IMPACT Wrestling LD - All Dates

I dunno, I think it's part of the problem. Names tend to stick, and when someone is given a really bad one, it can haunt them. Here's lookin' at you Brutus Magnus.
I dunno, I think it's part of the problem. Names tend to stick, and when someone is given a really bad one, it can haunt them. Here's lookin' at you Brutus Magnus.

None of it's going to matter anyway as she's either going to be:

A. A short term and forgotten champion for the sake of pushing Gail again.

B. An easy challenger for Gail.

C. A and B.
Remember like two months ago when the Boston Knee Party was a finisher? That might be a record for fastest destruction of a big move.
Where's all the talent TNA signed but haven't used yet like Caleb Konley and Marshe Rockett? I'm ready for Sheera to go away, also.
Eddie Edwards is a breakout star in the making. This guy should be main eventing.

I'm still shaken up by his ROH World Title reign. His feud with Davey Richards over the title actually made me stop watching.

Let me repeat that: I've survived everything TNA has thrown at me and Edwards vs. Richards actually made me stop watching a wrestling show.
Why, what happened?

I have never, ever seen such a boring feud.

I know you used to watch WWE so you might remember Dan Severn. He was a long term MMA fighter and had a big UFC feud with Ken SHamrock. Well, Eddie and Davey feuded over who would get to be his student as they lead up to their big UFC/MMA/American Strong Style title match. All the while they were all incredibly nice to each other and then proceeded to basically do a wrestling/MMA exhibition where Richards won the title. Severn got the most promo time out of the three and basically sounded like he was in a documentary.
HA! Yeah, that reminds me of all the angles with Angle years back. Or Matt Morgan.

"I respect you."
"I respect you."
"Right, but I respect you."
"Right, and I respect you, too."
"Let's fight."


I know I'm old school and "out of touch" because I like clearly defined face/heel roles, but come on.
HA! Yeah, that reminds me of all the angles with Angle years back. Or Matt Morgan.

"I respect you."
"I respect you."
"Right, but I respect you."
"Right, and I respect you, too."
"Let's fight."


I know I'm old school and "out of touch" because I like clearly defined face/heel roles, but come on.

Oh dude that has NOTHING on these three. They have the combined charisma of a wooden chair. Angle at least can be entertaining while this was treated as much like an MMA fight as you can get. Like, Angle vs. Joe in 2008 felt more like a wrestling match than this.
I have never, ever seen such a boring feud.

I know you used to watch WWE so you might remember Dan Severn. He was a long term MMA fighter and had a big UFC feud with Ken SHamrock. Well, Eddie and Davey feuded over who would get to be his student as they lead up to their big UFC/MMA/American Strong Style title match. All the while they were all incredibly nice to each other and then proceeded to basically do a wrestling/MMA exhibition where Richards won the title. Severn got the most promo time out of the three and basically sounded like he was in a documentary.

You can thank your boy Jim Cornette for that shit, he though ROH should become a pro wrestling/MMA hybrid, plenty of longstanding, hardcore ROH fans also stopped watching when he was booking.
Man, Laurel Van Ness is such a bad name. Like really, really bad. Why couldn't she just have been given something simpler?

It's actually Laurel Vanness, not that that's much better, she's also gone by the names Chelsea Green, & Jaida, both of which would've been much better.
It's super small, but I really dig the camera angle following the wrestlers as they make their entrances this episode. Nice little touch.

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