If you were in charge of WWE


Pre-Show Stalwart
Let's say you took over Vince McMahon's spot as the Big Boss of the company. Who would you re-sign, how would you make the atmosphere of the company? How would it improve and what new talent would you bring to the brands?

If I were in charge:

I would slowly bring back the TV-14 era of WWE. I would release all kiddie ridiculous gimmicks suck as: Khali, Ricky Ortiz, Jillian, Hornswoggle, etc.

I would release a load of un-used wrestlers, I would reshape each brand with new talent and compatible wrestlers.

I would reshape SmackDown's roster:
--Main Eventers--
-The Undertaker
-CM Punk
-Chris Jericho
-Rey Mysterio

--IC Title (Mid Card/Semi Main Eventers)--

-The Brian Kendrick
-Dolph Ziggler
-John Morrison
-Charlie Haas
-Mike Knox
-Yoshi Tatsu
-Drew McIntyre

--Tag Team Division--
-The Hart Dynasty
-Cryme Tyme
-The Hard Knox Connection (Charlie Hass & Mike Knox)
-Finlay & Shamus
-Dos Caras, Jr. & El Sicodelico

--Diva's Division--
-Melina (have her work on her skills some more. Promo cutting, etc.)
-Layla (turn her face)
-Angela (FCW talent)
-Gail Kim
-Alicia Fox (have her work on her skills in FCW for sometime)

Raw's Roster:
--Main Eventers--
-Randy Orton
-Mark Henry
-Jack Swagger
-Triple H

--Mid Card Talent--
-Kofi Kingston
-Evan Borune
-The Miz
-Chavo...(If he can regain his dignity)
-Ted Dibiase
-Zack Ryder

--Tag Team--
-Lagacy (Carlito, Primo, Brett Dibiase, Cody Rhodes & Joe Hennig)
-Kofi Kingston & Lennox Mcenroe (Kayfabe Brothers Tag Team)
-Bo Rutundo & Duke Rutundo. (New Tag Team talent Brothers)
-William Regal & Paul Burchill

-Beth Phoenix
-Mickie James
-Jenny Cash
-Rosa Mendes

--ECW Talent--
-Kizarny (Revamped gimmick-
-Mr. Tarver (Black version of Nathon Jones)
-Ezekiel Jackson
-Tommy Dreamer
-Shelton Benjamin
-Sweet Papa Sanchez (Similar to D-Lo Brown)
-The Hurricane

Wrestlers I would try and re-sign:
-Elijah Burke
-Hade Vansen
-Kevin Thorn
-Black Pain
-Mr. Kennedy (maybe)
-Big Daddy V (Yes, that's right)

I would bring WWE away from the PG era but still make it kid-friendly and appealing to true wrestling fans.

I would make the Divas more focusing on skill rather than just looks.

I would unify the Tag Title and bring the back to each brand.

I would rename some PPV and drop some PPVs:

I would get rid of Breaking Point and bring back Unforgiven. Keep the name No Mercy, drop Cyber Sunday. Bring back New Year's Revolution and revive Saturday Night's Main Event to it's glory days.
There are 532361 threads on how would you change the WWE. Can somebody please close this thread?

I'd do nothing. The WWE is good right now and young talent is getting the pushes it should be getting. With Edge out, Taker out, and spot monkey Jeff likely leaving, this gives pushes to deserving younger talent such as Morrison, Ziggler, and more room for Jericho to be featured. Raw is... well it's Raw. Take what you get and quit bitching. The only thing Raw needs is a weekly injection of Swagger and Miz and it will be just fine.
Honestly, WWE is as good as it can get right now just short of finally dropping John Cena as the so called face of the WWE and putting someone else there.
:wtf: Nobody on the wwe creative team or any employee there for that matter cares about what we write down about making the product better. I read this all the time, this is what i do, this is what they should do. Let the professionals do what there good at and that is putting out a good product.
The sheer fucking ineptitude on display here by the thread starter's omission of John Cena is disgusting. What kind of responsible owner doesn't take into account what a great draw Cena is? In your ideal WWE, is money no object? 'Cause the real one isn't that way.

In addition:

I would unify the Tag Title
Aren't you a couple months late on this? Why should your opinion on how to fix the WWE be taken into account if you don't actually watch the product?

I would rename some PPV
Good grief, same as above... THEY ARE DOING THIS. But more importantly, how would different PPV names improve the company?
Unfortunately anyone who says the WWE's product and says it is good is obviously a pure WWE mark. And even though I like the roster changes you put down I don't think that is the biggest problem. My fix's are more simple. Right now Raw is the #3 show in professional wrestling behind #1 Smackdown and in my opinion #2 TNA: IMPACT. Here is a way to make Raw #2 again.

1) Give Randy Orton more personality. I actually turn the channel when Legacy comes out because all I see is boring ass Randy Orton and his two personal jobbers. He can be an ass, he can be a psychopath, but make him interesting. Make him show a little emotion, tweek the character, because frankly Orton is so boring I won't watch him. He isn't worth my money right now.

2) Turn Triple H heel again. I love Triple H as a face because it shows his creative side but Raw needs a heel that actually makes people do something other than snore. Do you actually think Hulk Hogan would have been as well loved as he was a his peek in the late 1980's if people didn't hate Roddy Piper as much as they did during the Hogan/Piper feud in 1986? Would Dusty Rhodes be the star he was at his peak without his feud with the Horsemen? Hell no. The WWE and Raw in general needs a heel that can elevate the faces to another level and from what I've seen Randy Orton can't do that. Smackdown has Chris Jerricho, had Edge, and slowly turning CM Punk that way. Raw has no one who can do that. Turn Triple H and make him that guy.

Now I don't watch Smackdown that much anymore because by the time Friday comes along I am usually exhausted but from what I hear other than forcing the overrated, glorified stunt man Jeff Hardy down my throat Smackdown is in pretty good shape.

Those were just two things that would greatly improve Raw.
Unfortunately anyone who says the WWE's product and says it is good is obviously a pure WWE mark.

Unfortunately anyone who comes on here and acts as though they are a "true wrestling fan" because they come on here and bitch and moan are nothing but people are like to whine and bitch a lot.

See? I can make asinine comments as well.

And even though I like the roster changes you put down I don't think that is the biggest problem.

I would say the omission of the largest draw of the company, John Cena, is a big problem.

My fix's are more simple. Right now Raw is the #3 show in professional wrestling behind #1 Smackdown and in my opinion #2 TNA: IMPACT. Here is a way to make Raw #2 again.

Lulz, TNA number 2 in quality.

And one more thing. You say you haven't seen Smackdown lately because you're too tired or some shit like that. Then how would you know it's better in quality than Raw?

1) Give Randy Orton more personality. I actually turn the channel when Legacy comes out because all I see is boring ass Randy Orton and his two personal jobbers.

I admit he's monotone and that Legacy is a bunch of jobbers. But he's working a more old school approach to his promos and ring work. His promos and ring work are built to give all the pops to the face. Which happens every time he touches that mic. Did you hear Monday? The crowd booed the instant he started speaking. That's a heel who is doing his job.

2) Turn Triple H heel again. I love Triple H as a face because it shows his creative side but Raw needs a heel that actually makes people do something other than snore.

I hear people booing Orton. It must be my imagination, though.

Do you actually think Hulk Hogan would have been as well loved as he was a his peek in the late 1980's if people didn't hate Roddy Piper as much as they did during the Hogan/Piper feud in 1986? Would Dusty Rhodes be the star he was at his peak without his feud with the Horsemen? Hell no.

You're right. But people really hate Orton. I swear. Watch him on Raw and you'll hear it.

The WWE and Raw in general needs a heel that can elevate the faces to another level and from what I've seen Randy Orton can't do that.

He did damn well with that match against Dibiase. That one match erased months of jobbing.

Smackdown has Chris Jerricho, had Edge, and slowly turning CM Punk that way. Raw has no one who can do that. Turn Triple H and make him that guy.

Punk the heel that can raise faces up to that next level? And Orton can't?

Now I don't watch Smackdown that much anymore because by the time Friday comes along I am usually exhausted but from what I hear other than forcing the overrated, glorified stunt man Jeff Hardy down my throat Smackdown is in pretty good shape.

One more "they're forcing him down my throat" shit. The WWE isn't forcing him down your throat. The paying public are. If Hardy wasn't insanely popular, then you wouldn't see him. Blame the people popping for him every night.

And once more with the "..I don't watch it, but I still think it's good." Fuck me.

Those were just two things that would greatly improve Raw.

You forgot to say "Put Cena back in the main-event."

There are many things that i could say here, but I will keep it to two:


1) Why isnt there an OFFICIAL Fantasy Take Charge of The WWE thread anywhere in the sticky threads column? I know it would suck & be full of guys with little to no rep, but the internet is losing space & we need forums that actually matter, not repeated ones. I also noticed that the same people who complain about the current state of WWE complain about the HHH-Orton fued. I say these guys are hypocrites: they hate the repititiveness of RAW's main event & yet they keep repeating these threads & posting their ideas on how to fix the WWE. PLEASE, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD... PLEASE DO ONE OF THREE THINGS:

A - Create a sticky thread
B - Be quite about it
C - Search for Lord Sicious [sorry for any spelling mistakes & look for his signature. That will solve all your problems.


2) I would change the Diva's division. However, unlike many of these threads, I actually limit my ideas of change within Diva related threads or I virtually shut up about it. If you want to take charge of the WWE without people bad mouthing these threads, go to your User CP... edit profile & write the words, "I want to change the WWE." It works for me in summarising my love & passion for womens wresting.


Please, keep away from this subject. Otherwise, I will have to kill myself slowly & painfully... by doing this over & over again...

this has been done to death, but the main thing is revamp the tag division.
Just some ideas:
Kane and Knox
Mysterio and Morrison
Miz and TBK w/ Maryse
Burchill and Regal w/ Katie Lea
Punk and Jericho
Kofi and Bourne
etc. etc. etc.
If I was in charge of wwe a few weeks before night of champions I would Reset all titles and have tournaments for each title with the final rounds of each to be held at NOC
I need to thank you Razorback. That response was the first intelligent response I have gotten to anything I have written since I have been on the forums.

Now. Why would I want them to change John Cena? Cena proved that he could be the man in the WWE for the next ten to twenty years with those long classic matches with Shawn Michaels and he is a cash cow on top of it. He is like a more athletic, better version of Hulk Hogan. The best part is he doesn't have the ego to not put people over and politic himself into a bigger contract with more power like Hogan did. Why on earth would anyone want to change that at this point in Cena's career with him being so huge and drawing so much money. Let him be the biggest star in the company for ten years or more and then think about switching him. Don't need to turn a guy just to turn him, especially someone like Cena.

As for Hardy. People loved Roddy Piper, people hated Roddy Piper, Roddy Piper had people throwing shit at his head, Roddy Piper had some of the biggest pops in the company, yet Roddy Piper was never the heavyweight champion. Did it hurt the people any that Piper never won it all? Did it mean Piper had less of a career because he wasn't the champ? Did people not buy his shirts and things because he never carried the ball? Roddy Piper proved that just because the crowd loves you doesn't mean the company has to force feed you to make your career a success. That proves that it is the company that determines it's champions not the crowd because the crowd will love you or hate you either way and will still buy your merchandise.
I would change the WWE first off by:

1.) Merging Raw and Smackdown rosters and then trimming the fat to either a.) release b.) send to ECW or c.) send to FCW.
There will be one brand with one set of titles.
ECW will still exsist and will get a second hour of televison due to the larger roster and will move to Wednesday nights. ECW will have their own house show touring schedule as well. ECW will be their own entity and will have little to almost no involvment on live PPV's. If not booked on PPV's they will be WWE.com specials before PPV goes live. Other big involvement will be on 3 hour specials and such.
I would also implement TV time limits for all matches on live TV to open up booking possibilities.
Smackdown will air live on Fridays so the road schedule for the main roster would be Friday-Monday. ECW's road schedule would be Friday-Wednesday so the young guys can pay their dues. Only those needed for TV on Wednesday will be at TV.

2.) The titles I would keep are as follows:
I would merge the World Heavyweight Title with the WWE Championship and have it be referred to as the WWE World's Heavyweightt Championship.
The Intercontinental Title stays as well. The United States title will move to ECW to be the brand's secondary title.
The Unfied Tag Titles will remain as well and will get a make over so there is only one set of belts and will be renamed the WWE World Tag Team titles.
The Women's Championship will remain and The Diva's Title will be sent down to FCW.

The (themed) Pay-Per-View schedule will go as follows:
Mid January: Royal Rumble- Rumble Match
Mid February: No Way Out- Elimination Chamber matches
Early April: Wrestlemania- Super Card
Late April: Breaking Point- I Quit, Submission, Submission count anywhere, and Towel Matches KO only matches make up card
Late May: Extreme Rules: Matches contested under Extreme Rules, No DQ, Falls Count Anywhere, Last Man Standing, First Blood, Singapore Cane.
Early July: Night Of Champions- All matches are title matches
Mid August: Summerslam- End of Summer Super Card
Late September: TLC- Main event of card is a TLC match, other matches are tables and ladder matches
Late October: Bragging Rights- Fan voting PPV, stipulations/consequences for winners and losers, Scramble Match is main event with each competitor having a consequence if they lose
Late November (Thanksgiving Eve): Survivor Series- Elimination style tag matches
December: No PPV

I would also lay out 3 hour TV specials for both Raw and Smackdown as well.
Mid March 3 Hour Raw Special: Wrestlemania Rewind-Wrestlemania hype with Wrestlemania rematches
Late June 3 Hour Smackdown Special: Champion of Champions- Respective Champions team together in tag action to face their current foes
Late November (Raw before Survivor Series) 3 Hour Raw Special: Sell Survivor Series PPV for upcoming Wednesday
Late December 3 Hour Raw Special: Sell Royal Rumble PPV

Here's how I would break the roster down

Main Roster
John Cena
Randy Orton
HBK (select dates per year)
CM Punk
Matt Hardy
Triple H (part time)
Batista (select dates per year)
Rey Mysterio (part time)
Edge (part time)
Undertaker (select dates per year)
Ted Dibiase
Mark Henry
Big Show
Evan Bourne
Chris Masters
Cryme Tyme
Hart Dynasty
Michelle McCool
Gail Kim

Tommy Dreamer
Hurricane (Gregory Helms etc)
Mike Knox
William Regal
Zack Ryder
Drew McIntrye
Cody Rhodes
Shelton Benjamin
Vladimir Koslov
Burchill w/ Katie Lea
DJ Gabriel
The Bellas
Tyler Reks
Eric Escobar w/ Vickie Guerrero
Abraham Washington
Charlie Haas
Slam Master J
Jimmy Wang Yang

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