IMPACT Wrestling LD for 06.10.15 — Spud/Angle for WHC; Winner Faces Aries

Without Madonna it doesn't work.

The entrance is the act. Like a Prayer is the key. Without it the appeal drops big time. But then again, I can't imagine the atmosphere would transfer over to the Impact Zone anyway.

The fact that it goes that far with one piece missing tells me that he's rather overrated.

Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I think everyone loved the entrance, which Madonna wouldn't let him use.

He's funny though.

Yeah not bad. Nowhere near as great as his fans scream from the mountaintops though.
This is better than what was on 2 hours prior. Just saying.

Wouldn't mind seeing Brooke in less clothes..but I like the angle they are going for.
X-Division Title cash-in: 8:32.

Regular cash-in: 20 minutes with Angle saying it's going to be match of the year.

Just drop the division already.
It would have been nice if TNA didn't just assume we knew who Crimson was. He's been gone what, two years? Act a bit surprised or excited.
Who, the announcers? I thought Josh did a great job of re-introducing him.

Or are you saying the actual reaction to his music wasn't great?
You know, the Last Chancery really isn't all that painful looking. Granted it might help if it hadn't been years since it won Aries anything. Off the top of my head, I think it last won a match against Aces and 8's.
Sweet goodness enough with putting Kurt in the ankle lock. I don't remember the last big match where someone didn't try that on him and/or kick out of the Angle Slam.
You know, the Last Chancery really isn't all that painful looking. Granted it might help if it hadn't been years since it won Aries anything. Off the top of my head, I think it last won a match against Aces and 8's.

It looks more painful for Aries than it does his opponents.

But most don't lean back far enough to make it look right.

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