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Capt. Charisma

Getting Noticed By Management
Was it me or was Thursday's Impact good?

Kevin Nash d. AJ Styles in a Street Fight.

Curry Man won a 16-Man Battle Royal. By stipulation for the match, he and Shark Boy got to choose the stipulation for their match against Team 3-D at Destination X.

Tomko d. Samoa Joe in a First Blood Match.

Rhyno d. Judas Mesias.

Awesome Kong d. Salinas.

Christian Cage d. TNA Champion Kurt Angle in a Six Sides of Steel Match.
It was nothing to brag about, I thought it was ok after the AJ Styles & Kevin Nash match, then I just went to sleep and recorded the when I did watch it, just fast forward it. I'm kind of bored with Christian in TNA and I'm sick of Angle. Seeing Joe was great then he lose with a cut on the arm to Tomko. The my hopes got up, when I saw Salinas, then once I saw she was going to wrestling in pants, I came down. TNA was ok, but last weeks Heat on WWE.com was better.
It was nothing to brag about, I thought it was ok after the AJ Styles & Kevin Nash match, then I just went to sleep and recorded the when I did watch it, just fast forward it. I'm kind of bored with Christian in TNA and I'm sick of Angle. Seeing Joe was great then he lose with a cut on the arm to Tomko. The my hopes got up, when I saw Salinas, then once I saw she was going to wrestling in pants, I came down. TNA was ok, but last weeks Heat on WWE.com was better.

The AJ/Nash match was probably the worse match like you said, but it could have been worse, i thought it was solid and they don't want to give too much because it will spoil the ppv match. Angle/Cage was better than anything on RAW, Smackdown, and ECW this week combined. It was a great match and these two work great together. You may be sick of it but, the fans were really into it, Cage was getting a really strong face reaction, which is great news. Please explain to me why you this match made you bored? It was done perfectly, these two are holding TNA up at the moment without these 2 TNA would be fucked literally. Salinas was there to job to Kong to make her look good, she's quite hot, but i've seen fitter lasses. Joe was ok, I'm still not sold on him though, it was a decent match with Tomko.

It wasn't perfect but it was a lot better than it has been.
the parts i seen were pretty good. Cage gave good promo in the beginning of the show. "Why these people call me.... well what i call myself... champ :cool:" it was good. it was booked pretty well. Nash and Styles was pretty bad, but for the most part everything had meaning, and Young still cracks me up. for the most part everything was pretty good. the show wasn't "great", but it was better than normal.
If it was like this every week though you could actualy see it competing with Smackdown in a few months. The main event actualy made me want to watch the PPV match, before this Impact I couldn't care less about this PPV, now I see potential in the main event of a good match. I won't order it, but it did a good job of selling me. Unfortunatly they will fuck it up next week and everything will be shit.
The AJ/Nash match was probably the worse match like you said, but it could have been worse, i thought it was solid and they don't want to give too much because it will spoil the ppv match. Angle/Cage was better than anything on RAW, Smackdown, and ECW this week combined. It was a great match and these two work great together. You may be sick of it but, the fans were really into it, Cage was getting a really strong face reaction, which is great news. Please explain to me why you this match made you bored? It was done perfectly, these two are holding TNA up at the moment without these 2 TNA would be fucked literally. Salinas was there to job to Kong to make her look good, she's quite hot, but i've seen fitter lasses. Joe was ok, I'm still not sold on him though, it was a decent match with Tomko.

It wasn't perfect but it was a lot better than it has been.

I'm just bored of Angle and Christian therefore I wasn't really into the match. I just watch it and thought, this match ahs been done before by both men,excpect for the Ankle Lock on the ropes, greatspot, but I just was a waiting till old school AWA wrestling came on. Its like whole Edge & John Cena feud, sure they had great matches, but I got tired of both of theme together and even though Cage and Angle have only been feuding for alike a month or two, I think its the worst feud in wrestling and it makes no since. The wedding, karen, AJ, Gator Land, TNA writes must get high on Somas and start coming up with ideas.

I just think the whole show was ok and bland, from Booker T opening Promo, with the only highlight being is that Robert Rhoode is finally over. AJ & Nash was 7 to 8 minutes of my life I will never get back. I mean Nash no sold his knee till like the last minute when he gave AJ a good Jacknife then must of remember he was suppose to be hurt.

Battle Royal was what it was, just TNA throwing people into a match with no explaining at all with adding a Stip for the winner that is real stupid.

Tomko and Joe-Why is Tomko winning matches? I can understand the whole being under used in WWE thing and getting a chance in TNA, but the guy is that great to be getting wins on establish talent right when they are suppose to be pushing said talent. Great way to make Joe look like a Main Event, lose to Tomko.

Rhyno and Mesias-Why even have the match,that was some Vince crap they pulled, push the guy, then bury the hell out of him in lest than a month.Mesias and Umaga should form a union.

Kong & Salianas- Before that they had the pron star chick with the Voodoo bitch, and the which have to be the worst down gimmicks ever. I know the WWE do dumb gimmicks, but at least when the wrestler used the gimmicks, they are interesting. Kong is cool, but she does five moves, so I guess her and Cena got trained at the same place.

TNA Impact is ok to watch, but they need to gain a WWE factor, I mean if you miss and episode of Impact, and the next week you are confuse at to what is going on, if you watch and episode of Impact and watch it next week you would be still confuse. I'm just wondering are the writers paying attention to what they write as they change ever week to more stupid crap. I will watch next week as I like wrestling, but fire Vince Russo or who ever is booking the crap and bring back the guy who was booking during the FSN days.
I think Impact would be a whole lot better if every other match didn't involve a stipulation, it gets boring after awhile and a free show with a 16 person battle royal, a street fight, first blood match and a cage match 3 days before a pay per view is a little ridiculous if you ask me, they could have accomplished the same without putting pointless stipulations on the pay per view hype matches.
My problem with TNA is that they try to be a fucked up promotion. I mean the WWE will beata horse till its dead, but TNA can hae one show and just find a way to fuck up the next week. Its like they seat in a meeting and say we are doing great, pushing TNA establish talent, now haw can we fuck it up and lose ratings, push WWE rejects.
I'm just bored of Angle and Christian therefore I wasn't really into the match. I just watch it and thought, this match ahs been done before by both men,excpect for the Ankle Lock on the ropes, greatspot, but I just was a waiting till old school AWA wrestling came on. Its like whole Edge & John Cena feud, sure they had great matches, but I got tired of both of theme together and even though Cage and Angle have only been feuding for alike a month or two, I think its the worst feud in wrestling and it makes no since. The wedding, karen, AJ, Gator Land, TNA writes must get high on Somas and start coming up with ideas.

I disagree at first the feud was kinda confussing, but now Cage is starting to get over as a face it proves that people are starting to enjoy the feud. I agree that Cage/Angle have wrestled a lot of matches together in a short period of time however all those matches have been consistantly good, they have yet to wrestle a bad match, you can't say that they're match on Impact was too similar to any of there other matches, the 6 sides ensured it was varied. The mainevent and the end sold the PPV very well, a lot better than it has been doing. However I agree that Cage and Angle should now have a break from facing each other, as the matches could become too reptitive if they are not careful. Unless they are going to culminate the feud at lockdown and give the title to Cage, which wouldn't be a bad move. Joe isn't ready for the title, he isnt as hot as he was, and now just isn't the right time, also he hasn't shown he is good enough to head the company. If they give the title to Joe too soon, it will cool off and Joe won't get the same reaction, and won't be able to draw. AJ would be a better choice because he has proven he has decent mic skills, and is ready for another title run. The feud itself between Angle and Christian is fine now, the fans are firmly behind Christian as a face, they are putting on great matches, if the culimnated it at lockdown, and had a decent storyline without the bullshit AJ/Karen stuff which I agree is crap, then it will be a great feud. I have a feeling though that its going to be Joe/Angle at lockdown which will suck.

I just think the whole show was ok and bland, from Booker T opening Promo, with the only highlight being is that Robert Rhoode is finally over. AJ & Nash was 7 to 8 minutes of my life I will never get back. I mean Nash no sold his knee till like the last minute when he gave AJ a good Jacknife then must of remember he was suppose to be hurt.

Booker has never been strong on the mic, thats why they had Roode do all the work. Cornette was the one who opened and sold the show- this was a very GOOD idea because TNA have been losing viewers as the show goes on, when you set out 3 matches that should be good at the start of the show, people are going to stay and watch to make sure they see everything, the main event storyline was booked well, the first match cudda been better but theres only so much you can do on free TV to not spoil the PPV.

Battle Royal was what it was, just TNA throwing people into a match with no explaining at all with adding a Stip for the winner that is real stupid.

It was ok, I agree they cudda made better use of it but it was ok, and Shark Boy, gave a decent promo after (even if he was copying stone cold) which like it or not went over with the crowd well.

Tomko and Joe-Why is Tomko winning matches? I can understand the whole being under used in WWE thing and getting a chance in TNA, but the guy is that great to be getting wins on establish talent right when they are suppose to be pushing said talent. Great way to make Joe look like a Main Event, lose to Tomko.

Tomko is getting a push because he deserves it, he has improved loads and deserves to been seen as a legit force, its also improtant for the PPV match that he's seen as on the same level as the other guys. What better way than by beating Samoa Joe, the way they did it didnt make Joe look weak, and they made up for it with Joe going beserk at the end of the show, so it was good.

Rhyno and Mesias-Why even have the match,that was some Vince crap they pulled, push the guy, then bury the hell out of him in lest than a month.Mesias and Umaga should form a union.

Mesias is leaving TNA i think, and now Abyss has gone they have nothing for him which is a pity because he is good. Rhino has a PPV match so he needs to go over.

Kong & Salianas- Before that they had the pron star chick with the Voodoo bitch, and the which have to be the worst down gimmicks ever. I know the WWE do dumb gimmicks, but at least when the wrestler used the gimmicks, they are interesting. Kong is cool, but she does five moves, so I guess her and Cena got trained at the same place.

Moves don't make a good wrestler, and certainly not in Kong's case she has more than 5 moves if you have seen her Japan stuff but also shes a heel and it so she needs to over as such and use a lot of punching/kicking. Her moves are all high impact so it doesn't matter if she only has a limited number anyway, ahe isnt that type of wrestler.

TNA Impact is ok to watch, but they need to gain a WWE factor, I mean if you miss and episode of Impact, and the next week you are confuse at to what is going on, if you watch and episode of Impact and watch it next week you would be still confuse. I'm just wondering are the writers paying attention to what they write as they change ever week to more stupid crap. I will watch next week as I like wrestling, but fire Vince Russo or who ever is booking the crap and bring back the guy who was booking during the FSN days.

I agree with some of this, but this weeks TNA impact was better than most WWE shows. Sure Impact has been shitty lately, but if your gonna bitch about them all the time you have to say when they do sumort good too. If they did this every week it could compete with Raw and Smackdown easily on quality. Getting viewers is another matter, WWE fans are generally very loyal, are used to WWE booking and wrestlers, WWE has a vast supiror marketing machine to make sure people always tune in. Tna booking in general has sucked really bad, but this weeks Impact is the way forward for them, and shows they can book good shows.
I haven't seen Smackdown yet, as it could be better than Impact, hell I thought ECW so far has been the best show this week.

Getting over in TNA has one good thing and one bad thing. Good thing, you got over, bad thing, they wrestle in front of the same crowd so getting over in Orlando proves what about christian?

As for TNA, for the people who liked it this week, watch them fuck it up next week. I'm guessing Angle and AJ fight, Karen is ref or something at lock down, with AJ on the outside.
I think Impact would be a whole lot better if every other match didn't involve a stipulation, it gets boring after awhile and a free show with a 16 person battle royal, a street fight, first blood match and a cage match 3 days before a pay per view is a little ridiculous if you ask me, they could have accomplished the same without putting pointless stipulations on the pay per view hype matches.

This doesn't happen every week like your making out, it was a great way to keep people watching, and built up the PPV match. The first two matches were delibrately kept short as not to spoil the PPV. The main event was longer because Angle/Cage always put on great matches together, and it was also used to build to feud especially the ending. The second stipulation was done to allow Tomko to go over and look in the same league as the other guys in the tag match, BUT in a way that didnt make Joe look weak. The Nash/AJ match probably cudda been done without the stipulation, but if they announce 3 stiplulation matches people are gonna stay and watch, and hopefully you will see that with the ratings, as TNA have had a problem of losing rating throughout the show. So people want to watch all 3 matches so they stay and watch. The cage was necessry for numerous reasons 1) The ending where they locked Christian inside and beat on him really hyped the PPV match well. 2)Christian+Angle have had numerous matches together they needed something to set the match apart from the others. 3)To keep ratings at the end of the show. 4)Because it allowed spots that wouldn't have been possible otherwise and helped the match tocome off really well, and it got the crowd really into it.
I dont understand TNA's booking. When they had the 16 man battly royal wouldnt they wanna build up Lethal and Williams? Instead they burried both of them and curry man wins. Nash stunk up the house. They had a great promo with Messias and Mitchell then they buried Messias. They dont carry the feuds. It just seems like they trow stuff together.
I haven't seen Smackdown yet, as it could be better than Impact, hell I thought ECW so far has been the best show this week.

Getting over in TNA has one good thing and one bad thing. Good thing, you got over, bad thing, they wrestle in front of the same crowd so getting over in Orlando proves what about christian?

As for TNA, for the people who liked it this week, watch them fuck it up next week. I'm guessing Angle and AJ fight, Karen is ref or something at lock down, with AJ on the outside.

While you make a good point about Christian its just that he has made the transition into a fully fledged face, the crowd was as hot as when he first arrived in TNA, ok its the smae crowd, but if your over, your over. It would be better if they had a bigger crowd, and visted other places more often for impact, but it allows them to keep costs low so you have to see it from there point of view too.

Unforunatly your probly right, the PPV doesn't look too healthy either apart form the main event.
This doesn't happen every week like your making out, it was a great way to keep people watching, and built up the PPV match. The first two matches were delibrately kept short as not to spoil the PPV. The main event was longer because Angle/Cage always put on great matches together, and it was also used to build to feud especially the ending. The second stipulation was done to allow Tomko to go over and look in the same league as the other guys in the tag match, BUT in a way that didnt make Joe look weak. The Nash/AJ match probably cudda been done without the stipulation, but if they announce 3 stiplulation matches people are gonna stay and watch, and hopefully you will see that with the ratings, as TNA have had a problem of losing rating throughout the show. So people want to watch all 3 matches so they stay and watch. The cage was necessry for numerous reasons 1) The ending where they locked Christian inside and beat on him really hyped the PPV match well. 2)Christian+Angle have had numerous matches together they needed something to set the match apart from the others. 3)To keep ratings at the end of the show. 4)Because it allowed spots that wouldn't have been possible otherwise and helped the match tocome off really well, and it got the crowd really into it.

TNA does have Stipulation matches almost every week. And on the Cage match, how did Cage win with no replay or explanation, just Earl making the call, old school WCW move, just forget what the people say. Reminds when bret won the WCW title from Goldberg as piper was on top of Goldberg and was just there.
I dont understand TNA's booking. When they had the 16 man battly royal wouldnt they wanna build up Lethal and Williams? Instead they burried both of them and curry man wins. Nash stunk up the house. They had a great promo with Messias and Mitchell then they buried Messias. They dont carry the feuds. It just seems like they trow stuff together.

Thats true you have picked up on some of the consistancy problems TNA have. The curry man+shark boy/3d comedy storyline isnt too bad curry man+shark boy are over at least, and comedy matches are fine as long as they end it at the PPV.Messias like I said i think is leaving soon, i dont understand the promo though, that is one point that is stupid. Nash didnt look too bad,but you could see AJ was struggling to keep it together with him. Nash needs to stop wrestling pronto. The x divison match is totaly pointless everyone knows lethal will retain, and it not been given adequete build up only makes it worse. However generally speaking apart from the problem you have highlighted the show was booked very well.
TNA does have Stipulation matches almost every week. And on the Cage match, how did Cage win with no replay or explanation, just Earl making the call, old school WCW move, just forget what the people say. Reminds when bret won the WCW title from Goldberg as piper was on top of Goldberg and was just there.

Why are you nitpicking? TNA doesn't have lots of stipulation matches on impact, and the ones they have had have been good matches. It has nothing to do with stipulations why impact has been it has to do with bookings- like giving mesias a promo and then having rhino go over him, what was the point in the promo? its things like that, which waste time on the show which cud be better used with wrestling. The ref making the call was good, the replays and all that crap and dual decisions has been done to death by WWE and its boring as fuck when it happens, a striaght call that people didnt see comming=entertaining tv. Just admit it, this weeks impact was good. I've been as critical as everyone else about there booking but common you have to regonise when they do something well.
Why are you nitpicking? TNA doesn't have lots of stipulation matches on impact, and the ones they have had have been good matches. It has nothing to do with stipulations why impact has been it has to do with bookings- like giving mesias a promo and then having rhino go over him, what was the point in the promo? its things like that, which waste time on the show which cud be better used with wrestling. The ref making the call was good, the replays and all that crap and dual decisions has been done to death by WWE and its boring as fuck when it happens, a striaght call that people didnt see comming=entertaining tv. Just admit it, this weeks impact was good. I've been as critical as everyone else about there booking but common you have to regonise when they do something well.

I just think that maybe both men hit the floor at the same time and fucked the finish and they just said Earl made the call. Earl screwed Kurt. I just didn't like the show, I thought it was a step back and not foward as it the same stupid TNA crap of never explaining things and just telling us something stupid to believe.

If I could add, please FIRE ERIC! I don't know what was worse Eric Young or Eugene.
I just think that maybe both men hit the floor at the same time and fucked the finish and they just said Earl made the call. Earl screwed Kurt. I just didn't like the show, I thought it was a step back and not foward as it the same stupid TNA crap of never explaining things and just telling us something stupid to believe.

If I could add, please FIRE ERIC! I don't know what was worse Eric Young or Eugene.

Believe what? What are the chances of 2 wrestlers hitting the floor at exactly the same time? Its more realistic than a draw finish, which realistically is very unlikely. Why is it so unconviable that Cage's feet hit the floor first. What you think its more believable and realistic when 2 wrestlers are judged to hit the floor at the same time. Ok I agree they could have used a replay, but there was nothing wrong with the finish to the match.

Eric Young is a decent wrestler, why would they fire him? He's playing a comedy wrestler and gets loud face pops all the time. Ok his current storyline sucks thats not his fault, its the creative giving him shit.
Let me solve the Christian issue right now on why I think him and Angle are boring.

#1 The crap they are doing is yeah funny a bit, but is still boring as they have either done it in the WWE or it has been done by the WWE already. When I watch TNA, I don't want to see WWE, I want to see what TNA has to offer and so far its old WWE Stuff.

Angle-Karen-AJ Styles= Triple H-Steph-Angle!
Abyss losing mask, fight brother=Kane fighting undertaker, then losing mask
Eric Youung-Eugene
Christian Promos in TNA=Same as Christian's Promo in WWE
Amesome Kong=Bertha Faye

TNA needs to be different and this week was the same stuff they always do, throw stuff together that doesn't make sense and put a stipulation around it.Christian was great when he first got into TNA, because he was different than he was in WWE, then he started to just do the same promos he did in WWE, just having the same matches over and over. I'm a Christian fan, but he is doing the same old same old.

Also you can judge a TNA crowd pop to anything untill you see TNA on the road more often. They wrestle in front of one crowd, getting over in Orlando, great, but lets see TNA in LA, New York, Boston, or Philly.
Let me solve the Christian issue right now on why I think him and Angle are boring.

#1 The crap they are doing is yeah funny a bit, but is still boring as they have either done it in the WWE or it has been done by the WWE already. When I watch TNA, I don't want to see WWE, I want to see what TNA has to offer and so far its old WWE Stuff.

Angle-Karen-AJ Styles= Triple H-Steph-Angle!
Abyss losing mask, fight brother=Kane fighting undertaker, then losing mask
Eric Youung-Eugene
Christian Promos in TNA=Same as Christian's Promo in WWE
Amesome Kong=Bertha Faye

Ok I fail what anything except you saying Christian does the same promos in WWE as he does in TNA has even to do with Christian. Well duh it is the same person here, the promos are bound to be similar. What was wrong with his WWE promos? He was drawing huge heat in WWE with his promos, and some were so funny that he out popped Cena at the time. But I don't get your point, he's not copying promos word for word or anything, and the style is completely different, espcially since he never cut a face promo while in WWE so how can they be the same?! I have watched all of Cage's stuff in WWE and TNA and I don't remember seeing him doing that promo he did on Impact before, if you can show me this so called promo then by all means do.

In response to the other stuff, Bertha learned most of her stuff in Japan and spent a while wrestling there and picked up a lot of the style over there, while I agree Kong has some similarities to her, she doesn't have the same gimmick, and its purely wrestling style they are similar with, and although they are similar and share the same finishing move they are hardly clones of each other like your making out. I hated the Abyss storyline, but the reason they got rid of his match is so he can return wrestling again WITHOUT the stupid gimmick. Eric Young once again while there are similarities to Eugene he isnt an exact clone of him, Young is a comedy act, he gets good pops from the crowd, its a ok gimmick I'm not too into it, but the fans are, so we are in the minority. As for "Angle-Karen-AJ Styles= Triple H-Steph-Angle" No the WWE version was actualy alright I agree its a shit storyline, but there was barely any enchancing of that storyline on last weeks impact so I don't know why you bring it up.

TNA needs to be different and this week was the same stuff they always do, throw stuff together that doesn't make sense and put a stipulation around it.

What didnt make sense? your going to have to be more specific with your points, and I have already answered your point about stipulation matches, but you keep maintaining that they overuse them, yet I don't remember another stipulation match on Impact other than Kong vs Gail Kim like a month ago. Seriously when was the last time they had the 6 sides on Impact?! The storyline made sense to me at least, and actualy sold me well on the ppv. You will have to explain what exactly you mean though.

Christian was great when he first got into TNA, because he was different than he was in WWE, then he started to just do the same promos he did in WWE, just having the same matches over and over. I'm a Christian fan, but he is doing the same old same old.

Having the same matches? lol please go and watch just Angle vs Christian at against all odds again, and the steel cage match on impact and tell me how they are the same match. Was the ending the same? did they use the same spots? was the match chorographed exactly the same? were they trying to get out of a invisible cage at against all odds? cmmon help me out your not making any sense. I have watched countless Christian matches since he came to TNA I can't remember 1 that was similar to another, sorry but your talking out of your arse. Please find two of these so called matches for me.

Also you can judge a TNA crowd pop to anything untill you see TNA on the road more often. They wrestle in front of one crowd, getting over in Orlando, great, but lets see TNA in LA, New York, Boston, or Philly.

True to an extent but he came over to me as a face and I've been watching wrestling 10 years, the pop he recieved on impact and against all odds (in greenvile) furthers this thought. Have you evidence to suggest he isn't over? Or are you just speculating what reaction he will get?
Ok I fail what anything except you saying Christian does the same promos in WWE as he does in TNA has even to do with Christian. Well duh it is the same person here, the promos are bound to be similar. What was wrong with his WWE promos? He was drawing huge heat in WWE with his promos, and some were so funny that he out popped Cena at the time. But I don't get your point, he's not copying promos word for word or anything, and the style is completely different, espcially since he never cut a face promo while in WWE so how can they be the same?! I have watched all of Cage's stuff in WWE and TNA and I don't remember seeing him doing that promo he did on Impact before, if you can show me this so called promo then by all means do.

In response to the other stuff, Bertha learned most of her stuff in Japan and spent a while wrestling there and picked up a lot of the style over there, while I agree Kong has some similarities to her, she doesn't have the same gimmick, and its purely wrestling style they are similar with, and although they are similar and share the same finishing move they are hardly clones of each other like your making out. I hated the Abyss storyline, but the reason they got rid of his match is so he can return wrestling again WITHOUT the stupid gimmick. Eric Young once again while there are similarities to Eugene he isnt an exact clone of him, Young is a comedy act, he gets good pops from the crowd, its a ok gimmick I'm not too into it, but the fans are, so we are in the minority. As for "Angle-Karen-AJ Styles= Triple H-Steph-Angle" No the WWE version was actualy alright I agree its a shit storyline, but there was barely any enchancing of that storyline on last weeks impact so I don't know why you bring it up.

What didnt make sense? your going to have to be more specific with your points, and I have already answered your point about stipulation matches, but you keep maintaining that they overuse them, yet I don't remember another stipulation match on Impact other than Kong vs Gail Kim like a month ago. Seriously when was the last time they had the 6 sides on Impact?! The storyline made sense to me at least, and actualy sold me well on the ppv. You will have to explain what exactly you mean though.

Having the same matches? lol please go and watch just Angle vs Christian at against all odds again, and the steel cage match on impact and tell me how they are the same match. Was the ending the same? did they use the same spots? was the match chorographed exactly the same? were they trying to get out of a invisible cage at against all odds? cmmon help me out your not making any sense. I have watched countless Christian matches since he came to TNA I can't remember 1 that was similar to another, sorry but your talking out of your arse. Please find two of these so called matches for me.

True to an extent but he came over to me as a face and I've been watching wrestling 10 years, the pop he recieved on impact and against all odds (in greenvile) furthers this thought. Have you evidence to suggest he isn't over? Or are you just speculating what reaction he will get?

Christian is living too much off his WWE past, instead of doing something different in TNA. People say he is face, as from what I have been watching, he never turned and as Vince Russo puts it, never are no true good guys or bad guys, so I guess Christian is a tweener, I don't know, but he will turn heel in a month and feud with joe as TNA is easy to come to a conclusion of.

AS for Christian and Angle, I'm bored with it. I don't want to see WWE on Thursday Nights on Spike TV. I'm just sick of it that is why to me it is all the same.

As for the face pop, they have in Orlando a entrance tunnel for a face, a entrance tunnel for heel. Then in greenville, some fans might haven't seen Christian since his WWE days, so yeah they would cheer.

Not explaining things. One week AJ is almost fucking Karen, the next she is taken out by Kurt, we get a little fight between Angle and AJ backstage, then AJ is walking behind Angle like nothing happen. What? TNA can you at least keep too the storyline a bit. I'm pretty sure even if they are a team, AJ would not follow Angle to the ring if he had thing for his wife.

Kong and Kim Street Fight, well they did ODB & Kong Street Fight, then Storm and Young in the worst Ladder Match of all time. They use the ladder once in the match.

I'm always going to watch TNA as I'm a die hard wrestling fan, but some of the stuff they do is like do these guys smoke crack before the show and start writting.
Christian is living too much off his WWE past, instead of doing something different in TNA. People say he is face, as from what I have been watching, he never turned and as Vince Russo puts it, never are no true good guys or bad guys, so I guess Christian is a tweener, I don't know, but he will turn heel in a month and feud with joe as TNA is easy to come to a conclusion of.

When did he have 30 minute long main event matches when he was in WWE? when was he a face when he was in WWE? Living off his WWE past?! What makes you say that?

His face turn has been gradual, he is still a face/tweener but he's slowly becomming a face over the last few weeks, I hope he does turn heel though because he is better at it.
First hour was shit, second hour was pretty great. Tomko and Joe have great chemistry, I'd want them to have an upper midcard feud before Joe gets the belt but it won't happen. Was a great match, with a nice ending that didn't make either look weak.

EDIT: What was the point of the Street Fight if they're just going to make AJ look pathetic? And Nash can't even botch a move correctly. So, an injured Nash dominates a freshly tweener-turned AJ in a street fight where no weapons are even employed? Nice booking TNA!

Forgot who Kong faced. Was it Selinas? Anyway, another Kong squash. Entertaining enough, but she makes the rest of the women's division look like *****es too much. Shit, she almost took out LAX earlier!

Was the battle royal in the second hour? If it was, it was not entertaining in the slightest and the Shark Boy/Curry Man promo at the end only served to make it worse. Worst part of show hands down - when will TNA learn that battle royals do nothing for anybody? Nobody can do anything exciting in a battle royal situation.

Rhyno faced Messias in the second hour, didn't he? Solid match, nothing remarkable. Just served to make Messias look weak on his way out.

Credit where credit's due guys, Angle and Cage had the match of the night. Some really nice spots, well planned, nice tension and good indecisive ending, although it's clear that Angle hit the ground first! Thought that he might have injured himself from that slightly botched Angle Slam from the top rope, he landed pretty awkwardly.
The AJ/Nash match was probably the worse match like you said, but it could have been worse, i thought it was solid and they don't want to give too much because it will spoil the ppv match. Angle/Cage was better than anything on RAW, Smackdown, and ECW this week combined. It was a great match and these two work great together. You may be sick of it but, the fans were really into it, Cage was getting a really strong face reaction, which is great news. Please explain to me why you this match made you bored? It was done perfectly, these two are holding TNA up at the moment without these 2 TNA would be fucked literally. Salinas was there to job to Kong to make her look good, she's quite hot, but i've seen fitter lasses. Joe was ok, I'm still not sold on him though, it was a decent match with Tomko.

It wasn't perfect but it was a lot better than it has been.

LMAO are you serious. You think that match was better then anything on raw smackdown or the new ecw. Hahahahaha. The main thing tna does is camera angles for just about every move they do, and they also try really hard to be like wwe. (sharkboy acting like stone cold steve austin, that other fool acting like macho man randy savage, the same way they ended that cage match on impact this week, wwe has already done before, etc...) Listen capt. charisma, whatever your smokein or drinkin, you need to put down
CC's right. It was. The only thing that detracts from it was that it was given away on free TV as it was main event quality. Black Machismo isn't trying to be like WWE, when was the last time Randy Savage was in the WWE? And Shark Boy is an attempt to mock WWE, not be like them. Granted, it's a very poor attempt. TNA is trying to be like WWE, but the similarities aren't close to the extent you mentioned.

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