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I'm Honestly Loving TNA Now


chidori nagashi. 漢字
This whole Jeff Hardy situation is very interesting, not planned, but interesting.
So it's gotten me watching the last few weeks of TNA including this week's episode.

The segments those guys cut are just great IMO. The opening segment with Bishoff, Hogan, Sting, Ray, Styles, Anderson etc really opened my eyes to how good TNA can be at times. Especially Anderson, he's really great on the mic, and gets the crowd going well and is great to watch. And it seems like they don't hold back much with what they say. Not necessarily the language, but just the emotion you can sense when they cut a promo. Very good. :)

It's very exciting to watch what these guys (and women) do. There seems to be more excitement compared to the WWE. I'll still watch the E, but I must say I'm going to start watching TNA too.

And the interviews and backstage segments in Hogan's office or in the locker room reminds me of how the WWF was.

Just on a side note, I download episodes of Raw/SD/FCW and I'll often skip to the end of some matches if they're crap, like Diva matches as we all know how bad they are to watch. With TNA, I'm watching it atm actually, fourway just started, and I haven't skipped a second.

I used to watch it a year or 2 ago and really hated it.
But I'm really enjoying the TNA product right now. Anybody else liking TNA right now?
Funnily enough, I was just about to post in the "TNA Complaints" thread about how this 4 year fan of the promotion is bored right now.

Usually every Saturday night I look forward to taping iMPACT! {it's on saturday nights here in Australia} to watch the next day. But this morning, whilst fastforwarding through some ads at the 59th minute - I realised I've seen 18 seconds of wresting in an hour! I've just sat through a 20 minute group promo in the ring {which was good - despite Andersons' over-acting}, and about 8 backstage promos, 4 which were taken from Victory Road post match. Whilst fastforwarding through Kazs' awful promo about how hes the best X division wrestler, I thought "Man, TNA is a mess right now." During these 8 promos/interviews, of which a few went on far too long, there could've been a match somewhere.

I remember people complaining last year about the 'E having a stale main event scene with Batista/Orton/HHH/Cena/Edge - just swapping opponents each PPV for the past 2 years, but TNA is just as bad; with Anderson, RVD and Jeff Hardy {well, not anymore obviously}. Matt Morgan who was maineventing TWO PPVs has been demoted to feud with Hernandez {I guess that makes sense with their past}. Why is Pope being wasted? Why is Samoa Joe being wasted? Why is AJ now "injured"? Why is Christopher Daniels wrestling as Suicide {in dark matches none-the-less}? Where is Abyss? UGH!

This has been said time and time again, but there is a severe lack of wrestling on iMPACT!
Too much TV time is wasted with Angle/Jarrett stuff no one cares about; pointless interviews from previous weeks' tapings; and 2-3 minute matches that accomplish NOTHING!
Take the ending spot with AJ this week. The powerbomb replay was shown 19 times, and 17 minutes of television was taken away to show the replay over and over and to see AJ loaded up into an ambulance! I mean c'mon, when Jeff swantoned off the titantron onto Orton in '08, even the 'E didn't milk it for that long! Again, could've added a few more minutes to the main event, instead of the disasterous double pin occurance :banghead:

Finally, what irks me the most is that this Immortal storyine is no doubt going to continue for another 6 more months at least. I, and I'm sure most people, are already bored by the concept, the constant swerves, and more interchangeable members than Guns N Roses. It's sad when the highlight of the show is a promo by Bubba Ray Dudley.
When it will come to an end, however, it will probably just fizzle out with no explaination {see: Main Event Mafia}. I'm just sick and tired of watching a whole "taking over control of TNA" last a whole year. It happened with Planet Jarrett, it happened with the MEM, and it's happening now. It seems power struggle angles is all Russo knows what to do - and do them pooly.

TNA is a mess. Their roster is rediculously talented, but creative don't know how to use them. No wonder they're constantly on the Botchamania reel.
This whole Jeff Hardy situation is very interesting, not planned, but interesting.
So it's gotten me watching the last few weeks of TNA including this week's episode.

The segments those guys cut are just great IMO. The opening segment with Bishoff, Hogan, Sting, Ray, Styles, Anderson etc really opened my eyes to how good TNA can be at times. Especially Anderson, he's really great on the mic, and gets the crowd going well and is great to watch. And it seems like they don't hold back much with what they say. Not necessarily the language, but just the emotion you can sense when they cut a promo. Very good. :)

It's very exciting to watch what these guys (and women) do. There seems to be more excitement compared to the WWE. I'll still watch the E, but I must say I'm going to start watching TNA too.

And the interviews and backstage segments in Hogan's office or in the locker room reminds me of how the WWF was.

Just on a side note, I download episodes of Raw/SD/FCW and I'll often skip to the end of some matches if they're crap, like Diva matches as we all know how bad they are to watch. With TNA, I'm watching it atm actually, fourway just started, and I haven't skipped a second.

I used to watch it a year or 2 ago and really hated it.
But I'm really enjoying the TNA product right now. Anybody else liking TNA right now?

You're not the only one, dude — not by a mile. I'm right there with you. We're a minority on this forum, but we're not a minority in the TNA fan base which is still in the millions week-after-week, especially if you factor in the overseas fans and the ones in attendance.

Far from a perfect company, but the company does wonders for striking the right chords with me — one of which is their excellence in handling the verbal side of nearly every feud. Even feuds as relatively pointless and fruitless as this Joe/Pope feud have actually been given a breathe of life each time either man picks up the microphone.

I stopped watching WWE's programming full-time about four months ago, so TNA is the only wrestling left for me and though the Hogan/Bischoff shift has brought a lot of criticism and negativity, I still find myself enjoying the shows week-after-week, too.
I love TNA as well. They have been my favorite promotion since about 2006, when Sting joined TNA. Really the only reason why I watch WWE lately is to watch CM Punk and for The Rock promos (Live or Via Satellite). In my opinion, even with this last weeks episode of Impact being one of the worst of the year in my opinion, I still enjoyed it. TNA has a huge roster full of very talented wrestlers, even the knockouts. The mic work in TNA is great. The emotion and energy from a lot of the segments are very entertaining. Glad you are enjoying TNA and are going to continue watching! And like I said, in my opinion this past weeks Impact was one of the worst of the year, so if you're enjoying it, then there will be nothing but good things to come from here on out!
It is so refreshing to see someone talking about TNA from this perspective. So many WWE fans won't give TNA a chance due to the fact that the IWC has such a negative attitude toward them. It is nice to see that someone who just recently started regularly following the programming can see the potential TNA has right now to produce great television.

I agree with the thread starter. Impact! was very well done this week(despite chaotic circumstances threatening the story structure), and I continue to be entertained by TNA's product.
theres not much to say about this. but i watched my first impact in about a year to see what they would do with this jeff hardy thing...nothin happen. ffirst 20 min was a boring promo. bubba thinks he can go solo now. funny joke. it was ok the first time in 2002. 1 match in the first hour not entertaining. the show sucked. the product suck. the storylines suck. everything sucks in tna besides aj styles and mr. anderson
Hey OP, you're not alone!
I just had to register to tell you that!
I think I'm enyoing TNA more than WWE right now.
I don't know if that's because I just started watching TNA not to long ago, and it's all "fresh" for me. I guess time will tell.
For now, I'm just going to keep watching en enyoing.
I'm loving TNA right now aswell! I am so hooked right now, That I find myself thinking about impact when leave the house and as soon as I get home I'm watching Impact again.

When I can't sleep I put on Impact! I've seen one bad Impact this year and the rest has me forgeting about the rest of the things I love like Movies and sports!

I didn't order Victory Road because TNA pretty much told us not to order it when they gave little to no hype for the show! Unlike Lockdown, I mean they already have matches announced! This tells me TNA is transitioning to a few PPV's a year starting next year! So if the worked you on sunday that's your fault! IMO.

It's Great to see I'm not the only one who's loving TNA right now!
You have not seen Victory Road didn't you?

I do find the Jeff Hardy situation interesting as well as Anderson and his rematch. However the rest of TNA is just bad.

We have Pope and Joe having a feud that makes no sense to either characters which no one cares about, we have Angle feuding with Jarrett in an angle that involves kids, Hernandez and Morgan in a feud that was done like months ago, and finally no one cares about Bubba as a singles wrestler. There isn't other programs that entertains viewers like me who don't give a damn about Immortal.
TNA was once billed as the alternative to "the other company". Total Nonstop Action.

I stopped watching WWE a few years ago. I just had no desire to watch what was once a wrestling promotion into a drama series with a bit of action.

TNA was fantastic. Sure it had its issues, Russo's booking skills have never been what I would call good but the matches were great.

This past impact has highlighted what is currently wrong with TNA and that is to many PPV's.

With under 10 minutes of bell to bell action we had promo after promo. Now I understand that the show after a PPV, you need to re-establish storylines, however after the absolute cluster fuck that Victory Road was, TNA really needed a strong show which highlighted its talent. They left a very sour taste in my mouth.

They just do not have enough time in a 2 hour iMPACT a week, to build storylines for a PPV every 4 weeks, whilst maintaining a solid bell to bell wrestling time.
IMO The one thing holding TNA back is the Impact Zone. It makes them look minor league, when they did those shows in a REAL arena, albiet a small one in Fayetteville it LOOKED better. They have to do more TV's outside of Orlando, it really does wonders for the viewing experience.

They have alot of talent but the writing really hurts the show sometimes, also where is Jay Lethal? they spent how much time trying to build him up and he's disappeared. He has to come back soon.

Their in-ring product is FAR above WWE but WWE has amazing production and they make their show LOOK important which matters to casual viewers, TNA needs to make the show LOOK more important.
They are a mess, but what really gets me is how gleeful the wrestling media is about their troubles. They all say, "Yeah, we really want TNA to succeed", then they literally start giggling about the Victory Road main event, and you get some saying they are about to fail. They have many issues, and are in trouble right now...making crackhead jokes about Jeff Hardy, and throwing Matt in there and anyone else they want to slam isn't really being helpful. Such joy is taken in slamming TNA...listen to the post-show podcasts, this isn't helpful criticism, it's not journalistic reporting, it's schoolboy laughing at someone else's problems.

I really don't care about people on the boards making these jokes, that's expected. It's the professionals, saying stuff in the podcasts, articles & radio shows that get to me. They can voice their opinions without trying to make it the cool thing to do to make drug jokes about half the TNA roster. TNA should be ripped for the main event of Victory Road, and even for their handling of Jeff Hardy, but there is a classier, more professional way of doing it. The first post in this thread is a perfect example of that, well said without happily dancing around and saying, "I was right, TNA is about to go out of business!!!".
I am enjoying TNA right now because I love wrestling, TNA does screw up and sometimes has odd storylines but I love wrestling unless a wrestling company really offends me I tend to keep watching.
Yes, I like TNA.

And it is actually making a good story out of it's main event, the TNA World HeavyWeight Championship.

There is a right mix of people over there on the top and everyone bashing TNA for not using Samoa Joe or Pope in the title picture is lame, you can only push so many people at the top at the time. Matt Morgan took his spotlight for some time. Anderson, RVD, Jeff everyone had it for reasonable amount of time and now Sting has that spot with 2-3 others. It's nice.

The Jeff Hardy situation is definetely a poorly handled one. Very poorly.
They are a mess, but what really gets me is how gleeful the wrestling media is about their troubles. They all say, "Yeah, we really want TNA to succeed", then they literally start giggling about the Victory Road main event, and you get some saying they are about to fail.

I have not seen anything the slightest bit gleeful about the Victory road farce.What I have seen is lot's of anger and disappointment in both the company and Jeff. I don't think any true wrestling fan is happy or "gleeful" about Jeff's behaviour or the way it was handled.Just saying.
I haven't seen all of Impact this week, but I've liked what I've seen. The big promo at the start of the show was good in the fact there was a lot of history between Hogan and Sting, and hearing Hogan fight his corner against Sting actually impressed me.

Anderson, while he did perhaps over-act a bit, did his job as an 'asshole' and really seemed to get under Hogans skin, especially after calling him Terrence. The reaction of the crowd and the shots of Hogan staring a hole in Anderson was a good moment.

I actually thought Pope was close to his best with his segment too. His line to the 'fat girl' about even Jesus Christ not being able to help her was great.

These kind of things are what they should be focussing on. Whereas a lot of WWE promos are quite bland (by the ones who are staying past Mania) and generically scripted etc, TNA needs to find the balance between guiding where the promos should go but not over-writing them.

For all their problems and troubles, if TNA can just get everyone pulling in the right direction then I honestly don't believe they are a million miles away from being a strong alternative to WWE. An alternative is a much easier option to go for just now instead of competition. Let WWE do whatever they want to do, but for God's sake leave the references to a bare minimum and concentrate on their own matters.
I personally enjoy TNA myself. Granted the storylines are not the best, but then again, the only direction the quality of the storylines can go is up. It is not like Vince Russo can do the booking forever. The wrestling matches that they put on at times really amaze me unlike the matches from a certain company (*cough* WWE *cough*). There are people who say that TNA is not utilizing all of their talent. My question to those people is: why aren't you saying the same to WWE? WWE had both Chavo Guerrero and Jamie Noble jobbing to Hornswoggle. After the split of the HArt Dynasty, how many times have one seen DH Smith or Tyson Kidd? How soon after the break up of Cryme Tyme was Shad released? Where is JTG? WHat is the point of rehiring the Masterpiece Chris Masters if he is mostly going to be on Superstars? WHy dont I see Toshi Yatsu in wresling matches that much on Raw? WWE is guilty of the same thing, but I don't hear a lot of WWE bashing over that. And the WWE storlines are not thatr much better than those of TNA. Get over it people.
Okay, ignoring the absolute debacle that was Victory Road for the moment.

TNA has all the talent in the world to succeed. That's the honest truth. The problem is that they just fail at using them. It literally all falls on booking and management.

For example:

Joe and Pope in a feud that nobody has cared about, has gone on wayyy too long, and simply put doesn't make sense. Neither man gains anything from it. They both need big wins to get themselves back into the main event picture, and they can't get it wrestling against each other.

How many number one contenders matches have they had in a row now without a clear winner? It's a trick you can pull off every once in a while, but seriously, this is ridiculous.

What happened to the Knockouts division? It used to be a highlight of the company. Now, it's a parody of itself. (Except for Winter, holy hell is she hot).

What happend to the X Division? This used to be the defining characteristic of the company. What made it special. It has been buried to the undercard for so long now it really isn't funny.

What happened to the tag team division? Another amazing part of the company. TNA took the ball that WWE dropped and ran with it, making one of the best tag team divisions in years. Then what happened? Beer Money is probably the most over tag team in years, but they aren't being used in any meaningful way...

Main Eventer of the Month Syndrome: This has been a problem for a while now. It seems like a guy gets pushed for a month, and then gets tossed back to the mid-card. Guys like Morgan and Abyss are pushed to the moon as the big time guy, and a month later, they are stuck in the mid card again. Without a strong and solid push, fans will never get behind a guy.

Like I said, TNA has all the pieces to be great, but for whatever reason they just can't execute. It mostly has to do with Russo and his shock and swerve style of booking. It plain doesn't work.
It is so refreshing to see someone talking about TNA from this perspective. So many WWE fans won't give TNA a chance due to the fact that the IWC has such a negative attitude toward them. It is nice to see that someone who just recently started regularly following the programming can see the potential TNA has right now to produce great television."

Just reading over this thread, and, Papa Pillman, your quote caught my eye. I gotta disagree with your statement that WWE fans wont give TNA a chance due to the IWC's negative attitude??? Really?

That's hardly the reason, THIS, WWE fan doesnt give TNA a chance. About a year and a half ago, I joined these forums and the first couple of posts I ripped TNA for just how bad they are. Well, I got ripped by some TNA fans on here and decided to keep my negative TNA opinions to myself.

I have given TNA more than enough chances to try and capture my attention, simply due to the fact that I am a wrestling fan of 20+ years. I love all things wrestling. But, TNA has not given me good solid programming, storyline development, or character development for the past 3 to 4 years. They have had all chances given to them. They have had the best wrestlers, and still do have great wrestlers. But, I cant stand to watch it. It's like watching a show being produced by some local yahoos on a local access channel.

Not to mention, the company is run like a third rate thrift store. Employees work when they want to, show up hungover,or worse yet, drunk or stoned. How many times has TNA over the past 3 or 4 years, promoted certain matches for their PPV card and when it comes time for the show, a performer doesnt show up. Wasnt Scott Hall scheduled for a MAIN EVENT tag match for a PPV a year or so ago, and didnt show up? Here's an idea: Dont put faith in an over the hill alcoholic for your MAIN EVENT!! Dont even get me started on this whole Jeff Hardy non-sense. FIRE HIM. Then get pay for him some treatment. After a year, if he has stayed clean, Re-hire him and see how he does.

What a mess.
Serious? TNA is better now?? You mean, them exploiting a real problem for their own gain? Well, I guess WWE has done it, too.

But this fiasco reminds me of the "fingerpoke of doom" incident. It's just stupid. Why am I not surprised to see that kind of crap on TNA? Oh yeah.. cuz Bischoff is running things, and they love to screw the main event up.
There is a BIG difference between the "Fingerpoke of Doom" and Victory Road. The Fingerpoke of Doom was between cronies to keep the title among buddies. Sting has NEVER been considered one of Hogan and Bischoff's boys.
There is a BIG difference between the "Fingerpoke of Doom" and Victory Road. The Fingerpoke of Doom was between cronies to keep the title among buddies. Sting has NEVER been considered one of Hogan and Bischoff's boys.

No, the big difference is that one was done on free TV, while the other was the Main Event match of a $35 Pay Per View.
Well quality is always subjective. One man's trash is another man's treasure and all that. I still watch TNA each week in the hopes that they'll do something I find entertaining. I usually don't but that doesn't usually stop me from liking some of the talent they have on the roster like Beer Money, AJ Styles and a handful of others.

I just find most of what TNA does boring, excessively repetetive or just downright meaningless. For instance, I'm tired of the big faction wars/power struggle that TNA continues to use time and time again at it's main storyline. They've done it to death and it holds zero interest for me. What I'd like to see is for TNA to create heel characters and try to get them over on their own merits rather than constantly pushing them into factions with the intent of taking over the company. TNA hasn't produced a singularly big heel star in a very long time.

The stuff they're doing with The Pope is beyond annoying. The segment last Thursday was the worst I've seen in a very long time. It was every bit as bad as I feared that Snooki's appearance on Raw this past Monday would be. It wasn't funny, it wasn't edgy, it wasn't controversial. It was just a waste of time. His feud with Samoa Joe needs to die and die quickly.

If they're trying to get Anderson over as some sort of edgy anti-hero with a chip on his shoulder, it's not working. He just sounds like a whiny bitch by constantly griping about his title shot. If they're hoping for Anderson to become their version of Stone Cold Steve Austin, they're going in the wrong direction.

It's obvious that TNA doesn't care one ioda about the TV title or Knockout titles so why should anyone else for that matter? The TV title and the Knockout tag titles are the two most worthless wrestling titles since the WWE Hardcore Championship. They had two title matches this past Thursday on iMPACT! that lasted a combined total of 2 minutes. Gunner should be carrying someone's bags to and from their rental car instead of carrying a title and there was zero point in bringing back Alyssa Flash just so she'd job out in 15 seconds flat.

The Knockout & X Divisions are barely even blips on the radar as much of the talent that made those aspects of TNA relevant are either gone or no longer competing in them. Those that are either just don't have the talent to carry it or TNA just doesn't devote the slightest bit of energy to cause anyone to give a damn.

For years now, the one aspect of TNA that has been unquestionably superior to WWE has been the Tag Team Division but even that's not really true these days. Aside from Beer Money, there really are no marquee tag teams left in TNA at this point. The Guns are nowhere to be seen and that's not likely to change until Alex Shelley's broken collarbone heals up. And even so, TNA can't keep going back to Beer Money vs. The Guns over and over as it's already gotten a little stale. Who does that leave exactly? Gunner & Murphy are a jobber tag team and there's a possibility that they're not going to team anymore given Gunner's TV title win. Ink Inc. could be on the verge of breaking up, though it's possible that it's just a set up for a fully fledged heel turn. Even so, they're not even close to Beer Money or The Guns. Generation Me looks like they might be on the verge of breaking up. Eric Young & Orlando Jordan are...well they're the Santino & Koslov of TNA except they're complete shit whereas Santino & Koslov are just kinda shit.

With the exception of the TNA World Heavyweight Championship picture, everything else going on in TNA right now just seems like meaningless filler. There's no attempt to make anything else seem relevant at this point. TNA has some of the most talented wrestlers in the world today on their roster but they don't do much of anything with about 95% of them unless it's cramming them all into group for the next faction war or corporate takeover storyline.

Of course, there's the Jeff Hardy fiasco that can't be ignored. Over the course of this past week, there's been more buzz surrounding this than anything that's happened in TNA so far this year. It's not the kind of buzz TNA wants or needs, however. Here on the WZ Forums, the TNA section has had more people posting or reading posts at one time on a regular basis than it's had in a long time but most of that attention is negative citing criticism of TNA, Jeff Hardy and how Victory Road was a huge embarassment.
It is so refreshing to see someone talking about TNA from this perspective. So many WWE fans won't give TNA a chance due to the fact that the IWC has such a negative attitude toward them. It is nice to see that someone who just recently started regularly following the programming can see the potential TNA has right now to produce great television."

Just reading over this thread, and, Papa Pillman, your quote caught my eye. I gotta disagree with your statement that WWE fans wont give TNA a chance due to the IWC's negative attitude??? Really?

That's hardly the reason, THIS, WWE fan doesnt give TNA a chance. About a year and a half ago, I joined these forums and the first couple of posts I ripped TNA for just how bad they are. Well, I got ripped by some TNA fans on here and decided to keep my negative TNA opinions to myself.

I have given TNA more than enough chances to try and capture my attention, simply due to the fact that I am a wrestling fan of 20+ years. I love all things wrestling. But, TNA has not given me good solid programming, storyline development, or character development for the past 3 to 4 years. They have had all chances given to them. They have had the best wrestlers, and still do have great wrestlers. But, I cant stand to watch it. It's like watching a show being produced by some local yahoos on a local access channel.

Not to mention, the company is run like a third rate thrift store. Employees work when they want to, show up hungover,or worse yet, drunk or stoned. How many times has TNA over the past 3 or 4 years, promoted certain matches for their PPV card and when it comes time for the show, a performer doesnt show up. Wasnt Scott Hall scheduled for a MAIN EVENT tag match for a PPV a year or so ago, and didnt show up? Here's an idea: Dont put faith in an over the hill alcoholic for your MAIN EVENT!! Dont even get me started on this whole Jeff Hardy non-sense. FIRE HIM. Then get pay for him some treatment. After a year, if he has stayed clean, Re-hire him and see how he does.

What a mess.

I couldn't have said it better myself. This WWE Fan has given TNA chance after chance and what does TNA do? Screw it up. I watched Impact on Thursday this week and it was a total mess. For a Show that had 9 minutes and 25 seconds of total in-ring stuff and wayy too many Promos the TNA apologists find that good? You have 2 Title Matches with one being 16 seconds and the other about 2 minutes long. Really? That tells me what they think of the TV & Womens Titles.

Also I am not buying Bubba Ray Dudley (I refuse to call him Bully) as a Main Eventer. His 2002 push was decent but thats about all it was. Plus they harped too much on AJ getting powerbombed off the Stage,showing like 10 times in a row. If they really wanted to make it seem like a big deal,a couple replays and then have Tenay & Tazz not say anything at all.

Jeff Hardy's situation was bad enough,yeah they sent him home after the fact but they NEVER should have allowed him to go out there in the condition he was in. If that happend on the WWE's watch you think Vince Mcmahon would have let any of his guys go out to the Ring in that condition? Answer No. What happend with Jeff is on Dixie and whoever else allowed it to happen.

Also stop with Mr Anderson being so whiny about his Title rematch. I dunno what they are doing with that and why they are making him out to be a Stone Cold Steve Austin ripoff with the anti-hero bit.

One other thing and I know im not alone on this topic. Get out of the Impact Zone already and take the Shows around the U.S. Yeah I know they do House Shows and the occasional PPV outside of Orlando but if they really want to be taken as a serious Wrestling Company like WWE then tour around the Country more often then just once & a while.
I think its great that ppl are enjoying TNA, but I have two things to say about some of what I read here: 1st, I read a lot of ppl complaining about the IWC or the journalists bash TNA, but I here them bashing on everything about wrestling, including WWE(I think the constant bashing on the actual wrestling in the E is a little overstated, they put on good matches from time to time). There are lots of ppl who want to turn the clock back to 1998, but its not happening. If you enjoy the product, who cares what someone else says, I mean, am I right or wrong here? The second thing I see in wrestling right now is history somewhat repeating itself: think back to the early 90's for those of you that are old enough, the WWE looked a lot like it does now, lots of luster from its "golden era" had faded, stars were aging and the product wasn't nearly as strong (the steroid scandal nearly broke them). In came Ted Turner and WCW, who scooped up the big names and forced WWE to adapt or die. We all know how that went. Flash forward to today and WWE looks somewhat like there early 90's counterpart, except they're financially still on top. The reason WWE doesn't appeal to older viewers is because they figured MMA and the NFL controls those demos (they're not wrong) so they're looking to build a new fan base from the jungle gyms up, this is where TNA SHOULD be making its mark, the E is a sleeping giant, so while it sleeps TNA has to try to fill that adult wrestling fan void. Personally, I know they have the in ring talent, but they try to do way to much. Cut down on the promos and let your wrestlers wrestle, that's TNA's bread n butter, not promofests. Sorry to break it to TNA fans who think this one day will be the top promotion in the biz; it won't (they don't have the money), but they can be a strong # 2 and give #1 a run for its money if they clean up the messes. Whether Jeff Hardy is work (and I don't believe it is) or if he was allowed to go to the ring in that condition, that kinda crap HAS to go.

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