If you could bring back any 5 people that were future endeavored who would they be?


The 1 that believes in Jinder Mahal
This is my first post so feel free to point out anything I have done wrong :)

If you could choose five people that have been in WWE that were future endeavored who would they be and why? Pick people that were phased out of the WWE by way of "Spring Cleaning" or became jobbers that eventually weren't given contract extensions. Here are my five(fave?).

Vladimir Kozlov- In my opinion he could be great as either a dominant heel or a face(see the Santino/Kozlov/Sheamus tea party segment on Raw).

Deuce- Had a great character and could help repair the tag team division with his partner...

Domino- As said with Deuce.

David Hart Smith- The fact that he is part of the Hart family and not in the WWE is beyond me. Put him on FCW for a while, then bring him in to a feud for the US Championship, have him win it and turn the Title into the Canadian Championship as a heel and have him pull of the Bret Hart gimmick of bring hated by Americans but loved by Canidians.

Mike Knox- I enjoyed his character where he would be seen backstage with glasses on reading as a smart man, he could have a great feud with Damien Sandow.
Chris Masters : I am a fan of Chris Masters. Always liked his Masterlock. I thought that back in 2005 he would be WWE or World Champion by 2006. I mean he was in main-events with Kurt Angle, Shawn Michaels, John Cena, HHH, HBK,etc in 2005 then he got released. Then he came back but was not given the same push.

Shelton Benjamin : Main-event caliber talent. Just watch his matches with HHH, HBK etc. I also liked his run as "The Gold Standard" in ECW.

Charlie Haas : I always liked his work with Shelton Benjamin in "The World's Greatest Tag-Team" and also as a part of Team Angle. I think Charlie Hass will make a great Intercontinental or US Champ.

Mike Knox : In my opinion Knox was a great heel when he was fueding with Rey Mysterio back in 2008.

Eugene : Better than Santino Marella as a comic relief.
Melina - With AJ being in high graces, Eve being pulled by association, Kharma vs Beth on the horizon, and Sara Del Ray possibly coming soon, it seems like the Diva Division is headed towards maybe becoming an actual division, and a talent like Melina could only help.

Jillian Hall/Candice Michelle - See Melina.

John Morrison - He said he improved on his acting skills, so hopefully that means his MIC work too, everything else was there.

Batista - A monster face or heel is needed, and I've always wanted him to run his own stable.

Shelton Benjamin - I've always enjoyed him, I still beleive he's the golden standard.
1.Shelton Bengamin- i think he was perfect in what he was used for.im sure u would rather see him in the MiTB than Damien Sandow or Tensai.Atleast i would

2.Carlito-This depends on if he got clean,but with the mid card guys like Cody & Dolph
headed to the main event Shelton & Carlito would be perfect in mid-card going for US or IC title or Tag Team division.Put Carlito as the leaders of his cousins.

3.John Morrison-This guy is the #1 guy i want to see return but he wasnt future endevoured.He is taking improv & acting classes whitch show me he has self awareness & knows what he is missing in his arsenal.I believe JoMo can be a main event talent on the smackdown side

4.Shad-He is a big guy who doesnt move slow.He needs a gimmick change for sure,maybe even wear a hood/mask.I stil dont see how u fire Shad & not JTG.

5.Vladamir Koslov-I will tell you why i would like to see Vlad return.There is a guy in FCW named Alexander Russev they did have a guy who played a Russian gimmick named Alex Koslov nut FCW made him use the name Peter Orlov, but i think he left.Anyway my point is if you put Vladamir Koslov with either of these guy's i think they would be a perfect heel tag team.With Alex Koslov or Peter Orlov i think they could be a modern day russian verion of the British Bulldogs.
How has nobody included Muhammed Hassan?

That guy was the most attention grabbing heel of the last decade. His character was so good he literally turned the WWE audience heel at times.

Could have been a top heel in the business for years if WWE didn't lose its balls at exactly the wrong moment.
1. John Morrison - no mic skills but the guy had everything else. It's hard to believe they couldn't come up with something more.
2. Shelton Benjamin - not a main eventer but is the epitome of a standout mid-card guy.
3. Jillian Hall - did everything they asked of her. She got heat, made fun of herself, was great at being annoying and had decent ring skills.
4. Rodney Mack - I loved, loved the white boy challenge. One of the more memorable matches was when Goldberg answered the challenge and Mack leaped into the pyro. He got his butt kicked but it was great.
5. Lance Storm - if I could be serious for a minute. I liked his gimmick, hated it when they turned him into a joke.
Vladimir Kozlov- If ever there was a guy whose being released hurt it was Vlad, I was a fan of the guy from day one and he was always entertaining. Even when he went from a monster on a roll to a goofy ass tag team partner of Santino I loved the guy. He was always a player in the ring and the fact that they got rid of him without him getting a major title sucked.

David Hart Smith I always thought this guy would follow in the footsteps of his family, and after the break up of the Hart Dynasty I expected him to break off and become atleast an intercontinental champion, but no. In my opinion he did drop the ball and I guess he had problems backstage, but the guy had talent and I liked him.

Chris Masters If anybody ever had the look it was this guy, back in the day when he and Carlito were teaming up in the Elimination Chamber to beat up on the other competitors. I remember thinking to myself these two are gonna do well in the future, Carlito will probably be a mid carder but Masters I saw with the World Heavyweight Championship one day. All I can say is it was bullshit that he was released, miss that guy.

Shelton Benjamin How do you release a guy like this? So much untapped potential from Shleton and he's just gone. The guy was a great Intercontinental Champion and he put on some of the most entertaining matches I've ever seen. I'll never forget the fall he took in the Wrestlemania 24 MITB match, so freaking awesome.

Mike Knox I loved Knox, sure he wasn't amazing but he was a great big man and a solid mid level monster who had an awesome feud with Mysterio and was always a threat in any match against any guy. Plus the beard...such a beard.
John Morrison: This guy has so much talent. Not great on the mike but could work a solid match with anyone. If he brought back the Superkick as his finisher and continue the parcore gimmick he would have gone far.

Shelton Benjamin: team up with Haas in the WWE be the top team to rebuild the division around. Also could get a few runs with the IC/US titles.

Charlie Haas: reform the WGTT in WWE and get the tag division back on its feet. Could also get IC/US title run.

Carlito: Loved his character he could have been a great upper mid card heel.

David Hart Smith: to team back up with Kidd and feud with the WGTT
1. Muhammad Hassan

Generated massive heat while he was around. It was unfortunate the way things went down that led to his dismissal as it was really nothing he could control. Not sure how his gimmick would work today or if the crowds at today's shows would even remember him, but I for one would be happy to see him in the ring again. Definitely a step up over heels such as ADR.

2. Shelton Benjamin

He's probably not needed as there are a ton of athletic/high flying types in the WWE these days, but I always enjoyed his work and thought he was solid in the mid-card. There doesn't seem to be enough serious contenders in the U.S/IC scene and Shelton would help to fix that.

3. Carlito

Was fairly over as a heel and a face. Not sure if he would fit in with Primo and Epico or just out on his own. I think it'd be interesting to have him back in the mix with the Colon clan though.

4. The Brian Kendrick

I absolutely loved his gimmick right before he left WWE. I think he'd be good addition to a renewed cruiserweight division or the tag division if he was paired up with the right partner.

5. Rene Dupree

This guy was pretty much the prototype as far as looks go. If only he hadn't violated the wellness policy to achieve it. He's still relatively young because of how young he was when he started. I remember when La Resistance debuted they got pretty solid heat just because of the anti-American rhetoric. I believe there's always room for the token foreign heel and Dupree played the part well.
01. Shelton Benjamin. I realize he was never good with the microphone and struggled to establish character, but I thought he was fantastic in every other facet. He always had a great look, supreme athleticism, and could put on a fantastic match regardless of opponent. I always thought if you stuck him with a decent mouthpiece -- think someone along the lines of "All World" -- he could have been a superstar, be it as an occasional main eventer or consistently solid mid-carder.

02. Charlie Haas. Everything I just said about Benjamin applies to Haas as well. The benefit of bringing them both back, of course, is adding instant credibility to the tag team division. And that's exactly how I'd book their return: as The World's Greatest Tag Team returning to the WWE to resurrect the division.

03. Paul London. Okay, so he couldn't cut promos either. But like Benjamin and Haas, he was always more than capable of wrestling entertaining matches. As a solo competitor, he'd give the WWE another solid mid-card talent. However, that isn't where I'd use him, because...

04. Brian Kendrick. ... I'd reunite him with this guy. Notice a theme yet? In the universe where this thread resides, Benjamin and Haas return to save the tag team division and eventually run into London and Kendrick, also former champions who are better served as a single unit than as individuals. Those matches would be great, as would confrontations with The Usos, Hunico/Camacho, and Epico/Primo.

05. Elijah Burke. I don't know that Elijah Burke would ever be able to become a top-flight main eventer in the WWE, but I do think he has enormous talent and could serve as a worthy upper mid-card talent. Aside from a tag team division, the thing the WWE is missing most today is a consistently interesting mid-card. Even when the main event feuds aren't to fans' liking, at least they're given attention. Mid-card feuds are treated with disinterest. Bringing Burke back would be nice, but he'd have to be given ample time on television to develop and get over.
1. Muhammed hassan: Awesome on the mic and a great wrestler.

2. Billy Gunn: Shouldve been a world champion years ago. Hes better than 90% of the roster.

3. Kurt Angle: One of the best ever. WWE shouldve gave him a legends contract and let him eat his painkillers in peace. But then again wwe isnt focused on wrestling like TNA is, so im not sure. Just would love to see him at wrestlemania or something.

4. Ken Kennedy: Very easy to bring him back. Want to see the obvious randy feud.

5. Steven Richards: Dont really have a reason but i miss making fun of him.
John Morrison - Guy is an amazing athlete and his parkour style was truly unique and entertaining. He wasn't the greatest on the mic but he could get better and I think he could work as a face or a heel. Harder for him to work as a heel because his moves are so cool it is hard to hate but if he changed his finisher to the running knee and/or superkick it would help and, for example, Cody Rhodes does a good job as a heel but he still does moves off the ropes and athletic stuff sometimes too.

I have a feeling he will be back with WWE though at some point. He said in an interview he's taking time off to heal and get better so I'm betting he makes a return within a year from now.

Vladimir Kozlov - I was pretty dissapointed when he was let go. I enjoyed his work with Santino as Tag Champions and his attire was a lot better then too.

I don't know why they got rid of him, he could fit as a heel or face. Right now the WWE needs more big guy heels. I mean just think if last night on Raw Sheamus had to face a heel Kozlov instead of the joke Swagger has become? You'd assume that means Sheamus would actually have to put on a strong match and really overcome some adversity. Would have made the win much more compelling than beating Swagger in 1 minute.

Shelton Benjamin - Another guy with great athletic ability. Perfect mid-card guy or even main eventer, if it made sense. He also works well as a face or heel. Him and John Morrison are the types of guys you want to see in a ladder match!

Deuce & Domino - Had a great gimmick! Cherry as their manager/escort was a great addition as well. They would be an excellent addition to a tag division. They were when they were around and glad they got some gold but they should have stuck around for longer. They would be also good for developing a bit of a stable... like maybe they start trying to recruit 'dudes' who will then join their 'gang' and help them win matches.
David Hart Smith: As said before a member of the Hart family and is great in the ring, great mid card talent.
Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas: One of my favorite tag teams of the past 10 years and can get down in the ring.
Chris Masters: Was getting entertaining to watch and was improving... why did they cut him?
Test: RIP, but if he was still around an amazing big man.
I'm going to say

WGTT (Haas, Benjaman) Great Tag Team, could really bring back a spark

Muhammad Hassan - Great potential, unfortunate character timing

La Ressistance (Not Rob Conway, just Durpree and Silvan Granie)- I really enjoyed that stable, good tag team work involved
First, to all the John Morrison fans, yes, it would be great to see him back, BUT, he was not future endeavored. He let his contract finish and left on his own terms. Big Jonny did the 'future endeavored' line as part of the script. Batista was in the same boat, or box, if you'd like to see the irony.

I know it says 5 people, but there are 2 groups and 2 individuals ( to strongly bolster the tag ranks), plus 1 single that I'd bring back:

- Haas and Benjamin: Wishful thinking since they are contracted to ROH, but they'd be a great boost to the tag division.
- London and Kendrick: Amazing athletes, much like WGTT. Kendrick as the hippy weirdo in his last run was great and I am sure that London could play a similar role.
- David Hart Smith: Totally got the raw end. Bring him back, tag him with Tyson again and it'd be sweet.
- Carlito: add him in with Primo and Epico as a new use to the Freebird rule. The guy is a great talent and charis matic as hell.
- MVP: The guy is gold and never should have been let go. Athletic, great talker, and got huge fan reactions as a heel and a face.
How has nobody included Muhammed Hassan?

That guy was the most attention grabbing heel of the last decade. His character was so good he literally turned the WWE audience heel at times.

Could have been a top heel in the business for years if WWE didn't lose its balls at exactly the wrong moment.

I get what you're saying, but there are a couple of things:

1) He hasn't wrestled in probably 5-10 years. I read he went into business.

2) He was a periodic heel. Not periodic meaning every once in a while, but meaning that he was a bigger heel because of the time period. It's pretty cliché to go for the cheap heat of a guy being muslim, not to mention the WWE PG ratings that would make it really awkward.
First of all, Vlad Kozlov was a stiff everybody. No idea why you'd want that clown back on TV.

On to my list of 5:

1. Muhammad Hassan - This guy was on the verge of greatness, but he was a victim of the right angle at the wrong time. He was excellent on the mic and drew incredible heat.

2. Armando Estrada - This guy had a ton of potential. He was the best thing about Umaga's time in the WWE. He could have been a great manager if given the opportunity just like Abraham Washington seems to be on the path to becoming.

3. Elijah Burke - I'd love to see the Pope back in WWE. He also still has a lot to offer on the mic and in the ring. Perhaps he fits TNA better, but they're not doing anything with him presently, so why not come back to WWE.

4. Mr. Kennedy - Just because it sounds better then Mr. Anderson......Anderson.

5. Torrie Wilson/Stacy Kiebler/Candice Michelle/Miss Tessmacher/Angelina Love - Just because I think the current crop of Divas leaves a lot to be desired. In terms of talent and personality.

PS - I'd still love to see Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy, Flair, and Hogan back in the WWE ring some day....and Stinger.
1. MVP. But only as a heel. He was great as an upper midcard heel, but the face turn went over horribly as he was very, very bland in that role.

2. Brian Kendrick and 3. Paul London. It's no secret the tag team division currently sucks giant donkey balls. These two were an awesome tag team and I'm sure they could go a long way towards reinvigorating the division. I'd bring them both back with a gimmick similar to THE Brian Kendrick. Replete with some muscle as the enforcer (Mason Ryan maybe?).

4. Shad. Again, to help the tag division. Obviously, this would mean reforming Crime Tyme, but it wouldn't be nearly as cheesy and patronizing this time. Hell, maybe even give them a different name.

5. Mike Knox. I just dug his look. He was a decent heel.
I'd love to see Deuce, Domino and Cherry make a return to help out the tag division. I really liked the team too. And plus, Cherry was hot. Loved seeing her on those roller skates. :)

DH Smith - Also to help the tag division. Reunite the Hart Dynasty, and get Natalya back with them since she's basically doing nothing. It'd be great.

Shad - I was a fan of Cryme Tyme. Would love to see him return and reform Cryme Tyme with JTG. JTG's nothing but a jobber now. Would love to see this team again.

As you can tell, I'm a big tag fan, so anything to spice up the tag division, I'm all for it. :)

honorable mention, Melina. Loved her. She was the hottest diva ever. Plus, she was talented. I miss seeing her on TV. I keep hoping TNA will pick her up. :)
1. David Hart Smith- WWE should have never split up him and Tyson and Natalya.
2. Shelton Benjamin- He was great in the ring
3. Jillian Hall- She was okay in the ring and had an okay gimmick
4. Finlay- Great wrestler, better as a heel in my opinion
5. Carlito- I thought he was a good heel and not bad in the ring too
Not sure I can get to five but here's my attempt:

1- Bobby Lashley - mutual departure that was just after he broke into the main event, taking on Cena at Vegeance (5-man match) and Great American Bash (1-on-1) in 2007. Left due a plethora of political reasons, including a racially based beef with Michael Hayes. Id love to see him back, he was a powerhouse and was really getting over with the fans.

2- John Morrison - another guy who was future endeavored for political reasons, and sadly it was right as he was breaking into the upper crust of the roster.

3- Kurt Angle - a mutual departure but I know WWE wants him back, offering him a HBK-like limited dates schedule...he could work part-time and pick his spots and bring some serious star power back to the "E"

4- MVP - I loved his gimmick, both as face and heel (even though he did get stale as a face) MVP is likely never more than a midcarder but he has great promo skills and can make you hate him and laugh at him in the same promo I really enjoyed MVP and thought he was a much better fit on Smack Down instead of RAW

5- thats all I got for now, sorry
1. Carlito - This guy just had it all: the wrestling ability, the natural charisma, great on the mic. He could do anything, from great one on one matches with HBK all the way to mitb matches. He always looked good, and i think he could have been a upper mid-card and occasional main eventer by now.

2. Chris Masters - I really liked the guy. His masterlock looked unbreakable, he always put on some great matches and the physique, damn! He could have been a top main eventer by now, and i think it's a shame he wasn't given that change the second time.

3. Shelton Benjamin - If there ever was a guy who could put on a good match with everybody, it was Benjamin. He could work as both a heel or a face. Liked his work in ecw, and the matches he had with the likes of HBK and HHH....... Just a shame he's gone. Would have made a perfect challenger for either Christian or Santino.

4. The brian Kendrick - I really enjoyed this gimmick. The goofyness, the jacket, it just looked so well on him. He would be a great addition to the midcard, and could go after the cruiserweight title when it comes back.

5. Kenny Dykstra - Why nobody listed him really surprises me. I don't really know why, but i liked the kid. He had a great look, and could really go in the ring. I would put the U.S. Championship on him, because i think he could give it bak some prestige and put on some great matches over it.
Chris Masters - His second run was pretty damn good and he deserved a bigger push, maybe his first run held him back from being trusted 100%

Shelton Benjamin - Had the ability to carry the WHC, just not the charisma, if he worked on that he would be the ultimate package

London and Kendrick - a hell of a tag team with good chemistry. Fell victim to lack of competition.

Paul Birchall - Great wrestler with a crappy gimmick, had the potential but it was ignored.
1. Brian Kendrick- If he could lay off the weed he may have never left. All the rumblings of a possible cruiserweight show whenever the network kicks off would give him something relevant to do.

2. Paul Birchill- He was one of my faves that I had high hopes for, he just needs to connect with the audience desperately.

3. Kaval- He's a badass and letting him go was very premature.

4. Mark Jindrak- Becoming a big star in Europe and Mexico may have been just what he needed to develop a personality that people can connect with. Either way it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot.

5. Serena Deeb- Party girl may have learned her lesson from the first go-round. She is a good talker and worker, could be of use.
1 - Muhammad Hassan: As mentioned several times, this guy turned the entire wrestling world upside-down in a few weeks. He is probably the biggest missed opportunity in the history of wrestling. He could have easily been one of the biggest heels of all time.

2 - Deuce n' Domino: One of the best tag teams to debut in over a decade, and WWE completely wasted them. They had one so-so reign as WWE Tag Team Champions, and were then jobbed out completely. I truly believe these two could have been one of the all-time great tag teams, up there with the Road Warriors, Demolition, Edge & Christian, and the Hardy Boyz. Just imagine if WWE had turned them face and had Henry Winkler, as The Fonz, manage them for a title match at WrestleMania. The buyrates would have been through the roof.

3 - Rob Conway: I don't care if I was this guy's only fan, I thought he was totally awesome. Great music, great gimmick, great finisher. I felt he should have been at the least a multiple time Intercontinental Champion, but after a half-assed push that only lasted a few months, WWE turned him into a complete jobber and fired him.

Three is all I can come up with for right now since I'm about to leave for work, but I'm sure I'll think of two more later.

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