IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

With a nine minute time limit that will likely be expanded to fifteen minutes because it's a UFC style title.

not only a 9 min. time limit, but a 9 min. time limit that is split into three 3 min. rounds, because nothing builds momentum in a match faster than stopping it every three fucking mins.

Just make a regular mid-card title, & cut this gimmicky bullshit out.
Is there even a point to doing a BFG LD? I mean is anyone other KB (who clearly doesn't want to watch it) & IDR watching it tonight.

I actually think it might generate some interest, just because of the sale rumors, but the LD itself... yeah, this thread is just fine.
Indeed. It also gets really annoying having to hear Josh using MMA terms. He said someone was breaking through a guard during the last few moments of a round.
People are actually paying $49.95 for BFG? At least that's how much it is on DirecTV.

That's FIVE months of the WWE Network, because we all know it's just $9.99 per month.
Fans have been on the edge of their seats for this all important X Division showdown every since it was tweeted five hours ago. Feel the energy.
It may be an overdone match that had no build, but I'll be goddamned if that wasn't a great fucking opener. Trevor Lee is a star.
Good match. No story but talented wrestlers getting time means a good match. That has no staying power of course.
DJZ can be someone worth tuning in to watch every week since he can talk well. I'd give him a real feud, though. Whoever the opponent is, there needs to be a long-term picture painted.
I think Drew might have been talking about a previous injury or something but he did say one year out.
Yeah, I definitely heard "a year", but I have no idea if he was talking about actually being out a year or what. I think I probably misheard.

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