IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

I laughed at that Triple H joke, also at 3 Count bit.

The HHH joke was funny until you get to the ending.

3 Count....they couldn't get Shannon to show up for a cameo?

That's my biggest issue: who was in this? The Bravados, the Rock N Roll Express, Spud and Hornswoggle, some jobbers and regular TNA teams? After all the hype (which we knew was overkill), I was expecting something interesting. Like, I don't know, the Young Bucks, who they've hyped up for this for months now.
I didn't see any of the hype since I haven't watch TNA in a couple months, maybe that's why I enjoyed this so much more than you, IDK.
It was one giant overly complicated baby announcement video. But there were some things in there in terms of teams like the ugly Ducklings which I found amusing
My favorite thing was seeing The Ugly Ducklings on TV. They're from around my area and are tremendous talents, and I'm pretty good buddies with them, especially Colby Corino.
I am hoping that this was the introduction of the Bravados to the tag division. They are a pretty well known commodity on the indy scene, but they are also from NC, so their inclusion could have just been due to convenience.

But, people have been clamoring for TNA to sign tag teams, and the Bravados are as good a choice as any. They are very fine and seasoned young workers, with some ring chops and a grasp of character. They could definitely add to the division and have quality matches, especially with Lee/Everett, as we got a small tease of last night. They're also legit brothers whose aspirations are as tag competitors, another plus for a new team signing as they'd be a good bet to stick in that particular division.

Last but not least, they could both be working with two broken limbs each and still be worlds better between the ropes than either guy in the Tribunal(granted, that's tepid praise considering how impossibly low that bar is).
TNA needs to improve in 2017. They must have too. They got too.

They need to focus on where they want to be in the wrestling world. They have to stop trying to take down WWE. They have to just focus on being TNA.
TNA needs to improve in 2017. They must have too. They got too.

They need to focus on where they want to be in the wrestling world. They have to stop trying to take down WWE. They have to just focus on being TNA.

TNA hasn't been thinking about trying to take down the WWE for years now. They've been trying to be "TNA", but the problem is that nobody, including themselves, know what "TNA" is.

I think a large part of what has been TNA's problem is malaise on the behalf of their prior management. They tried, they succeeded for a bit, then they failed, tried again, failed, failed, tried again, failed, failed, failed, then sold the company. By the end of all that, they were just trying to find a way out that didn't involve a rope or a sure and deadly poison. With TNA under new ownership (and not being in a situation where they could be torn up and the parts sold), the new owners have fresh interest in trying to improve the product. They'll have a renegotiation to do on their television contract with Pop during the next year, so they've got a bit of a soft deadline for a time where they have to make that improvement.

The real problem that TNA has is that they don't really have a 'niche' they can fit into that isn't already taken by another company. When TNA came up originally, they did it on the combined strength of proper utilization of the performers that the WWE felt they didn't necessarily need after the WCW acquisition (Scott Stiener, Hall/Nash, Kurt Angle), timely hires of hot prospects (AJ Styles, Samoa Joe), and exciting, fast paced matches which fans weren't getting on television with the "WWE style" of match. Fast forwards to today: most of the 'past generation' stars are signed to Legends deals with the WWE that exceed what makes sense for TNA to offer. The hot prospects today, with the exception of Mike Bennett, are working the indies-to-NXT pipeline. The WWE offers 205 Live and (to a lesser extent) NXT for less "WWE style" matches.

The way that TNA got popular the first time around has been sealed off to them. They have to find something that other people aren't offering, and the hell if I know what that is. (On that note: I find the Final Deletion stuff to be amazing, but it's material with a limited shelf life. You can't change a few things and keep doing it; it's interesting because it's so different, and if it stops being different, it'll stop being interesting. It's not the niche that TNA needs right now.)
Impact Wrestling
Date: December 29, 2016
Hosts: Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy

It’s been a full two weeks since we had a show all about the Hardys so let’s have a show all about the Hardys! Tonight it’s Matt and Jeff Hardy counting down the top Hardy moments of the year from the Hardy Compound in North Carolina. To be fair, the show has mostly been about the Hardys already so this isn’t the biggest shock in the world. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

The Hardy Show
TNA hasn't been thinking about trying to take down the WWE for years now. They've been trying to be "TNA", but the problem is that nobody, including themselves, know what "TNA" is.

I think a large part of what has been TNA's problem is malaise on the behalf of their prior management. They tried, they succeeded for a bit, then they failed, tried again, failed, failed, tried again, failed, failed, failed, then sold the company. By the end of all that, they were just trying to find a way out that didn't involve a rope or a sure and deadly poison. With TNA under new ownership (and not being in a situation where they could be torn up and the parts sold), the new owners have fresh interest in trying to improve the product. They'll have a renegotiation to do on their television contract with Pop during the next year, so they've got a bit of a soft deadline for a time where they have to make that improvement.

The real problem that TNA has is that they don't really have a 'niche' they can fit into that isn't already taken by another company. When TNA came up originally, they did it on the combined strength of proper utilization of the performers that the WWE felt they didn't necessarily need after the WCW acquisition (Scott Stiener, Hall/Nash, Kurt Angle), timely hires of hot prospects (AJ Styles, Samoa Joe), and exciting, fast paced matches which fans weren't getting on television with the "WWE style" of match. Fast forwards to today: most of the 'past generation' stars are signed to Legends deals with the WWE that exceed what makes sense for TNA to offer. The hot prospects today, with the exception of Mike Bennett, are working the indies-to-NXT pipeline. The WWE offers 205 Live and (to a lesser extent) NXT for less "WWE style" matches.

The way that TNA got popular the first time around has been sealed off to them. They have to find something that other people aren't offering, and the hell if I know what that is. (On that note: I find the Final Deletion stuff to be amazing, but it's material with a limited shelf life. You can't change a few things and keep doing it; it's interesting because it's so different, and if it stops being different, it'll stop being interesting. It's not the niche that TNA needs right now.)

Basically agree with everything you stated. Per usually you are on point. I was just venting as reading such negative comments about TNA is frustrating.

Hopefully they find their way again.
Impact Wrestling
Date: January 5, 2017
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: D’Angelo Dinero, Josh Matthews

This might actually be an interesting show as TNA is under new ownership with Dixie Carter all but completely out of power. It’s been a few weeks since we’ve had a full show of new content actually in the Impact Zone as we saw two weeks of Hardy related material plus a very rushed Best of 2016 show. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

No More Happy New Year
I have a feeling the early shows are all going to have the same general feel as the end of 2016 did while Anthem gets the house in order, but a few new faces (or even returning old ones) would be nice during the tapings.
Loved the opening Backstage Hardy promo and the in-ring EC3/Lashley promo. Also I am playing a drinking game tonight where I drink every time that Pope says Daddy or every time that Matthews uses an unnecessarily complicated nickname that only he uses to refer to a wrestler- its possible I'll be too intoxicated to continue posting after this match though as I'm continually reminded that it features the "unstoppable juggernaut of force".

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