If You Could Renew Any Feud

TJ Matics

It was never the same.
If you could renew any WWE feud which would you choose?
How do you think it would benefit the WWE today if at all?
-It doesn't really have too
Who would you add to the feud if anyone?
-Again, Not necessary
And how would you end this feud?
-Or have it go forever, whatever suits you:lol:

I would renew CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy,
This feud was just epic for Punk,
& I would love to see it again.
I would add a Diva to this feud; we all know that Jeff is getting married but I think this would really help the personal aspect of this feud so we won't just see the same thing we did previously. I would have the feud turn with the said diva turning heel against Jeff, and Punk ultimayely comming out ontop,
and yes,
That was very biased
Personally, I'd renew HBK - 'Taker. That obviously can't actually happen, since HBK is retired, but since this says ANY feud that is my answer. HBK - Taker is just purely a great emotional feud and they have great chemistry in the ring. Their 2 matches at WrestleMania were 2 of the best matches we have seen in a long time. Hell, even their in ring segments and interviews were pure gold. HBK showed a side he hadn't showed in a long time when he started "obsessing" with facing 'Taker at 'Mania. He interfered and did whatever he could to get his way. He was a desperate man in a desperate situation. I can't think of other feud I'd rather see more than see this one again.
Edge/Cena feud.
This was my all time favorite feud. Was simply amazing and this is the feud that made Edge the main eventer he is today. Their matches were always something i'd look forward to. Their feud was just so personal. From Lita getting F-U'd left and right to Edge entering John Cena's home and slapping the living shit out of his dad. This feud went on for months, and not once did it get old and stale in my opinion. If they'd brought this feud back, it of course wouldn't be the same,but it would sure draw in some damn ratings. Remember the live sex show with Lita? The highest rated segment on RAW in like 5 or 6 years. Of course they wouldn't be doing that now because of the TV-PG rating. But it would draw peple in. These two worked very well together. And the success of the feud, I believe, had a lot to do with Lita. Every heel needs some kind of manager to help get them over as a heel. Lita did just that. How would I have ended the feud? I think it was fine how it ended. It was a very personal feud between WWE's top face and WWE's top heel. It ended with Cena winning the war but it kept both men looking strong aswell. Awesome feud!
A lot of people won't like this, but I want another HHH/Randy Orton feud. Hear me out..

We have seen Randy Orton/HHH with Orton face, and HHH heel. But Orton wasn't a 1/4 as over as he is now. We have watched this feud with HHH as the face, and it was the best feud in years. I know a lot of people didn't really dig the match at Mania 25, but no one says it wasn't an interesting feud up until that point.

Some people are just straight up bored with Orton right now. He's my favorite wrestler out there today, but he hasn't really been given much to work with.

HHH is the master heel. He's McMahons's son-in-law (the Father of Top-Notch heels), and he's married to the biggest (kayfabe) bitch on the planet. I would love to see a Randy Orton vs. HHH/McMahon family feud. I know this sounds a bit like Austin/McMahon..and it is. But it would be more centered around the hatred Orton and HHH have for one another.

I can hear the complaints now; "We've already seen this match, like, 4,454 times." I know, I get that. But if done the right way, this could be a gold mine. You can recycle feuds over and over again, as long as the storyline is fresh.
Triple H vs. Undertaker. Would make complete sense because of Undertaker ending Shawn Michael's career and Triple H would be after Undertaker for revenge. The only two people I see adding to it would be Shawn Michaels and Kane for the Brothers of Destruction vs. DX. However since Shawn Michaels is retired that won't happen at least not right away. It would be beneficial for the WWE because you have two of THE BIGGEST DRAWS in the history of the WWE. Huge ratings.

The other one is John Cena vs. Undertaker. John Cena is now the face of the company. So now since Cena is more on the level of Undertaker and actually considered a big star the match would draw more. Nobody needs to be added. These two are a big enough draw by themselves it wouldn't need anybody else.
hmm i would like to see the miz fued with cena again. when these to guys had their first fued it was before miz was really established in his new gimmick and when he first split with morrison. with the miz alot better in the ring and on the mic now i think if these two had one more fued it could not only be something new and fresh but it would also help the miz in more ways then one. i hate cena but most likely if thhese two had a fued cena would come out on top. on the other hand it would be a back and forth fued. cena would win some and the same would go for miz. if any superstar got a win over cena thats really big for that star. this could really help the miz be put over not just as an athelete but as a top star in the wwe.
A lot of people won't like this, but I want another HHH/Randy Orton feud. Hear me out..

We have seen Randy Orton/HHH with Orton face, and HHH heel. But Orton wasn't a 1/4 as over as he is now. We have watched this feud with HHH as the face, and it was the best feud in years. I know a lot of people didn't really dig the match at Mania 25, but no one says it wasn't an interesting feud up until that point.

Some people are just straight up bored with Orton right now. He's my favorite wrestler out there today, but he hasn't really been given much to work with.

HHH is the master heel. He's McMahons's son-in-law (the Father of Top-Notch heels), and he's married to the biggest (kayfabe) bitch on the planet. I would love to see a Randy Orton vs. HHH/McMahon family feud. I know this sounds a bit like Austin/McMahon..and it is. But it would be more centered around the hatred Orton and HHH have for one another.

I can hear the complaints now; "We've already seen this match, like, 4,454 times." I know, I get that. But if done the right way, this could be a gold mine. You can recycle feuds over and over again, as long as the storyline is fresh.

I'd like them to resurrect this particular feud too and as you said, with the roles reversed this time (Orton: face, HHH: heel). There is no reason at all why this cannot happen. How many years did the Rock / HHH feud go on, without getting even remotely boring (not in my eyes anyway). Their previous feud was very entertaining and highly "personal", only I cannot help but feel that I'd have preferred it if the roles had been reversed and Orton was the face even back then.

I would also like to see the Cena/Orton feud resurrected, but again, with the roles reversed this time and with Nexus involved. Chances are, this is going to happen anyway, should Cena somehow interject himself into the WWE Championship match between Barrett and Orton.
hmm i would like to see the miz fued with cena again. when these to guys had their first fued it was before miz was really established in his new gimmick and when he first split with morrison. with the miz alot better in the ring and on the mic now i think if these two had one more fued it could not only be something new and fresh but it would also help the miz in more ways then one. i hate cena but most likely if thhese two had a fued cena would come out on top. on the other hand it would be a back and forth fued. cena would win some and the same would go for miz. if any superstar got a win over cena thats really big for that star. this could really help the miz be put over not just as an athelete but as a top star in the wwe.

Cena helped Miz immensely in the last feud, really putting him over. I don't think we'll see these two guys feud for a while -- WWE have other (and bigger) plans for John Cena right now.
Triple H vs. Undertaker. Would make complete sense because of Undertaker ending Shawn Michael's career and Triple H would be after Undertaker for revenge. The only two people I see adding to it would be Shawn Michaels and Kane for the Brothers of Destruction vs. DX. However since Shawn Michaels is retired that won't happen at least not right away. It would be beneficial for the WWE because you have two of THE BIGGEST DRAWS in the history of the WWE. Huge ratings.

The other one is John Cena vs. Undertaker. John Cena is now the face of the company. So now since Cena is more on the level of Undertaker and actually considered a big star the match would draw more. Nobody needs to be added. These two are a big enough draw by themselves it wouldn't need anybody else.

If Undertaker is going to be retiring soon, Undertaker vs. Cena @ Wrestlemania is a match that simply HAS to happen, or be forever cast aside in the "What might have been" bucket. There is no one bigger to face Undertaker right now. Undertaker has beaten everyone in the business and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't even think these two men have even had any kind of feud in the past?
wcw/ecw vs wwe i would renew this feud, it was good but it could of bin a hole lot better, you could of added NWO to this feud you could of added goldberg to this feud you could of had the best feud EVER.. i would of had it how it was during the monday nite wars.. i would of added DX(wwe) vs NWO(wcw) than have nwo and dx join forces and go against wwe and wcw and ecw, they could of done soo much with this feud, dont get me wrong it wasnt bad, but it could of bin a hole LOT BETTER
Cena helped Miz immensely in the last feud, really putting him over. I don't think we'll see these two guys feud for a while -- WWE have other (and bigger) plans for John Cena right now.

im glad to see wwe do something new with cena. i was never a cena fan but i am a big nexus and wade barrett fans so we'll see what comes of this. i hope wwe doesnt drop the ball on this one. i would really like to see a heel cena and what wwe has instore for his character as a whole.
Edge/Cena feud.
This was my all time favorite feud. Was simply amazing and this is the feud that made Edge the main eventer he is today. Their matches were always something i'd look forward to. Their feud was just so personal. From Lita getting F-U'd left and right to Edge entering John Cena's home and slapping the living shit out of his dad. This feud went on for months, and not once did it get old and stale in my opinion. If they'd brought this feud back, it of course wouldn't be the same,but it would sure draw in some damn ratings. Remember the live sex show with Lita? The highest rated segment on RAW in like 5 or 6 years. Of course they wouldn't be doing that now because of the TV-PG rating. But it would draw peple in. These two worked very well together. And the success of the feud, I believe, had a lot to do with Lita. Every heel needs some kind of manager to help get them over as a heel. Lita did just that. How would I have ended the feud? I think it was fine how it ended. It was a very personal feud between WWE's top face and WWE's top heel. It ended with Cena winning the war but it kept both men looking strong aswell. Awesome feud!

I was going to say the same exact thing. Edge/Cena was so perfect. Cena was (still is) the best face in the company and dominating whereas Edge was the "ultimate opportunist" and without a doubt the best heel in the business. Cashing in at Elimination Chamber was absolutely shocking. Edge was peaking and Lita was such a nice addition. The segment of Edge slapping the heck out of Cena's dad while Cena just watched on from far away was almost like a movie. This feud was legendary in my opinion. It's a shame because the Cena Haters really never acknowledge the greatness of this feud. It was awesome.
If you could renew any WWE feud which would you choose?

There are a handful of feuds I would love to see renewed, but the one that jumped to the front of my mind was Chris Benoit. Punk/Hardy and Triple H/Y2J (before the roster split) are close ones for me, but Benoit/Angle never had a bad match.

How do you think it would benefit the WWE today if at all?

One word that both Angle and Benoit gave the business. Crediblility. These men could go out and wrestle a good match with everybody and anybody...

Who would you add to the feud if anyone?

A random sprinkling of talent like Edge, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, and Daniel Bryan, but only if they can make it relevant in the Angle/Benoit story (like when Angle and Benoit won the SD Tag Titles together)

And how would you end this feud?

I would have liked them to have a career long rivalry and retire at the same time with a 60 minute draw against one another. Not possible now, but I could always dream...
If Undertaker is going to be retiring soon, Undertaker vs. Cena @ Wrestlemania is a match that simply HAS to happen, or be forever cast aside in the "What might have been" bucket. There is no one bigger to face Undertaker right now. Undertaker has beaten everyone in the business and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't even think these two men have even had any kind of feud in the past?

they had a feud in 2003? I think Cena was in his Dr. of Tugganomics gimmick and Undertaker was the American Badass. They had a match at Vengance 2003.

Now as for the thread. The one that I want is already happening. Undertaker vs. Kane. But if that one doesn't count then I would like to see Vince McMahon vs. anyone he's had a feud with Vince makes everything funny. I always get a laugh out of him :lmao:
In early 2009, The Brian Kendrick was drafted to RAW. Upon his return he had a series of matches/promo's with/against Kofi Kingston. It wasn't a rivalry per se, but I really enjoyed it. I'm a fan of Kendrick's style and his mic work (youtube Spanky Vs Cena freestyle battle circa 2002) and I feel like Kofi was the hottest he was around tham. Both guys had an "unorthodox" style, but it felt like a good feud was starting to happen in the midcard.

If that one doesn't count I'm gonna give it to my Wrestlemania 2014 prediction. JoMo Vs CM Punk. It's like the CM Punk/ Hardy feud but with someone who could talk on both sides. It's money, I think It would be sick if one year it would be Heel Punk vs Face JoMo. Than have a series of events which leads to a Face Punk with a Heel JoMo. To me this is everything a PG entertainment based era should be.
If Undertaker is going to be retiring soon, Undertaker vs. Cena @ Wrestlemania is a match that simply HAS to happen, or be forever cast aside in the "What might have been" bucket. There is no one bigger to face Undertaker right now. Undertaker has beaten everyone in the business and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't even think these two men have even had any kind of feud in the past?

They fueded around 2003. It was Rapper Cena vs. Biker Undertaker. But Cena was midcard. He wasn't even close to being the face of the company yet. But seeing Cena probably the top draw or one of them now this fued would be awesome.
They fueded around 2003. It was Rapper Cena vs. Biker Undertaker. But Cena was midcard. He wasn't even close to being the face of the company yet. But seeing Cena probably the top draw or one of them now this fued would be awesome.

That figures. I missed a lot of WWE between 2003 and 2004. I vaguely remember Cena's debut and really liked him as a heel (against Eddie Guererro especially), but I missed a lot of TV back then. Still, as you said, Cena wasn't anywhere near as significant back then, so it's a much needed feud and would be a heck of a missed opportunity of Undertaker were to retire before this were to materialize.
Cena vs. Edge. It was the most entertaining thing in 2006. Their matches, there angles, segments & promos together brought out the best in both mens main event work.

I'd also say Jericho vs. HHH cause we havent seen these two feud with each other for a long time now and their feud in 2000 & 2002 were good while it lasted. The only crap match to come out of their feud was their WM 18 match.

This went on for years, with both stars doing Face/Heel turns on each other. You knew that they would steal the show each time they got together. Not only that, but the build up to the PPV's for these 2 was beyond anything that has been done since.. With the exception of HHH/Orton maybe.

This went on for years, with both stars doing Face/Heel turns on each other. You knew that they would steal the show each time they got together. Not only that, but the build up to the PPV's for these 2 was beyond anything that has been done since.. With the exception of HHH/Orton maybe.

Totally agreed, I would have picked the same. Possibly the greatest feud of the modern era, closely followed by Rock vs HHH.

Another one I'd throw out is WWE vs WCW....If it was possible to recreate the Invasion, I would want it done with all the WCW main eventers at the time, Steiner, Booker, Goldberg, Bret etc

Obviously this was 10 years ago, and all the guys are past it now but in a perfect world that would be my ideal feud, and it would be done PROPERLY this time dammit!
I would redo the feud between Kolfi Kingston and Randy Orton. Orton was a heel with Legacy and Kolfi was a face. These two started strong and Kolfi even dropped the Jamaican aspect of his character and smashed the hell out of Orton's personal NASCAR, even getting Kolfi over with the fans. Then after three big matches or so, Orton wins over him and Kolfi goes back to the Jamaican style and back to the mid-card. (if you dont know what Im talking about just click the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7-KK3tkaCE

This was a short lived feud that had Kolfi going nowhere in it. If I was to redo this feud I would've made it longer and make it just Orton/Kolfi. Make Kolfi look strong compared to Orton and KEEP that attitude that he brought into it. I never liked the fact that as soon as this feud was over Kingston just dropped that and went back to his old persona.

End result, Orton is already WAY over with the fans. This feud would be used to push Kolfi into the ME spotlight for awhile, where he could even go on and feud with Edge or Miz. After awhile, push him heel or for a WWE title.
If you could renew any WWE feud which would you choose?
How do you think it would benefit the WWE today if at all?
Who would you add to the feud if anyone?
And how would you end this feud?

The Matt Hardy and Edge feud. I know that Matt is probably going to leave soon and Edge is now a face/tweener but you said any feud, so I simply picked my favourite feud of all time.

I don't know if it would benefit the WWE, it would just benefit the fans because they would be seeing a simply great rivalry.

I would bring back Lita and add her to the rivalry, Matt and Edge could just be maybe form an alliance and then Lita comes back an stirs things up. This would also make the fans remember what Edge did so heat would automatically go onto Edge.

I think to end the feud you could have Matt, Edge and Lita resolve their differences and form an alliance, I think this wpuld be a pretty good way to end this feud and having them three form an aliance and maybe join the tag division would really help the division.

I think I've thought too much about my post.
I'd renew the Ultimate Warrior vs. Jake "The Snake" and Undertaker swerve feud from back in the early 90's. That stuff was great. The Warrior getting locked in the casket on Paul Bearer's "Funeral Parlor" show? I cried as a kid. Thought he actually died at that time haha. Hogan and Savage come out to help him.

Warrior Vs. Undertaker would have been epic because they were both "newer" top draws at the time and both seemingly unbeatable. They wrestled only a few times at house shows with the Warrior coming out victorious each time but never faced each other at a pay-per-view or tv show. That would have been great. Great build up. Just a shame the Warrior and Vince never really got along.
Whoah this is a cool question. To be honest if i was forced to pick one, I would more than likely choose Flair vs HHH; this was incredible in 2006, and really made me love the Nature Boy again. I can still remember the spine tingling promo which Flair cut, and thinking "boy, he's still the greatest." During this promo, he tore out several stitches in his face and continued with the good ol' "proverbial crimson mask".
Knowing that in reality they're the best of friends, I was seriously memorized by their professionalism and genuinely believed they hated each other! Triple H was perfect and the two had great chemistry. I thought that the 'rivalry' was an excellent example of exactly how to create a believable feud, with emotion and an excellent story line, from the two seasoned performers and must have surely inspired some of the younger workers.
Although this would likely never happen, the mere prospect is awesome! It was an excellent feud but I feel it was never fully utilized or developed to its fullest potential. They're both performers of the highest standard and could really make an interesting storyline.
The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

I know they're both out of the business at this point, but I've had a vision of how I'd run renew this rivalry for years now. Have Austin and Rock compete in some kind of "one night only" charity exhibition match on Raw. Emphasize that the match is only for fun and to help the starving kids or whatever. They come in kind of joking around, not treating it seriously, but then the match gets more and more heated, and by the end of the match they're really tearing into one another. In the coming weeks, they revisit all of their classic encounters.

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