In Your Opinion Who is the next rising babyface?

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The Abdi
Okay so..

WWE is kind of short on babyface's, we're stacked with heels very talented ones IMO. So in your opinion name a babyface not a heel (even if your idea involves them turning heel) name a face that you think has potential and that could be a very big superstar one day.

IMO I think Alex Riley could truely one day be a bigger star then The Miz. Miz's improves every year, he improved alot in 2007, he improved even more in 2008, he improved way more in 2009 and he improved quite a bit more in 2010. He's still improving. But Alex Riley is fairly new and doesn't have as much experience as The Miz yet he looks fairly strong at a young point in his wrestling year. It took the Miz about 5 1/2 years after being on the main roster to look like a star and Riley has been on the main roster (RAW) for less than a year and he looks pretty good. Don't twist my words Miz is heads and shoulders above A-Ry but one day I see A-Ry being a top face and a bigger draw then Miz with that being said. Name at least one face with all the potential in the world that could be big you could even name a jobber that with a tweak of a gimmick could be huge. Rocky Mavia didn't become good over night his gimmick was tweaked and he improved and he became one of the biggest drawss. Name anybody (face) this is your opinion it could be anybody that is a face on WWE.
I think Alex Riley could be a big babyface on the rise, but he needs to stay on tv after his feud with the Miz. There are so many times that superstars get bumped off tv or even released after their "breakout" feud. For example, Shad. They gave him a new look, broke him up from JTG, turned him heel, and then released him as soon as the feud ended. Also Chuck Palumbo. Gave him his whole motorcycle gimmick with a new look and theme (that ironically started with "you will remember me") then poof he was gone. This happens all the time, so my point is Riley needs to be put in a good feud right after his Miz feud. I think him and Truth would make an interesting feud, or even him and Del Rio.
this is a very easy question for me my answer is simple....2 words...JOHN MORRISON! i think hes great in the ring and he does some cool shit (yes that could be a spot monkey but he seems to b the kind of person who wants to do the 1 thing that people will go home rembering....and im pretty sure hbk or jeff hardy or both said tht at some point both had atleast 1 good run as a face wwe or whw champion) ill b the first 2 admit morrison does need some mic work but hes not as bad as truth on the mic! this guy has been hanging around the upper mid card/main event for awhile and i think its only a matter of time till he gets the wwe title (this year maybe? :shrug:) the way i would do it is with the money in the bank ppv coming up next month (i think) have him win the match for the raw guys and use the next 3-4 monthes to build him up as a main eventer aka putting him in alot more raw main events,having him improve on the mic,give him a new finisher (maybe even a submission finisher? idk it would be different :shrug:) then when he cashes in have it happen at royal rumble or elimination or if u wanted to wait even longer wrestlemania and have him cash in CLEANLY! then let him win the wwe title tht way and go from their give the guy a few monthes atleast as champ for build up and giving him a chance he cant have a worse title run then fucking khali or swagger!!!!!!!
I'll admit that A-Ry's got potential here, at least on Raw. When it comes to babyfaces, he's pretty much the only new thing on the menu over there. On Smackdown, you've got a few other possibilities. Either Daniel Bryan or Sin Cara are big possibilities, but I'd go with Bryan. He's got great potential if only he can work on his mic skills a little bit. Yeah, his voice may sound a little nasal, but then so does Swagger's. Bump him up to the main event starting with a mid-card feud with someone like Mark Henry to put him over and then up to another feud with Sheamus that Bryan comes out on top of and he's got a good shot at becoming a major face.

I, however, am actually looking forward to when Big Andy from Tough Enough makes his debut and seeing how well he does. A guy like that could make a great face and if he shows he's got what it takes, this guy could rise and rise fast. I got a hunch that the WWE has big things planned for this guy.
Alex Riley hands down. He has it all.

Already looking comfortable interacting with guys of the status of John Cena and The Miz, Riley should be the next breakout star in the WWE. I have become a big fan of his over the last couple of months.

He can talk on the mic (which most young guys cant right now), he has a great look, he is talented in the ring, and he is a good looking guy which will always be of benefit.

For someone so inexperienced to look at home in the main event/upper mid card as Riley has done indicates to me that he has a chance to make it, and make it big. I expect an IC/US title reign in his near future and for him to be in World Title contention within the next 18 months for sure.
Yep, I'm with pretty much everyone else here. It's Alex Riley, no doubt about it.

He's just great and I don't know how to explain it, but he is. He's got absolutely amazing mic skills and when he was on NXT, he really should've won it (I mean, look what happened to Kaval). That moment where he was able to break away from The Miz was a revelation in Wrestling. He totally branched out and took full opportunity of his moment. He knew he had to deliver and by god, he delivered. He looked strong and pretty damn top class. I can see him raising the WWE Championship above his head in the future, maybe in the next year or 2. With the WWE Championship being very focused on Wrestlemania next year, it's hard to see anyone possibly taking it from Cena until next April, so maybe Riley is the next US Champion or something.

Either way, things look rosy for Riley.
I actually think that Alex Riley's mentor is going to be the next babyface.
Yes, I pick The Miz.

He has everything, he has a good list of accomplishments already, he is loved by the fans (IWC and General fans), he is one of the best heels in the WWE currently and he has a babyface look.
He is comfortable in the mic alongside guys like Steve Austin, The Rock, Cena, Roddy Pipper and he is one of the most passionate guys on the roster.

He can tell a story in the ring and as far as I see he already has signature moves to be his "5 Moves of Doom".
Alex Riley is probably going to be the next big face in the WWE.

They'll push him hard too just to make it emphatic that's what they want. He has the alright microphone skills to get him by, he has a great look without a doubt, as a wrestler from watching his FCW work and his work on NXT, he also is very good in the ring, his strong point is selling.

But can they market a guy like Alex Riley? That's what WWE will look at. They'll look at the fact that if they push him as this great guy whose always there to stand-up to assholes, that they want a return in t-shirt and other merchandise sales. When John Cena was on the rise, his United States Spinner Championship sold-out everywhere they went. He had the odd t-shirt back then with the Wordlife logo on it, and they would sell.

He was pushed because he could sell. If I went to a WWE event, I wouldn't instantly want to buy something of Riley. I'd for something from Mistico or Bryan Danielson before Riley. So I think it's more of an open field than some are presuming. In terms of look and on the mic skills, Alex would defintely be the choice, but as of this moment in-terms of what they can stick his face on and will sell, we can only determine that after Capitol Punishment when he enters his next feud. His match with The Miz is selling no doubt, but can he do it if it's not with Mike?
Well, I'll be sounding like a broken record here but........Drew McIntyre. Yes, a lot of people on this forum are adamantly against his turning face, but I'm going strictly by process of elimination in saying that the company just doesn't seem to find him effective in any of the heel personae he's been used in to this the choice seems to be either turning him into a good guy, or future endeavoring him. Of course, if the promo he cut during his dark match on RAW a couple of weeks ago is a prelude to something, it could be that the company has a third alternative: to re-package him in a new heel role. At this point, they have to find something for him already; I was surprised and disappointed they abandoned that Drew/Kelly program, but it led me to believe the company just doesn't see him getting across as a heel.

Personally, I think he'd do an amazing job as a good guy. With those choirboy looks of his, his great size (I'm talking about his height, you animals), and his vastly improved ring repertoire, Drew might be the next big thing, if they'd only give him an effective face program to run with.

Plus, RAW needs some good guys and the wisest plan is to turn some heels. Why not Drew?
I really don't want to choose because it seems that the WWE dropped the ball on everyone they were pushing earlier on.Sheamus,Wade Barrett,Alberto Del Rio,Drew McIntyre,Dolph Ziggler,John Morrison,the list goes on.However,if you put a gun to my head and told me to choose,I'd say Alex Riley.He's what Vince McMahon wants in a top babyface: Big,muscular guy,clean cut,has some aggression in his gimmick,decent wrestler,charismatic.He's been impressive as well when he's on the mic.I just hope the WWE keeps him around in important feuds after his thing with The Miz is over.It would be a damn shame to drop the ball on another promising wrestler,I mean,sports entertainer.
Alex Riley is definitely the current babyface on the rise. I mean he took out The Miz and got a loud pop and cheer from the fans and then the following week he received a bigger pop and may I just add his pop was louder than John Cena’s that night. He has already impressed within these 3 weeks of being a face and only wrestling once. He’s good on the mic, extremely charismatic, has a good look, good worker, decent in the ring and most importantly he is a likeable guy and I think WWE will really give him his big break. Now Riley’s been given his chance now he has to impress just like John Cena got his chance in 2004 and Randy Orton got his chance late 2003/04. When they were given their chance at stardom they gave it their all, pushed the pedal to medal and SUCEEDED! Since then they have numerous amounts of World Titles and are the faces of their respectable brands. Alex Riley has got it all, now he needs to impress and if he has continues to do what he has done the past 3 weeks which is impress the IWC and the fans then he is a shoe in to be the ‘next big thing’.

Other guys who are possibly on the rise to be top baby faces are Sin Cara and Bryan. They are both faces and liked by the IWC and fans. They’re both exciting to watch and they are excellent in the ring. But, Alex Riley has a trait that neither of these two gentlemen possess's and that is Alex Riley is charismatic and good on the mic. Sin Cara can’t speak a word on English and Daniel Bryan has no charisma or mic skills what so ever. But they both are much better in the ring than Riley. Nobody so far has even considered Zack Ryder? He may currently be a tweener but he is the most liked guy in the WWE at this point of time and he wasn’t even on Raw and he still got the biggest pop’s. His Internet series has allowed him to be the most liked guy in the WWE. Soon WWE will push Ryder and I can see him becoming the next babyface when the gets the TV time he deserves.

Anyhow, IMO Alex Riley is the baby face on the rise as he has gone from NXT to The Miz’s bitch to 2nd biggest face on Raw. I hope this kid makes the most of his opportunity and shows everybody what he is capable of.
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