IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

My biggest issue here is really simple: Eddie Edwards and Davey Richards had a heck of a fight which was brought on by a well told story and it's forgotten for the sake of battling announcers, Magnus, Matt Morgan and Chris Masters. That's not good and I'd be REALLY interested in seeing some quarter breakdowns from this show.
Can they PLEASE find a sound proof room for their promos? Or do them when there isn't a match going on? Hearing the mat noises really takes away from the talking.
You know, I can't even bring myself to complain about the X-Division anymore. It really has gotten that far.

A focus on singles feuds (sort of like this) and a greater emphasis on the talent in it and it can be rejuvenated overnight. Problem is, they pump it full of spot monkeys and think that's all that matters. It isn't. The X Division should be a stepping stone to greatness. See Joe, Samoa; Styles, AJ; Daniels, Christopher; Kazarian, Frankie; Aries; Austin.

Andrew Everett looks like a fan in his underwear who happens to do a shooting star press.

Trevor Lee is good. Rockett is fine. So are Konley and Sutter. They're just not doing anything compelling around the title.

Basically, when I look at the XD, I try to find a future world champion through it. That's never going to be Everett.
A focus on singles feuds (sort of like this) and a greater emphasis on the talent in it and it can be rejuvenated overnight. Problem is, they pump it full of spot monkeys and think that's all that matters. It isn't. The X Division should be a stepping stone to greatness. See Joe, Samoa; Styles, AJ; Daniels, Christopher; Kazarian, Frankie; Aries; Austin.

Andrew Everett looks like a fan in his underwear who happens to do a shooting star press.

Trevor Lee is good. Rockett is fine. So are Konley and Sutter. They're just not doing anything compelling around the title.

Basically, when I look at the XD, I try to find a future world champion through it. That's never going to be Everett.

Indeed. Those old guys also worked because they were allowed to develop their characters and personalities. That hasn't happened in the X-Division in years.
Indeed. Those old guys also worked because they were allowed to develop their characters and personalities. That hasn't happened in the X-Division in years.

Exactly. Use it to establish and elevate yourself. Some guys have, but they're just not translating up the card far enough. I guess Eddie Edwards was the last one, but he used the tag division with Davey to do that way more than he did the X Division.

Before him, who? Not DJZ. Not Tigre Uno. Not Rockstar Spud. Not Kenny King.

King is a perfect example of a guy who could have been the next one.
Exactly. Use it to establish and elevate yourself. Some guys have, but they're just not translating up the card far enough. I guess Eddie Edwards was the last one, but he used the tag division with Davey to do that way more than he did the X Division.

Before him, who? Not DJZ. Not Tigre Uno. Not Rockstar Spud. Not Kenny King.

King is a perfect example of a guy who could have been the next one.

Yeah but why do that when you can do spot fests and have feuding announcers?
Speaking of DJZ, what the fuck is happening with his hair? I know he's always had ridiculous hair styles, but I have no idea what is happening right now.
And here's another major TNA issue: let the feud end. They really don't know how to close something out and let it be done.
Yeah but why do that when you can do spot fests and have feuding announcers?

Well, the announcer thing isn't really relevant, but I know what you mean. In that it takes away time that could be dedicated to making another star.

He's yet to win the XDC, but I feel like they're doing right by Sutter right now. Far and away he has the most hope as a graduate.

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