming that he only had 7 moves is not very observant."

That is exactly correct - the best wrestlers have a patented finisher and about a half dozen or so standard moves/spots they do, but they also add significantly to that, especially in long matches. Given that Brett wrestled both Flair and HBK in Iron Man Matches he deifinatley needed more than 7 moves. Brett also took mediocre performers like British Bulldog and had excellent matches, another trait of a great performer.

Less talented wrestlers do not have the creativity or athletic ability to pull off many moves outside their standard set (Hulk Hogan comes to mind). Now I never thought Brett was all that great on the mic (if he was a 9.5 in the ring he was 6 on the mic) and that may have contributed to McMahon's decission to push HBK over him, a guy who was extremely creative on the mic and very good in the ring as well. However, of all the wrestler's one could criticize for being repetitive or not being creative, Hart isn't one.
I would have liked to see Bret Hart vs Kurt Angle as well. Who wouldn't want to see that happen?

Also, I think Mr. Perfect versus Jericho would have been the shiznit as well.

As for the Rock, the only opponent I see him worthy to get in the ring again with would be Sting. Imagine the build up to that match. Both guys were great on the mic.
Stone Cold Steve Austin - just one more match of that hell raising, beer swilling, foul mouthed S.O.B!!!! would be so awesome!
I would have to say Mr Perfect. He really lived up to his name as his whole persona really came alive when he was on screen. I wish he would have gotten the chance to fight for the Heavyweight Championship.
There would be three guys I'd like to see wrestle just one more time. In no order, I'd want Steve Austin just to have one final match with Hulk Hogan in a proper retirement match. I'd want to see the Rock go up against John Cena because they have real time "heat" with each other. The other man I'd like to see wrestle would be the Macho Man Randy Savage because he's one of the most entertaining of all-time. I couldn't pick any one over the other, however.
Personally I would say Bill Goldberg. The original powerhouse. Used to love him in wcw. He was so good at building up anticipation at big matches.

Honourable mentions go to:
The Rock
Stone Cold
Cactus Jack
Diamond Dallas Page (2nd place)
Ultimate Warrior vs Goldberg Not because they're great in the ring, but just to see one of their egos get deflated.
I would love a vintage tag match between the British Bulldogs (1986) and the Steiners (1990). I miss some of the big men when they were in their prime, like Bam Bam Bigelow and Vader. But Bret Hart is the kind of wrestler every era needs. Successful as both hero and heel, could carry a match, willing to put lesser guys over, and despite what some douchnozzles on here might say, one of the most gifted wrestlers off all-time.
Bret Hart comes to mind, but if I could see any one wrestler wrestle one more match, I'd have to say Chris Benoit. I hate what he did, and there is no excusing it, but regardless of the circumstances of his death, I wish I could see one more match of his. Benoit vs Jericho vs Angle maybe, those three always put on a hell of a show together.
If I could watch the match of one wrestler again it would be Mr. Perfect Curt Henning.

WOW its bad that he came up and was in his prime when giants were ruling WWE, had he come a few years later he could have been world champion.

The way he moved in the ring was just beautiful and his matches with Bret Hart were great. He could also cut a pretty good promo but was better when he had Heenan with him. He was what a champ should look like blonde hair and great body and confidence in his ability.

MR. Perfect truly was Perfect
For me, easily it has to be Jake "The Snake" Roberts...maybe another classic match vs. Ricky Steamboat. I remember the time Steamboat brought a sack to the ring too with a small alligator or something in it, but I can't find it on youtube or anywhere. I agree with Gangrel as well, his entrance was simply phenomal, probably the most intense (and most expensive) entrance ever done. I have to go along with the earlier post that said they'd love to see DX together again for one last run, complete with Road Dogg and Gunn. Have them feud with Cena, Cryme Tyme and maybe D-Lo. Ahhh, but we can dream can't we? Kind of wish McMahon would get off of his checkbook, give Sting some creative control and get him to make a surprise appearance at a Wrestlemania or on Raw..come down from the rafters and take a bat to JBL's head. Then again, trying to figure out what McMahon and the creative departmet is thinking sometimes is fodder for another forum entirely.
Totally being biased here...

IT's gotta be Bret Hart! I'd just love to see what he would do with todays talent. He made a career of helping new main eventers get over, as well as working with mid-carders like he did in 1995! I mean think of it, Bret vs. MVP, vs. Shelton, Punk, Jeff Hardy, Edge (I think big money can be made there), Triple H (they fought before, but Hunter wasn't even close to being the star he became), Batista, Cena, Jericho, Myserio, Kendrick, FInlay!

And of course...a huge money match wth Shawn! And Vince!!!

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