If You Had Free Roam on the Leader of A&E, Who Would it Be?


Occasional Pre-Show
With the Ace's and Eights storyline getting a bit bland, boring and too far drawn on, it got me thinking.

Obviously, we can all gather that either Eric or Jeff Jarrett is going to be revealed as leader, but who would you choose, out of anybody in the wrestling world? Your choice could be anybody. From WWE to ROH to TNA, anybody. And why? It could be serious or not. Couldn't care. I want to know who you would have as leader.
So this is based entirely outside of reality, and the scope of it, then?

Provided the leader could be "anyone", I think the answer is quite simple — CM Punk.

No, I'm not kidding. CM Punk.

He's the hottest thing in pro-wrestling right now. You want to instantly make a floundering stable credible again (hi, Nexus!), give 'em a guy like Punk, or anyone in a similar position in the world of pro-wrestling at the time.

Punk fits the mold completely. Tattoos, bad-ass persona, etc. He's obviously not much of a drinker, and probably frowns a bit on the promiscuity rampant in the club house, but in terms of serving a higher power, I can't think of anything higher than Punk.
If it can be my choice, anyone in the wrestling business... Vincent Kennedy McMahon

Think about it, using Aces & Eights to destroy TNA from the inside. Using TNA to destroy TNA. It's genius (In a fantasy aspect).
Steve Austin. Looks a bit like a biker, maybe, drinks a lot, wears vests and, get this, is one of the biggest names in wrestling history. Yes, that last bit's also true of Hogan and Sting, but you always got the sense that they'd turn up in TNA sooner or later. What reason does Stone Cold have? None. It's pure fantasy. Which is the point of the thread. See, I grasped the premise. Proud.

Realistically, I dunno... Scott Steiner? You could have Scott Steiner read from the dictionary and he'd probably have his dick out and be yelling about stats by page two. Can't go wrong. In fact, why am I saying Scott Steiner is realistic? Chalk that up as a fantasy pick too - just a less interesting one.
My pick would be Kevin Steen. I would think EB would love to have a character like Steen. My other pick within TNA would be Samoa Joe. People can say what they want about both of these guys shape but both can hang with any talent in the biz.
Shane Douglas!!
between him, Taz, and Devon on the mic, stable would be FIRE
...........unfortunately they are ruining it by putting Bischoff's son and Mr Anderson in the group...now the leader will be Eric Bischoff and totally ruin the entire angle
This is my very first time posting so if i mess up please dont bust my balls!

If I could choose any one wrestler from any promotion to be the leader of Aces & Eights I would choose...

How kickass would it be for A & 8s to be taking a royal beatdown from say... STING. The lights go out and all the sudden Limp Bizkits " Rollin " hits the speakers and out comes the Undertaker as The Amercan Badass on his Harley Davidson, gets in the ring and gives the Last Ride to Sting and reveals himself as Leader of A & 8s. After that he gets on the mic and cuts a killer promo about how Sting was to scared to show in WWE to fight him so he came to TNA to prove to the world he is the better Deadman.

Its just a dream but it would be awesome!
Well, I would definitely pick Eric Bischoff to be the Vice President and Jeff Jarrett as the President. I don’t think anyone else would fit better than these two.

Now, if I had to think outside the Squared Circle, I’d go with the American Bad @$$, Mean Mark Calloway. It’s never going to ever happen, but just picture him riding into the Impact Zone. The thought of it just screams “Father of Anarchy”!!
If you'd want it to be just ANYBODY, then I'm with IDR. I'd go with CM Punk. The guy's solid gold and has been for a long time. He's the best heel in wrestling right now, he's got the charisma needed to be an effective face of a faction and he's even got the grungy look of someone that could be a biker. In case some mention that he's straight edge, so what? Just don't give him a beer. Problem solved.

Punk's time as the head of the Straight Edge Society was great. I think WWE could have really done something with the group. Punk has what it takes to easily slip into the role of someone like this.

Realistically, it'll probably be Eric Bischoff or possibly Jeff Jarrett. Aces & Eights have been floundering for the longest time due in large part to TNA constantly booking them to look so weak. If they were booked to come across as a legit force during wrestling matches, the group would still be interesting. A revelation of who this "higher power" is, however, simply won't get the job done in the long run unless heavy changes are made to how the group as a whole is booked.
I would prefer to take this question as: If I had free reign to pick someone that it actually could be, but that I know it won't be. In other words, not considering contracted WWE talent.

With that said, I agree with scomvp.

My pick would be Kevin Steen.

Although there is no chance that TNA would ever have the ability to lure him off the indy's, Steen would be the perfect choice.

Clearly TNA will never have Stone Cold or Punk(again), but they could do the next best thing and get a guy who could be their own Stone Cold or CM Punk, and that guy is Kevin Steen. Steen showed, in spite of how badly Cornette booked it, in his feud with Cornette that on the right stage he has all the tools to be the kind of mega anti-authority star that Austin was, and that Punk was starting in the summer of 2011.

He isn't a bad fit for the group from a look or attitude standpoint, and he would give them a wrestler with the chops to fit at the top of the card, as well as the elite mouthpiece that has been lacking. In my opinion Steen and Hardy could have one hell of an entertaining feud over the World Title once Steen had been built to the proper level(which likely wouldn't take long because he is so good at knowing how to get himself over).

As a back-up choice, my other "not gonna happen, but would work better than what will probably happen" is for the president to be James Mitchell. Mitchell definitely has the look that would fit as the head man over a biker gang, and his ECW past makes him a logical fit with guys like Devon and Taz. They would need to have a wrestler in the secondary role obviously, but grabbing almost anyone with ties to both Mitchell's and TNA's past would fit the bill nicely. Someone in the vein of Raven, Vampiro, or even Abyss would all be logical complimentary peices to Mitchell at the top of Aces and Eights.
eric young! lol just kidding but, as unrealistic as it is, they would need someone absolutely HUGE like SCSA. He would certainly add credibility to the A&8's storyline and TNA itself. I feel that austin would have been better than all of 2010's big hires put together. Sure, I know whats coming, "Austin would never stoop to TNA level blah blah blah" but that wasnt the question. who would add credibility from ANY organization....stone cold steve austin.
From a pure promo standpoint I'd say Jake "The Snake" Roberts. He fits the mold of a biker club badass plus he cuts killer promos. I wouldn't know how to fit him in with the whole "destroy TNA" goal, but I like him as a 'higher power'
Anyone? How about Sean Waltman? Hot off the success of X-Factor, he's assembled the ultimate stable of ineffectual midcard thugs. He can pull off an appropriate look (jeans, jacket, sunglasses, bandana), plus he can excite a crowd's passions like none other. Introduce him as a masked opponent for the world title and watch the twittersphere explode when he emerges victorious. Riots ensue at the Impact Zone.

On the other hand why not Joey Ryan? Now that he and Morgan have pretty much wrapped their ratings-magnet feud with Chavo/Hernandez, the time seems appropriate to position him closer to the masked bikers. Their gambling, hard drinks and hookers would fit well with Ryan's mandate on sleaze, and Morgan could be a wild card by insisting he wears the cape over his biker gear.

All this of course is dependent on rebuilding A&E as a credible force, so let's have Devon defend the TV belt against Christian York and Eric Young for a couple weeks before pulling the trigger on this.
I was thinking if there are no limits & can go out side of the box I can think of 1 Pretty big name that has been out of the lime light for almost 20 yrs but I know this person still wrestles.

So What if the Ultimate Warrior was the Leader of them cause with his past Hogan it will make sense to me
I'm not too sure what he's up to and can't find any information on it, but I would love to see Raven make his return as the leader of the group. It would be a new take on his character but would make sense for him. He is still raged about losing his career to Hardy and incensed that TNA would allow him to fall as such. He would be a great mouthpiece and would provide a more exciting reveal. If the leader(s) is/are revealed as Jarrett and/or Bischoff I feel as if TNA took this slow build to absolutely nothing. Do we really need to see Bischoff scam his way back in to a company AGAIN? There would be nothing fresh about this.

Another exciting reveal would be Shane O'Mac but that's very doubtful
The Undertaker.

Seriously, no one suggested this yet? Here you have one of the biggest names in wrestling history and a guy who has in fact played a biker on television before since he enjoys the bikes in real life and he hasn't been mentioned? This is as ideal as it can get. It's a fit, it's HUGE star power, the higher power was last mentioned in wrestling when he was mentioning it, and it would certainly make a splash.

Gotta be Taker over anybody else if I had the choice.
leader of Aces n 8s leader should be either Alastair Ralphs better known as A1 or Wild Cat Chris Harris or GUNNER or Jacob Duncan but it will be steiner i m sure.

Some changes in tna

Mark Jindrak

Lance hoyt -Vance Arhcer and Michael Shane


Cliff compton

Jay lethal

Sal Rinauro

Scott Dmore manager of bobby roode

Colt cabana


Fire or change deals with Rvd, Hogan and devon ,Anderson,brooke and bitchoff
if you're going to save Aces/Eights IMO you need a name that your general/casual viewers are going to know. much like Hogan ended up being the leader of nWo is what made that group elite.

it's nice in a fantasy world to come up with names like CM Punk, Cena, Undertaker, ect, but not a chance. one could mention the entire WWE roster, which would put WWE out of business and leave TNA as the top company. but obviously that's not going to happen.

I think it would be nice to stick with some type of realistic option.

one guy I think who could come in and make a big impact. Dave Bautista. he's out there and available. I think he's been giving hints about getting back into wrestling?
another guy could maybe be, Bill Goldberg. he's also out there and available.

both Bautista and Goldberg could not only be immediate world heavyweight title threats, but also big names that a lot of viewers are going to know and help increase ratings.
if i had to choose The leader of Aces & 8s is Claire Lynch's baby.

honestly,a thought I just had, i'd have the leader end up being AJ. I am pretty sure whoever it is it has to be someone unhappy with Sting being the first inductee into the HoF. After all that is the first attack. Back then I was thinking it was Jeff Jarrett, and still think it could be, but based on current events AJ could be possible. Either way while I am not blown away by the storyline I do find it entertaining enough.
They are supposed to be a biker gang or some stupid shit like that, so I woud go with The Undertaker in his stupid ass biker gimmick. It would seem like the perfect choice. WWE's all-time great jumps ship to lead A&8. And he would barely have to work any more than he does now.
Well if WWE had any creative input on it, Hornswoggle would be the big reveal. If I could pick anyone it would be Nick Hogan cause why not have all the Hogans on air? Nick: the rebellious child who opposes his father.
The group is currently a Mid-Card Mafia (at best), with a bunch of jobbers, an announcer, and Anderson. They need a guy that is a believable Main Eventer, if they are to continue feuding in the Main Event, because Kurt Angle should be able to destroy the entire group as it stands today by himself.

That's why I think the best choice would be AJ Styles. Styles could (and arguably should) be pissed at how TNA has been using his talents. Just recently he was subject to the whole Claire Lynch nonsense. And the group is feuding with Hogan, the man who made AJ unable to compete for the Worlds Championship. Well, that should piss him off, maybe enough to want to be part of a group to destroy the company, so that he can go on to "bigger and better things" (which should piss off TNA fans, as that would be implied to mean WWE).

Granted AJ doesn't fit the mold of the rest of the group, but AJ Styles could use some new character development. But he doesn't need to be a biker to be the leader of the group, he could just be the guy who got them all together and got them all in the company. So have him be the "leader" of the group, turn him heel (Pretty much just like Hogan was with the nWo, say he did all his good guy crap for the money) and bingo, Aces and Eights are saved, AJ is back in the Main Event (where he belongs) and I may be able to stay awake during an episode of Impact Wrestling again (I fell asleep during the Wedding episode)
If we could totally suspend reality, my choice would be Shane McMahon. But for this insane fantasy to play out, there would have to be real life drama between father and son. Shane, totally pissed off at being overlooked by Vince and forced to stand in the shadows of Stephanie and Triple H before leaving the company in disgust, returns to the world of professional wrestling with an axe to grind with his father. He returns to lead Aces and Eights to attempt to usurp control of the world of pro wrestling from his father, to challenge the WWE and attempts to hurt them financially. And how better to really stick it to his father, but challenging his company to its very core with a stable of Devon, Festus, and others.
I'm still keeping a torch for Matt Hardy. Feud with Jeff. I saw some old matches on Vintage Collection and I really started to miss the guy again.

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