Should we take anything out of the Miz/Austin segment last night?!?!

This is the IWC, when do they not bitch and moan? There are people out there who actually like Ian Rotten for christ sake.

Just look at the threads around here. "Cena oversells punches" "the hard cam was on the wrong side" "summerslam is ruined" "Wrestler X botches an irish whip by stumbling to the ropes after tripping a bit" "orton layed down all match against CM Punk (selling his knee)". It's almost painful to be here sometimes because of all the stupidity.

I think that they honestly just LOOOOVE to bitch. I think that's why I appreciate cena so much. He knows he pisses them off and he runs with it, knowing that as a handsome muscular guy, the IWC already has a grudge against him. Knowing that they'll still watch and still boo and still bitch no matter what he does.
This doesn't make sense, that doesn't make sense... Well, last years biggest storyline was Nexus and what they did still doesn't make sense! So trying to move according to people's senses are not always getting the best results. Miz vs SCSA will be a huge draw today, tomorrow or the day after. Bringing back nostalgia won't help if Rock is feuding with Steve Austin for the belt. It will be even worse if Steve Austin doesn't come out because he doesn't want to lose to the Rock. Rock selling Austin's fingerpoke and losing to him will give WWE a Rock bottom. But if they are wrestling against today's stars who have a problem with credibility, i will be buying a ticket from Australia to watch the next Wrestlemania! Everyone here seems to know everything just like last year this time there were countless threads saying Rock won't ever return, and even if he does one day he wouldn't ever wrestle. I guess that didn't make sense back in the day either!
This doesn't make sense, that doesn't make sense... Well, last years biggest storyline was Nexus and what they did still doesn't make sense! So trying to move according to people's senses are not always getting the best results. Miz vs SCSA will be a huge draw today, tomorrow or the day after. Bringing back nostalgia won't help if Rock is feuding with Steve Austin for the belt. It will be even worse if Steve Austin doesn't come out because he doesn't want to lose to the Rock. Rock selling Austin's fingerpoke and losing to him will give WWE a Rock bottom. But if they are wrestling against today's stars who have a problem with credibility, i will be buying a ticket from Australia to watch the next Wrestlemania! Everyone here seems to know everything just like last year this time there were countless threads saying Rock won't ever return, and even if he does one day he wouldn't ever wrestle. I guess that didn't make sense back in the day either!
good job, I especially liked the WCW reference with the fingerpoke and how it'd essentially be the same thing.

I like the Jericho vs Miz idea too. Can't decide which I like more. I'm excited to be a wrestling fan (as I've been since October 1995).
You said he looked good physically.

He did.

I said he was huffing and puffing.

And I clearly said "ring-wise." That would mean doing things, ya know, inside of the ring, such as running, punching, kicking, and all of the other things wrestlers do... inside of the ring.

Not being in cardio shape = not looking good physically.

It does? I don't think so. Look at Samoa Joe's fat ass. Think he can't go 20 minutes? He can. Looking fit and having great cardio do not always go hand in hand.

Unless you just meant he was aesthetically pleasing then sure. Although he was wearing a shirt and jean shorts so I'm not sure how much you can tell from that.

1. He was wearing pants, not jean shorts.

2. Did you see his arms? They were freakin' shredded. The guy is in good enough shape, aesthetically, and that leads me to believe (like any clear thinking human being) he could easily be ready to go by April of next year, at least enough so to have a brawl with Vinny Mac.

He looked out of shape to me.

Have your eyes checked, sooner as opposed to later.

Yes, Rock is a nostalgia play, but there is a proper way to do that. That is, putting over the next generation.

John Cena doesn't need The Rock to put him over, he's been the face of the company for at least five years. Also, it's not like this is really moving Cena forward. It's not like beating Rock is going to change hearts and minds. If they already like him, they will after WM 28. If they already hate him, beating Rock won't do him any favors with that portion of the crowd. Why are they doing it? Cena vs. Rock is good for the company, same would go for another Austin vs. McMahon feud/match.

You don't have the past win and you don't put past vs past unless it's like McMahon vs Hart.

This would be exactly like Hart vs. McMahon, except for, A. Austin can still get in there and get it done, and B. Austin/McMahon is all kayfabe, where Hart/McMahon was real. Those are the only differences. Hart/McMahon worked because people cared about that feud. People still care about McMahon/Austin, therefore it's good for business.

I compare wanting Vince vs Stone Cold to WCW because it wouldn't further anything.

It would draw money, plain and simple. Not every, single thing done in professional wrestling needs to move something/someone forward. Some things happen in hopes of putting on a good show (and making money).

After the match then want.

Austin goes back to making shitty movies? Vince officially retires the Mr. McMahon character? Who knows, who cares, it's fun stuff.

It's not foreward thinking.

Again, every little thing they decide to do doesn't need to revolve around the future. It's not like the main event is Austin vs. Rock for the title, or something like that. You're overreacting, big time.

That's how WCW died.

WCW, again? Just drop this. WCW died for several reasons. Shitty, nostalgic booking turned people off, but only after several years of doing so, and creating absolutely no superstars (outside of Goldberg) in the process. Again, you're overreacting.

You can say "one match isn't the same as booking your whole year on nostalgia" all you want but the bottom line is booking for nostalgia and booking 2 old guys against each other does nobody any good.

Actually, it does. Next to Andre and Hogan, it's probably the biggest, most important feud in the history of professional wrestling. It sunk WCW, brought the WWF back to life, and all of this took place during the most successful era in the history of the business.

Those two old guys would still put on one hell of a show, and it's a show people would care about.

It's a temporary boost.

Vince wants 1 Million buys for WrestleMania 28. Why not stack the card with whatever draws the most money? And in the process, introduce your current product to fans who haven't been watching over the last few years. It's good business.

It's like putting those ridiculous huge rims on a shitty car.

Wow, that analogy sucks. Maybe the shittiest one you could have thrown out there.

Why can't you think critically as in "what is it in and of itself?"

I'm the one who isn't thinking critically? I've taken each one of your comments, completely gutted said comments, and explained why you're wrong. I believe my critical thinking skills are right where they should be.

Because you're a mark for the attitude era?

This reads like an assumption, seeing you have no clue what I do and do not like. You're not thinking in a very critical manner :blush:

If you book Austin vs McMahon, it's a one time thing.

..that draws money.

After it's over you have a pile of guys that need to get over. So why the hell not give someone a HUGE rub and make them look like a star by putting them against the Miz or CM Punk or another guy who could use it to get put in the same category as Orton and Cena?

To be perfectly honest, if they want to have Miz vs. Austin, fine with me. If Austin thinks he can handle that kind of match, physically, go for it. I'm just saying Austin vs. McMahon would be great for business, it would pose little risk to Austin's health, and Miz could stay in the title hunt.

O wait, that's right, because YOU like the attitude era and want to see a shitty brawling match that'd basically be bloody and chair shots.


Oh, and it would help in making a ton of money.
I'm going to go from the bottom of yours up.

No, it would not make much more money than wrestlemania gets anyways, especially not with Rock vs Cena already bringing in the nostalgia. The opportunity cost of not making money in the future of whoever Austin "makes" would actually give them an economic loss. Especially if Vince gets hurt (entirely possible, he's SIXTY FIVE)

Introducing the product to fans who haven't been watching is great. Then they see "Austin vs McMahon" and then Rock beating Cena (pretty sure you supported that too) and think, man, the current guys must suck. good job, you just buried the current roster.

Lastly, have you ever done anything remotely athletic. I look huge with a shirt on. I can probably still bench 130% my body weight but I'm not in shape. Being muscular and being in wrestling shape are two totally different things. Austin was obviously huffing and puffing after the thesz press, others have seen it. I don't care if you're built like Cena, if you're huffing and puffing after a thesz press, you're NOT in shape. You know nothing about fitness. There are guys with massive arms that still have beer bellies. The fact that you said austin had pants and not shorts makes it even harder for you to see his physique. Austin did not look to be in great shape. He looked just like every 40 something I see at the gym who just goes to maintain an "in shape" lifestyle. An "in shape" lifestyle isn't WWE shape though.

I really don't know what to tell you about how he looked physically, I've trained people, when you're out of breath after minimal effort, you're NOT in shape. Yea he's probably in better shape than most people, but that's still not WWE shape. Muscular arms aren't everything. "in ring" wise you can punch and kick all you want but if you have shit cardio, you will be gassed quickly and you soon won't be able to do diddly shit in the ring.

Your main argument is that Austin vs McMahon makes money. How much MORE is it really going to draw than Rock vs Cena is already bringing in and the WWE brand and the Wrestlemania brand? I bet Austin vs Miz with Vince in Miz's corner would draw more. Believe it or not, a lot of people DON'T want to see Austin vs McMahon. Like I said, thinking down the road at the opportunity cost and you're probably at an economic loss (total value you could make vs total value made by what you did do).

The reason Bret vs Vince was difference is because minus that night in Montreal, they hadn't really had a physical altercation. Plus everyone knew about the real life stuff so it was intriguing. What's so intriguing about bringing 2 characters, that haven't been around in forever, onto the show and doing what they did 10 years ago only slower and with less originality. They may as well show a repeat if they want to do that.

Miz w/ Vince vs Austin would draw as many if not more, plus put Miz over, which means more future dollars. I don't see how you can argue with that.
Austin stated in an interview today that physically he could wrestle regularly for another two years if he really wanted don t get your hopes up too much because he also said that he is living pain free and would like to remain that way as well. However, interesting enough in the interview he did mention that he likes CM Punk alot and thinks that a feud between them would be great given the Straightedge vs Beer Drinking Stone Cold persona and that they would have great promos, segments, and match. If Austin did return it would likely be at Wrestlemania against someone like a top heel CM Punk. From a storyline perspective it would work and would be fresh but highly interesting.

As for Miz he just needed something to do on Raw given he was still recovering from the concussion and it made sense with his Tough Enough background. Cool segment and helped legitimize him as a true star by facing off with Austin, but I dont see a matchup anytime from them two.

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