IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

They can barely have an X-Division singles match so here's a SIX MAN TAG TEAM DIVISION. Sweet goodness this company doesn't get it.
There's no emotion in TNA. Everything feels so by the book and clean cut. When is the last time that something happened that you actually got behind and felt connected to?
.....oh please let this happen again. Like PLEASE let the video be screwed up beyond repair again. It would be so glorious.
Does it make me a bad person that when Gail came out to interrupt the opening segment I was looking forward at the possibility of seeing Lashley spear her in half?
The moment when Spud falls while trying to clothesline Braxton Sutter and Jesse Godderz. :lmao:

Plus, TNA give a sound push to Jesse Godderz. He's some good talent.
It says a lot that we haven't had a single post in here tonight because we've been busy talking about people suing each other and which teams Matt Hardy is going to bring in for a show in December.
True and I've found very little to talk about. I know they're taped up for months now but it feels like they're on borrowed time. Again.

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