If you could have a sit-down interview with any superstar, who would it be?


Gone but never forgotten.
It seems that the theme of wrestling forums has always floated around the word "assumption." Since we read the headlines and get some insider reports, we feel that we know everything... or we can assume that we do. But no one ever stops to think about stories being planted so reporters can pick them up... or lies by eye-witnesses... or what the REAL stories entail. I wish there was a way that we could all find out the end-all, be-all TRUTH about the wrestling stories that we've heard.

Well, guess what... now's your chance.

Have you ever wanted to know the REAL story behind the Curtain Call? Do you think Bret's interviews about the Montreal Screwjob will the 100% truth? What was Brock Lesnar's REAL reason for leaving the WWE? I'm sure there are a ton of other questions that you'd all love ask and find out the REAL truth.

So, I ask all of you:

If you all had the chance to have a sit-down interview with ONLY ONE superstar from any promotion and time period (dead or alive), knowing that every answer they would give would be the 100% truth, who would you interview and what would you ask them? You could have an unlimited time period and unlimited amount of questions that you could ask them. Please list your superstar, all of your questions, and explain your reasoning behind who you chose and why you'd ask those particular questions.

Guys, please make sure you read the title correctly. I'm asking you guys to choose ONLY ONE person to interview. Shit, if you could interview as many people that you wanted, that would defeat the purpose of the idea, wouldn't it?
My answer to this is probably Kevin Nash. I think he'd be a lot of fun to have an interview with. I'd love to hear about the old days of wrestling and his view on the lack of personality the newer wrestlers all seem to have coming in these days. His suggestions and opinions on basically anything I can come up with at the time.

Also, on the question you had above the Bret Hart screw job.

If you saw the "documentary" Bret Hart: Wrestling with Shadows on A&E, it leaves open a few questions I've always had over the years. First of all, the timing of the documentary was pretty amazing. Secondly, if you notice in the documentary...after the screw job has taken place - his wife Julie kept yelling at the other wrestlers in their wrestling names. She was scolding Triple H at the time...calling him "Hunter". If you were pissed off and wanted to get the point across of how serious you were...wouldn't you call the person by their real name? Why scold the person in their fake gimmick wrestling name? I always wondered that. It never made sense to me. They call "Shawn" by his wrestling name too. I just never understood it. I would like the answer to this question...but it would probably be the only question I would have for Bret Hart so I wouldn't want to waste my pick on him haha.
Man this is a great poser. I wanna say Triple H but, personally, my personal choice, as he's wrestled enough matches that I'd class him as a wrestler, would be Vince McMahon. That would be the best person I could ask questions to.
Good thread!
I would probably go for Undertaker.
My reason - I have dozens of Shoot interviews on dvd, and seen dozen's more. Also read tons and tons of interviews on internet and magazines, and wrestlers books. Now the one guy who does'nt seem to do too much of this stuff (due to him keeping Kayfabe) is Undertaker. Sure he has done interviews before, but i'd love to sit down and ak the sort of questions he usually does'nt get asked.

Another choice would be is to have Bret Hart and Vince and HBK in the same room to talk about the Monteal Screwjob. All of them have had there own say on the matter, but it would be great to have them together, same room, same time!
I Would Have To Pick Undertaker.
Id Ask What Is It Like When The Crowd Chant Your Name ?
Does Every Victory At Wrestlemania Feel The Same?
Witch Gimmick Do You Prefer ?
Would You Ever Condiserd Goin To Tna ?
Is Your Gimmick The Same As You In Real Life ?
And Do You Get A Rush When You Here Your Tron ?

I Love The Taker And His Gimmicks.

Q1: Cause I Ave Always Wanted To Know What It Feels Like When Someone Chants Taker Taker Taker !

Q2: After His Streak , Ive Always Tought His First Would Of Been Amzing But Does It Ever Get Boring

Q3: Deadman Or Biker ? Does He Like Theme Or Loath ?

Q4: Does He Want To Cross The Line ? Or Stay WWE .

Q5: Does His Gimmick Relfct Him In Real Life . Is He A Dark Person Or Loud Person.

Q6: What A Felling You Must Get When You Walk Out To Your Tune And Tron .
This is the first thread in a long time that has gotten me truly interested.

My second choice would be Bobby Heenan. The man was around for so long, and worked with so many people, I'm sure he has a ton of information that would be wonderful to listen to.

But my answer would be Vince McMahon. No one would have his thumb on the business more than McMahon, and all sorts of intrigue in the business he would know. If this were for real, I would ask many many questions, but here are the biggest three I would want to know:

1) Can you describe the relationship you share, and have shared with your wife over the years? There have long been rumors of rampant homosexuality in wrestling, including one which said to become a World Champion, a wrestler had to first orally pleasure you. Are there any truth to these rumors, what kinds of things do happen in your locker room sexually between you and the workers, and even amongst the workers themselves, and how has all of that affected your relationship with your wife?

2) If you could go back and change a major decision in your wrestler career as a promoter, what would you do differently, and how would it affect the business as a whole?

3) There are hundreds of rumors on the nature of your relationship with Randy Savage, including a rumor on the relationship of Savage with your daughter. What is the truth regarding what appears to be a falling out between you and Savage? Was there any relationship between he and your daughter? Why have you essentially cut him out of all history of the WWE?

Those would be the three main ones. There are probably hundreds that could be asked, but I think those would be the three to satisfy my curiosity the most. I see no need to ask about Montreal, because we've heard from just about everyone on Montreal at this point.
Boy there's so damn many to choose from.

I think my primary choice would've been Vince McMahon. But it has really been covered already so no need to go further into that.

My second choice would have to be Ric Flair. He's been through so much. I've listened to an interview he did after he "retired" at Wrestlemania. I found it really interesting and I've always loved to listen to Flair talk, so to interview a guy I could really sit and listen to for hours would be one of the greatest imaginable things.

There's not really any specific things I would go directly into talking about him with. I would really try to shoot more from the hip in asking questions that could have longer, as well as wide based answers like for example "So tell me about the feelings you had about your world title victories". As well as I would talk about his personal life, knowing he dealt a lot with drinking and all that.

I would ask into the different promotions he worked with, and the feelings he had for all of them. Considering he stated the two years he spend with WWF in the 90's as two of the greatest years of his career. But also taking into consideration that he spend so many years loyal to the NWA. So there must've been a lot of different opinions at times. Which I could really get into listening to.

So due to the unlimited time and questions, I would really take advantage in getting deep into everything. And no specific questions.
I'm with Prime on this one – for me, it's Kevin Nash.

He was one of the most impacting stars during wrestlings 90's boom, and also at the center of a ton of controversy himself. I'd love to run down a long list of what he thought about being given the book in WCW, whether he made the right decision to end Goldbergs undefeated streak (especially in the way they did it), his thoughts on the nWo, as well as any regrets among countless other topics.
I would really love to sit and hear Jim Cornette's antics about everything involving the pro wrestling business from SMW, WCW. WWE. TNA, and ROH. I would love to hear his stories about the midnight express, his hatred of Vince Russo, how it was working in WWF and TNA. What his plans for the future are.

I would also love to ask questions to Jim Ross about his heyday back in WCW and WWE. What was like to be fired numerous times in WWE. What was like to call a Robocop match? What were some of the best and worst moments in his career? What kind of wild stories can he share about his years in the wrestling business?
If I had to pick, It would be Vince Russo. I just want to have a first person view on his thought process as a creative writer b/c I really can't understand any of his decisions at this point. I would really like to the questions of the state of his mind at the end of WCW. I would ask what was the idea behind the numerous worked shoots that plagued WCW at the end. I want to know what was the logic behind gimmicks such as Oklahoma and That 70's guy. It would be interested to see if actually defended any of these decisions too. I would also ask what is behind some of the ideas in TNA today too such as the overload of gimmick matches and angles like Samoa Joe's kidnapping which has yet to be explained.
I'd ask McMahon first, but since he has been covered by a few people already, I'll go with my second option, Hulk Hogan. I'd ask him about all of the rumors of him holding people back, refusing to job, and how much of a pull he had on McMahon. I'd ask him why he really wanted to join TNA, if he really thinks that he can make them any bigger despite their ratings being about equal to what it was before he came. I'd also ask him about his early career and why he still feels the need to come back (I know he's low on money, but compete sporadically is what I specifically mean.)
I'd ask McMahon first, but since he has been covered by a few people already, I'll go with my second option, Hulk Hogan. I'd ask him about all of the rumors of him holding people back, refusing to job, and how much of a pull he had on McMahon. I'd ask him why he really wanted to join TNA, if he really thinks that he can make them any bigger despite their ratings being about equal to what it was before he came. I'd also ask him about his early career and why he still feels the need to come back (I know he's low on money, but compete sporadically is what I specifically mean.)

I'd interview you and ask you why you believe everything you read/hear.

Mediocre-to-bad wrestlers couldn't take responsibility for themselves being mediocre-to-bad so they looked around for somebody to blame - and who better to blame than the guy with all the success? Hulk Hogan. It's all his fault that I didn't make it big!! It wasn't because I was inadequate or just wasn't good enough! No way! It's always somebody elses fault!!

And why does he feel the need to come back? Because he loves what he does. Anybody that does something they love for 3-4 decades...or even less than that in some cases...can't just walk away that easily. Especially when you have a lot of personal crap going on at home that you want to get away from. A lot of people who have personal family issues hide in their work to forget about what's going on at home. It's a defense mechanism. Your probably thinking that Hogan came back with an agenda to destroy the wrestling business because somebody like Shane "Hurricane" Helms once said that. But sometimes there are just other factors that you don't know about.

I'm sure he'd tell you all of this in your "interview" though.
I would have to say shawn Michaels, I would love to pick his brain on what really happened with the montreal screwjob.

Talk about his battles and his blessings in life and if he is truly happy being away from the ring, there is no one else i would want to talk to about wrestling the HBK, he has been my idol for such a long time that when i started training to be a wrestler i emulated him.

I would also like to ask his opinion on the deaths in pro wrestling and talk about road stories and old time and if he has any regreats that he would like to share.

Thats my one person and i believe it would be an awesome interview.
Wow, so many names just went through my head.

I'd say JJ Dillon, but I am actually scheduling an interview with him, so that's too easy.

One name that comes to mind is Verne Gagne. D-Man, the starter of this thread, just burned me a copy of the AWA DVD, and I was facinated by the way it all worked and just how many stars were launched from the AWA. I'd ask Verne if he was disappointed that Greg Gagne never panned out the way he'd hoped. I'd ask if he saw the writing on the wall when Hogan left, and whom he felt was truly at fault there. I'd ask who he was more upset with - Hogan or Jerry Lawler.

Another name that comes to mind is Bobby Heenan, for the reasons SlyFox stated. The guy worked with amazing talents and was so over no matter where he went. He was one of the, if not the, greatest manager of all time.

I think Buddy Rodgers may hit my list as well. He - like JJ Dillon and myself - are Jersey guys, and I'd love to get his full take on the story with Antonino Rocca that Tastycles and I debated to the ends of the earth.

I may think of more later.
Like Deexter, I would have to interview Shawn Michaels. Not only is he my favourite wrestler ever, but it would also be a really interesting interview with plenty to discuss.

Firstly, I'd ask him about his relationship with Bret Hart, both back in the nineties and in the present day. I'd want to know just exactly why he hated Bret so much back then. Although many of their incidents have been well documented, it would be interesting to hear it straight from HBK himself. I'd also like to know if their embrace on 4th January was them genuinely making up, or if their is still a little hostility between the two.

Whilst the topic is Bret Hart, I'd obviously have to ask him about the screwjob. I'd like to find out exactly what occurred in the build-up to the match after Bret refused to lose. Sort of like a timeline of events from HBK's point of view. I'd also like to know exactly how he felt about it. Was he ecstatic at having the chance to destroy Bret or was he slightly embarrassed as to what had occurred. I suppose I'd pick his brains about the curtain call as well, although this isn't a topic that particularly grabs my interest.

The interview would also be based around events since his comeback in 2002, because I actually became a wrestling fan in spring/summer of 2002, so I'm mostly familiar with that HBK.

I'd be interested to know exactly why he returned to the ring. The money? Unfinished business? Or was life without wrestling just not for him? Don't get me wrong, I'm glad he returned, but I'd like to know why a guy with a bad back and a loving family would take the risk.

Wrestlemania 20 is a topic I'd ask him about. I've always wondered why he was included in the main event. I personally don't have a problem with his involvement, because I love that match. Did Triple H make it happen to avoid jobbing to Benoit one on one? Did HBK push to be involved himself? Or was that always the creative plan the writers had in mind following the Royal Rumble?

I'm sure there are more questions I could ask, but I feel these questions alone would create a really interesting interview.
Shoots seem to capture the imagination of the IWC. What if we could force someone to do one? The basic idea is that you can pick any one wrestling personality out there and then through whatever evil scientific methods available to us they are forced to give a no holds barred shoot about how they feel about an individual, concept, company etc. In traditional shoot form they are going to focus on the negative feelings, reveal things outside of the kayfabe world and have little fear about the ramifications of what they are saying in their emotional promo. Let us also say this is going to take place in the ring in front of a crowd opposed to somewhere else without a live audience. So who would you pick, what would they shoot on and why?
I would pick vince mcmahon and have him answer quetions on tna..really have him talk alot because he really seems to be trying to ignore them.
Vince McMahon. I used to be a big WWF mark, but I cannot stand what the WWE is producing now, so I would like to get Vince talking on why the product is so lacklustre, where he see's wrestling going in the future. In fact I there is so much Vince could shoot about, after all he is resposible for the wrestling landscape we have now.
Wow...this is a great thread. Sucks that you can only pick one. But I'd have to say, I'd pick HBK. Since I have all his dvds and his book...

I think I'd want to ask him if wrestling is what he knew he ultimately wanted to do looking back on his journey now. Considering the famous ups and downs he had along his career, would you have considered re-doing anything different along your path to stardom while starting in this business? After you first found success in the WWF/E, you were notoriously known for your bad boy antics, then spent time away, would you say that success felt different that time around after being 'found' spiritually?

I'd probably want to also find out from him that since he is a spiritual man, and devout Christian, do you believe that there is room for entertainment and success in an industry such as the WWE? I'd probably also ask him if he truly believes that Vince McMahon is the same 'monster' he's made out to be in all the stories that float around the 'net and journals. Then I'd probably ask the million dollar question, that if you retire on a set of circumstances like you did, and given the predecessor, like you did to your idol, Ric Flair, do you find it cheapens the image to come back and start wrestling for a different promotion, and would you ever put yourself in that type of situation to un'retire yourself?
I would have to go with the Undertaker. Stone Cold is my favorite wrestler of all time but I feel like I kind of know who he is and he has talked about his career. Like someone else said Taker really hasn't spoken much out of character. You might say the American Badass Taker is closer to what he's like in real life but idk. He's been through so much in the business and there would be so many things I'd just like to talk to him about.
I think I would like a sit-down interview with the guy in my signiture- Raven.

He is one of the few men to have been a part of all 4 major organisations in the US over the last 15 years, ECW, WCW, WWF/E and TNA.

He has seen the backstage politics of both WCW, which eventually led it its demise, and later in the WWE, where he was kept rooted to the bottom of the card. It would be so interesting to hear his views on Heyman, Bischoff and McMahon

I would like to know how he came up with the Raven gimmick, and was that how he always saw himself ending up.

Whether he believes he has a better DDT than Jake The Snake Roberts

His thoughts on other ex-ECW wrestlers, who he rates in the ring, what the guys were like backstage

What realy went on with the crucifixion angle with The Sandman in ECW and which led to Raven having to issue a public aplogy

Where he sees the business going

Who he rates in the business at the moment, and why

Soooo many things I would like to know about, from the best mind in the business
Howard Finkel.

This guy is widely considered to be the first WWF employee and has been around forever. He's been at every Wrestlemania (which I believe he is credited with naming) and has seen just about everyone come and go. Can you possibly imagine the stories this guy could have? Also if there's anyone that is going to be relatively impartial in backstage politics, would else could it be? This guy is a treasure in WWE and would be a blast to just listen to tell stories. If nothing else his voice isn't going to get on your nerves.
I would love to sit down and interview Chris Jericho, that man has done it all and conquered almost every level of the media. He is without a doubt the most charismatic main eventer that the WWE has right now and based on his writing, non kayfabe interviews, and his great promos he would be a lot of fun to have a conversation about whatever happens to come up. Y2J could make a conversation about dirt interesting and I'd probably leave thinking "damn I never thought dirt was so badass." I've already heard some of his stories through the amazing book that he wrote, as I'm sure most of you have reas as well, and I can only imagine what uncensored stories he could have about everything that happened in the attitude era and what it was like to work with The Rock, Stone Cold, Triple H, Kurt, and etc. Now I feel like downloading "Downfall" so I can see how well he did as the gameshow host.
Holy %$@# this is the best thread ever! haha! ONE wrestler that I could interview? ONE wrestler I could hear the truth from? ONE Wrestler to hear the stories from? Though there are so many choices like Bret Hart, Shawn Michaels, Triple H, Randy Savage, and Vince McMahon himself, I choose Chris Benoit.

Imagine what we could learn form Benoit? SO many things to hear and understand. I think you all know the main reason I choose Benoit, I don't know if i should mention it.

I just really want to know what Benoit was thinking that day. Why did he do it? Plus he could tell us all about the wrestling business and about every wrestler he has ever known. That would be great, yet possibly creepy and sick at the same time.
Just one? Okay, how about a group interview..? Oh, that's cheating. :icon_mrgreen:

Kevin Nash must be amazing just to be around. And I would just go "uh-huh" to Scott Hall for 3 hours.

But I am gonna pick my favorite Diva of all time.. Trish Stratus. I know there have been better "technical" women wrestlers, but no one has made an impact like Trish did in her short 6 years. She somehow got the WWE thinking they can turn every model they get a boner for into a wrestler. I was prolly focus on if she thinks that is a good idea considering 9 out of the 10 women they train don't get character development and promo time like Trish did.

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