If TNA Could Pick One Person to Bring In, Who Should it Be?

TNA bringing in someone big won't help anything. It's not about who you bring in its about how that person is used. Hogan is the biggest name in wrestling history and ratings, buy rates and revenues didn't increase with his arrival which proves my point exactly.

With that said their best bet is to find a veteran who can still go and teach the younger wrestlers how to build and grow in and out of the ring. With that said bring in HBK, he's not wrestling and would probably help out TNA as long as he didn't have to work much. He doesn't have to wrestle again or even be on screen but he can certainly teach the locker room the finer points of wrestling like telling a story in a match, growing as a professional on promo's and character and would be a great asset to the talent they currently have.
ENOUGH with the batista return remarks, aint happening. he looks like he's a quarter of his wrestling weight these days, and simply looks......sickly. he has the physique of randy orton now, if that. his face looks like when lex luger suddenly dropped weight and looked like a sickly old man.

vince likes big guys. not guys that looked like they just crawled out of a coma for over a year
I do agree they need to let Hogan go he gets to much money for such a small company and doesn't bring in nearly the audience he use to. But anyways on to the subject. I think you should take the money from Hogan and steal away Jim Ross from WWE and give him the control to hire writers and wrestlers and also everyone that is a wrestling fan knows J.R. so then you some of the money you would still probably have left over after getting rid of Hogan and advertise more and when you advertise have J.R. be the guy talking about Impact Wrestling because that will make anyone that knows wrestling take notice. I also think they should fire Russo or at least have him stop writing and have J.R. find a new fresh guy to start writing story lines so we can have a new era of Impact Wrestling. Mabey make Russo the head of creative but don't have him write anymore just have him be there to give advice and help out the new guys. BUT HAVE J.R. APPROVE STORYLINES! Not Russo
Bad idea just because YOU would stop watching it? Haha. There would be more who STARTED watching than those who STOPPED watching fella. Cena as a person is a class act, it's the way he is booked that people don't like. He could do wonders for TNA with his charisma and work ethic.

People mentioning Paul Heyman, ain't gunna happen. Pretty sure he has a contract with WWE now. Him and Brock signed some 'behind the scenes' deal a few months ago. It was well documented. Chris Jericho is another who would ahve no interest in TNA. His ego wouldn't allow it and he isn't stupid.

In the spirit of the game then how about Lashley.

TNA will start to shine when they stop looking at WWE talent and start doing better with the guys they have. Cena would be another short term fix. When WCW started hiring WWE talent, their shows became WWF-lite and it sucked bad. WCW fandom hated it and they rejected Hogan. It's only when the nWo was created that his talent was put to a better use, as someone WCW fans loved to hate as a heel. But you can't struck gold on a concept like this twice. TNA have proved time and time again that they have zero imagination. So Cena would come in and they would keep him as he is and TNA would crap on the super-babyface that he would be and after a while the company would not know what to do with him.
TNA will start to shine when they stop looking at WWE talent and start doing better with the guys they have. Cena would be another short term fix. When WCW started hiring WWE talent, their shows became WWF-lite and it sucked bad. WCW fandom hated it and they rejected Hogan. It's only when the nWo was created that his talent was put to a better use, as someone WCW fans loved to hate as a heel. But you can't struck gold on a concept like this twice. TNA have proved time and time again that they have zero imagination. So Cena would come in and they would keep him as he is and TNA would crap on the super-babyface that he would be and after a while the company would not know what to do with him.

I agree that they should stop going for top WWE talent as they are already to known as a personality that Impact Wrestling (or TNA whatever it is now) wouldn't even change it which would be a short fix like they would if they took in Cena. It justs like when they brought in Hogan he started out as a face first and everyone in the Impact Zone loved him but then he had his heel change just like he did in WCW which is why alot of people on here want him gone. I think Impact Wrestling could use WWE talent as long as they don't get a top WWE talent get someone like Zach Ryder (just an example) that they could easily change the personaility or use the personality he has now just tweak it some like make him become a heel and start him out either in Tag Team with a veteran that could help teach him more or put him X-Division to start getting better and then soon he could easily be a main eventer because I believe he has the work ethic to do it.
He would be the last thing TNA needs. He represents everything the TNA fans hate about the WWE. And I don't trust TNA booking "to make it better". Heyman and Cornette could probably book Cena's coming to TNA properly. But this is not the case, the company is run by idiots.
john cena? NO. hes not fit for a small crowd like that he'd prolly get booed if he went to TNA or he could be a heel there like hulk hogan did with WCW. The Miz? MAYBE. I think if they would get one person if should either be christian or CM punk. #1 christian because hes already been to tna and could prolly become the top face on TNA. #2 cm punk i feel he would fit in good at TNA as a heel going against a face jeff hardy because we all know there history of summer 2009.
The Rock hands down! Seriously this guy comes back and the ratings shoot up like crazy! Wrestlemania 28 just might be one of the most bought ppvs because of the Rock! The Rock is the hottest thing in wrestling and he is not even wrestling! Just think if he were actually going to wrestle full time!
I agree with the posters that say give it to the current talent on the roster. There really is no need to acquire a big name Superstar for the simple fact that they got the biggest Superstar of all time and it didn’t really amount to what they expected. They even got the 2nd biggest Superstar of all time and that didn’t pan out to well either. Spreading it out to the current TNA roster as raises and bonuses and incentives could really boost morale in the company to push what they have harder.

However, if I had to pick one name, I’d have to go with either Cena or Orton. Love them or hate them, Super Cena and Bat Orton are the best things going today. WOOOO!! They are not in my Top 20 list, but they are a big reason why I get to still see Raw and Smackdown. Now only if they performed on WWE Superstars and NXT, maybe those two shows would still be on TV. They should have been coaches on NXT, but that’s for another topic altogether.
john cena? NO. hes not fit for a small crowd like that he'd prolly get booed if he went to TNA or he could be a heel there like hulk hogan did with WCW. The Miz? MAYBE. I think if they would get one person if should either be christian or CM punk. #1 christian because hes already been to tna and could prolly become the top face on TNA. #2 cm punk i feel he would fit in good at TNA as a heel going against a face jeff hardy because we all know there history of summer 2009.

You mentioned Punk. Completly forgot about him, I think that's the only guy in the E that TNA should go hard after. Or if they had an opportunity they would have to sign. As a wrestler's wrestler, he would be like a fish in water in that company. Punk is essentialy the best in the biz right now. He would have the red carpet treatment.
TNA needs to find themselves a superstar that doesnt come from the WWE. Its about time they start using home grown talent. Go out and find some indy guy big guy small guy it doesnt matter if he is a good worker give him an original gimmick dont copy a gimmick from the WWE and push the guy. I want TNA as an alternative not a poor second rate copy of the WWE. Give me something different.
Some people are either thinking small or allowing their personal bias dictate their response. It's pretty simple... you pick the biggest star you can. If the heavens opened and God shined his favor upon TNA and allowed them to be so lucky to obtain John Cena they would be fools to pass him up. I saw one guy say he'd stop watching TNA, that's ok because he'd be replaced to second they announced the deal was done.

The Miz might be a nice pick up, but I'm not as optimisitc as some fans who seem to think he is the next John Cena or The Rock in waiting.

Punk... They had Punk. I guess people can say creative wasted him which they obviously did, but I would want a top guy who would be the poster boy for my company not lead revolt as he did the last time around.

Christian... Was TNA a major force all those years with Christian? He's a complete non factor.

Sheamus would be a nice signing. Infact, I'd say he'd be a better grab than The Miz.

Randy Orton... He'd be a nice get for TNA. He'd make it seem atleast as respectable as Smackdown and would probably be the best fit for TNA's current creative direction considering his character is as shifty and random as their booking. He could be one guy who could RKO Sting then save him the next week and people would think it was just crazy old Randy and not TNA forgetting whether he's a heel or a face from week to week. The downside is despite being a top guy in the WWE he's not a household name like Cena and doesn't have the untapped upside of Sheamus and Miz.

Either way, if they could just pick anybody it should be huge and not somebody who will probably end up getting released from the WWE anyway like a few of the names I've seen in this thread.
I would have to agree that big name stars have proven to do little for TNA and signing another probably wouldn't change much. But for the sake of conversation, I'll add my thoughts.

Personally, I would rather look at this from a realistic standpoint, I do realize that that isn't a restriction though. TNA is never going to sign Cena or Orton, at least not anytime within the foreseeable future.

I think Batista would be an interesting addition. He would go straight to the main event and he's still young enough that he could really benefit the company for a long time to come. Plus, he has stated his distaste for WWE's "PG Era", so TNA would probably be an actual possibility for him if he were to return to wrestling.

If he doesn't end up in ROH, Chavo Guerrero could be useful for TNA. With the company rejuvenating the X Division and giving it a new found importance, Chavo would work wonders. On the same note, I could see him flopping as well, but if used correctly, he could put on some great matches and help some young guys get over.

Two totally different wrestlers, but both seem to be huge possibilities at this point. Not that TNA really needs anymore additions to the roster or that my choices would definitely help even if added, but regardless, those would be my picks.
One person TNA can bring in to improve the product is Paul Heyman, but he has some radical ideas.... if one of them doesn't involve Angle VS Lesnar II in a six sided ring, why bother?
I think the best person they could bring in would be a John Cena or a Randy Orton that way if someone is watching WWE and they ask hey wheres Randy or hey wheres Cena they can find out there at TNA watch TNA just to see them and if TNA use them right in a good story line that people want to see then they would get viewers every week to see Randy or Cena and then the audience will get interrested in other story lines going on and there you go you got more viewers and lets face it better talent.
ok so both wwe and tna dont always have the best writters they need some old school guys in my opion............. or even better maybe a forum with fans submitting ideas as a base and WWE makin ideas about tht
i knw fans would actually put in some good ideas plus wwe or tna wouldnt have to pay them
They need to work on their own crop of talent, because after the last two years of signing big name after big name, nothing has changed as far as viewer's or ratings go. They had Hulk Hogan, and they never popped over a 1.5 rating.

Build up their own talent, make a top face, use the established talent to put over talent for the future, and become the alternative again. The last 2 years was nostalgia and old men, but with Hogan and Bischoff gone, maybe they can move on and make their own stars and promote them as such. Robert Roode winning the BFG series is a good sign towards the future.

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