IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

So to recap:

Lee cheated to win the title but Petey didn't like it and wants to return the title back to how it should be.

You know, like using a hockey stick to win the title. This story doesn't work.
Yep. Allie the same. She's much more a classic beauty but it still works, even as a Bayley/old school Emma ripoff (trust me on this one).
While I'm cool with Texano in Lucha Underground, but he looks too out of place in GFW. To my eyes anyway.
And that's the issue with invasion stories: AAA is going to lose int he end and we throw away everything else for the sake of a short form feud. Never been a fan and never will.
Impact Wrestling
Date: September 28, 2017
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Jeremy Borash, Josh Matthews

We’re still in the invasion period as stars from both AAA in Mexico and the American Top Team fighters are around, making lives rather difficult for the Impact Wrestling crew. With less than two months to go before Bound For Glory, things are starting to pick up and that means some stuff needs to start being set up. Let’s get to it.

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Can We get Them a Motivational Poster
This was way better than the last few weeks. The Drake/Impact match was great. Then they ruined it with all that stupid interference shit at the end that has nothing to do with it.
Yeah, and LAX. Not a fan of having them interject at the very end there. I guess it's the whole GFW vs. AAA thing, but I'd just rather they keep it Drake/Impact.
Not interested in AAA and MMA stuff. X-Division actually has some storyline now and that's good. Main event is entertaining for sure.
The only time MMA was ever interesting in wrestling was when Jarrett had his Double J Double M-A challenge that lasted two whole matches before he "retired".
I'm so glad I have to miss the ALDS for the sake of watching Chris Masters chinlock a random luchador whose big spot is taking his pants off.
Garza Jr. went from a midcard tag wrestler to fighting for the #1 contendership and a title shot at Bound For Glory. Jinder Mahal would say this is too far.
Please tell me they're not going to bring Alberto back and make him the big star of LAX. I don't think I could take that level of not caring.
I'm watching the Rangers' home opener, but flipped over during a commercial break to see oVe wrestling. I just want to make it public that I don't get their appeal one bit. At least the blonde one. He's so awkward.

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