Are We Watching TNA or ECW?

Well, Fortune just shows the ******ed logic in which TNA is booked. 7 guys running around holding up 4 fingers. Really?!? Why, because the syllable "for" is in their name?.....I think an actual ****** would see how illogical that is.....or LAME....just like EV2 ....

All of a sudden these jobbers..yes Dreamer, Richards, Raven...are all were all jobbers in every company that counts...are good enough to be on screen with legitimate wrestlers...... ECW was for lame drug addicts and alcoholics to watch late at night ...full of shitty spots where they jumped through tables and botched them half the time. .....AND that was 15 years ago....most of those losers who were devoted to ECW are now 30 year old unemployed white trash who can't afford cable to watch their has-been heroes.....and the rest post here preaching how great ECW was.

Oh, and ratings DO show how popular something is...the higher the rating = more people watching...simple. I know some of you like to argue otherwise.

the four finger shit is not needed but so is your rant about ECW like i said EV2 is nothing but bait to see how the crowd will respponf to Fortune as a stable if it sucks they get taken apart if they are good the extract all the oldies from TNA until they have company dominance
There is no defending this ev2 shit. Hardcore justice failed. The ratings have fallen since their arrival. .98? Lol yeah keep defending everything dixie and tna does. Already looking forward to reddirritation's nonsensical defense on why it makes great business sense that Dixie carter's husband is now getting involved in storynlines.

The only people getting "over" thanks to ev2 are the producers of the other tv shows hundreds of thousands of fans are changing the channel to when these shit bags show up on the screen.
very interesting seeing how probably 75% of TNA's roster is all ex WWE guys. Hell, even AJ Styles was in WWE before he went to TNA. Also, alot of the ECW guys were already under contract to TNA.

AJ styles was never with WWE, under contract i mean. He just had 2-3 try out matches.
This whole storyline is SHIT. I was disgusted and embaressed while watching TNA on thursday night. The washed up Ev guys are terrible except for FBI. It annoys me how the TNA originals and Ric the God Flair are the bad guys. I hate Hogan, Hardy, anderson , pope and expecially Rob Van fucken dam. Fix your show (aj styles, daniels, somao joe) bring back the x division since nothing is even happening in it and put on some dam good wrestling matches not peices of shit.
Well, we're watching TNA! But I agree it IS ECW!

TNA need to get their stories straight, in January they were saying they will give the young wrestlers chances and here we are going into No Surrender with Doug Williams going to defend his X Division title against a vet Sabu and AJ defend his title against a whiny Dreamer, So they no more old guys! and then they sign all these ECW guys who can hardly move anymore!

When I put TNA on, I expect to see guys like Wolfe, AJ, Morgan, Pope etc. hog TV time, not a bunch of guys who aren't any good...those guys had their chance on the big screen with WWE, WWE let them go because they were getting old and there was nothing more left for them to do so they release them, then TNA has this disease to sign anyone if not EVERYONE who is a free agent!

C'mon TNA, be TNA!!
7 guys running around holding up 4 fingers. Really?!? Why, because the syllable "for" is in their name?.....I think an actual ****** would see how illogical that is.....or LAME....just like EV2 ....
:lmao: how close are the four fingers to their chins?
But the fingers are a nice ode. It represents heritage. Afterall the 4 Horsemen stable would be the 4-runners (sorry had to do it) to Flair's new group. I hope though thats not viewed as TNA ripping off more history though.

If you all hate EV2 and the TNA originals are working to exile them does that all not line up or are the ECW alums enough for you to bail on the company itself. I know the heels job is to get heat but will that incinerate TNA?
ruthless RKO said:
TNA need to get their stories straight, in January they were saying they will give the young wrestlers chances and here we are going into No Surrender with Doug Williams going to defend his X Division title against a vet Sabu
they need new guys but not at the cost of everything thats considered aging or passe. This is wrestling not the Cultural Revolution. Did it ever occur to you that maybe everything the X division stood for Sabu embodied a decade before the title's inception? Why do people like you always force youth oppurtunity and vet blackballing to go hand in hand!? And is Sabu never allowed to work anywhere period because you fear the host fed, whoever that may be, TNA, New Japan, CZW, the World Wrestling Council, or whoever might be prepairing a One Night Stand?

Who expects EV2 to actually come out on top? They simply cant and wont so what is the deal?

P.S. WTF does E V 2 even mean?
when i found out that it was going to be an ECW only ppv i felt bad for the TNA wrestlers getting screwed out of a ppv.and the justice ppv sucked. and the storyline they have going for ev 2 and ric flairs group is stupid because they say that there tried of having ex wwe superstars going onto there show and taking over. but look at ric flair he is in mid 60's i think. and then they have a team with pope kurt angle jeff hardy and anderson all ex wwe superstars that are in there 30's saying that there the furture of tna. then you have a team that is not to old and only 2 were wwe superstars and they wernt even that big then. but i also hate that we are watching wcw washups that were never good taking 20 min of air time when you have a full roster full of young guns that havent been on tv for weeks..tna is screwed up and doesn't know how to run a wrestling company
I don't really remember the original ECW calling its wrestlers "extremists" pretty sure that was a WWE term, so I feel no shame in declaring that you sir are pretending to have been around during the original ECW.
No, I wasn't around during the original ECW, I never watched wrestling back then, but I did watch ECW right at the bankruptcy and the Invasion took place, and yes I did watch the ECW on Sci-Fi who referred them to as extremists but I still do remember watching the end of the original ECW.

Well then by all means switch on over to see Drew McIntyre, however, when you fall asleep in your chair don't blame me.
Why would I blame you? Or rather, why would I care to blame you?

Hardcore Justice, that wasn't a bad PPV, it really wasn't, I found it to be quite interesting. Great to see RVD vs Sabu and Raven vs Dreamer again, but now, apparently at No Surrender, Tommy Dreamer will be facing off against AJ Styles in an "I Quit" match?!?!?! I watch TNA to see the TNA Originals, not the ECW Originals.
This bold part is important.
Not really...just saying.

So are you saying that since EV2.0 showed up Fourtune hasn't been on tv? Because that is a lie.
Sorry for your misunderstand, point was I don't want to see EV 2.0, not that Fourtune wasn't on TV.

It was fine having old guys from ECW but now it's not fine because, why?
Serious? Really? :banghead: Isn't it obvious?

Again no one wanted to watch them but people watched them? Facts schmacts amirite?
Just because people don't like certain wrestlers, doesn't mean they'll stop watching the show entirely.

All of these people you claim have dissappeared are still on tv weekly. So moot point if ever there was.
Again, sorry for your misunderstanding, point was more of those guys.

So why does Rhino deserve a spot but not Dreamer? That's the question.
Coming from someone who declares I didn't watch ECW, did you watch TNA? Who was one of the biggest stars in TNA before?

I'm stilll unsure as to which non-ECW wrestlers are being given the cold shoulder here? I've seen guys like AJ and Pope quite often lately.
Read this How about all of those guys?

Why not? Who else should they use?
Keep reading the rest of the post.

Yeah and no one cared.
No one cared, right except all the WWE fans, which I think you aren't

So TNA should build a faction then have them lose their first big match? No thanks.
Why not?

And then we could have you in here telling us how TNA is ripping off the WWE. that storyline hasn't been done by...oh wait, like every wrestling company, indy or major.

Fortune should get over by attacking people, because it suck when they attack people. Make up your mind. Fourtune attacking EV2.0 makes sense, they feel they've been over looked by TNA management. They couldn't spin that same storyline if they attack Amazing Red or Pope. It makes no sense. Instead have them attack the interlopers who showed up out of nowhere and took over. Makes perfect sense.
Again, you misunderstood, maybe you sir, are just illiterate. In my opinion, I think I was pretty clear on having Fourtune attack TNA wrestlers and not bingo hall rejects.

The point of the TNA frontline was to give someone the MEM to dominate. The whole point of the MEM storyline was to show the TNA guys had to work together and get on the same page to beat them. It worked.
Yea it did work. You trying to say something?

What's your point here? I don't get it.
OK, I didn't get the point of your whole reply post; think you were just trying to bash me.
Your comparing apples and oranges Nexus is a bunch of prospects

This whole storyline is essential what people have been asking for to get ride of the old guys so the young guys can get some air time, dispite what critics say TNA is killing them off one by one with Fortune

Thank you for trying though never been a smark its called WATCHING THE SHOW wrestling is the most basic concept to understand if you would stop over thinking on how it could be better.
Ok I'll give you that it was a weak comparison between Fourtune and Nexus but I'm hoping you can understnad where I'm coming from in which both storylines are somewhat similar though different.

Yea people have been asking TNA to kill off the old guys like Nash & Rhino & Sting & others, but TNA decides to bring in more washed up ECW wrestlers in to get killed off? Really? Couldn't we have just killed off the original old guys and moved on? Why bring in RVD & Dreamer & FBI & Sandman (I think)? There was enough to kill off, no need to bring in more.

So if we had midgets wrestling cardboard cutouts, would YOU still watch the show? YOU would stop over thinking of how it could be better? Not taking a shot at YOU but my point is that this is what people do when the show sucks.
Yea people have been asking TNA to kill off the old guys like Nash & Rhino & Sting & others, but TNA decides to bring in more washed up ECW wrestlers in to get killed off? Really? Couldn't we have just killed off the original old guys and moved on? Why bring in RVD & Dreamer & FBI & Sandman (I think)? There was enough to kill off, no need to bring in more.

So if we had midgets wrestling cardboard cutouts, would YOU still watch the show? YOU would stop over thinking of how it could be better? Not taking a shot at YOU but my point is that this is what people do when the show sucks.

As for Nash, Rhino, Sting their is no storyline thats the whole point.... what Fortune is going to go around beating them down individually, thats what they are going to be known for running numbers on older guys.???? No not at all thats weak!!!

One thing that you cant overlook is that Fortune is out numbered as far as their enemies go thats HUGE! Fortunes beef isnt just EV2 like I have said many times EV2 is the first line of defense that fortune will tear through. Not to mention the EV2 alone out numbers them. Not even mentioning TNA managment and by the looks of it a couple of main eventers from last thursday impact, TNA is trying to make Fortune a headliner what is better for that some backstage ambushes or taking apart large groups one by one.

TNA isnt going to disrespect Sting by having him job to Fortune until they are proven and super over, judging by you saying you didnt see the original ECW im assuming your younger so you dont know the full history of sting but sting is up their with Undertaker and way past Bret Hart. Kevin Nash getting beat down by Fortue again woud do NOTHING. Its like Shameus, Miz, and the hart foundation jumping Santino, no disrespect to nash as he is still FIRE on the mic, I jsut could not think of anyone in WWE that has decent mic skills who isnt higher then mid card...... Rhino, no one would care....

the thing people need to realize is that Fortune is essentially the future of TNA AJ styles the main eventer, beer money the best power team in the company, Morgan the biggest guy in the company, with Kaz and Williams who are hoping to get over by attaching themselves to Fortune, them taking out guys here and there isnt doing anything for them everyone in Fortune has held titles in TNA so them taking out oldies makes them look nothing more then bullies

Now Fortune isnt strictly against EV2, yea sure EV2 is the surface but ask yourslef when they take out EV2 then what? whats with the whole sting beef dispite Fortune and sting/nash having a common enemy? Is hogan and bischoff next? is dixie carter? Are guys like Angle,Anderson, Hardy and Pope(non-originals) next? EV2 is a test run... bait for the fans again TNA isnt going to have Fortune just shyt on hardy, anderson, sting, hogan, pope, angle etc from jump street... and then not be over with fans then you have just made any Maineventer or large piece of the show job out to a mediocore stable and TNA cant afford to have the maineventers job out like the WWE can from time to time.

I get what your saying about EV2.... How can I expect fortune to get over by murdering EV2... Personally if Nexus has taught you nothing is that there are power in numbers EV2 has team 3d, fbi, raven, dreamer, richards, rhyno, sabu(i think thats everyone). Regardless of numbers I Honestly feel EV2 is more of an after thought now than anything... After last impact TNA gave off the idea that its Fortune against TNA management, so the first order of business is to take out dixies lap doggies EV2 to get to her which is very belivable

sometimes you cant be all about the now now now, was DX more popular with hbk and hhh? I think so wince im a huge HBK mark but many will agree it was with with hhh,chyna, new age outlaws, and xpac that was most over. Was the nation of domination more over at the beginning or when they got the rock, was the NWO over more a month after bash at the beach or 5 months later, when it was obvious a major player against all WCW maineventers and a main event stable themselves? This is the beginning of Fortune calm down EV2 is nothing more than a stepping stone, sure if Fortune was super over like the outsiders where coming into WCW the could dominate maineventers but their not, and they dont have the large fan base to make it into a big enough deal, so they need to slow build them. Sometimes you just need to watch wrestling, and take things with a grain of salt.... i

m 21 and til this day try to watch wrestling how i did when i was younger and thats to not anayze and think what can make it better and just enjoy the onscreen product, unless some outrageous shyt is fed to me like WWE has been doing especially the summer slam PPV which broke every logic for the past 15+ years of wrestling i have watched of how serious a heel removing padding and slaming someone on cement was... but thats for another time and another post sure EV2 isnt great is it really insulting to the wrestling fan is tommy dreamer cleaning beating AJ styles, or the FBI taking out beer money? no Fortune has been dominate as they should
No, I wasn't around during the original ECW, I never watched wrestling back then, but I did watch ECW right at the bankruptcy and the Invasion took place, and yes I did watch the ECW on Sci-Fi who referred them to as extremists but I still do remember watching the end of the original ECW.
Uh huh.

Sorry for your misunderstand, point was I don't want to see EV 2.0, not that Fourtune wasn't on TV.
So then who is Fourtune supposed to fight?

Serious? Really? :banghead: Isn't it obvious?
no. Explain it.

Just because people don't like certain wrestlers, doesn't mean they'll stop watching the show entirely.
but the segments with the EV2 guys get higher ratings then segments without them.

Again, sorry for your misunderstanding, point was more of those guys.
So, this past week on iMPACT, when you got 2 tag matches, 3 of which were teams you've praised in this thread and a 4 on 4 match with young guys like AJ and Kaz and guys like Anderson and Pope. Isn't enough, what else do you want?

Coming from someone who declares I didn't watch ECW, did you watch TNA? Who was one of the biggest stars in TNA before?
Still waiting for an answer, why does Rhino "deserve" a spot but Dreamer doesn't.

lol Mark Madden. No thanks, I'm not a proctologist so I don't enjoy examining the contents of a fat guys ass.

No one cared, right except all the WWE fans, which I think you aren't
oh the 5 year olds? You know when I was 5 years old I probably would've loved to see Lord Zedd fight Steve Austin. Funny how dumb that seems.

Because it's already been done and sucked ass. that storyline hasn't been done by...oh wait, like every wrestling company, indy or major.
So everyone should do the exact same thing all the time?

Again, you misunderstood, maybe you sir, are just illiterate. In my opinion, I think I was pretty clear on having Fourtune attack TNA wrestlers and not bingo hall rejects.
So the MEM reversed. Nope. Tell me, what motivation would Fourtune have? Oh lets beat down the Pope after all it's his fault we're losing our jobs? EV2 comes to TNA, pushes TNA guys out of the spot light and "steals" a TNA PPV. TNA guys strike back. Please provide me with what motivation Fourtune would have to target the members of the TNA roster they've been working with for years?

Yea it did work. You trying to say something?
You were the one whinging about the MEM. Now you like it, go figure.

OK, I didn't get the point of your whole reply post; think you were just trying to bash me.
Actually I was trying to get you to go in depth and actually explain your points, but you wouldn't do that. I'm still waiting to hear a fully viable alternative to the current storyline in place.
So then who is Fourtune supposed to fight {if TNA never brings in EV2}?

Real quick--RVD, Hogan, Nash, Sting, Foley, 3D (too late), maybe Jeff Hardy and Anderson. Leave them in a pool of blood, screaming "This is OUR HOUSE! This is OUR TIME! It is Two Thousand and Ten! Which is Ten Years after anyone cared about your old broken down ass!"

Probably turn on Flair within 6 months, as the arrogant youngins' stop listening to him.
Real quick--RVD,
Feuding with Abyss.

Isn't supposed to be wrestling.

Nash, Sting,
Involved in a different feud, potentially will happen after Sting choked out Flair.

Foley, 3D (too late)
They're EV2.0 so they are feuding with them.

, maybe Jeff Hardy and Anderson.
Involved in a different angle and still partially involved with Fourtune anyway.

Leave them in a pool of blood, screaming "This is OUR HOUSE! This is OUR TIME! It is Two Thousand and Ten! Which is Ten Years after anyone cared about your old broken down ass!"
And the problem is each of those guys aren't aligned with each other. Oh we beat up Nash who is against Hogan so now Hogan and Nash are going to team up even though they're against eachother. No thanks, I don't need to see the WWE again.

See the thing is everything you've suggested is happening to a degree, the difference is that EV2.0 allows Fourtune to have a direct target, they can still attack Hogan etc. But it saves everyone from a Team Flair vs. Team Hogan rehash as we already saw that this year. Instead you have Fourtune driving out the interlopers and simultaneously dominating the main roster. I can't see why EV2.0 is a bad thing at this stage.
I can't see why EV2.0 is a bad thing at this stage.
I guess you're one of the only ones who seem to like this whole concept while for the most part, eveyrone else hates yet, yet you seem to defended, you've taken shots at me for saying I hate it, give me a quote on quote "an explanation" of why you like this storyline and then ask yourself why does like 80% of the community hate yet, but you seem to have fallen in love with it.
i would like to add a few things, today i read the report" EV2 Push Causing Dressing Room Unrest in TNA" by Nick Paglino. if y'all notice we aren't the only ones that are against the Idea of bringing in ECW stars, they said that TNA top stars are also against the idea as well. Now if they are saying TNA stars aren't happy about this idea then that tells us something..They didn't even like who they are use a a top babyface of the company

My question is what are TNA trying to do to accomplish here?? I had to watch the rise and Fall of ECW again to try to get a better understanding about what went wrong, the way i see it, three things not enough money and couldn't get a good television deal, and also top stars leaving the company. some of us can say that those guys had their chance in ECW and they also worked in ratings haven't pass 2.0 yet and it probably won't

as for Eric Bischoff, i remember reading something that he was happy with Vince Russo's work with the company, i mean seriously is this guy for real?? Has he been paying any attention to what's going on here and look at the ratings, they speak for it's self. If Russo was that good with creating decent storylines, then the ratings would been higher than they suppose to be. Is it just me or some people can't tell that there is something wrong with the picture of having EV2 right now, come on now its like we are smarter than Eric Bischoff and he doesn't see the problem.

my question is this why do you think TNA top stars are against this EV2??
So then who is fortune supposed to fight?

The fuck you talking about? You seriously trying to justify TNA keeping the rating killing ECW slugs around because they could't figure out who else Fortune could feud with? That's the best bullshit you can come up with? Even a dope like you can't honestly believe that.

There are plenty of wrestlers for Fortune to feud with. TNA is not lacking in talent so bad that they needed to hire any of the ECW guys. It doesn't mater who's feuding with who now. Of course all the options the other poster gave are feuding with other wrestlers now while Fortune feuds with EV2. His point was the feuds could have been shuffled differently so that Fortune was feuding with someone else. The ECW guys have no business in TNA or anywhere near a TV in 2010. Unless you are secretly dealing with some kind of drug addiction that keeps you in a fucking haze all day, I find it very hard to believe you don't understand that dudes point that there are plenty of other options for Fortune than a feud with the D list EV2 scrubs.
Apparently I was too quick.

ReddAnnhilation said:
So then who is Fourtune supposed to fight?

I added "{if they don't bring EV2 in}". I don't think anyone is saying drop them from TV without an explanation, we're saying they really shouldn't have been brought in in the first place.

RVD--feuding with Abyss. Actually, he's kayfabe in a hospital for the next few months or something, but Abyss might be aligned with Fourtune anyway.
Hogan--Isn't supposed to be wrestling. That didn't stop Fourtune from laying him out a few weeks ago when the house lights were out.
Nash, Sting--involved in a different feud. That didn't stop Fourtune from laying them and Jarrett out a few weeks ago.
Foley and 3d--they're EV2. True, but they were already on the roster, and aren't the reason people are upset with the EV2 angle. They can still perform as more than small-time nostalgia acts.
Jeff Hardy and Anderson. Involved in a different angle and still partially involved with Fourtune anyway Being in a different angle shouldn't save you from a Fourtune beatdown. And, you concede my logic that they should be feuding with Fourtune.

ReddAnnihilation said:
I can't see why EV2.0 is a bad thing at this stage
Two major reasons:
1. EV2 haven't given a coherent reason why they're the faces, why they deserve TV time on TNA in 2010. If anything, they should have been the dastardly heels/decent but desperate tweener trying to take over to survive.
2. They aren't a credible threat to Fourtune, so it's just wasting time. Dreamer is not a threat to Styles, FBI or say Raven and Richards aren't a threat to Beer Money. Arguably, Sabu could be hyped into a threat to Doug Williams' X Division title. RVD is a credible opponent for anyone, but he's not around.

Foley, Dreamer, Raven, Rhino, Richards, FBI, Sandman, Sabu.

Hogan, Nash, Jarrett, Sting, Foley, Jeff Hardy, Anderson.

Which set of opponents is better suited to make Fourtune and its members look like a dangerous, dominant stable? Logically, if Fourtune is as dominant as they say, EV2 shouldn't have been heard from since the Whole F'n Show. They should be in the hospital, down the hall from RVD.
I guess you're one of the only ones who seem to like this whole concept while for the most part, eveyrone else hates yet, yet you seem to defended, you've taken shots at me for saying I hate it, give me a quote on quote "an explanation" of why you like this storyline and then ask yourself why does like 80% of the community hate yet, but you seem to have fallen in love with it.

80% of a thread on an internet forum. Yeah great sample size there, first things first, good job grey rep. :p

Secondly, unless you've got figures that say there was a huge drop in TNA's audience since the arrival of EV2, I'd say I'm quite happy in speaking for the majority TNA audience, that EV2 is fine as it is.

rondiesel2005 said:
i would like to add a few things, today i read the report" EV2 Push Causing Dressing Room Unrest in TNA" by Nick Paglino. if y'all notice we aren't the only ones that are against the Idea of bringing in ECW stars, they said that TNA top stars are also against the idea as well.
And the tabloids said some lady's husband was abducted by aliens. Shitty reports with no source are not something to base your opinion on.

Now if they are saying TNA stars aren't happy about this idea then that tells us something..They didn't even like who they are use a a top babyface of the company
It tells me you're dumb enough to believe everything written on a website, when you really should have enough gray matter to look for credible info.

My question is what are TNA trying to do to accomplish here?? I had to watch the rise and Fall of ECW again to try to get a better understanding about what went wrong, the way i see it, three things not enough money and couldn't get a good television deal, and also top stars leaving the company. some of us can say that those guys had their chance in ECW and they also worked in ratings haven't pass 2.0 yet and it probably won't
They've given their new heel faction an immediate foe. Success.

has for Eric Bischoff, i remember reading something that he was happy with Vince Russo's work with the company, i mean seriously is this guy for real?? Has he been paying any attention to what's going on here and look at the ratings, they speak for it's self. If Russo was that good with creating decent storylines, then the ratings would been higher than they suppose to be.
Did you know that when he was brought into WCW Russo actually increased the ratings at one point? Russo is a good writer, unless you can tell me how he managed to get empolyed by the 2 biggest companies in wrestling whilst being a bad writer, hmm?

Is it just me or some people can't tell that there is something wrong with the picture of having EV2 right now, come on now its like we are smarter than Eric Bischoff and he doesn't see the problem.
Yes, you're smarter than a guy who made money in the wrestling business. Eat a dick dude, you aren't smarter than anybody.

my question is this why do you think TNA top stars are against this EV2??
My question is, why do you believe a sourceless report?

Banned Dumbass said:
The fuck you talking about? You seriously trying to justify TNA keeping the rating killing ECW slugs around because they could't figure out who else Fortune could feud with? That's the best bullshit you can come up with? Even a dope like you can't honestly believe that.
Prior to you being banned for, what the 4th time in a few months, I'd have loved to know what stats you'd have had to support your claim that EV2 kills the ratings.

There are plenty of wrestlers for Fortune to feud with. TNA is not lacking in talent so bad that they needed to hire any of the ECW guys. It doesn't mater who's feuding with who now. Of course all the options the other poster gave are feuding with other wrestlers now while Fortune feuds with EV2. His point was the feuds could have been shuffled differently so that Fortune was feuding with someone else. The ECW guys have no business in TNA or anywhere near a TV in 2010. Unless you are secretly dealing with some kind of drug addiction that keeps you in a fucking haze all day, I find it very hard to believe you don't understand that dudes point that there are plenty of other options for Fortune than a feud with the D list EV2 scrubs.

Not once, does he actually mention who they could feud with, just that there's somone "out there".

johnbragg said:
I added "{if they don't bring EV2 in}". I don't think anyone is saying drop them from TV without an explanation, we're saying they really shouldn't have been brought in in the first place.
And in place of EV2 you offer no alternative reason for Fourtune to form and lash out against TNA.

RVD--feuding with Abyss. Actually, he's kayfabe in a hospital for the next few months or something, but Abyss might be aligned with Fourtune anyway.
At the start of the Fourtune angle Abyss was feuding with RVD, he's recently hospitalized RVD and now Abyss is feuding with EV2 who want revenge. Meanwhile EV2 are also dealing with Fourtune, I see no reason for Abyss to have turned face again and feuded with Fourtune.

Hogan--Isn't supposed to be wrestling. That didn't stop Fourtune from laying him out a few weeks ago when the house lights were out.
And how would Hogan carry a major feud with them? Short of sending out mecernary wrestlers. Which he tried this past week and it didn't work out because a unified faction should always beat a rag tag group.

Nash, Sting--involved in a different feud. That didn't stop Fourtune from laying them and Jarrett out a few weeks ago.
It was a bit part, simple as that. They continue their feud with Hogan and Jarrett but they acknowledge Fourtune as a threat. Not seeing how these two would have had a strong feud against Fourtune.

Foley and 3d--they're EV2. True, but they were already on the roster, and aren't the reason people are upset with the EV2 angle. They can still perform as more than small-time nostalgia acts.
But outside of EV2, these guys had no reason to be aligned.

Jeff Hardy and Anderson. Involved in a different angle and still partially involved with Fourtune anyway Being in a different angle shouldn't save you from a Fourtune beatdown. And, you concede my logic that they should be feuding with Fourtune.
Actually I never said they should be feuding with them, they're mildly involved. At some point in the future Jeff Hardy and Ken Anderson feuding with Fourtune is plausible, but first, Fourtune need to crush some cans to build up credibility as a unified faction.

Something people seem to be ignoring with the EV2.0 story, are both it's role within kayfabe and it's role from a booking perspective.

In kayfabe, EV2.0 is a group of life-long friends who know eachother inside and out, they are a well oiled machine. Fourtune, a relatively new group getting together and immediately beating out a group of seasoned veterans, says that Fourtune have the tools to become a power faction.

Now from a booking perspective, there's no one better than EV2.0 to feud with leading up to No Surrender. Why? Well for starters the EV2 guys are old, which means that they aren't likely to recieve a push. Instead, much like we saw on iMPACT with the FBI, they will be used as enhancement talent to get Fourtune over. By comparison, if they were to feud immediately with guys like Anderson, Pope, Lethal etc. Someone has to lose, if the EV2 guys lose, no harm, no foul. If you job Anderson, Pope, Hardy and Lethal out to Fourtune, then how the fuck is anyone going to believe that those guys can suddenly beat Fourtune at a later time. Fourtune needed a group of veterans who can be beaten without any damage being done to the credibility of either group, a group of 40 year old men don't have anything to gain or lose, a group of up and comers do.

It makes no sense to have your squash feud designed to get your young faction over, be against their only viable competition. Instead crush the old guys, then have them move further along the line, setting up proper individual and team feuds with other major players.

It's so simple, that it makes my brain hurt when people complain about EV2.0, seriously, if any of the anti-EV2.0 crowd can answer the following then I'd love to hear it;

There are six members of Fourtune (AJ, Kaz, Storm, Roode, Morgan, Williams).

Six of TNA's best to challenge them (Kurt Angle, The Pope, Mr. Anderson, Jeff Hardy, Alex Shelley, Chris Sabin)

Now, first of all the World title is currently vacated, four of the TNA representatives are involved in the tournament for that belt. So scratch them, because Fourtune already holds 2 titles and the other members aren't ready to challenge for the World title.

That leaves TNA with the MCMG to feud with Fourtune, but wait, they're a tag team and they've just come out of a 6 match program with Fourtune's tag team. So unless you want a rehash of that, the Guns are out too.

So who's left in TNA, not involved in any major feud? Jay Lethal, Ink Inc., London Brawling, Rob Terry, Amazing Red, Samoa Joe, Eric Young, Generation Me, Hernandez and Orlando Jordan.

Now of those 14 guys, four are heels, so scratch London Brawling, EY and OJ. Now you've got 9, one of those 9 doesn't like to work as a team player, so Joe's out. Down to 8, two tag teams, discard one of those either Ink Inc. or GenMe and now you've got 6. The team of Jay Lethal, Rob Terry, Amazing Red, Hernandez and either a high flying tag-team or a combo of brawling and high flying. On top of that, not one guy has much personality beyond Lethal or Moore if he's in your selection.

Now tell me, knowing that one group must win and one must lose, how is feeding potential future stars to other potential future stars an effective way to build a faction without destroying the credibility of your other guys?

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