IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

Been watching on delay the last few weeks due to hockey games. There's not a lot going on to write home about. Bell-to-bell it's fine, but a lot of this feels like we're just going through the motions.
I know you'll disagree, but I really enjoyed the Eddie/Davey turn, I think especially because it involved Love and Eddie's wife.
God bless you KB for sitting through that garbage and reviewing it for everyone. I stopped watching TNA because Spike dropped them. Maybe it's a good thing after all because I don't think I could watch what they are doing now. The WWE are bad enough at times, TNA has just seemed to go off a cliff.
That video screams Kevin Sullivan, the producer. He was the one producing all those amazing vignettes they used to run years ago.
First segment: good brawl with Edwards and Richards.

Second longer segment: announcers argue over whose legacy is better.

I have little hope for this promotion already.

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