I'm Back!!!!

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member

That’s right, Dagger Dias has returned to Wrestlezone. It’s been over a month and a lot has happened….

I got married on the 19th at the Excalibur in Vegas. It was a lot of fun and we got a ton of pictures that we will upload to my facebook at some point (we don’t have internet at the apartment yet, I’m at the computer room at the business building at school as I write this) My wife is from California so we had quite a long and stressful time with getting all of her stuff down to Texas, but we are pretty much settled in to our new apartment now.


My wife and I went to Summerslam and had a blast. The 7 VS 7 match was the best. I bought two John Cena shirts and she bought an Orton shirt. We had pretty good seats, 12 rows from the ring. We tried to take some pictures but none of them turned out any good.

Basically the reason I left is because I had far too much on my plate. I was working on my video game, taking 6 hours of senior level classes in summer, wedding planning, and spending far too much time on the forum. I had too much going on and something had to go…. So I temporarily left the forum.

I did leave the door open for a return, and it’s good to be back! I’m ready to get back into my PPV Predictions, Guest Host Rants, and discuss all sorts of things with you guys whether it be about wrestling or video games or any random other topic.

Have I missed anything interesting while I was gone?
There's a contest to be the next mod. Currently they're having a challenge about videogames. You would have done well in it I'm sure.
If I had known you were in LA on a celebration tour, I could have arranged some additional fun.

The Cage is a breeding ground for assholes (like me), KB is an admin, and there are a few tourneys going on. I think that's about it.

Welcome back.

I've missed you, my friend. Congrats again on your marriage. I wish you nothing but happiness. :)

As for what you've missed, well talk about bad timing. I think just yesterday or the day before, a noob by the name of Bill Lesnar was making ripples through the forum. Always speaking in third person and pretty much pissing everyone off (with a handful of exceptions). Yes, he had a gimmick as a poster and a bad one at that. He got banned but returned with an alt. He made no attempts to even hide himself as he made it crystal clear it him.

Oh and KB is admin.
I did hear about KB getting admin as well as the next mod competition, that's pretty badass. I won't be around as much as I was in the spring but am back for good. I've got some thread ideas for the video games section, so you guys should be on the lookout for those.

Oh, and perhaps I'll begin another posting spree.... 2000 posts by 2011? Lol just kidding. Anyways I gotta take off and do some stuff for class. I'll do some non-spam posting tomorrow.
Welcome back Mr. Dias, good to see your presence back here! Congratulations on tying the knot!
Welcome back Dagger, Congrats on the marriage, cohabitating is the hardest part trust me ive been trying to cohabitate with the wife for five years now and where getting better at it lol.

Check out the NWS sections, you'll have a load of fun there and theres a shed load of stuff going on from the debators league to the NWS mod contest, to the slew of new guys on the wrestling forums.

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