If you could change their Finisher..


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If you could change a WWE Superstars finisher what would it be?


If you feel someone needs a new Finishing move name, what would it be?

My choice would John Morrison's Starship Pain, I would keep it as a signature move and change it finisher to a simple Super kick ala Sweet Chin Music and name it the Sweet Chin Tribute as a tribute to Michaels on JoMo's rise to stardom.

If any man could pull off as great as Michaels it is Morrison.
Cool thread man, and if i could change finishers hmmm, id probably change miz's, i hate the scf and would change it to something like the reality check or somekind of mic check type move since it seems more miz style.

I also would change Morrisons too, starship pain is awesome and no one else can do it but its not impactful enough id have him keep his entire move set, but i would add the superkick, i wouldnt call it sweet chin anything but call it something he comes up with (he names his own moves and they all fit him perfectly) maybe name it the nitro blast again, and then since he would need a top rope, athletic type finisher, like...the corkscrew shooting star press (matt cross does something close) not many people do it, and it would definitely be impactful and is sick looking, perfect for JoMo
I always thought John Morrison needed a attitude change a ( mean streak ) and use submission move as his finisher like a Boston crab and rename it The MOJO. And Christian should drop his finisher and go to the 5 Star Splash.
yea definetly Barrets finisher, wasteland is jus not good. id rather see him win matches with the bossman slam he does. a powerbomb would be a good finisher for him, or a tiger driver. something with more impact.
Miz definitely needs a new finisher, SCF just does nothing for me. I think Miz having some kind of submission finisher would be pretty cool. Maybe something like the Texas Clover Leaf or something like that.

Morrison is another in need of something new mainly because he almost always misses Starship Pain. He still needs a highflying finisher IMHO because it just fits his character, but something that is not as difficult to nail.

As much as a John Cena fan as I am he needs a new finisher as well. The FU was cool because it was called the FU, the AA is not that cool unless he is doing it to huge guys like Big Show. Cena needs high impact powermove for his finisher, something that is fast and out of nowhere but also should give that earth shaking effect when he hits it. Some type of suplex or brainbuster could be cool, or a Side Walk/Black Hole Slam off the ropes could be powerful yet flashy at the same time. Gotta think on this one more.
I don't know what all this hate on the scf is. It suits miz fine and it would hurt like hell in reality if somebody held you in a full nelson and drove your face into the ground.

I would however agree with changing starship pain mainly due to the fact that morrison misses it more than he hits, and i don't mean he actually misses it but that he never connects properly with it. I like his running knee though.

I would change the zigzag it's just not a good finish. I know it can come out of anywhere but i just do not like it as a finisher.
wow theres so many to choose from.

Heath slaters finisher is awful.
The zig zag is awful aswell and its very similar to heaths.

Kofis trouble in paradise is terrible and rarely looks good.

I agree barret should make wastleland a signature move and make his finisher a powerbomb or maybe a submission.

Cena needs a new finisher as well. The AA just doesnt seem like it should end a match to me, cena should do a double arm piledriver :p
JoMo: something that goes with his speedy/WTf style he does. Maybe a Lionsault like Jericho used to do. Would fit him perfectly.

Barrett: Something other than a knock off of the weak DVD. Maybe an f-5 or a a powerbomb variation, like it has been said. Maybe a TKO?

Miz: Maybe a Submission style finisher consisting with the combo from the SCF.

Mike McG:The McGillacutter WTF?! he should do a fisherman's suplex or another suplex finisher.
Easy answer: Santino. I would change that pathetic Cobra for one of his previous finishers. He used a pretty sick Rolling Neckbreaker.... or perhaps use a Death Valley Driver instead.

Wade Barret used a spinebuster in FCW be a good finisher in WWE. Cena should go back to the Protoplex, and modify it.

Jomo needs to switch back to the Moonlight Drive, it looked devastating!
I'd Have to say CM Punks GTS. Unless it's pulled off by both Punk and his opponent perfectly it just doesnt look right. Not to mention if he's doing it to someone taller (Kane Undertaker etc.) It just cant be done to make it look realalistic. More times than not I just think it looks cheesy and ineffective. Not sure what I'd give him but he's more than talented enough to do something better.
I would definitely add like a crippler crossface as the final component to the SCF. That would add serious momentum to the Miz as champion. BAM! He hits the SCF and immediately applies the crossface.

JoMo could get away with a moonsault into a elbow drop. I know the Starship Pain is a split-legged moonsault, but I'm talking about a real moonsault from the top rope into an elbow drop. I think a swift roundhouse to the face, sort of like Tajiri's buzzsaw kick!

Kofi Kingston is just sloppy in the ring overall and I really don't care what finisher he would want to add.

Wade Barrett definitely!! Give him a running powerslam for the lighter guys, and a fierce uppercut. Actually, a running STO would suit him just fine.

I like how Ziggler uses the Fame-Asser as a maneuver, I think THAT should be his finisher. The ZigZag should be a signature.

Kelly Kelly should make her finisher a spear JUST like she did in that Vickie Guerrero firing match!
I can't believe this thread made it this far without anyone mentioning Edge's weak ass spear. Bring back something like the Edgecution or the Impaler. I don't like the spear as a finisher for even a good big man but Edge just isn't big enough to make it that believable.
I'd say Edge's spear.. it's fine as a signature, but i always thought he should start using the downward spiral / flatliner again

and everyone saying how Morrison misses Starship Pain more than hit.. well, i think it has to do with the opponent as well.. once he springs off the rope, it's kind of hard to land perfectly on someone unless they're in the perfect spot.. but i agree though.. Morrison should start using the Super Kick

Zig Zag's fine, if you were to do that to someone in real life, jump behind, grab and pull them straight backwards.. i'm sure it'd knock the air out of them for a little while, it'd probably hurt pretty good :)
It is, without a doubt, John Morrison.

There are plenty of guys who could use a finisher change. To me though, John Morrison has the MOST to gain at this point. I think the only thing the guy is lacking is a strong finisher. The Star Ship Pain looks awesome and is an exciting move. But it just lacks that star power to it.

I think if he developed an impactful finisher, it makes a difference for him regarding his career. I think all he needs to hit the main event scene is that "RKO, Stunner" type, out of nowhere finisher. One that excites the crowd and makes them look forward to seeing it every match he is in.

He could keep Star Ship Pain as one of his signature moves and can still pull a victory off with it occasionally. It has a tendency to look weak and half the time he doesn't quite land it perfectly. But overall, he needs a different move that excites people and means, "MATCH OVER".
First of all, good thread. I like any thread that encourages the use of creativity.

In the case of Morrison, I have to say it, I'll have to go with the group on this one. Don't get rid of Starship Pain, it's still a kickass move, just change the finisher back to the superkick he used to use back when he was still Johnny Nitro (which I believe was known as the Nitro Blast, correct me if I'm wrong.)

I'd also like to see R-Truth's finisher changed. Again, nothing wrong with the Lie Detector as possibly a set-up move, but not a finisher. Just doesn't look devastating enough. To go along with his dancing/rapping gimmick, something on the higher risk end of the scale, but with more appreciable impact. Maybe take JTG's Mugshot move as a starting point and then modify it a bit. Call it Break Dance or possibly just What's Up.
Have to start off with JoMo, I'd add a superkick and a pele. Make him start to use those to finish his matches and almost tell other people to stop using those for the two count (it makes Morrison's look weak).

I this Dolph Ziggler needs to start using the Spear xD
Using the Edgecution and Edgecation (his modified sharpshooter) would do wonders for edge.

Plus give John Cena the Widowmaker (Sean O'Haire's reverse death valley( Off topic bring O'Haire back)

Morrison should do the nitro blast and give Barret a sick looking Pump Handle Drop. CM Punk can get his old moves. The Double Underhook Backbreaker and the Pepsi Twist.
Mason Ryan, BATISTA 2
that finisher is complicated the (Stretch Muffler), looks like hes also bout to kiss the guys butt.
Jo Mo- all he needs is a super kick or a lionsault like said

Wade Barrett- wastleland is trash, he needs a more impactful power move,powerbomb,sto,f5, maybe the dominator

Dolph Ziggler- just use the fame asser
Few guys:

Barrett: That sidewalk slam would be the best move for him instead of Wasteland. Or rename the sidewalk slam the Wasteland.

Cena: He's The Franchise of the WWE...so give him the Franchise move (Shane Douglas)...the Fisherman Suplex Buster.
I would change Wade Barrett's Wasteland. It looks extremely hard for him to pull it off on bigger guys (almost injured himself and Henry) and just looks like crap regardless. Maybe have him use the big boot hes been doing or some type of spine buster.

Sheamus Power Bomb also looks like crap IMO have him use the Irish Curse backbreaker instead like he used to.

Also I would modify Cena's FU into more of a Death Valley Driver, drop the guy on his head/neck instead of his back. That would be a good finisher when/if he turns heel.
Give Morrison the superkick(Nitro Blast),but without tuning up the band.Have him do it out of nowhere,when it looks like he's down and out.He can use Starship Pain but he should use it sparingly considering he botches more often than he hits it perfectly.2 finishers are better than one.I think the running knee he's been using is the most painful move in a real-life situation,but the Nitro Blast and Starship Pain looks more impressive.

I'd like Cena to do a sit-down powerbomb,but that's just because I miss powerbombs and he looks like the kind of guy who could pull it off and make it look impressive.A Death Valley Driver would also look good,but I don't think the WWE are very big on dropping wrestlers on their heads.

I think Wade Barrett would look good doing a Dominator.Him and Sheamus,but Sheamus' Brogue Kick looks very good,so he doesn't need a new finisher.

Give The Miz a submission move like the Texas Cloverleaf.He'll gain some legitimacy by looking more technical in the ring.
I think the Wasteland is actually a pretty decent finisher, it isn't very creative but Barrett makes it look painful with his execution of the move. If Cena's AA can be considered a finisher, then Barrett's is acceptable if not better.

I'm actually a fan of wrestlers varying the moves they finish opponents off with, because I feel like it gives their finisher more impact if it is used slightly less often. For example recently on Smackdown Edge hasn't used the Spear everytime to finish his opponent, to beat Mcintyre he used his old submission and in his tag match with Christian a simple elbow from the top rope beat Clay, now next time he uses the Spear for the 3 count it will at least be a bit more fresh, because I for one was getting tired of it.

But if anyone needs a change, I think Alberto Del Rio at least needs a non-submission finisher to be considered a legit threat in the main even scene. I love his cross arm breaker but I think he needs another move that he could use as well for a 3 count, perhaps a running enzuigiri that he uses on occasion.

As for an undercard wrestler that could use a new finisher if he wants to break through, Chris Masters with his masterlock is fine, and I'd keep that as a set up, lock in the masterlock, then as the opponent is trying to fight out he should keep his full nelson, lift his opponent and slam him either on his back or turn it into a facebuster as well. Could be the "Masterslam" or something, because as with Del Rio, he needs a non-submission finisher as well.



ZIGGLER: USE PEDIGREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I could change John Cena's, but slightly. However, I think the slight change would make the move look a lot more devistating. Instead of Cena dropping them on their back, what if he had them facing up towards the ceiling when he has his opponent over his shoulders, thus dropping them face first.

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