If you could repackage/change any superstar, who would it be?

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A) Kofi doesn't have the "jamaican" gimmick anymore... Hasn't for a long time (remember HHH "Didn't you used to have a jamaican accent???") I do agree he needs to have that mean edge he had..

He may not have the Jamaican accent but he still has the entrance theme/video and the ring gear. Drop that period! Get a new finisher and work on getting a new move set or expanding it.

B) They were getting ready to push him hard when he first hurt himself... I'm sure he'll find himself back near the upper midcard soon enough, but I don't think the Miz would benefit by losing to bourne continually.. (Unless maybe A-Ri would consistently interfere, but that wouldn't help Bourne..)

Well if YOU dont like that situation then put the IC belt on someone bigger and a heel and have Bourne challenge. After a few wins he gets the title legit and runs with it for awhile.

C) NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO... They tried making Ted into the new million dollar man... They gave him virgil... THey gave him the belt... IT DIDNT WORK AND WOULDNT WORK!!!!!

The problem with the way it was originally handled is that WWE tried to put an old school wrestler with him that the younger generation hasn't heard of. It would've woked had they put Big Zek with him. WWE's handling of DiBiase has been wrong and they are wasting him.

anyways as for who i'd repackage, it'd be Daniel Bryan into the heel-type wrestler similar to jericho... The jackass that shouts at the ref when he breaks a hold " I HAVE UNTIL 5." I'd let him just beat the crap outta people shouting at the ref the entire time until he makes them submit (Bring back cattle mutilation fyi...)

Why does almost everyone want to turn Bryan heel? I personally dont think he would've fit in with Nexus had he stayed. HELL even Slater and Darren Young looked out of place.
Yes they have done it with show and he always did pretty well BUT they didn't do it against an Orton or Cena. He was PW for like a month b4 going to big show. It could work, do I make him champoin? Maybe not but I make him a monster and stick with say a zigler and make him the silent muscle. Who knows but he is part of few that I think could be packaged again. Kane could if they remasked him but then it would only be nostelgic. But if ur lookin believable, Show could pull it off. The likes of hhh, cena orton are too settled in but Show I think could be taken more serious than he is now.

During the attitude era he was PW and he had that monster image. I think that if they did it now he would just be fed to Cena and quickly fizzle out.
idk why but i could see dolph zigg turning on vicki maybe after a mental breakdown, then have him as a tweener.
I'd take kofi and make him more like a jamaican street thug, maybe him and truth forma new heel faction and cena joins too after a while
also i dont know why but i could see drew mycntyre with a "sting" like gimmick as a face
Although it's not gonna happen, the first name that comes to mind for me is John Cena. Everything about this guy screams heel. He's grown up as a hip-hop fan just like me and most of us grow with this rebellious, anti-everything attitude and the 'Ruck Fules' guy showed that perfectly. Think of his rapping, he really got under the skin of his opponents with his raps. Trash talking is a very heel-ish thing and Cena can talk trash about anyone all day long while keeping you interested. This whole kid friendly, "never give up" bullshit is so watered down and out of character for Cena. But hey, at least his choice of clothes still match what he truly is. Most might not realize it, but Cena's current kayfabe persona is completely forced and absolutely not what he is.

Watch this video if you want explanation to what I mean with the whole Cena being naturally a heel thing:

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