If you could have a sit-down interview with any superstar, who would it be?

Who I would be interested in is good ol JR. I was not really interested in an interview but apparently the powers that be believe a one topic shoot promo in front of a live crowd is the same thing as a a multi-question sit down interview. Go figure? Anyway, what I would most like to delve into is JR's relationship with Vince McMahon over the years. IT would be pretty interesting to see how he really feels about it. In an interview setting I guess you could ask him about some good Austin stories and other wrestlers he worked with. JR would be a pretty good interview "tell the truth" choice because he stands by the company line on almost everything. To put him in a situation where he could not would be pretty interesting.
I'd like to interview Bobby "the Brain" Heenan. Not only has the guy been around forever, but hes been a wrestler, manager and comentator. I think he was the best comentator ever, he always had me laughing. He could give a lot of insight on many of top wrestlers and guys like McMahon, Hogan, Flair ect. One thing for sure is I would be laughing my ass of during the whole interview.


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