If you could bring 3 TNA stars to WWE?


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If you could bring 3 TNA wrestlers to the WWE who would they be? Why? And how would you use them? (I'm excluding Kurt Angle from this as reports I've seen suggest he will be returning before he calls time on his career anyway).

Here's mine:
Bobby Roode: I first started watching TNA when the "It factor" was a couple of months into what would end up being the longest title reign in TNA history and he reminded me of Triple H with his in ring skills and character when Triple H was a heel in the early to mid 2000's. For me he looks like a champion and acts like a champion and with talk of Evolution continuing after Batista leaves the WWE what better person for me could step into evolution and work that angle work. I would love to see him in the main event picture competing for the WWE/WHC title and have feuds with Orton, Triple H, Bryan and Punk (If he ever returns) to name a few.

Magnus: As a Brit and born in the same county as the former TNA champion I admit having some bias for this choice. That aside Magnus has all the tools needed to become a top star in this business ability image mic skills etc. At only 27 he is still honing his craft and WWE would be the next level up from TNA for his career. Initially I would have him Tag with Barrett and call there team British Steel (you could even add Paige, Mcintyre & Mason Ryan to form a faction). After this he could feud with Barrett before entering the title picture in a couple of years time again I could see good feuds with Orton, Cena Sheamus & Del Rio and in the future against the likes of Reigns, Rolins, Ambrose, Wyatt & Cesaro to name a few.

Bully Ray: I'd choose Bully as my 3rd choice because firstly I along with most others loved the tag team battles he was involved in with the Hardyz & Edge & Christian (6 man TLC match for WHC would be awesome to see although it will never be possible). My second reason is down to how he reinvented himself so well amazingly from a tag team competitor to a legit main event singles competitor so far into his career. Initially I would love to see him feud with Cena as he sort of is the anti-Cena and they could work the Boston New York rivalry into the feud somehow. After that a reunited Dudley boys could help strengthen the tag team division and get a short run with the titles like the New Age Outlaws did.

So what do you think of my suggestions and who would you bring in???
I agree with Bobby Roode. When he was world champion, he was displaying all the traits of a WWE Superstar. One problem with half of the TNA Roster is that they're all old. There are severalStorm, guys who I would love to see in WWE because of how good they are, like Aries, Roode, EY, Storm, and Samoa Joe, but they're all mid to upper 30's. So realistically, if I was in WWE thinking long term, I would do the Wolves. Maybe Kenny King or TJ Perkins, but that's about it. But, if I'm throwing age out the window...

1) Bobby Roode. As said before, he'd be perfect for WWE with his skill set.
2) Austin Aries. His mic work alone deserves a spot in the biggest company in the world.
3) Samoa Joe. Who wouldn't love to see Joe in WWE. He may have to adjust to the WWE style a bit, but he could have great matches with guys like Cena, Orton, and Lesnar. And now that indy guys like Bryan, Cesaro, Sami Zayn, and Adrian Neville are rising up, he could be a big show stealing name.

Also, I fully expect Jeff Hardy to one day return. Matt too. But I think WWE could do fantastic things with the Willow character.
Also, I fully expect Jeff Hardy to one day return. Matt too. But I think WWE could do fantastic things with the Willow character.

You're right.. WWE would do the best possible thing with the Willow character - throw it in the trash and never talk about it again.


I'd pick Aries, but I don't think wwe with give him any mic time to begin with.. so he'd be stuck in some boring tag team going nowhere.
Unfortunately WWE doesn't really want anything to do with anyone who comes from any other wrestling organization. So, even in the off chance they bring in someone like a Bobby Roode or Austin Aries, they might get an initial push, but if for some reason they don't succeed (or kiss the right a$$) right away, then you're going to see them end up like Sandow, Ziggler or even Drew Mcintyre. That aside, I would like to see Chris Daniels and Kaz re-unite and bring back Bad Influence in WWE just to see how well that would go over (Can you imagine them making fun of the Usos, 3MB or Cody and Goldust?) and also I'd like to see Samoa Joe. Put him against guys like Sheamus, Batista, Orton, etc and you've got money matches.
With the 1st pick in the TNA to WWE draft, Kamala316 selects...Bobby Roode. I said years ago when he was in Team Canada that he was a future world champ, and had (dare I say it) the "It Factor". With the 2nd pick in the TNA to WWE draft, Kamala316 selects...Austin Aries. If WWE ever smartens up and bring back a Light Heavyweight/Cruiserweight title, Aries would be an asset to the division. He can hold is own on the mic, as well (he just has to make sure he doesn't throw his junk in Lillian's face...haha). With the 3rd pick in the TNA to WWE draft, Kamala316 would like to select Bad Infleuence, but they're gone. So after looking over TNA's active wrestler roster, I'm gonna throw a curveball and go with Hernandez. The man is built like a brick sh!t house, is very athletic for a man his size, and would be an excellent addition to the roster. Feel free to fire back...you are now on the clock. (Thank God the NFL draft is almost over lol I can't take any more "expert analysis".)
I think Magnus would be a great fit in WWE, he has the size, the look, charisma that WWE seem to love in a male performer. Plus he's only 27 years old''. Only problem is he would join the line, like other British wrestlers such as Drew McIntyre, William Regal and Mason Ryan who aren't even used properly.

Top 3 TNA Wrestlers I would like to see make it in WWE

1. Austin Aries is a natural star and IMO he is much better than CM Punk in ring ability(although WWE is using Punks 50%of his inring abilties).If he signs with WWE it will be a nice move for his career cause than he will become a well known face but u never know how WWE is going to use him.Even TNA has not used him in proper way. besides that he has great Mic Skills. Him vs Bryan would put on great matches for the fans..

I Feel Aries is being wasted in TNA, would love to see him face his best friend(CM Punk) in WWE. Punk would bat for'' Aries'' since they been friends from their days in ROH and both highly respect each other.. Just a Shame, WWE Never signed Aries, He, Punk, Bryan would be the new faces for the company. Besides for Cena.

2. Bobby Roode, I personally think Bobby Roode would have a lot to offer coming into the WWE. The WWE would benefit greatly with a guy of his talents on their roster. Bobby is a fantastic wrestler who can play both the heel and babyface role up to perfection. When he's a babyface, he knows how to connect with the crowd and get them on their feet. When he's a heel, he knows how to generate a great amount of heat. He has very underrated in-ring skills and reminds me a of a young Triple H. I'd definitely say the WWE Should pursue this guy, they wouldn't go wrong.

Same time, I would question If WWE would treat Bobby Roode fairly? and use him to his full potential, I'd love to see him in WWE. However, that's not very likely, since he'd be coming from TNA, and we all know how Vince treats talent that didn't originate in his company. I think it would be in Roode's best interest to stay with TNA. He's having a great run there...Then again he has the LOOK and Size Vince looks for in his wrestlers, doesn't hurt he has lots of charisma.

3. My Final Choice is Tie Between Kenny King/Jeff Hardy

Kenny King, like Aries'' is Hell of an athlete and an excellent wrestler who would make an excellent addition to WWE roster. I hope he does get signed. The man's a fantastic in-ring performer and an excellent choice to be an IC Champion, King Vs Ziggler would steal the show! or King Vs Cody would be,another excellent choice as well.

Kenny King'' would make a way better IC Champion than Big E

My other wrestler is Jeff Hardy, He's a fantastic wrestler'' who would sell lots of WWE Merchandise, Seeing how the WWE/ Vince welcome back the Warrior and Scott Hall, I know the door is open for Hardy return as well, he's,been Drug-Free for over 4 years and has really clean up his act. Hopefully they would offer him a part time schedule... His body, can't handle,full time schedule..

That's why, Hardy loves TNA, because of their schedule with less traveling...
1. Bobby Roode. Fully agree here. He would be a perfect fit. I've always been a fan.

2. Kurt Angle. It's crazy to think he's been with TNA just as long(if not a little longer) than he was with WWE. He can still go. I want to see him back on the big stage against Daniel Bryan!

3. The Beautiful People. The Divas division has been boring for years. Their act would play well in any wrestling company....they are charismatic and could be a bit of a draw in the Divas division.
1. Bobby Roode - As everyone else has said he just is an all-around great wrestler & performer

2. Austin Aries - One of my favorite heels in a long time & I would love to see him go against so many WWE stars

3. Christopher Daniels - Yea, I know he's not with TNA anymore but since he left recently I'll include him. Many people will say he is getting to old but I always feel like age doesn't matter as long as you can still go.
Bobby Roode is the best talent TNA has right now. He should be their heel champ, and they don't know how to use him properly. It would be in his best interest to go to WWE.

AJ Styles is another one I'd love to see in WWE. I know he's not with TNA and WWE isn't trying to hire him, probably because he didn't go through their training and lets face it his mic work isn't great at all. He's not Brock Lesnar bad, but he needs work. He would make a great addition to Paul Heyman's stable. Great wrestler with amazing in ring skills, and Heyman could do the mic work.
Okay I thought long and hard about this.

Bobby roode
Bobby roode
Bobby roode

That's it full stop. He is the only talent the wwe would use. Roode is super talentedin ring and on mic . Great look. And may well be the best heel in the business after triple h. (Haters can hate but deep downthey know he is tthe best in the business.)
Bobby Roode would be the only one that I'd definitely want to bring to WWE, he's just a fantastic all round talent that would be a great addition to the heel side of things in the WWE.

I'd also take The Wolves as they are an excellent tag team and would add quality and depth to WWE's division that is losing some of the momentum it had in the latter part of last year, as a few good teams are dissolving.

I guess that's my 3 but if I cheat and count the Wolves as one pick the other one I'd bring in is Magnus. He's got a great look, is young and a good athlete, he needs more development but given his age he has plenty of time.
Magnus - Age and Potential

Bobby Roode - Need I say more, will end up being the biggest waste of talent of the "TNA's first 15 era". Shame. Some may say AJ, but I think Roode could be a top guy if he had gone through WWE developmental. Better promo, better "American TV style" (could be over all better, matter of taste), and better overall look.

Wild Card - Eric Young - Hate how they hot-shotted the belt on him but this guy is a solid mid card, borderline comedy, baby-face. Great Mechanic/Carpenter, decent promo, and seems to figure out how to get the crap over they've thrown at him. I still think the gimmick with him being paranoid and hid pyro scaring the crap out of him was genuinely funny every time I saw it.
1. Jeremy Borash: He is a very talented ring announcer, commentator and backstage interviewer. I'm sure the WWE would benefit a lot from him. At a time when two out of three commentators are really awful, and there is a lot of pressure on Renee Young, J.B.'s entry would solve many problems.
2. Sonjay Dutt (is he even a TNA employee?): Sonjay Dutt is one of the best X-division stars TNA has ever had. He may be a little past his prime now, but he can still do his thing well. I'd pair him up with Khali and Jinder Mahal in a team that would have a lightweight, a middleweight, and a heavyweight.
3. Velvet Sky: She is hotter than any WWE diva out there, and can also wrestle better than most of them. She'd be really successful in the WWE, provided they don't act partially against her.
I would like to tell u something brother ...
I absolutely agree with u about Bobby Roode.. When I saw him wrestle for few weeks I thought that he is Like Triple H .. just some months ago I was thinking that how awesome it will be if Booby Roode , AJ Styles,Christhoper Daniels , Sting joined WWE ...
So I thought about the question and then I realized there was an underlying question.

The question is pick three who I would like to see got to the WWE? But the underlying question who do I want to see the WWE bury because they are a TNA guy.

DISCLAIMER You will have to read the information fully.

My first pick is Hernandez , Hernandez lack a mouthpiece and talent. But there is two places he could fit well in,
1) is a Paul Heyman guy Curtis Axel is a joke, his mic skills are far from decent. Hernandez teamed with Ryback could have a promise if they can get heyman to become their manager.
2) This is where I think he fits best, Alberto Del Rio's puppet. (Think Virgil with the million Dollar man or Diesel w/Shawn Micheals) Del Rio needs help and a lot of it, but with the lack of serious heels. But having Del Rio have an illegal alien, ex convict as his body guard ( that is how I wrote it) can propel Del Rio back into the spotlight. Now we all know they both will eventually be buried so it would work for a few months to a year then they can both be future endeavored.

My second pick is Bully Ray ( again read the whole thing)

I am not picking Bully Ray to come back and be a full time wrestler. I am picking him to be a part timer and manager, but a more involved manager. A guy coming to to make a tag team stronger. My thoughts just quickly run to Rybaxel. Currently they are on a winning streak (obviously just for the ppv) but taking Rybaxel under his wing he could come up with a cooler name like ( Beat Down Pending aka BDP, yes it needs work) Get these two guys dressed in something with Skulls and Spikes, put on a damn show. Even bringing tables back. Axel could get some beard maintenance tips from Ray. Bully Ray can be a physical manager, if managed right Lesnar v Ryback could be good.

My third and Final pick is ( I hate this pick) Bobby Roode. Roode has all the talent in the talent in the world and is great on the mic, So why Do I hate this? Because roode should be the guy driving the TNA championship division ( like Cena did for so long) So taking Roode away from TNA is just bad for the impact future, losing a top guy is going to affect overall show, and We need TNA to get better if the WWE is going to get better. Competition breeds greatness. ( thank Jeff jarrett for trying again)
But what I would do with roode is take him and storm as a package deal, beer money once again, The WWE Tag division is getting better but needs help, Beer money could do this. You beer money into the tag division as heels attacking Los Matadors and punting el torito, instant heat. make them work to to the title picture by summerslam and stay dominate. 2 years from now Bryan will be an after thought (you heard it here first) and Cena will be coming off his last title run. Perfect time to future endeavor storm and push the It factor.
Okay man to me its hard to pick only 3 so im gonna name who I want to see go to WWE.

my top 3 would be..
1. Just like everyone else is Bobby Roode. Triple H tried last year to get him but didn't work fast enough or offer the right deal so roode signed back with TNA with a multi year deal. he if given the chance could carry that company.

2. Gunner: surprisingly nobody picked this guy. he has a great look and I think would do awesome in WWE if used right. maybe a new name not crazy about gunner but I think he has the look.

3. The wolves. WWE is finally starting to look like they care about the tag division and id these guys were involved man I see some good matches with teams like the USO and shield.

Notable thoughts,

-Bully ray I think would do really good single in wwe now that he reinvented himself in TNA. Hes got the swagger and look now to be in the main event.
-obviously hardy and angle back for there career ending runs...
- Aries could be okay in wwe but I don't see him being a world champion there bc of his size. he might get a quick run if hes that good but I think a fued between the greatest wrestler alive and the Best in the World would be amazing to see in the ring and on the mic.
- Now this guy I considered in my top 3 but went witht he wolves instead...James Storm. this guy can do it all and I think would fair very well in WWE.

hopefuly triple H isn't fully brainwashed by vince and if TNA stars are free agents he sees the talent in them and not that they were against him
I have not watched TNA for a while, but the main three that come to mind who I would like to see come to WWE are Jeff Hardy, Bobby Roode, and James Storm. Just for fun, I'll throw in my top pick among the Knockouts too.

Jeff Hardy
He has been in WWE before and left after he got the push of a lifetime. He could get back into the World Heavyweight Championship scene at some point. The high flying style that he has still excites fans, but I don't think they would trust him with as big of a push again.

Bobby Roode
I've seen others state before that he would fit in well with the WWE and I have to agree. He has the look, the promo skills, and the in-ring ability to become a top heel if he ever went to WWE. The only obstacle being he has held the TNA World Championship so they might not want to push him for that reason. Unlike Hardy, he won the TNA World Championship and has not seen success in WWE.

James Storm
I always thought Storm was the better member of Beer Money. Nothing against Roode, I am a fan of both wrestlers, but Storm should have seen more success by now than he has. I haven't watched TNA in some time now so things may have changed. Regardless, back when I was watching I saw an enormous amount of potential in him. He did have a very brief reign as TNA World Champion, so that may be an issue since the WWE is notorious for not pushing wrestlers who win their first world title(s) elsewhere. He would fit in great in WWE especially if he showed up in a character similar to his TNA character. I'd be worried that he doesn't get the push he deserves, but I'd still want to see him come to the WWE.

Madison Rayne
Madison Rayne would make an excellent challenger for the Divas Championship. I'd love to see her facing girls like Paige, Emma, AJ, Natalya, and Summer. If she ever joined WWE she could further take the division in a direction focused more on pushing girls who can work a good match.
Like most people, Roode is my first choice for all of the same reasons in all of the previous posts. Roode in WWE is just kind of a no-brainer. He carries most of the TNA roster, anyway. He would probably thrive in a more comptetitive company like WWE.

Samoa Joe is next, though wis window of opportunity gets smaller each year. I just think it would be awesome to have Joe vs. Bryan on the big stage. Those guys had amazing matches during their indy days and I can only imagine they would want to raise the bar if they were able to bring that experience to a WWE ring. I would be weary that WWE creative gives him a goofy Islander/Savage gimmick since they do that with almost any wrestler of Samoan or Tongan heritage not named Dwayne or Roman. Let Joe be Joe.

My third and final choice is EC3/Derrick Bateman. I was disappointed when he was released from NXT because he's good in the ring and has a lot of charisma... and the very underrated ability of TIMING (side question: does anyone know if he's had improv training?)

I intentionally left ex-WWE guys (with the exception of Bateman who never had a proper main roster spot) because there really isn't much "what if?" factor to Angle, Bully Ray or Hardy if and when they return to WWE. Out of those three, I'd like to see Angle back the most because he was god-tier in WWE and to this day he is one of the few five-tool players in pro wrestling. I'd like to see Bully Ray back as well, using the Dudley name but with a lot of the Bully aspect, plus the fact that he's
in the best physical shape of his career which could help him fit in some main-event programs, perhaps even a singles title run. As far as Hardy goes, I can take him or leave him. If he's got his drug problems under control, why not? If he's still using, no way. Too much of a liabilty.
I would bring Samoa Joe, Manik (is he still with TNA?), and Bobby Roode. Joe could have some great matches and feuds, Manik would be good for some matches or tag teams with guys like Sin Cara, and Bobby Roode is self explanatory.
1. Bobby Roode

I'm pretty much repeating everyone else when I say that Roode has every single tool needed to be a big success in WWE. A great look, really strong on the mic, good in the ring too and overall just a total package.

I think Roode is one of the top heels in the business today, and could be a World Champion in WWE if given the opportunity. He'd have to stop doing the Spinebuster and Crossface if he made the move though, as HHH uses those moves...

2. Austin Aries

You can argue that size isn't everything in WWE these days, with guys like Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins etc all having success over the past few years. Austin Aries is another who could easily make it to the top of the card given fair opportunities. He'd put on phenomenal matches with the guys I previously mentioned, and would make a fantastic IC champion too, far better than the likes of Wade Barrett and Big E Langston

3. Bad Influence

I know Christopher Daniels is gone from TNA at the moment, but I am still including him in this as I reckon he'll be back soon. Although Daniels is a veteran these days, Bad Influence were one of the most entertaining teams I have ever seen in TNA, arguably the best tag team in the business over the past year or so. They stole the show so many times with their antics both in and out of the ring. WWE's tag-team division isn't the strongest, and adding these guys to the ranks would have been a great move. They'd put on some amazing matches thats for sure and their comedy skits would fit in perfectly in WWE too.
I hate to see that some of the guys in TNA will never get into the WWE. But I'll put mines in order in which I think theywould make the biggest impact in the WWE if there.
1. Bobby Roode- I think he could be a top heel in the E.
2. Gunner- He's a really aggressive brute who is a viable bad ass.
3.Kurt Angle- He needs to finish career with a legends deal of shaking hands and kissing babies type thing.
Honorable Mention Kenny King It's just something about him that says star; I really feel that TNA hasn't used him correctly, not saying WWE will either, but I can see him being a US champion.

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