IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

I'm watching the Rangers' home opener, but flipped over during a commercial break to see oVe wrestling. I just want to make it public that I don't get their appeal one bit. At least the blonde one. He's so awkward.

Well they're at worst the second best team in TNA.

I'll let the rest of you figure out why that's kind of a backhanded compliment.
Remember like three weeks ago when Sydal was getting a World Title shot and when people thought the X-Division was getting a bigger push?

I bet you feel rather stupid now don't you?
No they're not going rapidly Josh. Just like the company and it's wrestlers aren't trending on Twitter. I know wrestling companies lie on their broadcasts but stop with that jazz. It makes you sound really, really stupid.
I haven't been this frustrated with/bored by this promotion in a long time. I can't think of a single thing outside of Eli Drake or some of the Knockouts (for completely different reasons) that interest me whatsoever. Their creative sucks so badly right now and there's no indication that it's going to get any better.
Impact Wrestling
Date: October 5, 2017
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Jeremy Borash, Josh Matthews

We’re closing in on Bound For Glory and fresh off another show that ended in chaos with the American Top Team guys cleaning house. World Champion Eli Drake actually got to do something though as he and Chris Adonis got to beat down Johnny Impact and Garza Jr., who is now involved in the main event scene for some reason. Let’s get to it.

I'm Getting Tired Of Saying This
Yeah, so I watched it on delay, and I agree. I'm not even frustrated. I'm just bored. There's too few individual feuds worth investing and too many "feuds" where, three, four, five, six guys or more are all squabbling over a title or a grievance.

Like, do we really need a four-way X match, a six-way tag match (Impact v. AAA), and a fucking four-way women's match? This is too much. Why is literally EVERYONE involved in every title scene?

This company needs more Lashley/Moose. More emotionally driven storytelling that isn't revolving entirely around who holds the title. I know that the title is important, but if everyone is gunning for it all the time at every possible moment, it's meaningless.
Let's see what happens after Bound for Glory. How many years have we been saying this now?

Show was boring with some good wrestling but still boring which hurts to say as a fan.
Yeah, so I watched it on delay, and I agree. I'm not even frustrated. I'm just bored. There's too few individual feuds worth investing and too many "feuds" where, three, four, five, six guys or more are all squabbling over a title or a grievance.

Like, do we really need a four-way X match, a six-way tag match (Impact v. AAA), and a fucking four-way women's match? This is too much. Why is literally EVERYONE involved in every title scene?

This company needs more Lashley/Moose. More emotionally driven storytelling that isn't revolving entirely around who holds the title. I know that the title is important, but if everyone is gunning for it all the time at every possible moment, it's meaningless.

And Lashley vs. Moose feels more about Moose vs. Dan Lambert. As usual, it feels like TNA thinks their own wrestlers aren't enough and they need all these added things to make the show work.
I found the main event too boring and long. Just not interested enough to see AAA guys get so much featured. And then the end indicating that it isn't over yet.

I like Garza Jr. But why not send him to X-Division and build him instead of sending straight to No. 1 contender match?

Where did Veterans Of War go?

Moose Vs. Lashley would be a lot better without MMA.
It would be nice if GFW just said "Yeah we don't have enough wrestling to fill out a two hour show so here's a bunch of clips and packages instead. We'll fit in some wrestling where we can."
That's the only wrestling so far. But we've seen several videos on the guy who takes his pants off and American Top Team.

I can't even make fun of this.
I feel like I've seen six or seven BFG promos.

Oh you have. They're in Canada, and that makes it awesome. Or something.

This really just comes off like they're not capable of running two hours a week and that's hard to fathom given how many wrestlers they have on their roster.

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