IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

klunder, at some point you gotta consider just walking away from TNA. The view count on your reviews cant be worth the headache you seem to feel it TNA episodes are.
I think that TNA is doing good at midcard and main event currently.

But It has been overlooking X-Division, Knockouts and tag teams.
Rangers' preseason has started already, so I'm watching that live instead of this. Even though this could maybe be the last episode. :(
It might be the last show and we have two posts in the first third of the broadcast. It's just so darn appropriate.
This thread is usually just you and I anyway. We were the last two "fans" on the planet. I use quotation marks for your benefit.
I've been hoping TNA would move to a Network I actually have so I can start tuning in again.

When I heard Dixie was out I got excited as she was why I stopped watching in the first place.
Is there even a point to doing a BFG LD? I mean is anyone other KB (who clearly doesn't want to watch it) & IDR watching it tonight.
I'd watch if they wern't charging so much, $50 for that card is fucking laughable. Plus I still have the ROH PPV to watch.
I'm 50/50 on this event. I wish there was more solid news circulating about the event to help me decide. I'll likely just flip a coin.

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