I'm Bringing it back!

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The Hiphopapotamus

The Dude abides
TNA,over it's last seven years has had some great wrestlers.AJ Styles.Samoa Joe.Christopher Daniels.Kurt Angle.jeff Jarrett.Sting.But those wrestlers are currently with the company.They're active with TNA. But of the several stars who currently appear for the promotion,they aren't the only oneswho ever wrestled for TNA.Many wrestlers have come and gone.Now,my question for all of you is,of all of TNA's alumni,who would you bring back to improve the current product.Please say why you would like them back and how they would improve TNA.

As for my choice,it was a tough one.I couldn't think of any real choices for the heavyweights.I liked Ron Killings.he's a former champion,and I always found the Truth exciting.But I just feel that if I brought him back from the WWE,he just wouldn't fit.he would just fade into obscurity.I also wouldn't mind bringing back raven,after seeing that he can still put on a good match.But i just think he wouldn't last.Judas mesias.Meh,he'd be good to just fall off a ladder through a flaming,barbed wire thumb tack table against Abyss.Admittedly,I would enjoy that.same with Sabu.Punk used to wrestle for TNA,but that wouldn't be too feasible.And you have to last a little while.

The only real people I can think of are from the X Division.Jerry Lynn,Sonjay Dutt,Jimmy Rave and Petey Williams.They're all exciting wrestlers that would slightly improve the division,but the key word is slightly.Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) used to wrestle in TNA.Well he made a few appearances.But my choice comes down to 2 people.The runner up was Low Ki.I loved him in the X division.His kicks were brutal,he was just such a joy to watch.But he's only the runner up.My choice is the current Ring of Honor world champion,Austin Aries.He is an exceptional in ring talent,and a great heel.How TNA let him go is beyond me.Something to do with a bad attitude after being asked to cut promos on his day off.I don't blame him.If I was asked to work on my day off,I'd be pretty pissed.So anyway,i do think Aries would be a great re-signing for TNA,and he's my pick to bring back.

So who's yours?Have I missed anyone important.If so,don't hesitate to inform me.Unless it's Ken Shamrock.Because I didn't forget him.
I think TNA made a mistake by releasing guys like Sonjay Dutt, Jimmy Race and Petey Williams recently. I liked them and they put bon decent matches. Also, Raven should have stayed on the roster. He's still good and could have done loads more with Abyss.

But of all guys to bring back, at the moment, I would get CM Punk back as soon as I could. The guys pretty over now, so would do well. I also would try to get Jeff Hardy, another massively over star AND would attract loads of fans. Jeff could easily become the face of the roster. There are some other guys I'm forgetting, oh well.
If I was TNA, I'd bring back Monty Brown. Fortunately for Monty Brown the WWE didn't devalue him and show him off as useless as they did Chris "Braden Walker" Harris. Monty Brown maybe a little older but he head so much charisma and mic skills that he could have gone far in this business. I still think TNA should bring him back and give him another shot.
i agree i think if TNA were to bring back "THE ALPHA MALE" he could do wonders in tna RIGHT NOW they could put STYLES, DANIELS, ABYSS , STING, and BROWN together to take down the mafia now theres a frontline for ya plus i think it would finally off set the void left by "THE INSTANT SELLOUT" CHRISTIAN
As of right now, I honestly don't think TNA needs to bring anyone back. TNA already does have a lot of young talent and seem to be flirting with the possibility of finally doing something with it.

CM Punk will not be in TNA anytime soon. He's accomplished a lot in the WWE, they've put him in some solid angles, has won a good number of titles, has good matches and is over as either a face or a heel. Unless Punk does something that's just completely off the wall crazy, he could be in the WWE for many years to come.

I very much hope never to see Raven or Shane Douglas again. Why I think they're two of the most overrated neverwases in modern wrestling history, TNA certainly didn't do them any favors with what they did with them.

Sonjay, Petey Williams, Monty Brown, Jimmy Rave I also couldn't care less about. I think TNA has a solid roster overall right now. I'd like to see something done with the young guys that they've got because, in my opinion, most of the names that've been thrown out in this post thus far aren't that great and never really were.
Sonjay, Petey Williams, Monty Brown, Jimmy Rave I also couldn't care less about. I think TNA has a solid roster overall right now. I'd like to see something done with the young guys that they've got because, in my opinion, most of the names that've been thrown out in this post thus far aren't that great and never really were.
i agree with you about sonjay, petey and jimmy but were u even watching TNA in 2005-2006 brown was a hi mid carder low maineventer with 2 or 3 title shots under his belt then went to ecw and did nothing like the rest of tna talent vince just sighns and puts down just to rub it in tna's face
Monty Brown would be my first choice as was a guy that they could of built TNA as their guy as TNA made him a know name in the IWC. This is something that TNA will always regret as a guy they failed to push that could have made them on par with the WWE.

This is something that I the about TNA and why I really haven’t watched in like three months, is that they don’t have any homegrown talent a the top. Everybody is either WWE, ECW, or WCW and I have seen that before hell even the WWE has gotten rid of most of the WCW past while TNA is bleeding the life out of WCW.

I wish the guys in TNA would take Paul Heyman’s advice even Vince’s advice, that is that you can use other promotions talent for so long till you have to make your own stars to make you different or stand out. TNA doesn’t stand out, all it is,is bashing the WWE everyweek and copying the WWE everyweek.

So I would like to Monty Brown just for the fact that maybe they can reclaim his glory, but wait, they will just push the next WWE reject in Umaga & Mr. Injury……INNNNJJJJUUURRRRYYYY!!!!!
Good call on Monty Brown. I'd like to see Petey back as well. Low Ki would be good too, but theres too much backstage issues with him from what i understand. I think Lance Hoyt would be good if he went back to his former gimmick. The only guy that jumped to WWE that I would like to see back is Chris Harris if they did it right. If Beer Money started to fall apart, have Harris run in and put a new finisher on Roode (or even better, Storm). Maybe... JUST maybe.... Elix skipper.
I don't think anyone should be brought back.. Like it would be fun at first but then what.. They get dropped down to abyss level and fight hardcore matches with people who no one gives a shyt about... I say build the guys u got that are from tna and have each one face each of the now heavyweights aka wwe/wcw legends... If you'd had to I'd say bring in monty brown.. Cause he would actually throw on a great match with kurt angle and would then be a good fued if lashley came in and faced monty... That would be real interesting.. Al Sharpton wouldn't be happy but that match would be great lmao...
i agree with you about sonjay, petey and jimmy but were u even watching TNA in 2005-2006 brown was a hi mid carder low maineventer with 2 or 3 title shots under his belt then went to ecw and did nothing like the rest of tna talent vince just sighns and puts down just to rub it in tna's face

Yeah, I saw him a handful of times during his whole "Alpha Male" thing. He did his little hyena laugh or squawk or whatever the hell it was and I just rolled my eyes and flipped the channel. The guy never impressed me in the least, no matter which company he worked for.
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