IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

Above all else for me, this isn't working because it's not personal. Carter is getting the show because he won a tournament, not because he and Lashley have some issue that only they can have. I've never been a fan of that style and it's holding true here.
If it's Moose, then that seems like another successful Lashley title defense.

EC3 looked like the only option to dethrone him.
Well we know Drake has a shot coming for sure.

Also that's probably the best performance I've seen EC3 give(that wasn't against Spud or Angle anyway).
It'll be "Broken" Matt, because he's the hottest thing TNA has right now, so they'll dominate the show with him.
I mostly enjoyed the show but in the end I felt like I was watching just any pro wrestling event. TNA was able to generate a ton of buzz over the last few days and likely had a lot of unfamiliar eyes on them tonight. Seems disappointing they didn't really do anything special to make me want to tune in on Thursday.
From reading KB's review, my guess would be that they just continue with EC3 as the challenger for the near future. The pre-match spear kind of sounds like a good excuse to give EC3 another shot.
From reading KB's review, my guess would be that they just continue with EC3 as the challenger for the near future. The pre-match spear kind of sounds like a good excuse to give EC3 another shot.

Well if there's one thing TNA knows how to do, it's stretch things out WAY beyond the point where people are interested.
TNA also seems to overly rush things. I could see a short program w/Moose and then Cody stepping into the title picture. They will rush Cody & Brandi against the Bennetts so they can use Cody in the main event before he jets for ROH.
Rex is so generic.

Got that fixed up for you. The show was good, not great. I was entertained by it for the most part. ECIII has been in the title picture for over three months, so I hope he steps back now just a little bit. If they didn't give him the title last night, I hope they don't give him on a taped TV Show.

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